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苏健  钱震  李斌 《电子与信息学报》2022,44(7):2416-2424
针对新兴的计算密集型应用对移动用户高计算性能需求问题,该文提出一种数字孪生(DT)结合智能反射面(RIS)辅助的移动边缘计算(MEC)任务卸载方案。首先,在满足用户传输功率、用户和资源设备能耗、计算资源限制条件下,通过联合优化用户卸载决策、用户传输功率、RIS 相移、波束成形矢量、计算资源分配,建立一个系统能耗最小化问题;其次,将该非凸组合优化问题分解为3个子问题,使用深度双Q网络(DDQN)方法确定用户卸载策略;然后对每个训练时间步进行一次求解,基于交替迭代方法得到问题的优化解。仿真结果表明,基于DDQN的算法训练速度较快,有效降低了系统总能耗。  相似文献   

移动边缘计算(Mobile Edge Computing,MEC)将云服务器的计算资源扩展到更靠近用户一侧的网络边缘,使得用户可以将任务卸载到边缘服务器,从而克服原先云计算中将任务卸载到云服务器所带来的高时延问题。首先介绍了移动边缘计算的基本概念、基本框架和应用场景,然后围绕卸载决策、联合资源分配的卸载决策分别从单MEC服务器和多MEC服务器两种场景总结了任务卸载技术的研究现状,最后结合当前MEC卸载技术中存在的不足展望了未来MEC卸载技术的研究。  相似文献   

随着车联网(IoV)的迅猛发展,请求进行任务卸载的汽车终端用户也逐渐增长,而基于移动边缘计算(MEC)的通信网络能够有效地解决任务卸载在上行传输时延较高的挑战,但是该网络模型同时也面临着信道资源不足的问题。该文引入的非正交多址(NOMA)技术相较于正交多址(OMA)能够在相同的信道资源条件下为更多的用户提供任务卸载,同时考虑到任务卸载过程中多方面的影响因子,提出了混合NOMA-MEC卸载策略。该文设计了一种基于深度学习网络(DQN)的博弈算法,帮助车辆用户进行信道选择,并通过神经网络多次迭代学习,为用户提供最优的功率分配策略。仿真结果表明,该文所提出的混合NOMA-MEC卸载策略能够有效地优化多用户卸载的时延以及能耗,最大限度保证用户效益。  相似文献   

随着车联网(IoV)的迅猛发展,请求进行任务卸载的汽车终端用户也逐渐增长,而基于移动边缘计算(MEC)的通信网络能够有效地解决任务卸载在上行传输时延较高的挑战,但是该网络模型同时也面临着信道资源不足的问题。该文引入的非正交多址(NOMA)技术相较于正交多址(OMA)能够在相同的信道资源条件下为更多的用户提供任务卸载,同时考虑到任务卸载过程中多方面的影响因子,提出了混合NOMA-MEC卸载策略。该文设计了一种基于深度学习网络(DQN)的博弈算法,帮助车辆用户进行信道选择,并通过神经网络多次迭代学习,为用户提供最优的功率分配策略。仿真结果表明,该文所提出的混合NOMA-MEC卸载策略能够有效地优化多用户卸载的时延以及能耗,最大限度保证用户效益。  相似文献   

为了应对车联网中计算资源密集、可分离型任务的卸载环境动态变化和不同协同节点通信、计算资源存在差异的问题,提出了一种在V2X下多协同节点串行卸载、并行计算的分布式卸载策略。该策略利用车辆可预测的行驶轨迹,对任务进行不等拆分,分布式计算于本地、MEC及协同车辆,建立系统时延最小化的优化问题。为求解该优化问题,设计了博弈论的卸载机制,以实现协同节点串行卸载的执行顺序;鉴于车联网的动态时变特性,利用序列二次规划算法,给出了最优的任务不等拆分。仿真结果表明,所提策略能够有效减少计算任务系统时延,且当多协同节点分布式卸载服务时,所提策略在不同的参数条件下仍然能够保持稳定的系统性能。  相似文献   

为了应对车联网中计算资源密集、可分离型任务的卸载环境动态变化和不同协同节点通信、计算资源存在差异的问题,提出了一种在V2X下多协同节点串行卸载、并行计算的分布式卸载策略。该策略利用车辆可预测的行驶轨迹,对任务进行不等拆分,分布式计算于本地、MEC及协同车辆,建立系统时延最小化的优化问题。为求解该优化问题,设计了博弈论的卸载机制,以实现协同节点串行卸载的执行顺序;鉴于车联网的动态时变特性,利用序列二次规划算法,给出了最优的任务不等拆分。仿真结果表明,所提策略能够有效减少计算任务系统时延,且当多协同节点分布式卸载服务时,所提策略在不同的参数条件下仍然能够保持稳定的系统性能。  相似文献   

