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一种基于突发分片技术的OBS竞争解决机制   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
介绍了基于光突发分片技术的竞争解决机制,着重对采用光突发分片技术与数据信道调度算法相结合的竞争解决机制进行了研究.通过建立相应的光突发交换网络仿真模型,对结合后的竞争解决方法与其他方法进行了性能比较.结果表明,将光突发分片技术与数据信道调度算法相结合能够有效地降低网络阻塞率,提高信道利用率,从而改善网络性能.  相似文献   

光突发交换(OBS)网络中数据信道的调度算法是提高OBS网络性能的关键技术之一.文章给出了LAUC、LAUC-VF、BR和LAUC-VF-BS等几种数据信道调度算法的基本原理,通过仿真对这些调度算法进行了性能比较,结果表明LAUC-VF-BS算法能够更有效地降低突发丢失率,提高信道利用率,从而改善网络性能.  相似文献   

光突发交换网络中,数据信道的调度是一个关键问题.文章基于现有的信道资源调度算法,提出了基于优先级的可插空重新调度-PBR-VF(Priority-based Burst Rescheduling with Void Filling)算法,该算法采用LAUC-VF Plus作为子算法,并结合重新调度和优先级选择丢弃机制,能够充分利用信道空隙,对信道资源进行高效调度.仿真结果表明,该算法有效地提高了光突发交换网络的信道资源利用率,同时较好地提供了网络的QoS保证.  相似文献   

多态光突发交换(POBS)网络能够有效地支持多种同步和异步业务的传输,但是其异步突发业务的丢失率较相同网络环境下的传统OBS丢失率要高。如何有效地对多态OBS中异步突发进行合理调度,是降低异步突发丢失率的关键所在。提出了一种基于信道整理的调度算法,将已经成功调度的突发重新调度到最合适的数据信道,使得信道资源得到充分的利用,从而降低了异步突发的丢失率。仿真结果表明,该算法能很好地降低多态OBS网络中异步突发的丢失率。  相似文献   

OBS网络中的多BHP延迟调度算法   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
光突发交换 (Optical Burst Switching,OBS) 是下一代光网络中的有效核心交换技术之一。在OBS网络中,核心节点的调度方案是影响网络交换性能的重要因素。如何有效地对突发分组 (Burst) 进行合理调度,以减少丢包率正是关键问题所在。该文提出了一种多控制分组 (Burst Header Packet,BHP) 延迟调度算法,对于一个收集周期内到达的多个BHP所对应的突发数据,按照一定的方式对它们进行集中调度,实现对已预约资源的更改,使调度结果得到了优化。该算法根据不同的网络应用,可细化为4种具体的算法实现,以适用于不同的应用场景。仿真结果表明,该文提出的调度算法和已有算法相比,能够优化对突发分组的调度,提高对信道资源的有效使用,从而降低交换网络的丢包率。  相似文献   

在OBS网络中,核心节点的调度算法是影响网络交换性能的重要因素.如何有效地对数据突发(Data Burst)分组进行合理调度,提高信道利用率,减少丢包率是关键问题所在.在讨论了两种数据信道调度算法的基础上提出了一种BHP收集调度算法,该算法在一个收集周期内对到达的多个BHP所对应的突发数据进行集中调度,从而达到合理调度.仿真结果表明BHP收集调度算法比其他两种算法的突发丢失率性能都要好.  相似文献   

基于虚拟突发的概念,提出了一种新的光突发交换(OBS)数据信道重调度算法,即(WCRA-VB).新算法一方面有效地克服了传统OBS网络中数据突发(DB)与控制分组(BHP)到达顺序不一致带来的问题,另一方面极大地增强了数据块重调度的灵活性.仿真结果表明:与传统OBS重调度算法(其重调度粒度为常规突发)和原虚拟突发调度方案相比较,本文的WCRA-VB算法具有以下优势:既能有效改善网络总的丢包率,也能提高链路利用率,同时具有很强的灵活性.  相似文献   

光突发交换(OBS)是实现下一代光互联网中的一种极具前景的方案。该文提出了一种基于阈值的OBS网络数据信道调度算法,对于长度大于阈值的光突发数据包采用LAUC算法进行调度,对于长度小于阈值的光突发数据包采用LAUC-VF算法进行调度。仿真结果表明,该算法在调度时间方面与已有的LAUC算法很接近;而在光突发数据包丢失率性能方面要优于LAUC-VF算法。  相似文献   

