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早在2003年,长期关注新媒体技术的开发应用及实践的新奥特已经启动了数字电视节目平台解决方案的开发研制工作.并成功应用到宁波电视台数字电视节目公司项目、成都广电数字电视节目平台等项目中,其中宁波电视台数字电视节目平台项目获得了2004年度广电总局科技创新二等奖。 近几年,新奥特基于在视音频处理领域以及视频生产业务管理领域所掌握的核心技术,针对新媒体内容采集、生产、管理、分发及运营,不断开发完善新媒体业务平台,先后承担了河南电视台手机频道收录制作平台、江苏有线内容集成平台总集成、上海电信内容集成试验平台、中国移动上海视频基地高清内容生产系统、SMG五岸公司节目制作交易发布系统等项目、四川移动星空新媒体制播系统、山西广电网络内容制播系统、首都机场T3航站楼信息制播发布系统、北京地铁电视制播管理系统项目,其解决方案应用领域覆盖到了广电网络运营商、移动电视运营商、手机电视运营商、电信运营商、地铁电视运营商、机场电视运营商、节目交易运营商等新媒体的各个领域,积累了丰富的新媒体应用的总体解决方案及核心技术,对新媒体业务布局、商业模式、运营支撑、核心技术、发展趋势有着自己独到的理解。本文体现了新奥特针对新媒体运营发展的最新思考,值得有意开展新媒体业务的广播电视领域、电信领域,以及互联网领域相关新媒体运营商借鉴参考。  相似文献   

电信运营级虚拟化运营管理技术探析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为了充分发挥虚拟化技术的优势,必须有一个高效统一的运营管理平台,实现对虚拟化产品的全面管理和科学运营。电信运营商拥有大规模的通信网络基础和IT基础设施,在实现虚拟化平台的大规模公众运营上具有得天独厚的优势。文章首先描述了当前虚拟化运营管理的主要产品及其特点,接着从运营商的角度提出了虚拟化运营管理需要具备的主要功能,最后对虚拟化运营管理的实现及发展进行了分析和展望。  相似文献   

本文以云计算技术为基础、参考SOA技术架构,提出了一个适用于有线电视运营商的媒体应用聚合云平台架构。该平台聚合传统的电视业务及新媒体业务,支持域内业务运营及网络域间的业务合作运营;平台的底层基于云计算的虚拟技术进行资源整合,实现对资源的统一管理与调度,SaaS层和PaaS层基于SOA架构进行服务及应用设计。该云平台的架构对有线电视运营商云平台的搭建具有一定的参考价值。  相似文献   

DPI技术助力运营商精细化运营   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
精细化运营是运营商发展的必然趋势,而DPI技术是实现精细化运营的基础之一。新型的DPI设备在功能、性能、实现和部署方面都有别于传统设备,这样的DPI设备才真正能够帮助运营商实现精细化运营。本文分析了DPI对运营商的现实意义,介绍了传统DPI设备及部署方式并分析了其缺点,提出了一种新型DPI设备及部署方式。  相似文献   

最近几年,互联网及计算机技术的发展促使媒体内容更加丰富,媒体运营模式也发生转变,性媒体的出现不仅集合了媒体内容采集、存储、发布等多种技术手段,也呈现出了媒体业务的多元化融合特性.新媒体的出现不仅促使运营商获得更多的技术支持,也为其带来布局方面的挑战.本文探讨广电新媒体的运营思路,先了解当前媒体的商业模式,然后分析广电新媒体运营所遭遇的挑战和机遇,最后阐述广电新媒体的创新运营思路.  相似文献   

何晓明 《电信科学》2011,27(3):90-96
M2M运营管理平台是电信运营商汇聚行业应用,为行业应用提供业务能力的重要平台。本文首先分析了国际标准化组织对M2M的基本业务需求及功能架构,然后从电信运营商实际网络运营情况和M2M行业应用特点出发,探讨了M2M运营管理平台的功能架构。同时,提出了一种基于M2M平台扩展的M2M终端/网关通信管控方法,为行业应用提供全面的通信管理服务。  相似文献   

城域以太网正在成为城域网主流   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
面对互联网挑战电信业正在进行电信转型,宽带业务是运营商战略转型的关键,宽带网需要适应业务转型的需求,通过网络技术转型为业务转型提供基础。 城域网是网络技术转型的重要环节。电信运营商希望汇聚网和城域网即能支持面向广大消费者的运营在公共互联网上的多媒体、新媒体业务,又能够支持面向企业、大客户、VIP的运营在可管理的IP网上的有QoS保证的安全的连接型业务。  相似文献   

