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在LTE系统中引入设备直传(D2D)通信技术,会因为D2D用户复用蜂窝用户资源进行通信而产生同频干扰.在现有的干扰协调与资源分配研究中,都需要基站获取各个通信链路的信道状态信息(CSI),但这样无疑会增加基站的信令负担.为减小干扰与基站的信令负担,提出了一种基于用户中断概率的干扰协调与资源分配算法,首先在保证蜂窝用户正常通信的情况下,通过限制D2D用户到基站间的距离来降低干扰;其次通过遍历所有蜂窝用户的频谱资源,选择能使D2D用户的总中断概率最低的频谱资源进行复用.仿真结果表明,所提算法能够在保证蜂窝用户正常通信的情况下,明显降低D2D用户的平均中断概率,同时还能够降低基站信令负担.  相似文献   

宋选安  李晖  张瑞清  郭云翔  王天赐 《电讯技术》2019,59(12):1458-1463
直通通信(Device-to-Device,D2D)技术是5G移动通信的关键技术之一,蜂窝网络中的D2D通信用户接入技术及其性能研究等已成为热点问题。基于一种新型随机几何网络模型,通过研究D2D用户对蜂窝用户的上行链路频谱资源的复用,提出了一种D2D通信启发式接入算法,并同随机接入算法进行了比较分析。仿真结果表明,随机几何模型易于分析链路的信干噪比,更符合未来移动通信密集组网和用户分布特点;该模型下的启发式算法比随机算法的性能更优,算法具有收敛快、接入性能好和接入简单的特点,具有更好的实用价值。  相似文献   

中继辅助终端直通(devicetodevice,D2D)网络通过与蜂窝网络共享频谱提高D2D用户的频谱效率和蜂窝用户(cellular user,CU)的物理层安全性。为进一步改善其性能,可以在基站和D2D链路的中继节点采用天线选择以及在中继节点采用全双工技术。然而,由于存在反馈时延和移动性,用于蜂窝链路和所有D2D链路天线选择的信道状态信息(channelstateinformation,CSI)均可能是过时的,针对该场景下的物理层安全性和可靠性问题,提出一种主动窃听和过时CSI场景下基站和中继节点均采用发射天线选择的全双工中继辅助D2D网络安全模型,推导CU的中断概率、遍历容量、非零安全容量概率、安全中断概率、渐近安全中断概率的解析表达式。数值计算与仿真结果均表明,基站发射天线数、中继干扰天线数越多,CU的安全性能越好;过时的CSI会降低CU的中断性能和安全性能。  相似文献   

曹型兵  王伟超 《电讯技术》2017,57(12):1433-1439
为优化蜂窝用户通信与设备直传(D2D)中继通信共存下的同频干扰问题,满足蜂窝用户容量要求,提出了一种基于能效的联合资源分配和功率控制的D2 D中继选择算法.该算法首先对等效D2 D中继链路进行资源分配,减小算法复杂度的同时使得D2 D链路对蜂窝链路产生的干扰最小;然后以资源分配结果和功率控制算法为依据进行中继选择.该方案不仅考虑了D2 D中继链路的能效问题,而且还同时考虑到了对蜂窝链路的干扰问题.通过仿真验证,所提算法不仅能有效提升D2 D中继链路的能效值,同时降低了对蜂窝用户的干扰.  相似文献   

针对全负载蜂窝网络中D2D通信的功率分配问题,该文提出了一种基于非合作完全信息博弈纳什均衡解的多复用D2D通信功率分配算法。以优先保证蜂窝用户通信质量与D2D用户接入率为前提,设置D2D通信系统上行链路帧结构,之后建立非合作完全信息博弈系统模型,引入定价机制到功率分配博弈模型中并分析纳什均衡解的存在性与唯一性,最后给出该模型的分布式迭代求解算法。仿真结果表明,随着D2D用户复用数量的增加,该算法在提升系统吞吐量的同时,能有效地控制系统内部干扰,大幅度降低系统总能耗。  相似文献   