基于光突发交换的下一代光互联网技术   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
给出了基于光突发交换的下一代光互联网技术的体系结构,然后从光突发数据格式、光突发的装配、光突发交换节点与网络结构、资源预留协议,以及数据信道调度算法等方面讨论了其核心技术问题.最后,简要地指出了下一代光互联网技术的未来研究方向和主要研究内容.  相似文献   

介绍了光突发交换原理及波长变换技术.模拟了基于美国国家科学基金网络模型的光突发交换.数据源选用具有自相似性的突发性数据源,采用JET(Just-enough-time)信令协议,使用LAUC-VF数据信道调度算法.为减小竞争的发生,在网络中加入波长变换器.对带波长变换器和不带波长变换器的网络的性能进行了模拟,并对结果进行了分析.  相似文献   

Optical Burst Switching (OBS) has been proposed as a promising switching technology for the next generation of optical transport networks. In this paper, we address the issue of how to provide proportional differentiated services in OBS networks. Firstly, a Dynamic Wavelength Selection (DWS) scheme is introduced to provide proportional differentiated services in bufferless OBS networks by dynamically assigning more and longer periods of wavelengths to high priority classes. This scheme can also utilize wavelengths efficiently because the wavelengths are shared among different classes. Next, a Delayed Burst Assignment (DBA) scheme is introduced, by which bursts of the high priority class are given a higher probability for reserving wavelengths by scheduling the bursts of the low priority class with a delay to provide quality of service (QoS) in OBS networks. The integration of these two schemes provides proportional differentiated services and improves the burst loss performance by giving the burst head packet (BHP) two opportunities of scheduling its data burst (DB).  相似文献   

Optical burst switching (OBS) is one of the most important switching technologies for future optical wavelength division multiplexing (WDM) networks and the Internet. The model of differentiated services has been proposed to support quality of service (QoS) in the IP‐based Internet. It is also very important to have differentiated service support in OBS networks. When the burst scheduling in an OBS network is set up appropriately, network can support differentiated services. In this paper, we proposed a new burst scheduling scheme, called differentiated scheduling with identical priority offset time (DSIPO). In DSIPO, the same priority offset time is used for all the bursts destined to the same edge node regardless of their priorities. Differentiated services in terms of burst loss probability are achieved by processing the control packets of higher priority class bursts, thus reserving resources for their data bursts, more promptly upon their arrival than those of lower priority class bursts. Each intermediate (core) node can adjust the burst loss probabilities of various burst classes by choosing its own differentiated processing delay value for each priority class or its own differentiated processing delay difference value between any pair of adjacent priority classes. We model and analyse DSIPO in terms of the burst loss probability for each priority class with simulation validation. The performance of DISPO is evaluated by simulation. Copyright © 2004 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

提出了一种利用现有的千兆以太网卡,设计和实现光突发交换网络(OBS)边缘节点功能的方法。在IP层和数据链路层之间加入OBS层,可实现对数据包进行组装、排队、调度和发送等OBS边缘节点的基本功能。通过修改Linux操作系统的内核,实现了满足不同业务最大时延和最大包长限制的组装过程,以及采用包分割算法的调度过程。  相似文献   

We propose a new burst scheduling mechanism for Optical Burst-Switched (OBS) networks. The new approach is made possible by gathering data bursts into groups and performing the scheduling decision for each group collectively. In OBS group-scheduling, bursts will not be considered for scheduling until a pre-defined time period elapses, during which the group of burst header packets would be gathered. By transforming a set of data bursts into a set of corresponding time intervals, the problem of scheduling these bursts is transformed into a combinatorial optimization problem. Graph algorithms are applied to obtain the maximum number of non-overlapping bursts. The proposed OBS group-scheduling scheme is shown to improve the performance of OBS networks over existing scheduling schemes in terms of burst loss probability and channel utilization. With an extension through a sequential optimization, using a Branch-and-Bound technique, the proposed scheme can support multiple classes of service. It is shown that the new scheduling approach has several desired characteristics including fairness and service differentiability among classes in terms of burst loss probability and channel utilization.  相似文献   

