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针对LCM的生产测试要求,设计了一种基于FPGA的高清LCM在线检测仪,该仪器具有体积小、 成本低、 操作简单、 兼容性和可扩展性强等优点.该系统分为软件和硬件两大部分:上位机软件负责在线配置硬件,硬件部分以FPGA为控制核心,负责产生相应LCM所需要的驱动信号,最终显示LCM特定的测试图片.经实验调试分析发现,本LCM在线检测仪可以实现脱机下的LCM驱动显示,支持RGB、LVDS、MIPI等主流的显示接口,并可驱动分辨率在2560×1600以内的高清LCM的显示测试.  相似文献   

<正> ATMEAG16L 驱动162点阵字符液晶模块的实验(续1)要实现对162点阵字符液晶模块的高效控制,必须按照模块设计方式,建立起相关的子程序,下面先详细介绍驱动162点阵字符液晶模块的各功能子程序。1.写命令到 LCM 子函数void LcdWriteCommand(uchar CMD,uchar Attribc)/*函数名为 WriteCommandLCM 的写指令到 LCM 子函数。定义 CMD、Attribc 为无符号字符型变量。*/  相似文献   

周兴华 《电子世界》2007,(10):29-30
<正> ATMEAG16L 驱动128×64点阵图形液晶模块的实验(续1)要实现对128×64点阵图形液晶模块的高效控制,必须按照模块设计方式,建立起相关的子程序模块,下面详细介绍各功能子程序。1.判 LCM 忙子函数void lcd_busy(void)/~*函数名为 lcd_busy 的判 LCM 忙  相似文献   

液晶显示模块LCM141及其应用   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
LCM141是一种新型的压力、流量和温度测量仪表专用液晶显示模块。该模块可显示5种字符、14个状态条以及2行共14位数码。它内含驱动与控制电路 ,可与单片机进行串行通信且接口简单 ,同时还可外接蜂鸣器,因而能很容易地用于各种仪器仪表中的显示系统。文中给出了LCM141的使用方法和用C51编写的驱动显示函数。  相似文献   

液晶显示驱动/控制电路的设计   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
介绍了一种液晶显示驱动/控制电路的设计。该电路与微控制器(μc)相连,能执行μc发来的指令,并驱动液晶显示模块(LCM)显示电路内部RAM的数据。  相似文献   

基于FPGA的LCD驱动程序设计   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
研究了利用FPGA来驱动字符型液晶显示模块(LCM),其关键是对驱动芯片HD44780的各引脚和时序进行控制.所有功能全部用硬件描述语言VHDL编程实现并下载到Xilinx公司的SpartanⅡ系列的XC2S2005PQ-208目标芯片上调试通过,证明该方法行之有效,完全可以取代传统的利用单片机来驱动液晶显示,且抗干扰性好,可靠性高.  相似文献   

LCM12864ZK与MSP430F149的接口控制技术   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
吴少华 《现代电子技术》2007,30(23):188-190,194
液晶显示模块LCM12864ZK由于功能强大,能满足多种需要而得到了越来越广泛的应用。为了使用LCM12864ZK更加简单、方便,对其性能特点、引脚定义、用户指令进行了详细地描述,并分别介绍了与单片机的两种接口方式,通过LCM12864ZK与单片机MSP430F149的实际应用电路描述,给出了相应的用C语言编写的软件。  相似文献   

冀少峰 《现代显示》2009,20(2):56-60
测量是质量检验工作的重要组成部分。通过测量可以确定被测量的大小,为质量检验、合格判定提供数据支持。用于测量的测量仪器在其中扮演着重要角色。没有它测量无法进行,、但有了它,测量也不见得就可以进行。因为测量仪器有分辨率、准确度之分,不恰当的分辨率、准确度,同样无法准确测量被测量的大小,如果用于测量,反而会因为误测误导使用者作出错误的判定。在液晶显示行业,用于检测液晶显示模组(LCM)的数字万用表,如果选用不当,同样有此隐患。因此.选用合适的数字万用表用于LCM检测显得尤其重要。本文侧重分析不同准确度万用表对测量结果的影响,并根据目前LCM行业内对产品设计公差的要求.推算在驱动电压、功耗电流、内阻的检测上对数字万用表准确度的要求.为LCM行业内数字万用表的选用提供参考。  相似文献   

