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用户公平的活动队列管理   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
徐建  李善平 《电子学报》2004,32(3):435-440
用户公平活动队列管理算法UFQ(User Fair Queuing)的目标是在各种网络环境中都能为所有的用户提供满意度一致的服务.UFQ采用在网络边缘标记用户所属数据报的期望服务满意度u,在网络核心根据数据报的满意度高低,结合当前数据报流经节点的拥塞程度,来决定数据报的丢弃或标记(使用ECN),从而获得不同用户一致满意的服务.UFQ不要求接纳控制和信令.它仅在网络边缘保持数据流的状态信息;只维护一个先进先出队列,通过拥塞时丢弃或标记较高满意度的数据报,在不同的用户之间公平地分配网络带宽,从而有效地控制、减轻拥塞.通过TCP/IP网络的模拟,证实了算法能够按照用户期望满意度公平地分配网络带宽,提高网络的服务质量.  相似文献   

中继系统下的众多资源分配策略很少同时考虑多用户情形下的子载波配对和不同用户需求。针对这一问题,提出了一种基于QoS(服务质量)保证和比例公平的多用户子载波配对和功率分配算法,该算法既能保证QoS用户的最小速率要求,又能满足BE(尽力而为)用户之间速率比例公平的准则。该算法首先根据不同用户需求分配第二跳的子载波,然后利用匈牙利配对算法得到两跳子载波的最佳配对,最后用类似注水算法进行功率分配。仿真结果表明,所提算法在满足用户QoS保证和比例公平准则的同时有效提升了系统的吞吐量。  相似文献   

有效分配有限的无线资源以提高系统的吞吐量,同时满足不同业务的服务质量(QoS)需求是LTE通信系统的关键技术之一。结合比例公平算法(PF)和用户满意度的公平算法(USGF)提出了一种基于速率需求满足程度矩阵的分组调度算法,根据速率需求满足程度矩阵改变判决因素以获取更高的吞吐量。仿真结果表明,该算法能在不降低用户满意度的条件下提高系统的吞吐量。  相似文献   

效用max—min公平准则及其在ABR业务中的应用   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
本文提出一种新的基于效用函数的max-min(UMM)公平准则,它实现的是用户效用之间的公平分配。在ABR业务下,本文提出UMM公平性的另外两个等价定义,考察了用户的最小需求和最大需求。为了求解UMM公平分配,文中给出集中式的UMM公平分配算法及其数学证明。文章从保证分配效率的角度出发赋予峰值信元位率PCR以新的含义。UMM公平性不仅是对以往ABR业务中max-min公平性的概括,还具有很好的推广前景,特别适用于多应用类型的网络资源分配。  相似文献   

针对云计算共享系统中多资源分配问题,提出一种基于共享资源量的动态多资源公平分配策略。该策略根据不同用户资源需求和共享资源量建立一个线性规划模型,同时证明该模型满足公平分配的4个重要属性:动态帕累托最优、激励共享、动态无嫉妒性和防止策略性操作,而且给出一种改进的动态多资源公平分配算法来提高算法运行效率。实验结果表明,所提动态多资源公平分配策略能够在满足任务资源需求的同时,尽可能保证公平分配下最大化占优资源份额,并且改进的分配算法能够有效地提高资源的分配效率。  相似文献   

用于DiffServ的核心无状态的虚拟时钟调度算法   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
高文宇  陈松乔  王建新 《通信学报》2004,25(10):134-142
提出了一种同时满足对资源进行分配要求和具有良好的可扩展性要求的包调度算法。通过一个基于虚拟时钟的 FIFO 队列来达到公平队列中多个队列的效果,即在不同的流间实现资源的公平分配;同时,由于在核心路由器维持的是一个 FIFO 队列,因此无需进行每流状态的管理和对收到的数据包执行按流分类的工作,这样较之公平队列算法大大地降低了在核心路由器的系统开销,从而满足可扩展性的要求。  相似文献   

李明  杨雷 《通信技术》2007,40(11):211-213
EGPRS(Enhanced GPRS)网络中,为不同用户分配物理信道PDCH(Packet Data Channel)的传统调度算法是PF(Proportionally Fair)算法。文中介绍了一种新的调度算法OHA(Opportunistic Handling Algorithm),该算法可以根据用户使用的不同服务类别为用户提供不同的服务质量;最后对OHA算法和PF算法的性能进行了比较。  相似文献   

