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在软件可靠性测试中,随着测试输入数或操作数的增加,测试成本会大大增加。就此提出了一种针对软件可靠性测试的测试用例集精简算法,该算法先用正交试验设计法生成最初的测试用例集,然后用基于测试需求集的约简方法进行约简,生成最终的测试用例集,来进行软件可靠性测试。实例表明,该方法简化了测试用例集,从而大大降低软件可靠性测试代价。  相似文献   

测试用例的自动生成在带来方便的同时引入了大量的等价输入及过多的冗余测试用例,对于测试空间的约简能够有效地解决这一矛盾。程序不变量是用于描述程序运行过程中某些保持不变的性质的逻辑断言,可以用于指导测试用例的生成。通过程序不变量来判断测试用例的有效性,再根据无效测试用例来确定无效空间,并对无效空间进行删减,从而达到减少冗余测试用例、提高测试用例集生成速度的目的。  相似文献   

为了有效地在规格说明层面对软件系统进行测试,A.J.Offutt[1]针对系统的状态规格说明定义了一系列覆盖准则,并阐述了如何基于系统的状态表示生成满足覆盖准则的基本方法。本文引入了一种应用于大型集成电路设计的数据结构OBDD(有序二叉决策图)作为生成测试用例的基本结构,创新地提出了一种新的生成测试用例方法。  相似文献   

针对测试用例复用过程中测试用例与被测模块相关性较高的现状,提出了一种测试用例复用的方法.通过抽取测试用例步骤序列的测试项,生成一个测试项集合,然后在新测试工作时检索该集合以实现测试用例的复用.另外,为了便于测试用例的管理,文中采用XML描述测试用例.实例表明,该方法能够有效降低测试用例与被测模块相关性,提高测试效率.  相似文献   

测试用例自动生成方法的现状及研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
马亮  张刚 《现代电子技术》2008,31(6):126-130
软件测试数据生成在软件系统开发费用中占很大比重。如果该过程能自动实现,则会极大地减少软件开发的周期和费用。测试用例的生成工作包含选定被测任务、分析输入数据、确定其取值并分析对应的输出数据。其中分析对应的输出数据是决定测试是否成功的关键环节。测试用例选取的一个中心原则,就是以用最少的测试用例找到尽可能多的错误。目前的工具尚不能完成自动生成测试用例这个环节,往往是只能采用人工选取的方法。按所采用的方法和研究对象的不同,将测试用例自动生成方法主要分为5类:基于有限状态集的测试,基于标注的转换系统的测试,针对面向模型的需求规格说明的测试,针对面向对象软件的测试,以及运用模型检查生成测试用例的方法。在简单介绍前4种方法之后,重点对模型检查的方法进行详细的分析和探讨。  相似文献   

测试用例集优化技术是软件测试的重要组成部分,对回归测试检测效率影响巨大.针对给定的测试目标,获得精简的测试需求集和测试用例序列集,有助于提高测试用例集优化的效率和效果.首先介绍了测试用例集约简问题的基本概念,对现有的各种约简方法进行分析比较,接着讨论了测试用例的优先级排序问题,最后提出将测试用例约简技术和优先级技术结合起来,提高用例检错效率和缩小用例空间的优化策略,文章还引入等价类和快速排序思想,动态调整测试用例序列,并通过实验证明该改进是行之有效的.  相似文献   

0119723UML statecharts 的测试用例生成方法[刊]/李留英//计算机研究与发展.—2001,38(6).—691~697(E)测试用例生成是软件测试的关键。根据 UMLstatecharts 的层次和并发结构,研究相应的测试用例产生方法。它视复合状态为抽象状态,分别构造主 UMLstatecharts 和复合状态所对应的子 UML statecharts 的测试基,并依据一定的合成规则和 Wp-方法生成整个UML statecharts 的测试用例。这种方法能够支持递增式测试用例的生成。理论和实验结果说明,如果满足测试条件,它们保证全故障覆盖,且产生较少的测试用例。这种改进对大型复杂系统尤其有效,也便于构造自动测试工具。参11  相似文献   