D2D(Device-to-Device)通信因其具有提高频谱效率、时延小和能耗低等优点,被认为是第五代移动通信系统中的关键技术之一。然而,由于D2D用户与蜂窝用户共享频谱,导致D2D用户之间传输的信息会泄露给蜂窝用户。针对这一问题,基于物理层安全的研究,结合D2D通信的特点,提出了一种最小化D2D用户泄露信息量的算法。通过选取最优D2D链路的方法,使得系统的总泄露信息量达到最小。仿真表明所提倡的方法能极大改善系统的总泄露信息量。  相似文献   

王蓉  江帆  许腾驹  孙长印 《电讯技术》2016,56(3):295-301
以underlay方式工作的D2D(Device-to-Device)通信通过资源共享复用蜂窝网络中的资源,在提高系统资源利用率的同时,对已有蜂窝链路带来了同频干扰。为了减小因无线资源复用带来的干扰,提出了一种资源分配与功率控制相结合的方法。以最小化系统干扰为目的,通过在D2 D链路之间合理地分配资源,保证了蜂窝链路的通信质量;同时动态地调整D2 D链路的发射功率,在保证相应蜂窝链路干扰可控的情况下,合理提高了D2 D链路的通信质量。仿真结果表明,与现有方案相比,所提出的算法能够有效地提高D2 D通信与蜂窝用户共存场景下的系统性能。  相似文献   

姜鸿强  张晶 《信号处理》2020,36(2):233-239
设备直连(Device-to-Device, D2D)通信技术通过复用蜂窝系统的频谱资源提高频谱利用率,但D2D的引入会给蜂窝系统带来干扰。如何合理地选择D2D/蜂窝通信模式并进行功率优化控制,成为减小D2D和蜂窝系统间干扰、提升网络性能的关键。本文考虑D2D用户复用蜂窝上行链路场景,提出了一种基于距离和联合功率控制的通信模式选择方案。在该方案中,D2D用户和蜂窝用户与基站距离的比值决定了D2D用户是否采用Underlay模式进行通信,进而在约束蜂窝用户和D2D用户发射功率的条件下实现D2D链路和蜂窝链路的联合功率控制,最终推导出能够最大化系统总吞吐量的最优用户功率分配方案。根据仿真结果,本文提出的联合功率控制方案能够在降低系统间干扰的同时有效提高D2D和蜂窝系统的总吞吐量,进而提高了系统的性能。   相似文献   

针对未来海量用户设备接入的物理层安全(physical layer security,PLS)应用需求,提出了一种组合非正交多址接入(non-orthogonal multiple access,NOMA)、终端直通(device-to-device,D2D)与中继协作的NOMA-D2D协作无线系统PLS模型。该模型由采用发射天线选择(transmit antenna selection,TAS)的基站、分别作为基站和D2D发射端的NOMA远端蜂窝用户、D2D接收端以及被动窃听者组成,其中的D2D发射端承担基站的 NOMA 近端用户和解码转发中继两种角色。利用高斯—切比雪夫正交定理推导两种 TAS 方案下NOMA-D2D协作无线系统的安全中断概率、非零安全容量概率以及渐近安全中断概率的近似表达式。数值计算和仿真实验验证了NOMA-D2D协作无线系统PLS性能分析的准确性;在基站总功率恒定时增大分配给远端蜂窝用户的功率能有效提升NOMA-D2D协作无线系统的PLS性能。  相似文献   

D2D通信中联合链路共享与功率分配算法研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
针对D2D (Device-to-Device,D2D)通信过程中的资源分配问题,提出一种联合链路共享和功率分配算法.在保证系统内蜂窝用户服务质量(Quality of Service,QoS)需求的前提下,利用系统的信道状态信息,为D2D用户生成一个由蜂窝用户组成的通信链路的候选集合;在通信链路候选集合内使用凸优化方法得到D2D用户最优功率分配策略;最后利用(Kuhn-Munkres,KM)算法求解最大加权二部图匹配(Maximum Weight Bipartite Matching,MWBM)问题,为D2D用户选择最优的蜂窝用户进行资源共享.仿真结果表明该算法能有效的提升通信网络的吞吐量,可以为D2D用户选择最优的资源分配策略.  相似文献   