袁传宝 《今日电子》2003,(2):18-19,11
随着信息产业的迅速发展,作为信息显示终端之一的LCD器件也得到了空前的发展。在FPD(Flat panel display)器件中,LCD以其轻、薄、小、耗电低等优点而一枝独秀。为LCD配置了驱动电路,就形成了液晶显示模块LCM(Liquid Crystal Module)。它的基本组成部件除了LCD、驱动电路外一般还有连接件、背光源等。液晶显示模块同一个系统中的其他电路一样,有简单的接口,并提供了丰富的控制显示的指令系统。为整机的开发节约了时间。下面讨论LCM设计中的应注意的几个问题及解决方法。对比度对比度是描述一个显示器件在显示时前景(如显示的…  相似文献   

TAB制造工艺及其关键技术   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
随着LCD制造业的迅猛发展,LCM也由于其工艺简单、投资少、见效快的特点而快速发展.TAB工艺是LCM制造工艺中最常用的一种.详细阐述了TAB制造工艺及其关键技术一ACF技术和脉冲加热技术.  相似文献   

大功率背光源用LED驱动电路的研究现状与进展   总被引:6,自引:5,他引:1  
结合具体的LED驱动电路控制芯片,对峰值电流控制型、平均电流控制型、单级单开关非隔离型LED驱动电路的原理、优缺点和性能改进措施做了论述。给出了采用频率抖动技术的LED驱动电路的传导EMI峰值及平均值测量结果和基于IR2540的平均电流控制型LED驱动电路的工作波形及效率测量结果,并对脉冲恒流源型LED驱动电路的原理做了简要的介绍,最后从恒流精度、效率、成本3个方面综合分析了LED驱动电路的发展趋势。  相似文献   

基于功率MOSFET的超磁致伸缩执行器驱动电源   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
在分析超磁致伸缩材料的驱动特性及超磁伸缩执行器驱动电源特点的基础上,采用连续调整型恒流源的原理,并选用功率MOSFET作为功率放大元件,研制出-3-+3A连续可调的高精度超微致伸缩执行器驱动电源。实际测试的结果表明其性能良好,可以满足驱动超微致伸缩材料的要求。  相似文献   

Cooperative Driving at Blind Crossings Using Intervehicle Communication   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Cooperative driving technology with intervehicle communication has attracted increasing attention recently. It aims to improve driving safety and efficiency using appropriate motion scheduling of all the encountered vehicles. Under cooperative driving control, the motion of individual vehicles could be conducted in a safe, deterministic, and smooth manner. This is particularly useful to heavy-duty vehicles since their acceleration/deceleration capacity is relatively low. Specifically in this paper, cooperative driving at blind crossings (crossings without traffic lights) is studied. A concept of safety driving patterns is proposed to represent the collision-free movements of vehicles at crossings. The solution space of all allowable movement schedules is then described by a spanning tree in terms of safety driving patterns; four trajectory planning algorithms are formulated to determine the driving plans with least execution times using schedule trees. The group communication strategy for intervehicle networks is also analyzed. Finally, simulation studies have been conducted, and results demonstrate the potentiality and usefulness of the proposed algorithms for cooperative driving at blind crossings  相似文献   

功率放大器是无线系统的重要组成部分,驱动电路是任何一类功放都必不可少的。各类功放的设计已有大量的文献发表,但只有较少的专利和文献涉及驱动电路的设计。AB类功率放大器是目前应用比较多的一种,因此AB类功放驱动电路的研究具有重要意义。针对MOS管的BSIM3模型,提出和分析了AB类经典功放的多种驱动电路方案,最后用HSpice对每个所设计的驱动电路进行了精确的仿真,验证了其可行性及正确性。  相似文献   

