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基于MST的基因数据社团挖掘算法   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
使用机器学习方法来分析生物信息学中一些复杂的基因表达数据是目前重要的研究领域之一.使用社团挖掘的方法对基因表达数据进行分类,社团内由类似的基因数据组成,研究和分析每个社团的结构和功能以及社团之间的关系,这对深刻认识诸多生物过程的本质有重要意义.将最小生成树的概念引入生物信息学中基因表达数据的社团挖掘分析中,设计了最小生成树来表示基因表达数据和基于此的社团挖掘算法,针对该算法提出一些目标函数,来判别基因表达数据社团挖掘算法的性能.最后,通过实验验证了该算法对于一些目标函数能够产生最优的社团划分,并且社团挖掘算法的性能良好.  相似文献   

社会合作网络中社团结构的搜索算法研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
许多实际的网络都具有一个共同性质,即它们都是由各个社团通过公共节点连接而成网络,因此,网络中社团的数目以及每个节点归属于社团的数目对于研究复杂网络都具有重要的意义。通过分析复杂网络的社团结构和寻找网络社团数目的传统算法,针对传统算法所存在的缺陷,提出了一种搜索社团结构的算法。该算法正确的对网络的社团结构进行了划分,且较好的改进了其运行效率。最后指出了进一步的研究方向。  相似文献   

社团发现是复杂网络研究领域里一个极具挑战性的方向。特别地,对于现实世界中许多规模巨大的应用层拓扑,一些社团发现算法因为计算复杂度过高而不适用。另一些社团发现算法的实际性能还有待评估。为此,提出了可用于衡量社团发现算法实际应用价值的三个指标:(1)可扩展性,衡量算法能处理的应用层拓扑的规模;(2)准确度,衡量社团划分结果好坏;(3)敏感度,衡量社团划分结果的一致程度。在7个大规模的现实世界应用层拓扑图上,对三个针对大规模网络的社团发现算法(CNM算法、Wakita算法和Louvain算法)进行了比较分析。实验结果表明,Louvain算法在可扩展性上最优且所得划分结果准确度最高,CNM算法在敏感度上表现最好。  相似文献   

邓小龙  温颖 《电子学报》2016,44(9):2114-2120
社团结构划分对于分析复杂网络的统计特性非常重要.在非均匀社交网络的信息传播中,社团结构划分更是一个广泛关注的研究热点,相关研究往往侧重于研究紧密连接的社团结构对于信息传播所产生的关键影响.传统社团划分方法大多基于点和边的相关特性进行构建,如标签传播算法LPA(Label Propagation Algorithm)通过半监督机器学习方法,基于网络节点标签的智能交换和社团融合过程进行社团划分,但运行效率较低.为提高LPA类算法的运行速度,使其快速收敛,并提高社团划分精度,特别是重叠社团划分精度,针对LPA算法划分中的低运行效率和低融合收敛速度,本文从标签传播的网络连接矩阵本质出发,将该矩阵的最大非零特征值与网络标签信息传播的阀值相结合,提出了新的基于传染病传播模型的社团划分方法(简称ESLPA算法,Epidemic Spreading LPA).通过经典LFR Benchmark模拟测试网络、随机网络以及真实社交网络数据上的算法验证,结果表明该算法时间复杂度大幅优于经典LPA算法,在重叠社团划分上精确度优于基于LPA模型的经典COPRA算法,特别是在重叠社团较明显时,划分精度接近精度较高GA、N-cut和A-cut算法,明显优于GN、FastGN和CPM等经典算法.  相似文献   

发掘复杂网络的社团结构,有助于深入理解网络结构属性及其功能重要性。本文通过定义稠密子团,结合边聚类系数和局部模块度,提出一种DIDE社团挖掘算法。该算法通过选取稠密子团作为初始聚类团,利用边聚类系数扩张该稠密子团,最大化局部模块度值来生成社团结构。在计算机生成网络、三社团网络、Zachary网络和美国足球俱乐部网络上进行社团划分,验证该算法的可行性和有效性。  相似文献   

张磊  刘庆  杨尚尚  杨海鹏  程凡  马海平 《电子学报》2021,49(11):2101-2107
近年来,多目标进化方法已被广泛应用于重叠社团检测问题并取得了较好的社团划分性能.如何设计合适的个体编码以及进化策略是提高基于多目标进化重叠社团检测算法性能的重要因素.为此,本文设计了一种双编码表示方法对非重叠社团结构和重叠点分别进行编码,能够有效解码得到重叠社团结构.在双编码表示的基础上,本文提出了一种基于双编码的重叠社团检测多目标优化方法(DRMOEA).在DRMOEA中,为了获得好的初始个体并提高算法检测性能,本文提出了一种基于社团边界点的初始化策略.除此之外,针对双编码中的重叠点编码部分,本文提出了基于精英个体边界点的交叉策略,该策略利用社团边界信息引导种群向好的方向进化,从而有效提高了算法的检测性能.最后,在9个真实世界网络上的实验结果表明DRMOEA算法优于其他5个代表性重叠社团检测算法.  相似文献   