在认知无线电网络中,对图着色频谱分配算法进行了分析,发现只有少数已有算法考虑到用户的需求是否得到满足,导致需求低的用户分配到过多资源。为解决这个问题,根据基于用户需求的图着色论频谱分配算法,对用户的满意度设置优频谱分配优先级函数,满意度差的用户进行优先选择分配,得到一种改进算法。仿真结果表明,基于用户需求的频谱分配算法的改进算法,能够增加系统的信道效益,提高用户的需求满意程度。  相似文献   

在多用户正交频分复用(MU-OFDM)系统中,考虑各个用户之间具有比例数据传输速率限制条件下的一种公平的自适应资源分配方案的最优算法计算量巨大,为此,提出了一种将子信道分配和功率分配相分离的次优算法.首先,在假设相同功率分配的情况下进行子信道的分配,然后在保持一定比例公平条件下使总容量最大时进行最优功率分配.对该算法的仿真表明,在用户数为2、子信道数为10的系统中,所提算法的容量性能接近最优算法,而计算量由指数增长变为线性增长.所提资源分配算法的总容量比以前的算法在用户间的分配更公平也更灵活.  相似文献   

杨磊  殷福亮  陈喆 《信号处理》2010,26(8):1211-1216
动态频谱分配技术是认知无线电的一项关键技术,本文针对以OFDM为传输技术的认知无线电系统,提出了固定速率认知用户和变速率认知用户并存情况下的动态频谱分配新算法。本文算法以最小化每比特发射功率为目标,运用最小最大准则与分步求解的方法,对系统目标函数予以简化,在最大公平意义上对认知小区的空闲频谱资源进行动态分配。仿真结果表明,该算法具有较好的公平性,在固定速率用户功率最小化需求和变速率用户吞吐量最大化的需求之间取得了比较好的平衡,适用于两种需求用户并存环境下的认知无线电系统。   相似文献   

Future wireless networks are designed to cope with drastically increasing user demands. However, network resources reach the limits of their capacity to user requirements. Recently, femtocell has appeared as an effective solution to achieve larger coverage for indoor users while improving the cellular network capacity. In femtocell networks, the most important issue is to design an efficient and fair power control protocol, which can significantly influences the network performance. In this paper, a new multi-objective power control algorithm is developed based on the no-regret learning technique and intervention game model. The proposed control paradigm can provide the ability to practically respond to current system conditions and suitable for real network operations. Under a dynamically changing network environment, the proposed approach appropriately controls the power level to balance network performance between efficiency and fairness.  相似文献   

Consideration is given to the problem of optimal flow control in a multiclass telecommunications environment where each user (or class) desires to optimize its performance while being fair to the other users (classes). The Nash (1950) arbitration scheme from game theory is shown to be a suitable candidate for a fair, optimal operation point in the sense that it satisfies certain axioms of fairness and is pareto optimal. This strategy can be realized by defining the product of individuals user performance objectives as the network optimization criterion. This provides the rationale for considering the product of user powers, as has been suggested in the literature. For delay constrained traffic, the constrained optimization problem of maximizing the product of user throughputs subject to the constraints leads to a Nash arbitration point. It is shown that these points are unique in throughput space, and the authors also obtain some convexity properties for power and delays with respect to throughputs in a Jackson network  相似文献   

Given a set of demands between pairs of nodes, we examine the traffic engineering problem of flow routing and fair bandwidth allocation where flows can be split to multiple paths (e.g., MPLS tunnels). This paper presents an algorithm for finding an optimal and global per-commodity max-min fair rate vector in a polynomial number of steps. In addition, we present a fast and novel distributed algorithm where each source router can find the routing and the fair rate allocation for its commodities while keeping the locally optimal max-min fair allocation criteria. The distributed algorithm is a fully polynomial epsilon-approximation (FPTAS) algorithm and is based on a primal-dual alternation technique. We implemented these algorithms to demonstrate its correctness, efficiency, and accuracy.   相似文献   

