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孙阳光  蔡超  周成平  丁明跃 《电子学报》2009,37(8):1810-1815
 传统Snake模型存在着对轮廓的初始化敏感,对高噪声图像易陷入局部极小值,以及对具有狭长深度凹陷区域的图像无法获得正确轮廓等问题.本文提出了一种基于边缘与区域信息的主动轮廓模型R-Snake(Region Snake).该模型通过文中设计的图像变换算子,并结合区域积分与曲线积分间转化的Green公式,导出了包含目标图像区域信息的区域力.然后由力平衡方程将该区域信息自然直接地引入到主动轮廓提取模型中,从而实现图像的轮廓提取.由于该模型同时利用了图像的区域信息和梯度信息来引导轮廓曲线的演化,使得本文方法不仅扩大了轮廓初始化的范围,降低了对图像噪声的敏感性,而且还增加了轮廓曲线收敛到真实边界的能力.实验结果表明,本文方法具有很强的适应性和鲁棒性,尤其是对高噪声图像和具有狭长深度凹陷的图像获得了优于传统Snake模型的结果.  相似文献   

一种基于脑部肿瘤MR图像的分割方法   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
针对传统的分割方法难以实现医学图像自动分割和准确分割的问题,提出了一种基于GVF Snake模型的医学图像分割方法。该方法采用Canny算子的边缘检测结果作为GVF扩散方程计算的边缘映射图,提高了GVF Snake模型的抗噪性能;用分水岭算法自动获取的轮廓作为GVF Snake模型分割的初始轮廓,降低了GVF力场计算的复杂性和分割时轮廓线的迭代次数。分析和实验结果表明,采用该方法对脑部肿瘤MR图像进行分割时,能自动准确地分割出肿瘤区域。  相似文献   

基于Snake模型的复杂区域图像分割   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
在复杂区域图像分割中,针对传统Snake模型不能收敛到深凹陷区域等缺点,从内部能量函数和算法实现两方面入手对传统Snake模型进行改进,增加了一项由力作功产生的能量项,并采用Greey算法分两阶段实现.结果表明,改进的Snake模型能迅速地收敛到深凹陷区域和更复杂区域,且减弱了分割结果对初值的依赖性和噪声点对边界的影响.  相似文献   

提出了基于类间方差参数活动轮廓模型图像分割法.该方法将气球力参数活动轮廓模型中的恒定气球力替换为包含区域信息的变力,最大化目标和背景两区域类间方差,引导轮廓曲线进化.实验结果表明:对于初始轮廓位置不论是处于目标区域内部,或者是处于背景区域内部,还是与目标和背景区域相交,该模型都能获得正确分割结果.  相似文献   

超像素优化Snake模型的乳腺X线图像胸肌分割   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
提出基于超像素优化Snake模型的乳腺X线图 像胸肌 分割方法。首先采用融合灰度和纹理特征的超像素分割算法将图像分割为多个具有准确边界 、同质的 超像素区域;再根据胸肌的解剖学特征和灰度特征将超像素分类,识别胸肌区域,完成胸肌 的粗分割; 最后使用超像素分类结果优化Snake模型初始轮廓,通过Snake模型演化实现胸肌的细分割 。实验结果表明,本文方法对不同大小、形状和亮 度的胸肌 能够准确地逼近到目标边界,并具有较强的抗噪性和鲁棒性;与其他胸肌分割算法相比,本 文算法准确性较高,稳定性较好。  相似文献   

综合利用通用霍夫变换与Snake算法对序列图像的分割   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
提出了一种综合算法对图像序列进行分割:首先根据上一帧图像物体形状信息用霍夫变换确定在当前帧中同一物体的大致轮廓、位置,再以此轮廓作为初始值,用Snake算法检测出物体的局部形变,对于序列的第一帧用手工勾出目标物体大致轮廓.由于通用霍夫变换抗噪声能力强,而Snake能准确地找出局部形变物体的边缘,综合两种算法的特点能精确地分割出复杂背景下特定的物体.  相似文献   

蛇(Snake)模型,也称活动轮廓模型(Active Contour Model),能利用图像的高层信息能量泛函最小化来解决图像分割问题,多数学者因这点认真研究并改进了Snake,参数活动轮廓最先被研究,从改进力场的角度入手,以GVF-Snake最为出色,该类模型非常适合医学图像的分割,但其本身基于拉格朗日框架,分割结果依赖于初始轮廓的设置,学者借助几何活动轮廓模型,解决参数蛇难于处理拓扑变化问题,使分割以自适应方式进行,极大弱化了初始化要求,提高分割鲁棒性,能分割遥感、纹理、彩色图片。  相似文献   