李争光  宋利 《信息技术》2012,(5):82-87,91
复杂网络中往往存在着社团结构,通过发现网络中的社团结构,可以以社团为单位研究网络的特性和隐藏的规律,从而降低了研究大型复杂网络的难度。文中提出了一种基于结点相似性的层次化社团发现算法,设计了方法选取最佳的边权重阈值,首先得到局部核心树结构,并经过两次扩散步骤,得到网络的社团划分结果。仿真实验表明,提出的算法在较低的时间复杂度下能够取得较高的社团发现准确度。  相似文献   

马学彬  白婧  郑田玉 《电子学报》2016,44(10):2449-2458
基于社团检测的机会网络路由算法大多采用无权重网络拓扑划分社团,仅将节点间的关系抽象为一条简单的无权重的边,忽略了节点关系的强弱程度。本文通过引入权重策略改进了QCA社团更新算法,提出了一种基于有权社团结构的路由算法,该算法解决了社团关系定量化单一的问题,更能真实反映出社团成员之间的关系。算法中,节点间的交互信息转化为权重,根据不同的网络环境选择不同的权重转化方案———归一化权重(normalized weight)和非归一化权重(non-normalized weight)。路由算法在检测到周围网络环境变化时自动切换权重计算方案以适应网络环境的变化。通过在仿真环境和真实数据集上测试和分析,该算法能够将网络中的节点划分出合理的社团结构,并在保证较高的传输成功率的情况下降低网络开销。  相似文献   

随着Web2.0的迅速发展,社交网络规模变得越来越庞大,包含的信息量也越来越多。传统的从全局角度出发进行社团挖掘的算法由于较高的复杂度以及获取全网信息的困难度,不适用于大型复杂网络的社团挖掘。文中提出了一种基于节点相似度和局部中心点的社团挖掘算法,实验结果表明,该算法在保证较高准确度的同时具有线性时间复杂度。  相似文献   

汪林玉  谷科  余飞  尹波  廖年冬 《电子学报》2019,47(4):886-895
个人意愿对于形成网络社团和传播信息有着重要的影响力,因此本文提出一种基于个人意愿的社团结构与信息检测方案.该方案中的社团检测算法初次检测以融入节点属性的模块度,再次检测以兴趣度并能发现重叠社团,最后精细检测以个人意愿,本文社团检测算法(ε_CSDA)较之前的算法更有效的是可以发现重叠社团;同时,该方案建立的信息传播模型在指数模型基础上构建边特征向量(边属性)、节点特征向量(节点属性)和意愿向量(用户意愿、社团意愿和节点意愿),并以传播概率和传播延迟构建模型基本关系,从而使得该模型实现了基于个人意愿的信息传播.实验结果表明,加入个人意愿的社团检测和信息传播方案,能够保证社团检测的有效性和实用性,能够实现用户间信息传播的主动性和可靠性.  相似文献   

Some of today's optical networks are based on the well known WDM-star topology. In most cases, these are single-hop networks equipped with fast-tuneable wavelength transceivers. For these well studied packet-switched networks, several protocols have been designed. In order to avoid the costs of the fast tuneable devices, a network based on an array waveguided multiplexer (AWGM) and arrays of non-tuneable or slow tuneable transmitters and receivers is suggested. In order to enable communication among all stations, a multi-hop environment is introduced which is determined by the AWGM routing matrix. In the case of slow-tuneable devices, the topology can be reconfigured in dependence on changing traffic patterns. In order to get a first insight into the performance of these topologies, we focus on the case of fixed transceiver units and an uniformly distributed traffic matrix.  相似文献   

为了检测网络中存在的网络异常行为,人们已经根据计算机网络通信的特点以及计算机的通信协议提出了许多不同的网络异常行为分析的算法,然而大部分算法[3-6]都是根据计算机网络的整体拓扑结构进行研究分析的,很少考虑单个节点的出入度与网络异常行为的关系。论文是通过对主机出入度的研究与分析,提出了一种"基于主机出入度"的网络异常行为分析算法。实验结果证明,网络的某些异常行为确实与主机的出入度有关,符合一定的数学规律。  相似文献   

Four antenna research projects at the Katholieke Universiteit Leuven are described. In the first project, four different methods for the transformation of plane-polar near-field data to far-field antenna characteristics have been compared, and the method with the best performance (accuracy versus computer time) has been implemented on an HP 1000 and on a VAX under VMS. In the second project, a test method has been developed to detect faulty columns in three-dimensional array antennas. The method is based on a reconstruction technique, and has been implemented in an air-surveillance secondary radar system. In the third project, the transmission-line model developed for rectangular microstrip antennas has been implemented and verified for linear and planar arrays. The software package runs on a PC, as well as on VAX workstations. In the fourth project, a software package, running on a VAX under VMS, has been developed based on a moment-method approach for the analysis of multiprobe, multipatch configurations in stratified-dielectric media. The procedure developed contains features to improve the convergence, accuracy and efficiency of the moment method  相似文献   

