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火电机组供电煤耗与电厂产能息息相关,为提高火电产能及其收益,有必要对火电机组供电煤耗进行优化,应用随机森林回归算法可从历史数据中挖掘机组供电煤耗与主蒸汽压力、主蒸汽温度等相关参数的回归模型,并以机组供电煤耗最低为目标条件,提出使用遗传算法优化方法搜索实时工况下最优运行参数控制策略。通过对某机组进行测试,结果表明,基于随机森林回归算法的火电机组供电煤耗遗传优化模型可有效减少机组供电煤耗,为发电企业提供优化建议,实现对发电成本的优化控制。  相似文献   

王宇穿 《电子世界》2014,(18):51-51
火电厂的经济指标最终要以供电煤耗的形式表现出来,对系统耗差的分析也要通过供电煤耗指标反映出来。如何才能准确地计算出电厂的供电煤耗关系到火电厂的经济效益,关系到火电厂未来的进一步发展。本文在介绍几种电厂热力系统耗差的计算方式对,这些方式进行系统评价,期待为系统耗差分析方式的发展和改善做出贡献。  相似文献   

为解决负载端供电电压受供电电缆线规、长度和负载电流大小的影响,及负载拉偏试验需调节供电电压问题, 采用稳压电源远端供电电压自动补偿技术,通过时序控制解决电源误差放大器负相输入端反馈电压的自切换和总线控制调整电源误差放大器正相输入端基准电压,实现了电源远端输出电压的自适应稳定控制。实际应用表明,该技术实现了供电电压补偿,提高了电源系统操作灵活性,缩短了电源操作时间,满足了武器装备实战化和快速反应的需求。  相似文献   

本介绍一种由太阳能和市电共同供电的太阳能路灯控制系统,该系统由太阳能电池及其检测电路、蓄电池及其检测电路、单片机、充电控制电路等组成,它能充分利用太阳能,并在太阳能供电不足时自动转为市电供电,解决长期阴雨天气情况下太阳能供电不足的问题。  相似文献   

阐述配电网中的电力工程技术特点,存在的问题,探讨配电网工程中的关键技术、应对策略,包括解决停电问题、调整供电形式、调整电压等级,合理分配电源、解决过电压与闪络、降低外力干扰。  相似文献   

风光互补供电技术在3G基站的应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
张宁 《中国新通信》2013,(21):88-89
现如今,移动通信已经普及,尤其是3G通信的发展速度更是无可比拟。3G基站的建设已经不仅限于城市内,城镇乡村,山区也随之发展起来。然而偏僻的山区的3G基站供电问题已成为亟待解决的重要问题。为了解决这一问题,风光互补供电技术诞生了,其主要是利用风能和太阳能之间互补的特性,因此是一种性价比较高的新型发电系统。本文通过对风光互补供电技术的原理及特点进行分析,从而提出了一套合理、可靠的3G基站供电系统设计方案。  相似文献   

古人 《无线电》2011,(10):69-72
几年前,继麻省理工的60W无线灯泡,在网络上传播后,无线供电办公桌面的概念接踵而来,且倍受关注。然而,从理论到应用还有不少问题需要解决,主要有以下几个方面。首先,就技术而言.基于电磁共振的无线供电的稳定性、效率、能量的梯度分布、发热等一系列问题。  相似文献   

硅橡胶材料在提升真空断路器绝缘性能中的应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
真空断路器的发展依据极柱绝缘的变化经历了空气绝缘一复合绝缘一固封绝缘三个发展阶段,形成三代真空断路器。这三个发展经历得益于真空断路器技术的进步。真空断路器技术的进步表现在大容量化、低过电压化、智能化和小型化。而这一进步又是由于真空技术、灭弧室技术的发展及采用新工艺、新材料及新操动技术的结果。但是真空断路器在使用中因绝缘问题导致的安全事故时有发生,确保真空断路器可靠运行的各种技术应运而生。究其原理及方法有多种多样;但解决绝缘问题的措施之一就是采用经济性、耐污性、绝缘性等综合指标较好的材料,硅橡胶无疑是首选。伴随新的技术挑战,硅橡胶材料必将为真空断路器的绝缘性能提升带来新的活力。  相似文献   

ISDN终端的供电问题是必须解决的难点之一,终端设备耗电量远大于常规话机,这给终端的远供带来了困难。CCITT建议提出了对ISDN终端供电的三种方式和诸多要求,实际应用中有很多问题要解决。本文以CCITTI.430建议为依据提出了一种供电方式,较为合理地设计ISDN终端的供电系统:采用分散供电的方法,常态时大幅度减轻了交换机侧电源的负担,保证了供电系统的可靠工作;采用开关电源的技术,使终端电源的设计简单易行。  相似文献   

巫炜亮 《通讯世界》2016,(19):162-163
随着我国国民经济的发展,人们对于用电量的需求在迅速增加,为满足社会需求,我国电网规模也在随之迅速扩大.而如何保障供电网络的安全和稳定已成为电力企业亟需解决的问题.通过在线状态检测技术的应用可以显著提升电力网络的安全和稳定.本文首先分析了继电保护相关二次回路在线状态检测的重要作用,在此基础上详细总结了继电保护相关二次回路在线状态检测技术,以期能够对同行有所帮助.  相似文献   

