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叶永沛 《电视技术》2012,36(18):108-111
存储技术是媒体资产管理的核心技术之一,视音频数据采用何种存储介质、存储格式及存储结构对数字媒体资产的存储成本、管理费用以及后期的使用等都会产生重要的影响。结合高校数字媒体资产的特点,通过对不同的存储介质、存储格式及存储结构进行分析比较,探索了适合高校不同业务和应用需要的数字媒体资产存储的解决方案。  相似文献   

因在Office 2007及以后系统中,采用了Office Open XML(OOXML)存储格式,对Office自动评分系统也会产生一些影响.针对新的存储格式的评分系统进行研究与设计,主要阐述了其中的组卷模块与评分模块.由于采用OOXML作为整个系统的基础,使得系统中的组卷与评分更加灵活,同时也使系统更容易扩展与维护.  相似文献   

杨迪 《通讯世界》2017,(16):68-69
对工艺尺寸链而言,通过对其解算原理进行相关分析,并与图论相结合,利用计算机进行辅助,得出了新的解算方法.此法主要是通过构建无向图对不同尺寸环进行有关数据方面和相互位置关系方面进行存储,再对工艺尺寸链进行求解.  相似文献   

石兴建  张东  杨艳 《电子技术》2011,38(7):37-38,36
设计并实现了基于DSP视频处理系统的CF卡FAT文件系统.该系统能在DM642平台上,以CF卡为存储介质对视频数据进行实时存储,存储格式为FAT16文件系统;并与PC机兼容通过PC机对写入CF卡的视频文件进行各种基本操作.  相似文献   

一种VLSI设计到无向赋权图的转换系统   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
基于VLSI剖分问题的需要,设计并实现了VLSI设计到无向赋权图的转换系统(VLSI/Graph Converter,VGC).介绍了电路构造图和图文件存储格式,给出了VGC的处理流程图,提出了针对VLSI线网的无向赋权图转换算法.该算法解决的关键问题是,遍历树状结构的VLSI线网,将其转换为无向赋权图并存储为指定的图文件格式.VGC系统在Windows平台下用C++实现.实验及分析表明,该系统能正确地将Verilog语言描述的门级CPU转换为无向赋权图,避免了直接在VLSI线网上进行剖分,提高了VLSI剖分的效率.  相似文献   

棠狼 《新潮电子》2005,(C00):180-181
数码相机、MP3、PDA、数码摄像机等数码产品已经成为普通老百姓的囊中之物,数码产品和电脑进行数据交换也越来越普遍,而且数据交换的过程已经非常简单了,只需要动动鼠标,进行一些简单的操作就可完成。但是,在这个数据交换的过程中不要忽略了数据进行交换的基础——存储媒介。现在,各种不同格式的存储设备已经成为人们移动存储的必备品,而不同格式的闪存卡需要不同的读写设备,于是,多功能读卡器也就成为了移动应用中不可或缺的一部分。  相似文献   

黄本雄  昌玉芳 《电视技术》2005,(Z1):150-151
研究了在数字视频监控系统中,将采集到并压缩为MPEG-4格式的视频流,通过网络保存为正确可回放文件的方法.在介绍MPEG-4标准和AVI的文件格式有关理论的基础上,分析了多路采集以及网络上有掉包的情况,提出了相应的解决办法,并给出了将MPEG-4流存储为AVI格式文件存储算法的实现步骤.  相似文献   

随着GML的发展和WebGIS环境下地理空间信息的广泛使用,越来越多的地理信息数据以GML格式表示.然而,以文本形式存储的GML数据给数据管理和查询带来不便.根据GML文档的特点,提出一种新的基于节点关系的GML数据存储和查询机制,将GML数据存储在对象关系数据库中,并根据用户提供的搜索关键词,利用GML数据在对象关系数据库中的存储模式和节点关系,对GML数据进行相关查询,最终将查询结果以SVG格式显示给用户.实验结果表明,提出的查询方法可行有效.  相似文献   

主要研究了基于行列的混合数据处理方法,通过行列混合存储布局提供一种混合搭配的物理存储格式,不仅可实现实体的行式存储或列式存储,同时在一个实体内部,可针对不同字段的稀疏、稠密等数据特征,选择适合的行存储或列存储格式,从而实现动态的数据存储,为大数据处理提供一种动态的数据存储方法。  相似文献   

-L距离,3个角度约束和4个P-to-P距离。图中每一个结点为几何图形中的一个图素,每条边即为一个约束,整个图为一无向图。 无向图的存储方法通常有邻接矩阵法和邻接表法。由二维图形系统的特点可知,通  相似文献   

In this article, an important property of the associated circuits of isomorphic graphs is proved and therefore a criterion for the determination of the isomorphism of two undirected graphs is obtained. With the use of this approach, the isomorphism of two undirected graphs can be determined quickly. The approach proposed is applied to arbitrary connected graphs and irregular 2D meshes for graph isomorphism determination and satisfactory results are achieved.  相似文献   

A technique utilizing the concept of reachability in Petri net is proposed to enumerate all the circuits of a graph. The proposed technique requires only vector additions on the columns of a single matrix. The present method which is a simple and applicable to both directed and undirected graphs, can easily be computerised.  相似文献   

