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Yang  Lei  Wang  Dan  Zhao  Qing 《Wireless Personal Communications》2019,106(2):593-619
Wireless Personal Communications - In this paper, a training scheme for multi-relay clustered wireless sensor networks is proposed for the destination cluster head node to estimate the individual...  相似文献   

In order to provide privacy provisioning for the secondary information,we propose an energy harvesting based secure transmission scheme for the cognitive multi-relay networks.In the proposed scheme,two secondary relays harvest energy to power the secondary transmitter and assist the secondary secure transmission without interfere the secondary transmission.Specifically,the proposed secure transmission policy is implemented into two phases.In the first phase,the secondary transmitter transmits the secrecy information and jamming signal through the power split method.After harvesting energy from a fraction of received radio-frequency signals,one secondary relay adopts the amplify-and-forward relay protocol to assist the secondary secure transmission and the other secondary relay just forwards the new designed jamming signal to protect the secondary privacy information and degrade the jamming interference at the secondary receiver.For the proposed scheme,we first analyze the average secrecy rate,the secondary secrecy outage probability,and the ergodic secrecy rate,and derive their closed-form expressions.Following the above results,we optimally allocate the transmission power such that the secrecy rate is maximized under the secrecy outage probability constraint.For the optimization problem,an AI based simulated annealing algorithm is proposed to allocate the transmit power.Numerical results are presented to validate the performance analytical results and show the performance superiority of the proposed scheme in terms of the average secrecy rate.  相似文献   

多中继AF协作系统功率分配研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
功率分配是协作通信中一个重要的研究方向,文章分析了放大转发(AF)协作方式下,基于正交信道的多协作中继系统模型,在此基础上推导了系统中断概率。并以最小化系统中断概率为目标,给出系统功率分配约束表达式,进一步分析了功率分配与中继节点位置的关系,计算求得单中继和两中继情况系统最优功率分配系数。系统仿真表明最优功率分配相对常规的等功率分配,系统性能明显提升。  相似文献   

针对基于中继的OFDM蜂窝网络,该文考虑具有不同QoS要求的混合业务场景,引入合作传输机制,提出了一种基于合作中继的QoS感知资源调度算法,解决了合作中继节点选取,子载波分配以及功率控制等问题。以最大化系统效用为目标,在考虑QoS业务的速率要求与基站功率约束的同时,针对中继结构引入了中继节点的功率约束。为降低计算复杂度,将原非线性组合优化问题分解为子载波分配与功率控制两个子问题。仿真结果表明,该文所提算法在能量节约、系统效用,吞吐量等性能方面都有显著优势。  相似文献   

研究了DF多跳OFDM通信系统的功率分配优化.在总发射功率受限的条件下,提出了一种双向优化功率分配算法(D-OPA):先优化单个子载波上各中继节点的功率分配,使该子载波上的信道容量最大;再优化各个子载波间的功率分配,使单跳的信道容量最大,从而最大化系统的信道容量.仿真结果表明:提出的算法与自适应功率分配算法、平均功率分配算法相比,信道容量明显提高.  相似文献   

针对多源多中继协作网络模型,提出一种公平的节点选择与用户调度方案。出于优化平均信道质量的思想,每个传输时隙,选择信道条件差异最大的两个用户同时进行传输信息。中继节点选择基于PF比例公平调度算法,能保证中继节点处的负载均衡。然后在中继端采用一种网络编码传输方案。最后,与其他2种调度方案相比较仿真系统的误码率性能。  相似文献   

该文研究双向两跳协作多中继正交频分复用(OFDM)系统的网络寿命优化问题。由于网络寿命最大化的问题无法直接求解,该文提出一种基于对各节点能量定价的次优算法,即将各子载波的功率分配,中继及源节点选择进行分步优化。首先利用拉格朗日法求解两个方向上的源与各中继节点配对时的最优功率分配,使得网络在满足一定吞吐量和发送功率限制的前提下,消耗能量总价值最小;然后在所有可能的配对中选择每个方向最优的中继节点;最后选择损耗能量价值较小的数据流方向。分别考虑了源与目的节点间有无直接链路两种场景,在有直接链路场景下分析了最大比值合并(MRC)和选择合并(SC)两种分集方式对功率优化的影响。仿真结果表明,该文提出算法的网络寿命比已有算法有显著提高。  相似文献   

提出了一种用于分群OFDM超宽带网络的功率分配新算法。该算法在保证总通信容量最大的同时,为每个群分配一个特定的功率,使当前子频带的通信容量最大。理论分析和仿真结果表明,该功率分配算法具有良好的性能和相对较低的复杂度,在高速率数据传输中有着良好的应用前景。  相似文献   

The principal purpose of this paper is to develop a joint relay selection and power allocation algorithm in cooperative cellular networks with multiple users assisted by multiple relays. By solving a rate optimization problem, we can obtain the optimal solutions and the distributed implementation based on the primal-dual decomposition. An admission control algorithm is also presented when there exists the minimal rate requirement for each user. Simulation results indicate that the algorithm with joint design is superior to the existing ones with isolated design in large total transmission rates and small deviations. Moreover, with the admission control algorithm, the rate requirements for users participating in cooperation are also satisfied.  相似文献   

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