能源在社会发展过程中属于重要的组成部分,也是动力基础,更是国家经济发展的必要条件.当前在我国的发展过程当中,对煤炭的使用效率还非常低,但是存在的能耗问题却是非常严重,环境的污染问题日益严峻,在此过程当中,为了实现经济能源的可持续发展,需要关注火力发电厂的节能还有损耗性问题,对此,本文对火力发电厂的能量损耗还有节能措施进行更好的使用.  相似文献   

火力发电成本近80%来自燃煤的消耗,为降低发电成本,加强燃煤管理及配煤掺烧对火力发电企业节能具有积极的意义。文中结合某火力发电公司所面临的形势,谈谈燃煤管理及配煤掺烧的几点体会。  相似文献   

Leakage power consumption of current CMOS technology is already a great challenge. International Technology Roadmap for Semiconductors projects that leakage power consumption may come to dominate total chip power consumption as the technology feature size shrinks. Leakage is a serious problem particularly for CMOS circuits in nanoscale technology. We propose a novel ultra-low leakage CMOS circuit structure which we call "sleepy stack". Unlike many other previous approaches, sleepy stack can retain logic state during sleep mode while achieving ultra-low leakage power consumption. We apply the sleepy stack to generic logic circuits. Although the sleepy stack incurs some delay and area overhead, the sleepy stack technique achieves the lowest leakage power consumption among known state-saving leakage reduction techniques, thus, providing circuit designers with new choices to handle the leakage power problem  相似文献   

This paper presents an efficient and scalable technique for lowering power consumption in checkers used for concurrent error detection. The basic idea is to exploit the functional symmetry of concurrent checkers with respect to their inputs, and to order the inputs such that switching activity (and hence power consumption) in the checker is minimized. The inputs of the checker are usually driven by the outputs of the function logic and check symbol generator logic-spatial correlations between these outputs are analyzed to compute an input order that minimizes power consumption. The reduction in power consumption comes at no additional impact to area or performance and does not require any alteration to the design flow. It is shown that the number of possible input orders increases exponentially in the number of inputs to the checker. As a result, the computational cost of determining the optimum input order can be very expensive as the number of inputs to the checker increases. This paper presents a very effective technique to build a reduced cost function to solve the optimization problem to find a near optimal input order. It scales well with increasing number of inputs to the checker, and the computational costs are independent of the complexity of the checker. Experimental results demonstrate that a reduction in power consumption of 16% on the average for several types of checkers can be obtained using the proposed technique.  相似文献   

针对热电厂中耗煤量的计量问题,提出了一个计算模型,介绍了系统硬件和软件设计原理。采用该计算模型可以准确地计量每一个炉的耗煤量,并且将数据采集与数据库系统集成,形成一个分炉计量监测系统。该系统已被多家电厂采用,可实现多种功能。  相似文献   

Minimum pilot power for service coverage in WCDMA networks   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Pilot power management is an important issue for efficient resource utilization in WCDMA networks. In this paper, we consider the problem of minimizing pilot power subject to a coverage constraint. The constraint can be used to model various levels of coverage requirement, among which full coverage is a special case. The pilot power minimization problem is \({{\cal N}{\cal P}}\)-hard, as it generalizes the set covering problem. Our solution approach for this problem consists of mathematical programming models and methods. We present a linear-integer mathematical formulation for the problem. To solve the problem for large-scale networks, we propose a column generation method embedded into an iterative rounding procedure. We apply the proposed method to a range of test networks originated from realistic network planning scenarios, and compare the results to those obtained by two ad hoc approaches. The numerical experiments show that our algorithm is able to find near-optimal solutions with a reasonable amount of computing effort for large networks. Moreover, optimized pilot power considerably outperforms the ad hoc approaches, demonstrating that efficient pilot power management is an important component of radio resource optimization. As another part of our numerical study, we examine the trade-off between service coverage and pilot power consumption.  相似文献   

A dynamically biased current sensor for the current-sensing completion detection method, which cuts off the power consumption when the logic blocks do not operate is presented. The proposed method is an essential improvement to all completion detection methods that use static biasing in their current sensing circuits, and where the power consumption is an important issue  相似文献   

The network-on-chip (NoC) design problem requires the generation of a power and resource efficient interconnection architecture that can support the communication requirements for the SoC with the desired performance. This paper presents a genetic algorithm-based automated design technique that synthesizes an application specific NoC topology and routes the communication traces on the interconnection network. The technique operates on the system-level floorplan of the system on chip (SoC) and accounts for the power consumption in the physical links and the routers. The design technique solves a multi-objective problem of minimizing the power consumption and the router resources. It generates a Pareto curve of the solution set, such that each point in the curve represents a tradeoff between power consumption and associated number of NoC routers. The performance and quality of solutions produced by the technique are evaluated by experimentation with benchmark applications and comparisons with existing approaches.  相似文献   

基于APDL的PCB元件布局优化   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
随着电子设备集成度的不断提高和功耗的不断加大,电子元器件的发热密度也越来越高,相应地电子产品的过热问题也变得越来越重要.应用热仿真技术,可以在电路板的设计阶段获得其温度分布及最高温度值,通过优化设计,可以降低最高温度值,进而提高电路板模块的热可靠性.针对某主板电路板,利用ANSYS软件提供的APDL语言建立三维有限元热分析简化模型,通过优化板上电子元件的布局,有效地降低了板上最高温度,提高了系统的可靠性.  相似文献   

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