基于动态轮廓的彩色多人脸检测   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
尹红梅  朱再新 《电视技术》2007,31(Z1):134-136,142
提出了一种复杂背景下的人脸轮廓提取算法,算法包括以下步骤:先基于肤色分割图像,确定肤色区域的边缘;然后,利用人脸模板投影去除不可能是人脸的区域;再用Snake算法获取平滑轮廓;再用惯量矩得到拟合椭圆;最后利用简单的人脸模板对人脸区域进行确认.其算法的主要目的是解决人脸轮廓边缘点的不连续性问题,提取精确的人脸轮廓用于人脸分割和人脸识别,在一定程度上去除了部分遮挡造成的假轮廓边缘点,实验结果证明了算法的有效性.  相似文献   

一种改进的交互式医学图像序列分割方法   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
本文介绍了一种结合live wire算法和活动轮廓模型的医学图像序列的分割方法.我们通过把live wire算法和图像分割中一般的区域增长方法结合来改进live wire算法,并用改进后的算法来对医学图像序列中的单张或多张切片进行交互式的准确分割.然后计算机利用活动轮廓模型来自动分割相邻的未分割切片.我们通过在活动轮廓模型的边缘点中引入记录已分割物体边缘附近局部区域特征的灰度模型来把已分割切片中的物体与背景的局部区域特征带入相邻的未分割切片中,并用由灰度模型定义的区域相似性代替活动轮廓模型中的外能来引导边缘轮廓收敛到物体的实际边缘.本文还介绍了一种基于live wire算法思想的简单的分割结果交互式修补方法.实验表明我们的算法仅需少量用户交互就能快速准确的从医学图像序列中分割出感兴趣的物体.  相似文献   

基于Wasserstein距离的局部能量分割模型   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
钱晓华  郭树旭  李雪妍 《电子学报》2010,38(6):1468-1472
 提出了一种基于Wasserstein距离和图像局部区域直方图信息的非参数活动轮廓分割模型.用该距离对图像中不同区域的直方图进行比较,提高了相似性衡量的准确性;引入高斯内核函数来获取图像局部区域直方图信息,并将信息嵌入模型指导轮廓演化,以克服由于亮度不均造成的图像分割困难;通过水平集规范项提高计算精度并避免水平集演化的重新初始化.实验结果表明,本模型能够对亮度不均的无序特征图像进行有效准确的分割.  相似文献   

Markov random field(MRF) models for segmentation of noisy images are discussed. According to the maximum a posteriori criterion, a configuration of an image field is regarded as an optimal estimate of the original scene when its energy is minimized. However, the minimum energy configuration does not correspond to the scene on edges of a given image, which results in errors of segmentation. Improvements of the model are made and a relaxation algorithm based on the improved model is presented using the edge information obtained by a coarse-to-fine procedure. Some examples are presented to illustrate the applicability of the algorithm to segmentation of noisy images.  相似文献   

RAGS: region-aided geometric snake   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
An enhanced, region-aided, geometric active contour that is more tolerant toward weak edges and noise in images is introduced. The proposed method integrates gradient flow forces with region constraints, composed of image region vector flow forces obtained through the diffusion of the region segmentation map. We refer to this as the Region-aided Geometric Snake or RAGS. The diffused region forces can be generated from any reliable region segmentation technique, greylevel or color. This extra region force gives the snake a global complementary view of the boundary information within the image which, along with the local gradient flow, helps detect fuzzy boundaries and overcome noisy regions. The partial differential equation (PDE) resulting from this integration of image gradient flow and diffused region flow is implemented using a level set approach. We present various examples and also evaluate and compare the performance of RAGS on weak boundaries and noisy images.  相似文献   

Inertial snake for contour detection in ultrasonography images   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Snakes, or active contour models are used extensively for image segmentation in varied fields. However, some major challenges restrict their use in many fields. The authors propose a new inertial snake model, that introduces an inertial effect of the control points into the snake framework. The proposed inertial force along with the first- and second-order continuity forces controls the spline motion through the concavities and also against weak edge forces. This smart force field, added to the inertial energy framework, posses the ability to adaptively reduce its effect near the true edges, so that the energy minimising spline converges into the edges. A greedy snake has been used for computation of the energy minimising spline. The algorithm has been tested on phantoms and ultrasound images as well. It is shown in the results that the proposed algorithm classifies the object from the background class in most of the images perfectly. Ultrasound images of a lower limb artery of an adult woman have been tested with this algorithm, and also extended for motion tracking.  相似文献   

在现有的马尔可夫随机场图象恢复与分割模型中,图象场能量最低组态被看成是原始景物的一种最优估计。但在图象灰度值发生变化的边界上,能量最低组态不对应于原始景物,从而造成恢复(或分割)误差。本文对这类模型作了改进,利用改进的模型给出了一种引入边界信息的松弛算法,并给出了应用该算法对低信噪比图象进行恢复处理的计算机模拟结果。  相似文献   

