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“刚当兵就想跑,到了兰州发了一件棉大衣,毛的,给了一缸子肉,我觉得可以了,吃饱了,也够本了,想回家了,就准备逃跑了,实际上还是怕吃苦呗。”  相似文献   

本文对标准体系方法论中核心程序模块的理论和方法进行了深入的分析,研究建立了标准体系目标分析的纵横目标分析方法,建立了标准体系的三维目标空间,构建了结构化和概念化的标准对象系统,建立了目标关联的标准需求分析方法,定位了标准适用性分析的对象和判据项目,在标准体系结构设计方面引入了标准体系拓扑结构,丰富了标准体系结构设计的选择,给出了技术标准、管理标准、工作标准区分的要点,制定了标准体系表的编制方法,确定了标准体系研究报告和编制说明的编写方法等,明确了标准体系构建的成果形式。  相似文献   

商场在疯狂甩卖,其降幅和冷清堪比非典时期;出租车的空位多了,地铁公交却更拥挤了;公司的年终奖打折了,企业都在喊亏损;华尔街爆发危机了,全球的股市都在跌;公司晚会不办了,出国旅游取消了,皮草名车也不买了……经济危机真的来了。企业家们受影响了么?显然不会例外。央行行长的头发都白了,而更多企业家的头发都掉光了;有的企业家绝处逢生,东山再起,而有的从云端落下,光环尽失;有的企业家卷款逃  相似文献   

人物背景 1996年,技校出身的李毅创建了石家庄安延汽车服务中心,经过12年的发展,拥有了一流的配套设备和先进技术,树立了以人为本的管理理念,组建了专业的团队队伍,完善了企业文化.  相似文献   

王兵 《中外企业家》2013,(2S):48-48
销售战略的确定和销售策略的实施,规范了价格体系,完善了销售渠道,找准了市场,培育建全了销售队伍,达到了效益最大化,使副产品的销售走上了正常化、规范化、科学化。  相似文献   

李彪 《价值工程》2021,40(17):119-120
本文主要介绍了重介系统存在的诸多问题,针对问题对相关设备结构进行设计改进,降低了介质消耗,增加了系统小时处理量,延长了设备使用周期,减少了生产事故,减轻了职工的劳动强度,保证了厂房的安全正常生产,从而进一步保证了职工的人身安全,取得了较好的经济效益.  相似文献   

今天的院务会上,讲了当前和今后一段的工作,讲了干部管理问题、讲了带队伍和落实责任的问题、也讲了思想政治工作和分配问题,表扬了好的现象、做法和苗头,也批评了一些不良现象。晚饭后我思索着一天的事情和自己讲过的话,突然想起了一个从书本上熟悉了的人,他就是卡内基。在19世纪后半叶的美国,随着现代工业的崛起,不但造就了大量的商品和财富,也造就了一批富可  相似文献   

1992年,王福才毅然辞掉了东北国有医院院长职务,揣着1600元钱,来到深圳,开始了"南征"之路。五年的"南征"历练,王福才在打拼中渐渐磨去了书卷气,不仅积累了医药市场的实战经验,拥有了铺向全国的销售渠道,更重要的是打出了诚信的声誉,他  相似文献   

正一、永不言迟的起步规则或许老师当惯了,常问一些青年对未来的打算。大概工作久了,这些青年给我的回答通常是"太迟了,没机会重来了"。究其原因,总是说自己年纪大了。对此,我是不敢苟同的。1977年国家恢复高考,其时已近而立之年的我兴奋异常,从小想进高等学府的夙愿终于有机会实现了。由于得到消息较迟,我匆匆准备了一两个月就进了考场,结果可想而知,名落孙山。转眼半年过去了,又一次高考机会来临。工作之余,用了多少个不眠之夜,我终于如愿以  相似文献   

本文分析了品种规格标准的属性、地位、建立、作用等特点,论述了品种规格标准的内容结构及其要素,划分了五种品种规格类标准的类型,分别阐述了每种标准的主要内容、表述方式和作用等,研究了品种规格的分类和命名关系,讨论了标准中优选原则的建立,论述了品种规格优选的方法,提供了标准中管理的典型内容,给出了标准应用指导的设计方法。  相似文献   

Abstract Time series data affect many aspects of our lives. This paper highlights 10 things we should all know about time series, namely, a good working knowledge of econometrics and statistics, an awareness of measurement errors, testing for zero frequency, seasonal and periodic unit roots, analysing fractionally integrated and long memory processes, estimating VARFIMA models, using and interpreting cointegrating models carefully, choosing sensibly among univariate conditional, stochastic and realized volatility models, not confusing thresholds, asymmetry and leverage, not underestimating the complexity of multivariate volatility models, and thinking carefully about forecasting models and expertise.  相似文献   