测试用例自动生成方法研究与实现   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
测试用例的生成工作是指选定被测任务、分析输入数据、确定其取值、并分析对应的输出数据。软件测试数据生成在软件系统开发费用中占很大比重,如果该过程能自动实现,则会极大地减少软件开发的周期和费用。介绍一种测试用例自动生成的链方法,这种测试技术,结合插装技术及目标跟踪方法,能有效生成测试用例,从而提高了测试效率。  相似文献   

为提高测试充分性,减少系统维护的代价,提出了一种基于三元闭包理论的软件回归测试影响域分析方法。将软件系统抽象为一个社交网络,软件系统提供的功能抽象为虚拟人,为虚拟人之间定义交流通道类型,通过图论和三元闭包理论构建非直接发生联系的人的关系,给出回归建议。建立有向有权图模型,再结合三元闭包理论,利用算法计算每个测试项推荐系数,如果推荐系数大于0.5,则将该测试项纳入回归测试。该算法实现了测试用例集约简的同时,结合测试项社区网络针对性地将可能有缺陷的测试用例进行回归测试,满足网络频率规划管理软件等项目工程回归测试的应用需求,大大降低了人力成本,提高了回归测试效率。  相似文献   

基于增量式更新带权差别集合的属性约简算法   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
在面向差别矩阵的约简算法思想的基础上,定义一种新的带权差别集合(WDS)模型,并提出了高效更新带权差别集合的算法,分析了该更新算法的时间和空间复杂度.随后,基于快速更新带权差别集合算法,提出一种增量式属性约简方法.当有新的数据对象被加入决策表,可有效提高属性约简的效率.理论分析和实验结果表明该算法适用于大数据集的约简.  相似文献   

Ultra-wideband radio technology: potential and challenges ahead   总被引:29,自引:0,他引:29  
An unprecedented transformation in the design, deployment, and application of short-range wireless devices and services is in progress today. This trend is in line with the imminent transition from third- to fourth-generation radio systems, where heterogeneous environments are expected to prevail eventually. A key driver in this transition is the steep growth in both demand and deployment of WLANs/WPANs based on the wireless standards within the IEEE 802 suite. Today, these short-range devices and networks operate mainly standalone in indoor home and office environments or large enclosed public areas, while their integration into the wireless wide-area infrastructure is still nearly nonexistent and far from trivial. This status quo in the short-range wireless application space is about to be disrupted by novel devices and systems based on the emerging UWB radio technology with the potential to provide solutions for many of today's problems in the areas of spectrum management and radio system engineering. The approach employed by UWB radio devices is based on sharing already occupied spectrum resources by means of the overlay principle, rather than looking for still available but possibly unsuitable new bands. This novel radio technology has received legal adoption by the regulatory authorities in the United States, and efforts to achieve this status in Europe and Asia are underway. This article discusses both the application potential and technical challenges presented by UWB radio as an unconventional but promising new wireless technology.  相似文献   

The paper presents two methods of functional delay test development based on the software prototype as well as the results of their application to benchmark circuits. The first method is used to construct the functional delay test on the base of a pin pair test generated at the functional level for detection of stuck-at faults at the gate-level. The constructed test is a single input transition test. The latter appears to be quite large. Therefore, we provide the method for compacting it. The compacted single input transition test becomes a multi-input transition test. The second method is used to generate a multi-input transition test. The generated functional test pattern pairs possess function-robust and/or function-non-robust properties. The introduction of the function-non-robust property enriches the functional delay test. The presented test construction approach based on the software prototype allows obtaining a functional delay test, which detects the transition faults at the gate-level of a circuit quite completely.  相似文献   

吕欣岩  赵保华  屈玉贵 《电子学报》2003,31(Z1):2179-2182
目前常用的协议一致性测试的测试方法是首先对协议规范建模,然后通过模型生成测试集,最后执行测试集.这种方法存在执行效率不高和实际测试范围可能被缩小的问题,为此本文提出一种可变测试集的方法,通过动态执行测试集提高其执行效率,同时从与协议实现无关的角度扩大协议的实际测试范围.  相似文献   

