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【案情】北京科技大学(下称“北科大”)本科生田永在大学二年级时 ,在电磁学课程补考中 ,因其携带记有公式的字条被监考老师发现。监考老师虽未发现其有偷看行为 ,但还是停止其考试并上报学校。学校根据校发(1994)年第068号《关于严格考试管理的紧急通知》(下称“068号通知”)第3条第2项关于“夹带者 ,包括写在手上等作弊行为者”的规定 ,认定田永的行为是考试作弊 ,并根据第1条“凡考试作弊者 ,一律按退学处理”的规定 ,对田永作出“退学处理”的决定。但田永未收到正式通知 ,该退学处理决定并未得到实际执行。在以后的…  相似文献   

在教育部颁布了自2005年颁布了新的《普通高等学校学生管理条例》,删除了原《规定》中“在校期间擅自结婚而未办理退学手续的学生,做退学处理”的规定。一方面,这体现了国家行政管理法规与相关法律的接轨、统一;另一方面,大学生结婚恰当与否以在高校内乃至社会中引起强烈共鸣。本文试通过实地调研和阐述在校大学生结婚的法律认定和权利认可,以及各高校管理机制存在的问题,以期促进高校对相关问题管理的完善。  相似文献   

袁伟 《行政与法》2008,(3):84-87
本文以近几年我国高校频繁发生的退学纠纷为切入点,检讨目前我国高校行使退学处罚的现状,透析高校行使退学处罚权的法理基础,建议我国应从立法、执法、司法层面完善高校退学权的行使,以确保学生的受教育权得到司法救济。  相似文献   

北京某高校女博士因生育而被迫退学,她一个人的“私事”引发了一场有关如何应对频繁出现的“个人权利面临公共规范侵犯”的大讨论。与此同时,普遍的“现状”被揭示:当“受教育权”和“生育权”冲突时,多数高校的“校规”要求女研究生们像这位女博士生一样,只能选择其一。  相似文献   

“僵尸自行车”的处理问题是一个令学生和学校都十分头疼的问题,本文从处理该问题的主体合法性入手,就高校处理该种自行车是否合法,怎样做才能达到程序合法等问题作出论述,并对高校处理该问题提出了简便易行的方法.  相似文献   

随着高校处分权纠纷进入诉讼情形的急剧增多 ,传统被视为高校权力保留领域的高校处分权的法律监督问题也倍受关注。本文以“大学生怀孕被退学”案作为个案研究的对象 ,对高校处分权及其法律监督问题进行了分析 ,认为完备的高校处分权制度必须设立健全的法律监督体制 ,包括立法保留和司法审查两个方面 ,并且界定了高校处分权法律监督的范围 ,粗略设计了高校处分权法律监督的框架  相似文献   

当“离婚”渐渐为人们所接受,“情人”也成为一种生活的必要调味品时,“未婚妈妈”已不是什么耸人耳目的名词了。 在北京的一所高校里,还有几个月就将毕业的吕小鸥自动退学了。带着肚子中的孩子,她走进了法院……最后又走进了精神病院。 1994年秋,吕小鸥考入了北京一所名牌高校的外语系。身为工人的父母兴奋得几夜没合眼,小鸥的脱颖而出给吕家祖祖辈辈的脸上贴了层金。  相似文献   

阿成  谭爱芳 《政府法制》2005,(24):35-37
贫困女生周诗忆面临辍学时,有幸认识了在澳门工作的爱心人士陈劲草,双方签订了一份“资助合同”:陈劲草负担周诗忆从中学到大学的全部学费和生活费,条件是“五不一必须”:不得退学、不得谈恋爱、不得违反校规、不得有与学生身份不相称的行为、不得在学习期间兼职打工,必须读至本科毕业并获得学士学位。陈劲草在短短一年时间内履约资助了1.2万元人民币。岂料,受助人周诗忆不堪“资助合同”附加条件的“重压”而悄然退学, 从而引发了一场罕见的爱心索赔官司。  相似文献   