基于变化检测和改进的GVF snake模型的运动目标轮廓提取   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
为了解决当前目标跟踪中目标轮廓提取不精确的问 题,在对传统GVF (gradient vector flow)snake活动轮廓模型改进的基础上,提 出一种基于变化检测和改进的GVF snake活动轮廓模型的视频目标轮廓提取算法。首先,通 过 基于t显著性检验的变化检测方 法消除背景边界的影响,并获取初始运动变化区域的临界四边形作为GVF snake的初始轮廓 。然后,对初始轮廓应用改进 的GVF snake模型以获得精确的轮廓边界。改进模型采用4方向各项异性扩散,并采用下降速 度较快的保真项系数以增强 GVF snake进入凹陷的能力,且保持对弱边界的收敛。本文方法克服了手动绘制初始轮廓的 缺点,对传统GVF snake方法进 行了改进,且空间准确度(SA)有很大提高。实验表明 ,本文方法成功分割出目标凹陷部分并对弱边界有较好的收敛效果,提高了轮廓提取的精确 度。  相似文献   

Finding the correct boundary in noisy images is still a difficult task. This paper introduces a new edge following technique for boundary detection in noisy images. Utilization of the proposed technique is exhibited via its application to various types of medical images. Our proposed technique can detect the boundaries of objects in noisy images using the information from the intensity gradient via the vector image model and the texture gradient via the edge map. The performance and robustness of the technique have been tested to segment objects in synthetic noisy images and medical images including prostates in ultrasound images, left ventricles in cardiac magnetic resonance (MR) images, aortas in cardiovascular MR images, and knee joints in computerized tomography images. We compare the proposed segmentation technique with the active contour models (ACM), geodesic active contour models, active contours without edges, gradient vector flow snake models, and ACMs based on vector field convolution, by using the skilled doctors' opinions as the ground truths. The results show that our technique performs very well and yields better performance than the classical contour models. The proposed method is robust and applicable on various kinds of noisy images without prior knowledge of noise properties.  相似文献   

Landmarks are prior image features for a variety of computer vision tasks. In the image processing domain, research on image segmentation methods has always been a significant topic. Due to the image characteristics of heterogeneous nature, lack of clear boundaries, noise and so on, accurate segmentation of the image is still a challenge. In this paper, utilizing a level set framework and the simplex constraint, preferred image point landmarks are combined into a variational segmentation model to enforce the contour evolve with prior points. Then the alternating minimization algorithm of the proposed model is designed, meanwhile the landmarks constraints are doubled ensured with simplex projection. Finally, experiments on many synthetic and real-world images were implemented. Comparing with other state-of-the-art segmentation variational models, the most striking result to emerge from the data is that the proposed method has higher segmentation performance. Benefiting from appropriate point landmarks, the proposed segmentation method can tackle noisy, weak edges and corrupted area images effectively and robustly.  相似文献   

Segmentation of left ventricles is one of the important research topics in cardiac magnetic resonance (MR) imaging. The segmentation precision influences the authenticity of ventricular motion reconstruction. In left ventricle MR images, the weak and broken boundary increases the difficulty of segmenting the outer contour precisely. In this paper, we present an improved shape statistics variational approach for the outer contour segmentation of left ventricle MR images. We use the Mumford-Shah model in an object feature space and incorporate the shape statistics and an edge image to the variational framework. The introduction of shape statistics can improve the segmentation with broken boundaries. The edge image can enhance the weak boundary and thus improve the segmentation precision. The generation of the object feature image, which has homogenous "intensities" in the left ventricle, facilitates the application of the Mumford-Shah model. A comparison of mean absolute distance analysis between different contours generated with our algorithm and that generated by hand demonstrated that our method can achieve a higher segmentation precision and a better stability than various approaches. It is a semiautomatic way for the segmentation of the outer contour of the left ventricle in clinical applications.  相似文献   

在图像的获取和传输过程中,可能会出现噪声, 它不仅破坏了图像的真实信息,而且严重影响了图像的视觉效果。因此, 噪声图像的语义分割成为图像分析中最具挑战性的问题之一。为了提高噪声图像的分割性能 ,本文在分析全卷积网络(FCN)的 基础上,提出一种改进的FCN模型(IFCN)对噪声图像语义分割。该算法采用一种新的中值 池化方法代替卷积神经网络的最大值 池化,可以在去除噪声的同时保留更多边缘信息。在训练整个深度网络时,通过反向传播算 法以一种直接的端到端,像素到像素 的方式映射。实验结果表明,提出的模型在PASCAL VOC2012数据集上对噪声图像语义分割 可以获得比较好的分割效果,准确率mean IU达到86.5%。  相似文献   

为了提高图像分割的准确度,尽可能降低分割边缘噪声对图像分割的影响,提出了一种基于降雪模型的图像分割方法,先对降雪模型及积雪表面效应做了详细分析,得出降雪模型运用于图像分割具有较强的适应性,接着在传统的随机游走图像分割算法中加入了自适应降雪模型的特性,生成新的算法,最后运用虚拟图像和真实图像进行算法性能实例仿真,结果表明,该算法的图像分割性能优于常见的NCut和传统随机游走图像分割算法,具有一定的研究价值。  相似文献   

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