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九月份航运业乃至全球商界不得不说的一件事就是韩进破产案。作为全球第七大班轮公司,顷刻之间轰然倒塌,由此引发的冲击波在九月份持续激荡:韩进船舶无法正常靠港作业,大批货物滞留船上,货主忙着追索货物动态或改变订舱渠道;部分航线因韩进船舶停航出现运力短暂紧缺,船公司忙着调剂船舶增开加班航线;由于韩进拖欠船舶租赁公司及船舶基金大量租金,部分船舶基金面临连锁破产风险忙着自救;银行、港口、码头等主要债权人,忙着扣船以期获得补偿。  相似文献   

京杭运河防船舶碰撞有关问题   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
京杭运河是我国南北水路运输的大动脉,素有“黄金水道”之称,同时又是南水北凋的东线通道,她不仅承担了繁忙的运输重任,同时还发挥着巨大的防洪、灌溉、供水、旅游等综合效益.一旦发生恶性水上交通事故,不但会造成人民生命财产的损失,而且有可能影响到取水、防汛甚至是城市的安全。  相似文献   

MTU是世界上顶尖的柴油机制造公司,在全球享有最高荣誉.一百多年来一直作为同行业最高品质的杰出代表之一,其产品广泛应用于舰船、重型汽车、工程机械、铁路机车等.作为陆用、船用和铁路动力系统以及发电设备引擎的供应商,MTU以领先的技术、高可靠性的产品及一流的服务而闻名于世.……  相似文献   

赵丽  陈辉  尚前明 《船海工程》2008,37(1):107-109
通过墨卡托投影,将船舶所处位置地理坐标转换平面坐标,再由平面坐标转换为屏幕坐标,同时将海图按Inmarsat系统作用区域进行划分,推导出每块区域边缘曲线公式,从而可以判断出该船所在的洋区以及与卫星之间的距离,以选择对应卫星进行通信.经测试,上述算法可准确满足GMDSS的需求,可方便的得以使用.  相似文献   

In order to analyze the spatial maneuverability of the remotely operated underwater vehicle(ROV),the 6-DOF motion mathematic model of the ROV was founded.Hydrodynamics were analyzed by using the Taylor series.The thrusters on the ROV were discussed.This paper considers three cases of motion simulation:vertical motion,rotational motion and Z-shape motion.A series of simulation experiments showed that the 6-DOF motion mathematic model was correct and reliable,and also fit with the scene simulation.  相似文献   

For studying the dynamic performance of subsea umbilical cable laying system and achieving the goal of cable tension and laying speed control,the rigid finite element method is used to discrete and transform the system into a rigid-flexible coupling multi-body system which consists of rigid elements and spring-damping elements.The mathematical model of subsea umbilical cable laying system kinematic chain is presented with the second order Lagrange equation in the joint coordinate system,and dynamic modeling and simulation is performed with ADAMS.The dynamic analysis is conducted assuming the following three statuses:ideal laying,practical laying under wave disturbance,and practical laying with tension compensation.Results show that motion disturbances of the laying budge under sea waves,especially with heaving and pitching,will cause relatively serious fluctuations in cable tension and laying speed.Tension compensation,i.e.,active back tension torque control can restrict continuous tension increasing or decreasing effectively and rapidly,thus avoiding cable breach or buckling.  相似文献   

Most of the investigations regarding friction stir welding(FSW)of aluminum alloy plates have been limited to about 5 to 6mm thick plates.In prior work conducted the various aspects concerning the process parameters and the FSW tool geometry were studied utilizing friction stir welding of 12 mm thick commercial grade aluminum alloy.Two different simple-tomanufacture tool geometries were used.The effect of varying welding parameters and dwell time of FSW tool on mechanical properties and weld quality was examined.It was observed that in order to achieve a defect free welding on such thick aluminum alloy plates,tool having trapezoidal pin geometry was suitable.Adequate tensile strength and ductility can be achieved utilizing a combination of high tool rotational speed of about 2000 r/min and low speed of welding around 28 mm/min.At very low and high dwell time the ductility of welded joints are reduced significantly.  相似文献   

引言船舶工业是应用计算机和信息技术起步较早的行业之一,始于20世纪60年代。自20世纪90年代开始,国际上各种先进的船舶CAD、CAM系统有了较大的发展。从数字化技术在船  相似文献   

千百年来,在人们的内心深处,潜藏着对浩瀚海洋的畏惧.尽管人类进入文明社会后有无数的船只航行在大洋之上,但直到今天仍然有两个海域令航海者们谈之色变,其中一个是尽人皆知的"魔鬼百慕大",而另一个的名气虽没有前一个大,但它的"杀伤力"却绝不逊于前者.在这里,船只神秘失踪、潜艇一去不回、飞机凭空消失……令这片海域拥有了"太平洋中的百菜大三角"的恶名,被称为"最接近死亡的魔鬼域"和"幽深的蓝色墓穴".它就是尚不为人所知的--日本龙三角.  相似文献   

蒋立安 《中国港口》2005,(6):44-44,40
太和港位于太和县城南端颍河左岸,颍河二桥(即太和颍河新桥)上游300米处。溯颍河而上38公里抵界首市,顺颍河而下43公里可至阜阳市,距入茨淮新河河口29公里,可经茨淮新河人淮河。东距105国道不足100米,北距蚌埠至河南省漯河市高速公路三角园段和308国道仅7公里。界(首)-阜(阳)-蚌(埠)高速公路、漯阜铁路横穿太和县东西,京九铁路也穿境而过,水陆交通便利。  相似文献   

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