The mutual interference between cellular links and D2D links can bring the secrecy gain to cellular users in D2D-enable cellular networks.To make full use of them,a cooperative secrecy transmission scheme was proposed based on wireless channels.The channel direction information and gains depict the interference from D2D links to cellular links and other D2D links in the proposed scheme.Firstly,only the D2D users which meet the limited interference conditions were accessed to cellular networks to ensure their reliable communications.It was assumed that legitimate users and eavesdroppers were independent two-dimensional homogeneous Poisson point processes (PPP) distribution.Then the security outage probability (SOP) was derived for cellular users and the connection outage probability (COP) for D2D users,and the impacts of interference thresholds were discussed on their performances.Next,an optimization model was given to minimize D2D users’ COP while ensuring the secrecy performance requirements of cellular users,thus achieving the optimal performance.Finally,simulation results verify the validity of the proposed scheme.  相似文献   

马梦欢  贺玉成  张彦  陈启望 《信号处理》2022,38(10):2155-2163
针对存在多个非共谋窃听者,研究了一种基于全双工中继和两阶段中继选择(TSRS)的非正交多址接入(NOMA)物理层安全通信方案。每个通信过程包含一个传输时隙,系统在每个时隙开始由TSRS策略选择最优中继,所选中继在从源节点接收NOMA叠加信号的同时,向两个目的节点转发上一时隙的再编码叠加信号,两个目的节点采用串行干扰消除(SIC)技术从中继叠加信号中解码获取各自的期望信号。推导了非理想SIC下系统安全中断概率的近似表达式,进行了蒙特卡洛(Monte-Carlo)仿真验证,同时分析了各仿真参数(SIC残余干扰系数、目标安全速率、中继规模等)与系统安全中断概率的关系。理论分析与模拟仿真的结果表明,全双工技术与TSRS的结合方案能有效提升系统的安全中断性能。将该方案应用于实际通信系统设计时,选择合适传输信噪比(SNR)、提高串行干扰消除能力或适当增加中继数量均可实现更好的保密性能。   相似文献   

In order to provide privacy provisioning for the secondary information,we propose an energy harvesting based secure transmission scheme for the cognitive multi-relay networks.In the proposed scheme,two secondary relays harvest energy to power the secondary transmitter and assist the secondary secure transmission without interfere the secondary transmission.Specifically,the proposed secure transmission policy is implemented into two phases.In the first phase,the secondary transmitter transmits the secrecy information and jamming signal through the power split method.After harvesting energy from a fraction of received radio-frequency signals,one secondary relay adopts the amplify-and-forward relay protocol to assist the secondary secure transmission and the other secondary relay just forwards the new designed jamming signal to protect the secondary privacy information and degrade the jamming interference at the secondary receiver.For the proposed scheme,we first analyze the average secrecy rate,the secondary secrecy outage probability,and the ergodic secrecy rate,and derive their closed-form expressions.Following the above results,we optimally allocate the transmission power such that the secrecy rate is maximized under the secrecy outage probability constraint.For the optimization problem,an AI based simulated annealing algorithm is proposed to allocate the transmit power.Numerical results are presented to validate the performance analytical results and show the performance superiority of the proposed scheme in terms of the average secrecy rate.  相似文献   

This paper considers a full-duplex (FD) secure transmission scheme with aid of the artificial noise deployed at both transmitter and receiver under imperfect self-interference cancellation. The expressions of secrecy and connection outage probabilities are derived, and hence, the secrecy throughput of the proposed scheme is evaluated. The results show that the performance of the proposed FD scheme outperforms that of conventional half-duplex and FD receiver schemes in terms of the secrecy outage probability. In addition, the proposed FD scheme can achieve high secrecy throughput under various locations of the eavesdropper. Especially when the eavesdropper is located close to the transmitter, the secrecy throughput of the proposed FD scheme is nearly double that of the half-duplex scheme with artificial noise injection while that of the scheme with FD jamming receiver goes to zero.  相似文献   