随着三网融合国家战略的实施推进,广电运营商正在向全业务运营商转型[1],在发展增值业务方面探索更适合自身及客观环境的发展模式。同时,广电新媒体将向个性化互动性发展[2]。本文首先分析了传统的电信业务运营支撑系统(Business&Operation Support System,BOSS)[3]中"客户—用户—帐户模型(三户模型)",通过对三户模型在广电业务个性化功能扩展上的不足及其在广电业务运营支撑系统中的局限性的分析,提出了适合广电企业运营的新型三户模型,便于灵活扩展个性化功能,并探讨和论证各个要素的本质以及它们之间的关系。  相似文献   

针对M2M应用管理平台,着重从系统架构、软件架构、外围接口和平台功能等方面进行了多方面的功能需求分析。平台的建设目的是为电信运营商提供了一站式的快速布署服务的M2M业务运营管理平台,能够有效地支持运营商自建行业应用,支持合作运营行业应用,支持企业客户自建行业应用等多种M2M应用的管理运营需求。  相似文献   

在全业务运营下,WLAN已成为各电信运营商发展宽带业务的重要技术手段,但目前WLAN网络建设及运营管理尚待成熟。通过分析WLAN业务发展、网络建设、组网方案、技术风险、合作管理、运营维护等方面的发展现状及存在问题,探索WLAN网络建设及运营管理的发展建议。  相似文献   

High purity organic-tantalum precursors for thin film ALD TaN were synthesized and characterized.Vapor pressure and thermal stability of these precursors were studied.From the vapor pressure analysis,it was found that TBTEMT has a higher vapor pressure than any other published liquid TaN precursor,including TBTDET,TAITMATA,and IPTDET.Thermal stability of the alkyl groups on the precursors was investigated using a 1H NMR technique.The results indicated that the tertbutylimino group is the most stable group on TBTDET and TBTEMT as compared to the dialkylamido groups.Thermal stability of TaN precursors decreased in the following order:TBTDET > PDMAT > TBTEMT.In conclusion,precursor vapor pressure and thermal stability were tuned by making slight variations in the ligand sphere around the metal center.  相似文献   

In order to diagnose the laser-produced plasmas, a focusing curved crystal spectrometer has been developed for measuring the X-ray lines radiated from a laser-produced plasmas. The design is based on the fact that the ray emitted from a source located at one focus of an ellipse will converge on the other focus by the reflection of the elliptical surface. The focal length and the eccentricity of the ellipse are 1350 mm and 0.9586, respectively. The spectrometer can be used to measure the X- ray lines in the wavelength range of 0.2-0.37 nm, and a LiF crystal (200) (2d = 0.4027 nm) is used as dispersive element covering Bragg angle from 30° to 67.5°. The spectrometer was tested on Shengnang- Ⅱ which can deliver laser energy of 60-80 J/pulse and the laser wavelength is 0.35 μm. Photographs of spectra including the 1 s2p ^1P1-1s^2 ^1S0 resonance line(w), the 1s2p ^3P2-1s^2 1S0 magnetic quadrupole line(x), the 1s2p ^3P1-1 s^2 ^1S0 intercombination lines(y), the 1 s2p ^3S~1-1 s^2 ^1S0 forbidden line(z) in helium-like Ti Ⅹ Ⅺ and the 1 s2s2p ^2P3/2-1 s622s ^2S1/2 line(q) in lithium-like Ti Ⅹ Ⅹhave been recorded with a X-ray CCD camera. The experimental result shows that the wavelength resolution(λ/△ 2) is above 1000 and the elliptical crystal spectrometer is suitable for X-ray spectroscopy.  相似文献   

This paper reviews our recent development of the use of the large-scale pseudopotential method to calculate the electronic structure of semiconductor nanocrystals, such as quantum dots and wires, which often contain tens of thousands of atoms. The calculated size-dependent exciton energies and absorption spectra of quantum dots and wires are in good agreement with experiments. We show that the electronic structure of a nanocrystal can be tuned not only by its size,but also by its shape. Finally,we show that defect properties in quantum dots can be significantly different from those in bulk semiconductors.  相似文献   