为提高基于非正交多址接入(NOMA)的移动边缘计算(MEC)系统中计算任务部分卸载时的安全性,该文在存在窃听者情况下研究MEC网络的物理层安全,采用保密中断概率来衡量计算卸载的保密性能,考虑发射功率约束、本地任务计算约束和保密中断概率约束,同时引入能耗权重因子以平衡传输能耗和计算能耗,最终实现系统能耗加权和最小。在满足两个用户优先级情况下,为降低系统开销,提出一种联合任务卸载和资源分配机制,通过基于二分搜索的迭代优化算法寻求问题变换后的最优解,并获得最优的任务卸载和功率分配。仿真结果表明,所提算法可有效降低系统能耗。  相似文献   

移动边缘计算(MEC)通过在无线网络边缘为用户提供计算能力,来提高用户的体验质量。然而,MEC的计算卸载仍面临着许多问题。该文针对超密集组网(UDN)的MEC场景下的计算卸载,考虑系统总能耗,提出卸载决策和资源分配的联合优化问题。首先采用坐标下降法制定了卸载决定的优化方案。同时,在满足用户时延约束下采用基于改进的匈牙利算法和贪婪算法来进行子信道分配。然后,将能耗最小化问题转化为功率最小化问题,并将其转化为一个凸优化问题得到用户最优的发送功率。仿真结果表明,所提出的卸载方案可以在满足用户不同时延的要求下最小化系统能耗,有效地提升了系统性能。  相似文献   

超密集网络(Ultra-dense Network,UDN)中集成移动边缘计算(Mobile Edge Computing,MEC),是5G中为用户提供计算资源的可靠方式,在多种因素影响下进行MEC任务卸载决策一直都是一个研究热点。目前已存在大量任务卸载相关的方案,但是这些方案中很少将重心放在用户在不同条件下的能耗需求差异上,无法有效提升用户体验质量(Quality of Experience,QoE)。在动态MEC系统中提出了一个考虑用户能耗需求的多用户任务卸载问题,通过最大化满意度的方式提升用户QoE,并将现有的深度强化学习算法进行了改进,使其更加适合求解所提优化问题。仿真结果表明,所提算法较现有算法在算法收敛性以及稳定性上具有一定提升。  相似文献   

绳韵  许晨  郑光远 《电信科学》2022,38(2):35-46
为了提高移动边缘计算(mobile edge computing,MEC)网络的频谱效率,满足大量用户的服务需求,建立了基于非正交多址接入(non-orthogonal multiple access,NOMA)的超密集MEC系统模型。为了解决多个用户同时卸载带来的严重通信干扰等问题,以高效利用边缘服务器资源,提出了一种联合任务卸载和资源分配的优化方案,在满足用户服务质量的前提下最小化系统总能耗。该方案联合考虑了卸载决策、功率控制、计算资源和子信道资源分配。仿真结果表明,与其他卸载方案相比,所提方案可以在满足用户服务质量的前提下有效降低系统能耗。  相似文献   

为了降低计算任务的时延和系统的成本,移动边缘计算(MEC)被用于车辆网络,以进一步改善车辆服务。该文在考虑计算资源的情况下对车辆网络时延问题进行研究,提出一种多平台卸载智能资源分配算法,对计算资源进行分配,以提高下一代车辆网络的性能。该算法首先使用K临近(KNN)算法对计算任务的卸载平台(云计算、移动边缘计算、本地计算)进行选择,然后在考虑非本地计算资源分配和系统复杂性的情况下,使用强化学习方法,以有效解决使用移动边缘计算的车辆网络中的资源分配问题。仿真结果表明,与任务全部卸载到本地或MEC服务器等基准算法相比,提出的多平台卸载智能资源分配算法实现了时延成本的显著降低,平均可节省系统总成本达80%。  相似文献   

Mobile device users are involved in social networking, gaming, learning, and even some office work, so the end users expect mobile devices with high-response computing capacities, storage, and high battery power consumption. The data-intensive applications, such as text search, online gaming, and face recognition usage, have tremendously increased. With such high complex applications, there are many issues in mobile devices, namely, fast battery draining, limited power, low storage capacity, and increased energy consumption. The novelty of this work is to strike a balance between time and energy consumption of mobile devices while using data-intensive applications by finding the optimal offloading decisions. This paper proposes a novel efficient Data Size-Aware Offloading Model (DSAOM) for data-intensive applications and to predict the appropriate resource provider for dynamic resource allocation in mobile cloud computing. Based on the data size, the tasks are separated and gradually allocated to the appropriate resource providers for execution. The task is placed into the appropriate resource provider by considering the availability services in the fog nodes or the cloud. The tasks are split into smaller portions for execution in the neighbor fog nodes. To execute the task in the remote side, the offloading decision is made by using the min-cut algorithm by considering the monetary cost of the mobile device. This proposed system achieves low-latency time 13.2% and low response time 14.1% and minimizes 24% of the energy consumption over the existing model. Finally, according to experimental findings, this framework efficiently lowers energy use and improves performance for data-intensive demanding application activities, and the task offloading strategy is effective for intensive offloading requests.  相似文献   