In low light condition, low dynamic range of the captured image distorts the contrast and results in high noise levels. In this paper, we propose an effective contrast enhancement method based on dual-tree complex wavelet transform (DT-CWT) which operates on a wide range of imagery without noise amplification. In terms of enhancement, we employ a logarithmic function for global brightness enhancement based on the nonlinear response of human vision to luminance. Moreover, we enhance the local contrast by contrast limited adaptive histogram equalization (CLAHE) in low-pass subbands to make image structure clearer. In terms of noise reduction, based on the direction selective property of DT-CWT, we perform content-based total variation (TV) diffusion which controls the smoothing degree according to noise and edges in high-pass subbands. Experimental results demonstrate that the proposed method achieves a good performance in low light image enhancment and outperforms state-of-the-art ones in terms of contrast enhancement and noise reduction.  相似文献   

In a system, the level of performance is highly dependent on the reliability and maintenance, which are in turn constrained by the cost. In this note, a short overview on reliability and maintainability is given, and the influence of system cost is outlined. Finally, a list of books on reliability and maintainability is complied.  相似文献   

牛晓雷 《现代导航》2021,12(2):143-147
本文研究了通信数据链系统的微弱小信号增强与接收检测算法。为了提升通信数据链系统中信号的接收性能,在低信噪比条件下,提出基于非线性系统的小信号检测算法。在非线性系统中,适当强度的噪声在一定程度上会增强输出信号的幅值,从而实现在强大的噪声背景环境下对微弱小信号的增强和检测功能。本文着重研究了非线性系统中的双稳态系统,分析了通信数据链系统中的 MSK 信号输入到双稳态系统中,利用 Matlab 仿真出输入非线性系统前后的信号时域频域波形图,进而分析了基于通信数据链系统的小信号增强与检测算法性能。Matlab 仿真结果表明,本文提出的算法可以有效改善低信噪比条件下的通信信号接收性能,在信号处理与接收领域有着重大的应用前景。  相似文献   

Identification of ionic-channel types and their selectivity depends critically on the open channel current that can be resolved. In this paper, an automatic channel detection algorithm is proposed that is based on sequential minimization of an index which is usually used in cluster analysis. The algorithm consists of two stages, namely segmentation and classification. In the first stage, the signal samples are segmented based on the assumption that the samples in each segment should be sequentially connected. In the second stage, the resultant segments are classified with no regard to their connectivities. Results on synthetic and real channel currents are very encouraging and they suggest that this algorithm will substantially increase the productivity of many laboratories involved in ionic-channel research.  相似文献   

Quantum Dot Based Infrared Focal Plane Arrays   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
In the past decade, there has been active research on infrared detectors based on intersubband transitions in self-assembled quantum dots (QDs). In the past two years, at least four research groups have independently demonstrated focal plane arrays based on this technology. In this paper, the progress from the first raster scanned image obtained with a QD detector to the demonstration of a 640 512 imager based on self-assembled QDs is reviewed. In particular, emphasis will be placed on a novel quantum dots-in-a-well (DWELL) design, which represents a hybrid between a conventional quantum-well infrared photodetector (QWIP) and a quantum-dot infrared photodetector (QDIP). In the DWELL detectors, the active region consists of InAs quantum dots embedded in an InGaAs quantum well. Like QDIPs, the DWELL detectors have 3-D confinement and display normal incidence operation while demonstrating reproducible ldquodial-in recipesrdquo for control over the operating wavelength, like QWIPs. Moreover, the DWELL detectors also have demonstrated bias-tunability and multicolor operation in the midwave infrared (MWIR, 3-5 ), long-wave infrared (LWIR, 8-12 ), and very long wave infrared (VLWIR, ) regimes. Recently midformat 320 256 and 640 512 focal plane arrays (FPAs) with an NETD of 40 mK at have been reported. The paper will conclude with a perspective on the future directions on the research on QDIP FPA including enhanced functionality and higher operating temperatures.  相似文献   

In this paper, we discuss views concerning different approaches to the analysis of personal communication systems (PCSs): an outside observer's point of view, a user's point of view, and a base station's point of view. In these three approaches the paper focuses on the handover mechanism rather than on the data traffic modeling. In particular, we reexamine these different methods of analysis, combine these views with our approach, and propose a new queueing model. We take into account the speed factor and show that the ordinary measurements that are based on the state probabilities are not appropriate. In addition, we propose a layered queueing model in which low-speed and high-speed users are treated differently.  相似文献   

定点ADSP-Blackfin533的混合编程技术   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
针对ADI的新型ADSP-BF533在音频实时处理上的优势,讨论了如何在该定点DSP上进行C语言与汇编语言的混合编程来提高代码的效率,给出了一些有用的优化原则和具体方法。  相似文献   

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