分析了将电池充电模块用于激光器驱动的可行性,以30W串联结构激光器模块的驱动为例具体介绍了用BatMod模块驱动该激光器的方法,并指出这种方法的优点和局限性。  相似文献   

硅基OLED微显示中为了在极小的像素面积内实现微小的OLED工作电流,其像素驱动电路的驱动MOS管一般工作在亚阈值区,存在OLED电流对驱动MOS管的阈值电压和栅源电压失配敏感、外围电路复杂等问题,如果驱动MOS管工作在饱和区则可避免这些问题,但为了获得微小的驱动电流,必须采用尺寸大的倒比MOS管,这又与极小的像素面积冲突。本文提出了一种采用脉宽调制(PWM)技术、驱动MOS管工作在饱和区的OLED微显示像素驱动电路,PWM信号减少了一帧内OLED的实际工作时间,OLED的脉冲电流变大,使驱动MOS倒比管的尺寸减小;由于PWM信号占空比小,同时实现了OLED微小的平均像素驱动电流和亮度。结果表明PWM信号占空比为3%时,实现的OLED驱动电流和像素亮度范围分别为27pA~2.635nA、2.19~225.1cd/m~2,同时采用双像素版图共用技术,在15μm×15μm的像素面积内实现了像素驱动电路的版图设计。  相似文献   

Many hybrid electric vehicle (HEV) energy management strategies are developed and evaluated under fixed driving cycles. However in the real-world driving, vehicles are very unlikely to keep running under a fixed known cycle. Instead, a lot of vehicles run on fixed routes. Unfortunately, human driving data collected on a driving simulator shows that it is very difficult to select or create a determined typical driving cycle to represent the fixed-route driving due to the uncertainties in traffic light stops and driver behaviors. This paper presents a two-level stochastic approach to optimize the energy management strategy for fixed-route HEVs. The historical data on the fixed route are utilized and a road-segment-based stochastic HEV energy consumption model is built. The higher-level energy optimization problem is solved by stochastic dynamic programming (SDP). The SDP computation uses the vehicle model and historical driving data on the fixed route and it can be conducted offline. The result of SDP is a 2-dimension lookup table of parameters for lower-level control strategy therefore this approach can be easily real-time implemented in practice. The developed stochastic approach is compared with three strategies using the data collected on the driving simulator: the optimal energy consumption by assuming all trip information is known in advance and solved via dynamic programming (DP), a determined energy management approach using typical trip data of the fixed-route driving, and a simple strategy which does not require any route data. Simulation results show that the proposed stochastic energy management strategy consumes 1.8% more energy than the optimal result after 24 trips on the fixed route and considerably outperforms the other two real-time HEV energy management strategies.  相似文献   

Since the existing intelligent driving systems are lack of efficiency and accuracy when processing huge number of driving data,a brand new approach of processing driving data was developed to identify and predicate human driving behavior based on Bayesian model.The approach was proposed to take two steps to deduce the specific driving behavior from driving data correspondingly without any supervision,the first step being using Bayesian model segmentation algorithm to divide driving data that inertial sensor collected into near-linear segments with the help of Bayesian model segmentation algorithm,and the second step being using extended LDA model to aggregate those linear segments into specific driving behavior (such as braking,turning,acceleration and coasting).Both offline and online experiments are conducted to verify this approach and it turns out that approach has higher efficiency and recognition accuracy when dealing with numerous driving data.  相似文献   

IGBT devices are increasingly used in power electronic equipment due to their high power handling capability. This paper deals with the problems that concern the turn-on, turn-off, and short-circuit of these devices. An optimal new driving circuit is proposed which gives excellent device output performances. Experimental oscillogram traces of transient condition tests are given, which demonstrate the advantages of using the new driving circuit. The suitability of the driving circuit for integration is analyzed  相似文献   

It is shown that the two classes of driving point functions realized by Wyadrum and by O'Shea, using uniform transmission lines, are identical and further that these driving point functions may always be cascade synthesized. An alternative set of necessary and sufficient conditions for this class of driving point functions is given.  相似文献   

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