The rapid growth of mobile internet services has yielded a variety of computation-intensive applications such as virtual/augmented reality. Mobile Edge Computing (MEC), which enables mobile terminals to offload computation tasks to servers located at the edge of the cellular networks, has been considered as an efficient approach to relieve the heavy computational burdens and realize an efficient computation offloading. Driven by the consequent requirement for proper resource allocations for computation offloading via MEC, in this paper, we propose a Deep-Q Network (DQN) based task offloading and resource allocation algorithm for the MEC. Specifically, we consider a MEC system in which every mobile terminal has multiple tasks offloaded to the edge server and design a joint task offloading decision and bandwidth allocation optimization to minimize the overall offloading cost in terms of energy cost, computation cost, and delay cost. Although the proposed optimization problem is a mixed integer nonlinear programming in nature, we exploit an emerging DQN technique to solve it. Extensive numerical results show that our proposed DQN-based approach can achieve the near-optimal performance.  相似文献   

To address the serious problem of delay and energy consumption increase and service quality degradation caused by complex network status and huge amounts of computing data in the scenario of vehicle-to-everything (V2X),a vehicular network architecture combining mobile edge computing (MEC) and software defined network (SDN) was constructed.MEC sinks cloud serviced to the edge of the wireless network to compensate for the delay fluctuation caused by remote cloud computing.The SDN controller could sense network information from a global perspective,flexibly schedule resources,and control offload traffic.To further reduce the system overhead,a joint task offloading and resource allocation scheme was proposed.By modeling the MEC-based V2X offloading and resource allocation,the optimal offloading decision,communication and computing resource allocation scheme were derived.Considering the NP-hard attribute of the problem,Agglomerative Clustering was used to select the initial offloading node,and Q-learning was used for resource allocation.The offloading decision was modeled as an exact potential game,and the existence of Nash equilibrium was proved by the potential function structure.The simulation results show that,as compared to other mechanisms,the proposed mechanism can effectively reduce the system overhead.  相似文献   

This paper proposed an energy‐aware cross‐layer mobile cloud resource allocation approach. In this paper, a hybrid cloud architecture is adopted for provisioning mobile service to mobile device users, which include nearby local cloud and remote public cloud. The computation‐intensive tasks can be processed by the remote public cloud, while the delay‐sensitive computation can be processed by the nearby local cloud. On the basis of the system context and mobile user preferences, the energy‐aware cross‐layer mobile cloud resource allocation approach can optimize the consumption of cloud resource and system performance. The cooperation and collaboration among local cloud agent, public cloud supplier, and mobile cloud user are regulated through the economic approach. The energy‐aware cross‐layer mobile cloud resource allocation is performed on the local cloud level and the public cloud level, which comprehensively considers the benefits of all participants. The energy‐aware cross‐layer mobile cloud resource allocation algorithm is proposed, which is evaluated in the experiment environment, and comparison results and analysis are discussed.  相似文献   

Bing LIANG  Wen JI 《通信学报》2005,41(10):25-36
A computation offloading scheme based on edge-cloud computing was proposed to improve the system utility of multiuser computation offloading.This scheme improved the system utility while considering the optimization of edge-cloud resources.In order to tackle the problems of computation offloading mode selection and edge-cloud resource allocation,a greedy algorithm based on submodular theory was developed by fully exploiting the computing and communication resources of cloud and edge.The simulation results demonstrate that the proposed scheme effectively reduces the delay and energy consumption of computing tasks.Additionally,when computing tasks are offloaded to edge and cloud from devices,the proposed scheme still maintains stable system utilities under ultra-limited resources.  相似文献   

Survey on computation offloading in mobile edge computing   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Computation offloading in mobile edge computing would transfer the resource intensive computational tasks to the edge network.It can not only solve the shortage of mobile user equipment in resource storage,computation performance and energy efficiency,but also deal with the problem of resource occupation,high latency and network load compared to cloud computing.Firstly the architecture of MEC was introduce and a comparative analysis was made according to various deployment schemes.Then the key technologies of computation offloading was studied from three aspects of decision on computation offloading,allocation of computing resource within MEC and system implement of MEC.Based on the analysis of MEC deployment scheme in 5G,two optimization schemes on computation offloading was proposed in 5G MEC.Finally,the current challenges in the mobility management was summarized,interference management and security of computation offloading in MEC.  相似文献   

随着"云计算"的出现和快速发展,"云"作为一种新型的资源形式被越来越多的用户所使用。云环境中的资源分配问题成为了云计算中不可忽略的问题。在云资源管理平台中,如何既满足用户的任务需求,又节省云资源成本,是云运营商尽快希望解决的问题之一。实际上云用户对云资源的请求是有差异的,而且用户任务的完成通常由多个异构的云资源来实现。文中作者考虑了异构云资源间的差异,提出了一种基于异构资源的资源分配算法。该算法先从任务的全局角度考虑,将用户提交的云任务划成不同的组合,再根据云资源间的差异,为相应的组合分配相应的资源。实验仿真表明,在异构云环境中,该算法能在满足用户需求的前提下,在节省云资源使用上有较好的表现。  相似文献   

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