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文章结合1997年刑法的规定,对我国刑法规定了多少个过失犯罪,过失犯罪如何处罚,以及刑法规定了哪些过失危险犯,过失危险犯是否为结果犯之一种,过失危险犯是否成立结果加重犯等基础问题进行了汇整分析与研究.  相似文献   

主管部委与国家局之间的权责划分、工作协调等经常引发一些值得关注的问题。本文认为,可以考虑遵照分类对待、因事因时制宜、不搞一刀切的原则,逐步把部委管理的国家局"国务院直属机构化"或"部委内设局化",切实做到理顺关系、明晰权责、优化结构、提高效能。  相似文献   

Jie Lu 《当代中国》2015,24(92):203-221
The dramatic increase in China's economic and hence political power and influence is a common story around the world. Just how clearly and well does this story get across to citizens of some nations other than China, itself? In particular, we ask what Americans know about China. Do they observe its rise? Are their views simple or rich and nuanced? How do they vary across the public? What leads to more positive and what leads to more negative views of China? We report the results of a survey of the American population designed to address these questions. We find that they are reasonably knowledgeable of China's rise and that they have rich and nuanced perceptions of a variety of dimensions of China, its society, economy and polity. These views are, on balance, not especially positive, but the more cosmopolitan the citizen, the more likely they are to hold positive views. Those who are Democrats, who are liberals, and who have had the opportunity to travel in China are especially likely to have positive impressions.  相似文献   

未成年人犯罪率居高不下已成为不争的事实,但涉案少年于法不惧的行为表现则更令人深思。究其原因何在?又应如何应对?是笔者意欲探讨的问题。  相似文献   

基层政府如何执行存在"张力"的政策?既有研究关注到基层政府在"压力型体制"下通过"变通"、"共谋"等非正式运作执行被上级"加码"的政策。由于"加码"导致既有政策"张力"的增加,作为权力末梢的基层对于"加码"避之不及。吊诡的是,基层时常主动"加码"存在"张力"的政策。如何解释基层主动"制造困难"?本研究以H省J县的村干部选举为案例,揭示基层政府主动"加码"存在"张力"政策的逻辑:主动"加码"被认为是下级向上级"讨价还价"的重要方式,这基于主动"加码"符合上级对完成任务以及晋升的渴求,当基层官员执行存在"张力"的政策时,主动"加码"能够规避政策执行中的潜在风险。简言之,主动"加码"有利于基层官员"卸责"。这对既有研究提供了新的补充:对于存在"张力"的政策,基层政府通过主动"加码"可能更好地完成任务。  相似文献   

Bond Boom     
The Ministry of Finance recently kick-started a pilot program allowing local governments of Shanghai and Shenzhen, and Zhejiang and Guangdong provinces to issue bonds for the first time. How will the new policy affect fiscal capacities of local governments and the broader economy? What else should the country do to build a healthy bond market? Economists and experts discussed these issues in an interview with the ShanghaiSecuritiesJournal. Edited excerpts follow:  相似文献   

伊拉克战争预示着战争正在告别传统进入"后现代",它以新的作战理念与游戏规则为军事新闻传播活动带来不同往昔的影响军事新闻传播是以"事实第一性"还是"利益第一性"为原则?军事新闻的正义诉求与大众媒介的娱乐化消解构成何种关系?当国家利益在力量游戏中被合法化后,新闻自由以何种形式实现?这些不能不引起人们的深入思考.  相似文献   

我国刑法同种数罪处罚原则之探讨   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
对同种数罪如何处罚,理论上向来有"一罚论"、"并罚论……折衷论"的观点对立。隐于观点纷争背后的是数罪并罚的刑法目的和根据。确立同种数罪处罚原则是为了明确同种数罪如何适用刑法规范才能发挥刑法机能,达成刑法之目的。在确定同种数罪处罚原则时必须遵循罪刑法定原则和罪责刑相适应原则。以刑法的基本原则的要求为基点,同种数罪的处罚应遵循"一罚并罚依法而定,一罪数罪处罚有别"的原则。  相似文献   

近年来,随着工农业的发展,由此带来的环境污染问题日趋严重,进而引发的环境侵害诉讼案件日益增加.受害者如何运用法律武器来保护自己的合法权益不受侵害,受到侵害后又如何运用法律的武器来维护自己的合法权益?本文拟就此进行初步探讨并作若干思考.  相似文献   

Why does the Communist Party of China (CPC) remain popular despite making several serious mistakes? How could the CPC make China the world’s second-largest economy? These are among the 13 questions answered by Xie Chuntao, a professor with the Party School of the Central Committee of the CPC, in his latest national bestseller-Why and How the CPC Works in China. The English edition of the book, published in July by the Beijingbased New World Press, won a larger international audience at the Frankfurt Book Fair in October-not only because it addresses Western curiosity about the "China model" and "China’s road," but also because it puts forward a new way of introducing China and the CPC to the world. For this and the next three issues, Beijing Review will publish several chapters of the book, allowing readers a glimpse into the book. Edited chapter one-Why Was the CPC Capable of Establishing a New China-is as follows:  相似文献   