一名年仅17岁的少年,因为时常犯些小 错误,成为老师眼中的另类。校政教处 副主任对他的成见更大,曾让少年的家长签了 份如果再犯错误就按“自动退学”处理的“协 议”,并仅因他和同学上学迟到而强逼其退学。 结果师生间矛盾激化发生打斗,为人师表的政 教处副主任竟用随身携带的折叠刀将其刺 死……  相似文献   

“对学术不端行为要像体育界反兴奋剂一样,像对待假冒伪劣产品一样‘零容忍’,实行‘一票否决’。”3月15日教育部举行高校学术风气建设座谈会,教育界官员、专家学者以及高校校长等“会诊”学术不端现象,教育部部长周济在会上作出上述表示。  相似文献   

Prosecutors are among the most powerful actors in any criminal justice system. Their exercise of discretion, however, has not been subjected to the same level of public and empirical scrutiny as other parts of the criminal justice system. To deepen understanding, I empirically explore for the first time the form, function and limits of the New Zealand Crown Prosecutor’s role at the sentencing stage of the criminal justice process. Semi-structured interviews of a non-representative sample of ten Crown Prosecutors are analysed using Hawkins’ framework of “surround”, “field” and “frame”. Findings suggest that whilst New Zealand’s regime shares history, principles, and structural features with English and Australian regimes, it goes further to permit Crown Prosecutors a more assertive role in sentencing. In the ‘surround’, populist and managerial pressures create frustration, strain, and concern. Changes to funding models suggest the potential for unjust sentencing outcomes has increased. The “surround” also intrudes upon and transforms decision-making “frames”. The opinions and presence of stakeholders influences decisions and practices at office and individual levels. Justice may be reactive, forward-looking, or negotiated depending on the particular mix of individuals involved – something accentuated by the regime’s privatised and decentralised form. Findings also suggest that Crown Prosecutors “frame” their role in occupational terms. The lack of interest of universities, professional bodies, and law and policy-makers in offering or requiring prosecutorial training before entry to the role is influential. This renders decision-making more susceptible to pressures in the “surround” and “field”, and increases variation in decision-making “frames”.  相似文献   

中立与合意——两大法系鉴定证据制度的融合   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
黄维智 《现代法学》2004,26(2):181-186
鉴定证据制度是人类社会发展进步的必然产物 ,是证明方法理性和文明的标志。两大法系的鉴定证据制度围绕公正和效率的主题互相借鉴和学习过程中 ,表现出鉴定启动从“随意”到“令状”、主体选择的“合意”先于“指定”、主体地位从“依附”到“独立”、双方认同的“合意”优于“程序”的趋势。我国目前鉴定证据制度中存在鉴定启动的随意性、鉴定主体地位缺乏应有的中立、双方当事人的举证权利未受到平等对待等一系列问题 ,为实现司法公正与效率的价值目标 ,“中立与合意”是我国鉴定证据制度改革过程中的必然选择  相似文献   

胡仁智 《现代法学》2006,28(4):181-186
孔子思想是第一次文化轴心时代人类思想的伟大创造,儒家社会理想的本原是“和谐”。孔子纳“仁”入“礼”,希望通过体现以民为本的社会正义观的“礼法”体系去整合社会,最终实现社会和谐的目标。在孔子的利、义观中,个人之“利”与个人之“义”并不相互冲突。孔子的“义利”观体现了法律的利益调控功能与正义价值的和谐统一,与和谐社会的法治理念有契合性。孔子思想中所体现的“利”与“义”的和谐统一观,对今天以社会和谐为目标的法治建设具有重要的启示作用。  相似文献   