康小磊  季新生  黄开枝 《通信学报》2015,36(10):149-156
A secure communication scheme based on artificial noise assisted from base station(BS)was proposed to improve the system secrecy rate of the D2D underlaying cellular.Firstly,the system secrecy rate was modeled.Then the BS with multi-antennas added artificial noise(AN)in cellular user’s signal as well as designed beam vectors of the desired signal and artificial noise to maximize system secrecy rate.In the end,a joint optimization scheme based on the fairness constraint was introduced to optimize beam vectors of the desired signal,the power allocation for BS’s information signal and AN and the D2D power control.Simulation results show that the system ergodic secrecy rate can be improved 2.7 bit·s?1·Hz?1more than the schemes based on SVD and zero-forcing at most.  相似文献   

In a cellular network it's very difficult to make spectrum resource more efficiently. Device-to-Device (D2D) technology enables new service opportunities, and provides high throughput and reliable communication while reducing the base station load. For better total performance, short-range D2D links and cellular links share the same radio resource and the management of interference becomes a crucial task. Here we argue that single-hop D2D technology can be used to further improve cellular networks performance if the key D2D radio resource management algorithms are suitably extended to support multi-hop D2D communications. Aiming to establish a new paradigm for the analysis and design of multi-hop D2D communications, We propose a radio resource allocation for multi-hop D2D routes based on interference avoidance approach in LTE-A networks. On top of that, we investigate the outage probability of D2D communication. We first introduce a new definition of outage probability by considering the maximum distance to be allowable for single-hop transmission. Then we study and analyze the outage performance of a multi-hop D2D route. We derive the general closed form expression of outage probability of the multi-hop D2D routes. The results demonstrate that the D2D radio, sharing the same resources as the cellular network, provide higher capacity compared to pure cellular communication where all the data is transmitted through the base station. They also demonstrate that the new method of calculation of D2D multi hop outage probability has better performance than classical method defined in the literature.  相似文献   

In order to improve the secrecy performance of communication system and make efficient use of limited spectrum,overlay cognitive radio (OCR) technology was combined with non-orthogonal multiple access (NOMA) technology and the communication model was proposed,in which secondary network realized dynamic switching between assisting primary network communication and secondary network communication by sensing whether the primary user occupied the spectrum or not.Artificial noise (AN) aided technology was used in primary and secondary networks respectively to further improve the secrecy performance of the system.The secrecy performance of the system was studied by deducing the expressions of the primary and secondary network secrecy outage probability and secrecy throughput respectively.The simulation results show that the proposed cognitive cooperative NOMA communication scheme is beneficial in reducing secrecy outage probability and increasing secrecy throughput.Furthermore,the influence of AN power allocation factor on system performance is given.  相似文献   

A new design of secure nonorthogonal multiple access (NOMA) deployed together with cooperative relaying network is investigated in two modes including direct link and relay link. This paper proposes a mathematical analysis under secrecy considerations of a downlink two‐user NOMA systems. In particular, physical layer security of NOMA is studied in two specific metrics to achieve secure performance analysis such as the secrecy outage probability (SOP) and probability of strictly positive secrecy capacity (SPSC). It should be further explored the situation as the illegal user which is assumed to be eavesdropper at the information level, it attempts to decode the information intended to legal users while NOMA scheme is employed for legal users. The transmission techniques of NOMA equipping relaying architecture (dual‐hop transmission) have proposed due to improving the spectrum efficiency greatly compared with the traditional single‐hop networks. Finally, this study shows the advantages of NOMA over the traditional orthogonal multiple access in the studied problems analytically and numerical analysis is further provided. As important achievement, new exact and closed‐form expressions of the SOP and SPSC are derived, and they will be confirmed by simulation, ie, Monte Carlo simulations are performed to verify the proposed analytical results. Ultimately, the effects of some critical factors are studied on secure performance through these simulation results.  相似文献   

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