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A piezoelectric transducer-controlled dual-mode switchable bandpass filter is introduced. A piezoelectric transducer is used to lift up or pull down the attached dielectric substrate perturbation. When the dielectric substrate is pulled down, the perturbation excites dual modes and the dual-mode filter is on. The return loss is better than 10 dB and the insertion loss is less than 3 dB from 2.92 to 3 GHz. When the dielectric substrate is lifted up, the dual-mode resonator is unperturbed and the dual-mode filter is off. The isolation is 21 dB at 3 GHz. The on-off ratio is 18 dB  相似文献   

周宇迪 《现代电子技术》2010,33(18):157-159
为了防备油气浓度超标造成的安全事故,研制了便携式智能油气检测仪。采用接触燃烧式气敏传感器进行油气检测,并增加补偿元件。用电桥电路作为测量电路,用双端输入方式连接电桥与运算放大器,对所采集的信号作放大、补偿处理。采用集成电路A/D芯片进行信号A/D转换,并在LCD数字显示屏上显示油气浓度值。设计报警电路,用C++语言设计软件,采用单片机进行系统控制。气敏元件的误差补偿和数字化浓度检测有创新。该检测仪适用于石油、天燃汽等储运和使用场所。  相似文献   

激光冲击抗金属疲劳断裂的激光参数优化试验研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
蔡兰  张永康 《中国激光》1996,23(12):1117-1120
描述了激光冲击参数对2024-T62铝合金疲劳寿命的影响.当激光脉宽为50ns时.试件表面产生有害的热损伤,疲劳寿命无显著性差别.当激光脉宽为13ns时.试件表面未产生足够的塑性变形,疲劳寿命提高幅度不大.当激光脉宽为30ns时,试件表面形成微凹致密的光亮冲击区.疲劳寿命获得大幅度提高,在95%的置信度下.激光冲击试件的中值疲劳寿命是来冲击试件的4.2~8.1倍.  相似文献   

李榕  李萍 《激光杂志》2005,26(3):67-69
本文提出了一种将两幅生物识别图象通过一套光学系统进行同时加密的方法。该方法先将一幅图象转换为纯相位和进行纯相位编码,再对另一幅图象编码,然后经过4f光学系统作频率域纯相位编码,并利用与编码过程类似的方法进行解码。可以证明该方法的编码图象为恒定的白噪声。解码过程具有鲁棒性,相位部分图象加密的安全性要高于振幅部分图象的加密。并分析了加性高斯噪声对解码图象的影响  相似文献   


The cloud computing is interlinked with recent and out-dated technology. The cloud data storage industry is earning billion and millions of money through this technology. The cloud remote server storage is on-demand technology. The cloud users are expecting higher quality in minimal cost. The quality of service is playing a vital role in any latest technology. The cloud user always depends on thirty party service providers. This service provider is facing higher competition. The customer is choosing a service based on two parameters one is security and another one is cost. The reason behind this is all our personal data is stored on some third party server. The customer is expecting higher security level. The service provider is choosing many techniques for data security, best one is encryption mechanism. This encryption method is having many algorithms. Then again one problem is raised, that is which algorithm is best for encryption. The prediction of algorithm is one of major task. Each and every algorithm is having unique advantage. The algorithm performance is varying depends on file type. The proposed method of this article is to solve this encryption algorithm selection problem by using tabu search concept. The proposed method is to ensure best encryption method to reducing the average encode and decode time in multimedia data. The local search scheduling concept is to schedule the encryption algorithm and store that data in local memory table. The quality of service is improved by using proposed scheduling technique.


王成儒  李翠君 《电视技术》2012,36(15):124-126
运动人体的检测和跟踪一直视频监控的核心部分。提出一种将检测和跟踪实时结合的跟踪方法,检测时采用背景帧差法和帧间差分法得到背景模型,跟踪时采用Kalman跟踪,将跟踪得到的人体和检测到的人体匹配。如果正确,则更新背景模型,否则继续搜索跟踪,及时更新背景模型。  相似文献   

基于直角棱镜的气体传感器在能见度测量中的应用   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
用基于两个相同直角棱镜构成的气室,以不同的灵敏度分时测量气室的输出光强度,来测定大气消光系数,再根据科施米德(Koschmieder)定律计算大气能见度。测试结果表明,用基于直角棱镜的气室测量的数值与直接透射法所测的数值具有很好的相关性,相关系数为0.98;直角棱镜底面的轻度污脏对测量的影响可不考虑,该方法抵抗环境污染影响的能力较强,提高了长期可靠性。气室输出光束被聚焦后,用光纤束接收并传输到光电探测器,有效抑制了旁轴光束的干扰,光纤分布的不均匀性产生的附加误差小于2.0%。将暴露大气中的光学元件加热,控制了结露现象产生的影响。  相似文献   

详细分析了逆变器的死区效应,结合变环宽准恒频滞环控制的特点,本文采用按电流极性对脉冲给予补偿的方法,并对环宽进行修正。另外针对零电流箝位现象和滞环控制本身造成的过零点附近电流极性难以检测的问题,采用零电流附近极性给定策略;针对峰值处占空比为1的情况,通过对环宽进行限幅,减小电压波形的畸变。仿真和实验验证了该方案的可行性...  相似文献   