In this article, we consider the effect of criminal records on college admissions. Nearly 72 percent of colleges require criminal history information during their application processes, which indicates that an applicant's criminal history could be a significant impediment to achieving the benefits associated with higher education. We conducted a modified experimental audit to learn whether and to what extent criminal records affect admissions decisions. Matched same-race pairs of tester applications were sent to a national sample of nonelite 4-year colleges, with both testers applying as either Black or White. Within each pair, one application signaled a prior low-level felony conviction only when required by the application. Consistent with the findings of research on employment, we find the rejection rate for applicants with felony convictions was nearly 2.5 times the rate of our control testers. Relative to the large racial differences observed in previous studies of hiring decisions, we find smaller racial differences in admissions decisions. Nevertheless, Black applicants with criminal records were particularly penalized when disclosing a felony record at colleges with high campus crime rates. We address implications for reentry, racial progress, and the college “Ban the Box” movement. We suggest colleges consider narrowing the scope of such inquiries or removing the question altogether – particularly when it conflicts with the goals of these institutions, including reducing the underrepresentation of students of color.”  相似文献   

唐稷尧 《现代法学》2006,28(3):130-136
在大陆法系和英美法系的刑法理论和实践中,违法性认识通过对责任的决定作用成为犯罪成立的重要因素。在中国,社会危害性认识也是犯罪构成要件主观罪过的重要内容。二者在形式上虽然存在差异,但其实质内容和存在的根据则具有一致性。  相似文献   

道与中国法律传统   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
龙大轩 《现代法学》2004,26(2):54-61
“道”是先秦道家提出的且在历史上运用十分频繁的一个哲学概念 ,讲求“天人合一” ,强调自律、内控 ,约束人欲的膨胀 ,以维护人与人、人与自然之间的和谐秩序 ,自由思想、权利意识无所由生。法律制度在“道”的指导下 ,形成“道法”传统 ,沿着三个路径变化、发展 :从政治属性上 ,法作为政治的附属 ,走上专制法统的路子 ;从传统法制的内容上 ,走上轻权利重义务的义务本位的路子 ;从法律体系的构织上 ,走上法网宽疏的路子。“道”成为中国古代法的精神。  相似文献   


Plagiarism is one of the most serious offences in the academic world. It has occurred as long as there have been teachers and students, but the recent growth of the Internet has made the problem much worse. Recent studies indicate that approximately 30% of all students may be plagiarising on every written assignment they complete. The “information technology revolution” is almost always presented as having cataclysmic consequences for education. In post‐secondary circles, perhaps the most commonly apprehended cataclysm is “Internet plagiarism”. Academics at all British universities and colleges can now test students’ work for cheating using the anti‐plagiarism program Turnitin. The program, run by the Joint Information Systems Committee and thought to be the first national system of its kind, offers free advice and a plagiarism detection service to all further education institutions in the UK. This article will try to: first, define exactly what plagiarism is; second, give examples and reports on samples of the new plagiarism detection software; and finally suggest strategies that lecturers can use before turning to the new software.  相似文献   

曾代伟 《现代法学》2004,26(6):9-15
五代十国时期树立的溪州铜柱,是华夏政权妥善处理民族纷争的历史见证,是渝湘鄂黔毗邻地区少数民族土司制度逐步形成的里程碑。本文在梳理相关史料的基础上,着重解读溪州铜柱铭文所传达的民族法文化信息。作为确定独立国家政权与其附属少数民族羁縻政权关系的基本法律,铜柱铭文具有誓约的特质,并以其无可置疑的合法性和权威性,为缔约双方所谨守奉行;在巴楚民族文化圈,乃至中华大地具有较大的示范效应。  相似文献   

After years of litigation in the federal court system, investigator Scott Armstrong lost in his attempt to gain access to documents held by the National Security Council, which successfully argued that it was not an “agency” required by the Freedom of In formation Act to produce records. The effect of such a finding is profound, as “nonagencies” are not only categorically exempt from all FOIA requirements but also freed from obligations by other statutory demands for accountability. This article uses the NSC litigation to demonstrate how the test to determine whether an entity should be classified as an agency, commonly referred to as the “sole‐function” test, has been altered in fundamental ways by recent court opinions. This changing focus makes it easier for many other entities, particularly those in the Executive Office of the President where many of the most important domestic and international decisions are made, to avoid agency status and escape the obligations imposed by Congress regarding disclosure, keeping and disposal of records.  相似文献   

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