In this paper we investigate adaptive resource allocation schemes in multiuser OFDM systems for fair share of resources and efficient operation. We employ the CDF-based scheduling (CS) algorithm for the subcarrier allocation, taking advantage of its distinctive feature of analyzability and multiuser diversity. Noting that conventional power allocation schemes do not exhibit efficient and fair operations in heterogeneous user channel environment, we present a new algorithm called proportional-fair power allocation (PFPA). This algorithm is designed to allocate transmission power in such a way that the resulting relative throughput-increment is identical for all subcarriers. The PFPA algorithm is shown to be equivalent to the power allocation of the asymptotically optimal algorithm, which exhibits the largest achievable region in the asymptotic case. Numerical results reveal that the combined CS-PFPA algorithm improves the overall system capacity in terms of time-average throughput and provides efficient estimation of user performances. Further, the CS-PFPA algorithm can meet each user's requirements using a minimum amount of resources, so it renders an efficient and fair means for resource allocation in multiuser OFDM systems.  相似文献   

用户系统基于流的QoS调度   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Diff-Serv网与用户系统之间有服务等级协议,有必要对用户系统的分组流进行合理调度,以确保定购的服务等级上速率、突发比特量等符合协议要求。进行合理调度还有有效分配带宽好处。基于流的排队(FBQ)在加权公平分享带宽的同时起到流量整形(traffic shaping)的作用,比较适合这种调度要求。但FBQ对带宽利用率不够高,本文在FBQ分类结构基础上通过新颖的分配令牌参数和虚拟时钟的方法构建新的分级调度算法,保留FBQ优点但提高带宽利用率。  相似文献   

调度算法是操作系统处理的核心任务之一.在仔细分析Linux调度算法以及公平分享调度算法FSS的基础上,针对Linux现有调度算法的不足,结合原有公平分享调度算法提出了一种改进的公平分享调度算法UTRS,并通过实验数据证明了算法在用户公平调度上的有效性.  相似文献   

Considering practical constraints in the single-carrier frequency division multiple access system, this paper proposes a jointed resource allocation and multiuser pairing algorithm with low complexity. It initially schedules the first user and carries out resource allocation and then selects the second and following pairing users in turn. Meanwhile, the proportional fair criterion is considered independently in the scheduling process for every pairing user. The simulation results show that, excluding its considerably lower complexity, the proposed algorithm has better throughput and fairness than the existing algorithms.  相似文献   

We consider a memoryless Gaussian interference channel (GIC) where $K$ single-antenna users communicate with their respective receivers using Gaussian codebooks. Each receiver employs a successive group decoder with a specified complexity constraint, to decode its designated user. It is aware of the coding schemes employed by all other users and may choose to decode some or all of them only if it deems that doing so will aid the decoding of its desired user. For a GIC with predetermined rates for all transmitters, we obtain the minimum outage probability decoding strategy at each receiver which satisfies the imposed complexity constraint and reveals the optimal subset of interferers that must be decoded along with the desired user. We then consider the rate allocation problem over the GIC under successive group decoding and design a sequential rate allocation algorithm which yields a pareto-optimal rate allocation, and two parallel rate allocation algorithms which yield the symmetric fair rate allocation and the max-min fair rate allocation, respectively. Remarkably, even though the proposed decoding and rate allocation algorithms use “greedy” or myopic subroutines, they achieve globally optimal solutions. Finally, we also propose rate allocation algorithms for a cognitive radio system.   相似文献   

In IEEE 802.16 networks, a subscriber station (SS) could be a single mobile user, a residence house, or an office building providing Internet service for multiple customers. Considering the heterogeneity among SSs which have diverse traffic demands, in this paper, we introduce the weighted proportional fair (WPF) scheduling scheme for the Best Effort (BE) service in IEEE 802.16 networks to achieve the flexible and efficient resource allocation. We develop an analytical model to investigate the performance of WPF in terms of spectral efficiency, throughput, resource utilization, and fairness, where the Rayleigh fading channel and the adaptive modulation and coding (AMC) technique are considered. Extensive simulations are conducted to illustrate the efficiency of the WPF scheduling scheme and verify the accuracy of the analytical model. Copyright © 2009 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

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