Despite great advances in the area of Formal Verification during the last ten years, simulation is currently the primary means for performing design verification. The definition of an accurate and pragmatic measure for the coverage achieved by a suite of simulation vectors and the related problem of coverage directed automatic test generation are of great importance. In this paper we introduce a new set of metrics, called the Event Sequence Coverage Metrics (ESCMs). Our approach is based on a simple and automatic method to extract the control flow of a circuit so that the resulting state space can be explored for validation coverage analysis and automatic test generation. During simulation we monitor, in addition to state and transition coverage, whether certain control event sequences take place or not. We then combine formal verification techniques, using BDDs as the underlying representation, with traditional ATPG and behavioral test generation techniques to automatically generate additional sequences which traverse uncovered parts of the control state graph, or exercise an uninstantiated control event sequence.  相似文献   

基于权能转换模型的攻击场景推理、假设与预测   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为了自动地从大量低级的入侵检测告警信息中构建出更高层次的攻击场景,并在一定程度上预测即将发生的攻击,提出了一种基于权能转换模型的实时告警信息相关性分析的方法。通过对推理依据的高度抽象,权能转换模型极大地降低了攻击场景构建过程的复杂度。在DARPA2000测试数据集上的测试实验结果表明,提出的方法是可行的、有效的。  相似文献   

Delay test patterns can be generated at the functional level of the circuit using a software prototype model, when the primary inputs, the primary outputs and the state variables are available only. Functional delay test can be constructed for scan and non-scan sequential circuits. Functional delay test constructed using software prototype model can detect transition faults at the structural level quite well. Therefore, we propose a new iterative functional test generation approach. The proposed approach involves a partial multiple scan chain construction using the results of functional delay test generation at a high level of abstraction. The iterativeness of the method allows finding the compromise between the test coverage, hardware overhead and test length. Furthermore, using the partial multiple scan chains requires less hardware overhead resulting in shorter test application times. The experimental results are provided for the ITC’99 benchmark circuits. Experiments showed that the obtained transition fault coverage is on average 2% higher than using full scan and commercial automatic test pattern generator for transition faults.  相似文献   

提出了一种系统实现协议健壮性测试的方法,该方法首先在分析BGP协议状态机的基础上,认为基本FSM对功能部分和健壮性处理部分未能严格区分。要提高FSM的健壮性,就需要通过增加状态、迁移和事件的基础上构造具有健壮性处理过程的RFSM(robustness finite state machines),把RFSM模型应用到BGP健壮性测试当中,文章详细构造了BGP冲击集合和RFSM,生成了反向测试集,并对测试特征序列和测试预言等问题进行了讨论。Cisco7200实际测试应用表明,用该方法生成的测试集与一致性测试集相比,其错误处理的覆盖率扩大了54%,检错能力提高了2.8倍。  相似文献   

应用遗传算法进行低功耗状态编码   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
朱宁  周润德  羊性滋 《电子学报》2000,28(8):124-126
本文研究了用遗传算法进行有限状态机(FSM)的低功耗状态编码问题.基于FSM的概率模型,对编码空间进行并行搜索;通过在适应性度量中引入面积和状态翻转信息,实现了面积和功耗之间的折衷.对一些FSM的实际测试表明此方法平均能达到20%的功耗优化.  相似文献   

Conformance testing is considered from a statistical point of view. An s-confidence interval is found for the reliability that an implementation of a software package complies with specifications of a standard. Determination of whether it complies depends on a conformance test, which is written directly from the standard. Although the conformance test is written directly from the standard it does not test all possible software parameter-settings that invoke the standard. Thus, statistical inference is necessary. A general s-confidence interval for the reliability is given when the specification requires that the implementation passes all the tests in the conformance test suite. The conformance test is made of disjoint homogeneous partitions. The failure probability of the software is based on a weighted linear combination of the partition failure probabilities. An example is included  相似文献   

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