In their classic work, Von Neumann and Morgensterndefined a game as simply the totality of the rules which describe it. Theydid not, however, elaborate a theory of rules. Such considerations lead toconceptualizing rules and rule configurations as mathematical objects, specifyingthe principles for combining rules, developing the theory of revising,replacing, and, in general transforming rules and rule complexes. Themathematics is based on contemporary developments at the interface ofmathematics, logic, and computer science. This article, drawing on themathematical theory of rules and rule complexes, extends and generalizes gametheory (GGT). The theory of rule complexes is used to conceptualize andanalyze diverse social relationships, roles, and games as particulartypes of rule complexes. A social role, for instance, is the major basisof an individual's action in a game. It consists of at least four majorcomponents – which are mathematical objects – in the determinationof action: value complex, model of reality (including beliefs and knowledgebases), a repertoire of acts, routines, programs, and strategies, and modalities,role-specific algorithms for determininig or generating action in gamesettings. The article focuses on three types of action modality routineor habitual, normative, andinstrumental modalities. The theory: (1) provides a cultural/institutionalbasis for a theory of gameswhere games, social relationships, and rolesare formalized in terms of rule complexes; (2) explains human action as a formof rule application or rule-following action, which underlies allmodalities of action; (3) formulates the theory that actors construct an action or make choices amongalternative actions by making comparisons and judging similarity (ordissimilarity) between an option or options considered and their norms and values,and, in general, determine whether or not, and to what degree, a value,norm, or goal will be realized or satisfied; (4)reconceptualizes ``game' as a social form and makes a distinction between open and closed games.  相似文献   

运用唯物辩证法,对火灾预防工作从正确认识“隐蔽性与显现性,必然性与可控性,突发性与渐发性,人为性与自然性,重复性与随意性,时效性与经常性,普遍性与特殊性,主体性与客体性,直接性与间接性,季节性与反季节性“之间的关系,进行了辨证思考与分析,并对正确处理好这些关系提出了相应对策.  相似文献   

姬鹏程 《价值工程》2014,(15):138-142
本文主要通过接触网软横跨工程传统的施工技术的进行分析、试验、对比优化改进,通过测量、数据采集、计算、预制及安装调试等步骤分析、总结,创新和完善了软横跨施工技术。充分的证实了软横跨优化创新后的施工技术,在接触网工程施工过程中起到了一次到位良好的效果,缩短工期,避免了重复用工,提高了工效,在今后中国电气化铁路接触网新建、大修、扩建及改建工程中具有很强的推广意义。  相似文献   

沈皓婉 《价值工程》2010,29(13):245-247
从社会和政治变化、电子音乐流派的发展,形成了电子音乐,科学和技术的发展对电子音乐有重大的影响。他们是四个不同历史时期的发展——未来派,法西斯主义,达达派、电子音乐的时期。从最早使用:麦架,嘘声,窃窃私语,爆炸等。音乐和表达感情的表现,在阶级斗争,政治变革和经济危机、发展迅速的电子音乐,用在许多不同的零件,例如播放音乐、电影、电视等,都成了一个必不可少的组成部分的音乐市场。  相似文献   

Are affinity networks, like women’s, LGBTQ+ and bicultural employee networks, really effective instruments for diversity management? These networks, also called identity networks, diversity networks or employee resource groups, are seen as important means to make organizations more inclusive and to provide spaces for professional development and social networking. However, they also strengthen exclusionary norms and power hierarchies. The identification of three sociological dilemmas shines light on the complexities and the ambiguous effects of identity networks. Through its discourse, activities and organizational structure, a network either supports individual career advancement – while strengthening existing inequalities – or promotes organizational change. Recognizing these dilemmas will help researchers, organizations, diversity practitioners, and affinity networks to make more informed and deliberate choices.  相似文献   

佟振冲 《价值工程》2010,29(34):33-34
浅海区域油轮要安全靠泊导管架、自升式平台,首先要了解浅海水域、导管架、平台特点。其次要掌握导管架平台、油轮作业方式。第三油轮方面要做好充分准备,公司方面要加大监管、指导力度,加强船员培训。  相似文献   

《施工总承包企业特级资质标准》即将实施,该标准突出了企业资质能力、人员素质和科技进步等方面的要求,对国内建筑企业发展起到引领战略转型和推动科技进步的积极作用。然而其科学性、规范性和标准性还有待商榷和探讨,其在营业税、年授信额度、财务负责人、注册一级建造师、甲级设计人才、科技等方面的要求存在缺陷。但不论该标准是与非,其实施体现了国家对建筑施工企业发展的新要求,指明了新方向,要求企业必须实现战略转型,在成本领先、差异化和专业化上下苦功,创造独特的、有利的企业经营管理模式,建立企业长期竞争优势,以获得持续发展的"令牌"。笔者就此进行深入思考并提出见解。  相似文献   

Combating environmental pollution and climate change mandates strong commitment and participation of all firms across sectors. However, the environmental conduct of firms is seen to vary as per their characteristics, especially their size, ownership, and age. Current understanding of these characteristics' influence on environmental sustainability is limited, fragmented, and scattered across the literature, which this study seeks to improve and contribute to. Based on a rigorous screening of the last 25 years' literature (1996–2020), the study develops a comprehensive understanding of firm characteristics' implications for environmental sustainability, namely, environmental practices implementation, environmental drivers, environmental barriers, and associated (environmental, cost/economic, operational, and organizational) performance implications. Several meaningful and generalizable trends, conflicts, and consensus, or lack thereof, are revealed. For instance, the extent of environmental practices' implementation can be seen to be greater at large firms' (vis-à-vis small ones) and at foreign firms' (vis-à-vis local ones), though not much difference is seen between old and new firms. Also, several metafactors such as resources availability, innovation propensity, and bureaucracy and organizational inertia are identified that explain the differential influence of firm characteristics on environmental sustainability and dispel erroneous stereotypes. Finally, gaps in the literature offering avenues for future research are highlighted along with implications for research, theory, and practice. Results are expected to help policymakers and practitioners develop policies/interventions that ensure all firms, irrespective of their characteristics contribute to environmental sustainability. A comprehensive review of this kind has not been previously undertaken and constitutes the novelty of this work.  相似文献   

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