提出了一种利用SRD产生窄脉冲信号的方法,对其产生窄脉冲的机理进行了分析和仿真,为了使得脉冲宽度变得更窄,电路采用了NLTL结构,拓展了SRD产生窄脉冲的应用,文中分析了NLTL的工作原理。设计了基于SRD和NLTL的皮秒级脉冲产生电路,给出了测试结果,脉冲宽度为110 ps,幅度为3 V。  相似文献   

以十二双酸铵、对硝基苯甲酸、次亚磷酸和高分子添加剂PA四种组分为考察因素,采用单纯形法进行试验设计,研究了节能灯用铝电解电容器的工作电解液的配方.结果表明,当乙二醇质量分数(下同)为93%,癸二酸铵为4.14%,十二双酸铵为0.9%,对硝基苯甲酸为0.16%,次亚磷酸为0.2%,高分子添加剂为1.6%时,制备的铝电解电...  相似文献   

茹海涛 《电子质量》2010,(12):57-59
该文回顾了质量管理发展的历史,探索了现代企业质量管理中提高产品质量的一种新实践模式,即将6sigma的分析方法与TRIZ的创新理论相结合,彻底地解决矛盾,而不是优化参数,最终达到满意的质量水平。并且通过企业的一个实际案例,来讲解具体的操作办法。  相似文献   

铜抛光液对片内非均匀性影响的研究   总被引:4,自引:4,他引:0  
对于低介电常数材料和铜互连结构在低压化学机械抛光中,研发新的抛光液和调整工艺参数是非常必要的。抛光液的研发是减少抛光表面划伤和解决磨料剩余的关键。抛光液组成由片内非均匀性和铜抛光去除速率特性来优化。氧化剂浓度1Vol%;磨料浓度0.8Vol%;螯合剂浓度2Vol%。工作压力1kPa。抛光后表面缺陷减小并且表面干净无污染。去除速率289nm/min,片内非均匀性0.065。化学机械抛光后用原子力测量粗糙度为0.22 nm。  相似文献   

A sufficient condition for the existence of tandem distortion accumulation is described. The distortion for a sample time at which the sufficient condition is satisfied is studied. It is shown that the transcoding distortion is greater than the adaptive differential pulse code modulation (ADPCM) distortion when synchronous code correction is not used and less than the ADPCM distortion when synchronous code correction is used. These results are combined to show that when synchronous code correction is used, the upper bound of the single transcoding distortion is determined by the single transcoding distortion when synchronous code correction is not used. This bound cannot be generalized for multiple tandem cases  相似文献   

成象制导是以高技术为基础的精确制导技术,智能化的成象跟踪是成象制导的一个极其重要的内容。本文提出的成象跟踪方案是以及舰导弹为例而设计的,通过对舰船目标及所处海天背景下的红外图象特征的分析,把整个跟踪过程分为三个阶段,每一阶段分别采用不同的跟踪模式,最后过渡到命中点的选择。并对各跟踪模式进行管理,初步实现了跟踪智能化。把自适应卡尔曼滤波应用于该系统,较好地解决了目标受到遮挡的情况,并通过计算机仿真,达到了预期的目的。  相似文献   

针对INS/GPS组合导航系统在GPS信号被遮挡时,GPS接收机失锁导致导航精度迅速下降的问题,提出了基于BP神经网络辅助的组合导航算法。即在GPS信号锁定的时候,采用卡尔曼滤波对INS/GPS信号进行数据融合得到实时的精确位置,同时利用组合导航输出信息对BP神经网络进行实时在线训练;一旦GPS失锁,利用之前训练好的神经网络对INS系统进行误差补偿,解决精度迅速下降问题。通过跑车实验证明,速度精度在0.2m/s以内,位置精度为25m以内,该算法对INS/GPS组合导航系统有效。  相似文献   

A distributed fixed-step power control algorithm is presented. It is a simple feedback adjustment algorithm using only local information. In the ideal case where there is no power constraint, it is guaranteed that existing users will not be dropped due to admission of new users. If it is infeasible to accommodate all of them, the new user will be blocked. When the constraint on the maximum power is imposed, it is shown by simulation that blocking a new call is more probable than dropping any existing calls, if the capacity is exceeded. Besides, its convergence property is demonstrated. The convergence rate, which depends on the step size, is studied through simulation. In addition, the issue of power quantization is addressed  相似文献   

论述一种Ka频段上变频模块设计,对模块的杂散和相位噪声性能做了分析,根据分析结果,设计出合理的变频方案。滤波器采用Ansoft Designer和HFSS软件协同仿真,薄膜工艺制作,获得足够的杂散抑制度从而实现低杂散。应用取样锁相技术合成了相位噪声极低的27 GHz本振。对波导—微带过渡结构进行仿真,并给出仿真结果。从测试结果表明,模块设计实现了低杂散和低相位噪声。  相似文献   

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