针对有限简单无向平图G,用V,E,F分别表示G的点集、边集和面集.如果边集E与面集F并的一个染色,使得任两相邻或相连元素得以分配不同的颜色,那么,称这种染色为平面G的边面染色.在图的边面染色中,使得两相邻元素染不同颜色所需的最小色数,称为平图的边面染色数.系统地证明:具有最大度至少为4的任何哈林图的边面染色数是可确定的;任何连通平图,其边面染色数为3的充分必要条件是阶至少为3的一条路或2连通3正则二分平图.  相似文献   

在指针程序的分析和验证过程中,循环不变式的自动推断一直是个研究热点.文章首先介绍所提出的形状图和形状图逻辑,形状图逻辑是一种把形状图看成有关指针的断言,并在此基础上对Hoare逻辑进行扩展而得到的程序逻辑.然后在此基础之上,设计了一种基于形状图逻辑的形状分析方法,并提出了一种基于形状图逻辑的循环不变形状图的推断方法.  相似文献   

An outer bound on the rate region of noise-free information networks is given. This outer bound combines properties of entropy with a strong information inequality derived from the structure of the network. This blend of information theoretic and graph theoretic arguments generates many interesting results. For example, the capacity of directed cycles is characterized. Also, a gap between the sparsity of an undirected graph and its capacity is shown. Extending this result, it is shown that multicommodity flow solutions achieve the capacity in an infinite class of undirected graphs, thereby making progress on a conjecture of Li and Li. This result is in sharp contrast to the situation with directed graphs, where a family of graphs is presented in which the gap between the capacity and the rate achievable using multicommodity flows is linear in the size of the graph.  相似文献   

Large-grain synchronous dataflow graphs or multi-rate graphs have the distinct feature that the nodes of the dataflow graph fire at different rates. Such multi-rate large-grain dataflow graphs have been widely regarded as a powerful programming model for DSP applications. In this paper we propose a method to minimize buffer storage requirement in constructing rate-optimal compile-time (MBRO) schedules for multi-rate dataflow graphs. We demonstrate that the constraints to minimize buffer storage while executing at the optimal computation rate (i.e. the maximum possible computation rate without storage constraints) can be formulated as a unified linear programming problem in our framework. A novel feature of our method is that in constructing the rate-optimal schedule, it directly minimizes the memory requirement by choosing the schedule time of nodes appropriately. Lastly, a new circular-arc interval graph coloring algorithm has been proposed to further reduce the memory requirement by allowing buffer sharing among the arcs of the multi-rate dataflow graph.We have constructed an experimental testbed which implements our MBRO scheduling algorithm as well as (i) the widely used periodic admissible parallel schedules (also known as block schedules) proposed by Lee and Messerschmitt (IEEE Transactions on Computers, vol. 36, no. 1, 1987, pp. 24–35), (ii) the optimal scheduling buffer allocation (OSBA) algorithm of Ning and Gao (Conference Record of the Twentieth Annual ACM SIGPLAN-SIGACT Symposium on Principles of Programming Languages, Charleston, SC, Jan. 10–13, 1993, pp. 29–42), and (iii) the multi-rate software pipelining (MRSP) algorithm (Govindarajan and Gao, in Proceedings of the 1993 International Conference on Application Specific Array Processors, Venice, Italy, Oct. 25–27, 1993, pp. 77–88). Schedules generated for a number of random dataflow graphs and for a set of DSP application programs using the different scheduling methods are compared. The experimental results have demonstrated a significant improvement (10–20%) in buffer requirements for the MBRO schedules compared to the schedules generated by the other three methods, without sacrificing the computation rate. The MBRO method also gives a 20% average improvement in computation rate compared to Lee's Block scheduling method.  相似文献   

一种求解最小割的警示传播算法   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
王辛  王晓峰  李卫民 《电子学报》2019,47(11):2386-2391
最小割问题(minimum cut problem)是NP(Non-deterministic Polynomial)难问题,警示传播算法(warning propagation)是一种基于因子图的消息传递算法,可用于求解组合优化问题.首先,本文借助隐马尔可夫模型将无向图转换为因子图,将求解最小割映射为求解因子图的相应问题.进而设计一种求解最小割的警示传播算法.最后,选取了几组随机无向图实例进行数值实验,实验结果表明,该算法在求解速度上优于同类算法.  相似文献   

图的谱理论是图论与组合矩阵论的一个重要研究领域。设图G是一个有n个顶点、m条边的简单图,Q(G)为图G的无符号拉普拉斯矩阵,树图是图论研究的一类重要的图,为了确定一类树的sL谱惟一性,利用图与同谱图之间的关系,运用删边缩边原理,探讨了两组顶点数目的树图。通过比较两组图中子树数目的大小逐项排除和删边删点的方法证明了一类树的SL谱惟一性。  相似文献   

本文提出一个由有向图的(1)有向回路基集或(2)定向回路基集,通过线性组合,生成全部有向回路的算法。文中证明了一条点数边数相等原则。根据此原则,得到一个识别有向回路的简单方法,从而使算法的计算时间与对应的无向图算法基本相同。  相似文献   

Evaluating the reliability of a network with multiple sources and multiple terminals and unreliable vertices and edges can be converted into a single-source problem and solved using K-Trees. This paper presents an efficient algorithm (GenK-Trees) for enumerating all the K-Trees in an undirected graph. This is the first algorithm with polynomial complexity per K-Tree generated. Formal proofs of the correctness of GenK-Trees and its complexity are given. GenK-Trees is computationally simple, and easy to understand and program; its memory requirements are small, and so it can handle large graphs without running into memory limitations  相似文献   

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