An improving utilization and efficiency of critical equipments in semiconductor wafer fabrication facilities are concerned. Semiconductor manufacturing FAB is one of the most complicated and cost sensitive environments. A good dispatching tool will make big difference in equipment utilization and FAB output as a whole. The equipment in this paper is In-Line DUV Scanner. There are many factors impacting utilization and output on this equipment group. In HMP environment one of the issues is changing of reticule in this area and idle counts due to load unbalance between equipments. Here we'll introduce a rule-based RTD system which aiming at decreasing the number of recipe change and idle counts among a group of scanner equipment in a high-mixed-products FAB.  相似文献   

The epi material growth of GaAsSb based DHBTs with InAlAs emitters are investigated using a 4 × 100mm multi-wafer production Riber 49 MBE reactor fully equipped with real-time in-situ sensors including an absorption band edge spectroscope and an optical-based flux monitor. The state-of-the-art hole mobilities are obtained from 100nm thick carbon-doped GaAsSb. A Sb composition variation of less than ± 0.1 atomic percent across a 4 × 100mm platen configuration has been achieved. The large area InAlAs/GaAsSb/InP DHBT device demonstrates excellent DC characteristics,such as BVCEO>6V and a DC current gain of 45 at 1kA/cm2 for an emitter size of 50μm × 50μm. The devices have a 40nm thick GaAsSb base with p-doping of 4. 5 × 1019cm-3 . Devices with an emitter size of 4μm × 30μm have a current gain variation less than 2% across the fully processed 100mm wafer. ft and fmax are over 50GHz,with a power efficiency of 50% ,which are comparable to standard power GaAs HBT results. These results demonstrate the potential application of GaAsSb/InP DHBT for power amplifiers and the feasibility of multi-wafer MBE for mass production of GaAsSb-based HBTs.  相似文献   

By using the expansion of the aperture function into a finte sum of complex Gaussian functions, the corresponding analytical expressions of Hermite-cosh-Gaussian beams passing through annular apertured paraxially and symmetrically optical systems written in terms of ABCD matrix were derived, and they could reduce to the cases with squared aperture. In a similar way, the corresponding analytical expressions of cosh-Gaussian beams through annular apertured ABCD matrix were also given. The method could save more calculation time than that by using the diffraction integral formula directly.  相似文献   

We calculate the Langevin noise sources of self-pulsation laser diodes, analyze the effects of active region noise and saturable-absorption region noise on the power fluctuation as well as period fluctuation, and propose a novel method to restrain the noise effects. A visible SIMULINK model is established to simulate the system, The results indicate that the effects of noise in absorption region can be ignored; that with the increase of DC injecting current, the noise effects enhance power jitter, and nevertheless, the period jitter is decreased; and that with external sinusoidal current modulating the self-pulsation laser diode, the noise-induced power jitter and period jitter can be suppressed greatly. This work is valuable for clock recovery in all-optical network.  相似文献   

Distributed polarization coupling in polarization-maintaining fibers can be detected by using a white light Michelson interferometer. This technique usually requires that only one polarization mode is excited. However, in practical measurement, the injection polarization direction could not be exactly aligned to one of the principal axes of the PMF, so the influence of the polarization extinction ratio should be considered. Based on the polarization coupling theory, the influence of the incident polarization extinction on the measurement result is evaluated and analyzed, and a method for distributed polarization coupling detection is developed when both two orthogonal eigenmodes are excited.  相似文献   

Large-scale synthesis of single-crystal CdSe nanoribbons is achieved by a modified thermal evaporation method, in which two-step-thermal-evaporation is used to control CdSe sources' evaporation. The synthesized CdSe nanoribbons are usually several micrometers in width, 50 nm in thickness, and tens to several hundred micrometers in length. Studies have shown that high-quality CdSe nanoribbons with regular shapes can be obtained by this method. Room-temperature photolumines-cence indicates that the lasing emission at 710 nm has been observed under optical pumping (266 nm) at power densities of 25-153 kW/cm^2. The full width half maximum (FWHM) of the lasing mode is 0.67 nm  相似文献   

Call for Papers     
正Communications—VLSI Researches and industries of telecommunications have been growing rapidly in the last 20 years and will keep their high growing pace in the next decade.The involved researches and developments cover mobile communications,highway and last-mile broadband communication,domain specific communications,and emerging D2D M2M communications.Radio communication steps into its  相似文献   

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