My Shopping List     
Millions of Chinese are hitting the roads, traveling back to their hometowns to celebrate the Spring Festival, the country's most important holiday. But amid the festive atmosphere, will their spending during the holiday be affected by the turbulent global economy? How do they intend to ride out the crisis for the rest of the year? Beijing Review interviewed 10 people from all walks of life and various professions about how they are coping with the financial downturn.  相似文献   

本文以入世后公安刑侦工作基本态势评估作为论述的逻辑起点,从心理适应、办案思想和工作模式三个方面进行论述。文章认为:入世既是压力、挑战,又是加快公安刑侦工作历史性转变的巨大契机,要从心理适应入手,确立新的刑侦工作理念。与此同时,建立新的刑侦工作模式成为必然,并对模式的一般架构提出初步探讨。  相似文献   

以德治国何以重在以德治"官"?根本原因在于领导干部是具体执掌社会公共权力的群体,其从政道德即"官德"是一种特殊的职业道德.这种特殊性主要表现为"涉政"是"官德"的本质特征;"廉洁"是"官德"的底线规范;"慎独"是"官德"的修养境界.  相似文献   

治安拘留与罚款是治安管理处罚中经常适用的两种处罚方式,如何执行该两种处罚,已成为当前公安工作的一个重大问题。为了确保拘留与罚款的执行,应当深刻理会有关法律和司法解释的规定精神,充分考虑被处罚对象的实际情况,尊重和保护被处罚对象应当享有的权利,同时对有关法律、规章进行修改。  相似文献   

作为新闻评论体裁与电视媒介相结合的产物,电视新闻评论这种体裁自问世以来深受观众欢迎.但由于电视新闻评论节目起步晚尚处于发展阶段,因此,许多地方电视台制作的此类节目离思想精深、艺术精湛、制作精致的要求还有很大差距.如何加以改变?本文作者认为:一是要从整体上把握好新闻事实的事和新闻评论的理之间的关系;二是要把握材料内容和表达角度的结构关系;三是要处理好电视评论抽象和表达工具的具象关系,运用好声画语言.  相似文献   

检察机关从2000年开始推行量刑建议试点工作,到2010年在全国全面开展量刑建议。那么检察机关对法院提出的量刑建议性质是怎样的,具体内容又是怎样的,目前改革过程中遇到了哪些困难,我们如何来克服,怎样才能更好的完善量刑建议的规定是此篇文章所要研究的主要问题。文中立足于量刑建议的性质,结合实践中遇到的问题,以一名的检察官的视角,对量刑建议改革提出一些看法和几点建议。  相似文献   

China was a latecomer to the preferential trading bandwagon that has swept East Asia in the years since the financial crises. The Chinese government was unwilling to go down the path of negotiating bilateral and minilateral agreements until the terms of its accession to the World Trade Organization were finalized. Since then, it has become one of the most active participants in the negotiation of preferential trading arrangements, currently being engaged in negotiations with more than 20 countries. The paper will address the following questions about China's move to preferential trade: (a) What forces are driving China's approach to the negotiation of preferential trade agreements? (b) To what extent is it possible to untangle economic and political motivations in China's choice of partners for PTA negotiations? And, which economic interests are being pursued most aggressively? (c) How are conflicting domestic interests reconciled in the policy-making process? (d) To what extent will the new PTAs facilitate Chinese-dominated production networks in the regions? (e) What overall impact will the PTAs have on the Chinese economy?  相似文献   

边疆少数民族地区教育的宗教影响及对策   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在我国,宗教有着相当长的历史和深刻的影响,全国55个少数民族约1.1亿人口中,大部分都有自己的宗教信仰。在信教民族地区,宗教和教育合二为一,各寺院既是宗教活动的据点,又是大大小小的教育中心。如何以科学发展观为指导,调动积极因素,克服消极因素,促进边疆农村少数民族地区国民教育与宗教教育的和谐相处,共同发展,成为边疆农村少数民族教育中的一个十分重要的问题。  相似文献   

Zhihua Shen  Yafeng Xia 《当代中国》2011,20(72):861-880
Utilizing recently available Chinese and Russian archival sources and pertinent media reports, this article attempts to unravel the truth on the connection between the Great Leap Forward/the People's Commune Movement and the Sino-Soviet split. It aims to address the following questions: what are the actual divergences between China and the Soviet Union on the Great Leap Forward and the People's Commune Movement? How did Mao react to the Soviet attitude? How did Mao's reaction directly connect to the Sino-Soviet split? It reveals the actual divergences between Mao and Khrushchev over the Great Leap Forward and the People's Commune Movement.  相似文献   

在中国历史上,儒、道、佛三足鼎立。作为一种社会主流文化,儒、道、佛在苗族中的传播和影响是深刻的。它们是怎样传入到苗族地区的?它们给苗族的思想、文化和社会生活带来了哪些影响?本文将探讨和回答这些问题。  相似文献   

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