郭宏翔  蓝洲  林金桐  伍剑 《通信学报》2005,26(5):99-105
针对光突发交换网(OBS)中的资源竞争和QoS支持等问题,提出了一种新型的基于窗口的调度算法。该算法利用边缘节点的电缓存,对调度窗口中的突发数据包进行批量BORA调度,可以有效地降低网络中发生资源竞争的概率;同时调度窗口中的优先级策略还可以进一步增强QoS。网络仿真结果表明,通过选择合适的调度窗口和最大允许时延,该调度算法在0.8的网络负载下使得高优先级突发数据包的阻塞率下降一个量级,信道利用率提高3.5%。  相似文献   

OBS网络中基于优先级的先分割后缓存冲突解决方法   总被引:4,自引:2,他引:2  
为了有效地降低突发包的丢失率和保证OBS网络中不同优先级业务的服务质量,提出了一种基于优先级的先分割后缓存冲突解决方法。该方法通过在多波长信道系统的输出数据信道上设置光纤延迟线组来缓存被分割的冲突突发包。当冲突发生时,首先基于突发包的优先级和处理完毕时间进行"竞争突发包头部分割或者原突发包尾部分割"处理;无冲突部分进行交换或者直接在事先预留的输出数据信道上处理,冲突部分的分割突发包进行光缓存。仿真结果表明,多波长信道系统中,高优先级突发包的丢失率低于低优先级突发包的丢失率。同时该方法在一定程度上可以有效地减少端到端的传输时延和整个网络的丢包率,从而提高整个OBS网络的性能。  相似文献   

光突发交换(0BS)网络中的数据信道调度算法是提高0BS网络性能的关键技术之一.首先介绍和分析了LAUC、LAUC-VF和0DBR基本原理和性能,结合国内外最新研究成果,介绍了四种支持QoS的数据信道调度算法,最后对其应用场合做出总结.  相似文献   

Optical burst switching (OBS) presents itself as a promising technology for bridging the gap between optical wavelength switching and optical packet switching. Increasingly, researchers attempt to incorporate more realistic constraints into the design of OBS networks. Optical signal transmission quality is subject to various types of physical impairment introduced by optical fibers, switching equipment, or other network components. The signal degradation due to physical impairments may be significant enough such that the bit-error rate of received signals is unacceptably high at the destination, rendering the signal not usable. In this paper, based on earlier work, we study the burst scheduling problem in OBS networks, taking into account physical impairment effects. We propose three effective burst scheduling algorithms: (1) a JET based Physical Impairment Constrained Algorithm (JETPIC), (2) an Integrated Physical Impairment Constrained Algorithm (IPIC), and (3) an Enhanced Integrated Physical Impairment Constrained Algorithm (EIPIC). At an OBS node, the proposed algorithms schedule bursts for transmission by searching for available resources as well as verifying signal quality. Our simulation results show that the proposed algorithms are effective in terms of reducing the burst blocking probability. In general, algorithm JETPIC outperforms algorithms IPIC and EIPIC in burst blocking probability and average end-to-end delay performance.
Bin WangEmail:

Optical burst switching (OBS) is a promising switching technology to exploit the potential benefits of optical communication and, at the same time, support statistical multiplexing of data traffic at a fine granularity. To quantify its benefits, the paper describes several typical burst assembly algorithms and studies their impact on the assembled burst traffic characteristics as well as the performance of TCP traffic. Also described is a proactive burst scheduling algorithm, called burst overlap reduction algorithm (BORA), which schedules locally assembled bursts in such a way as to reduce burst contention at downstream nodes in OBS networks. Furthermore, to provide analytical insights into performance evaluation of OBS networks, a burst loss model at an OBS node and its extension to different reservation protocols are presented.  相似文献   

光突发交换网络基于优先级与突发包分割的光缓存方法   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
为了保证光突发交换(OBS)网络中不同优先级业务的服务质量(Qos)和有效地降低突发包的丢失率,提出了一种基于优先级与突发包分割的光缓存方法.该方法通过在输出数据信道上设置光纤延迟线组来缓存被分割的冲突突发包.当冲突发生时,基于突发包的优先级进行"竞争突发包头部分割或者原突发包尾部分割,,处理;无冲突部分进行交换或者直...  相似文献   

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