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为研究攀援角度对藤本植物金属元素含量的影响,采用原子吸收分光光度法测定了不同攀援角度裂叶牵牛叶片中10种金属元素含量,并对金属元素含量的相关性进行了分析.结果表明:攀援角度处理对裂叶牵牛叶片的金属元素含量产生不同程度的影响.攀援角度对Ca、K、Mg、Fe、Mn、Zn、Cd含量影响显著.大量元素对攀援角度的敏感性小于微量元素.随攀援角度增加(从0°到90°攀援角),叶片Mg、Zn和Mn含量显著增加,而Cd含量显著下降;K、Ca、Na和Fe含量呈"U"型变化趋势;从30°到90°攀援角,Pb含量呈增加趋势;Cu含量的变化规律不明显.相关分析表明,攀援角度与Mg、Zn、Mn含量呈显著的正相关,与Cd含量呈显著负相关;攀援角度与Ca、Na、K、Fe、Cu和Pb含量之间的相关性未达到显著水平.10种金属元素中呈正相关的元素多于负相关元素.其中,Mg、Zn、Mn和Cd在金属元素之间的协同或拮抗中发挥主要作用.  相似文献   

两种消化方法对无齿相手蟹重金属含量测定结果的影响   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
生物样品分别经湿灰法和干灰法消化处理后,测定其Zn,Cu和Pb的含量。结果表明,不同消化方法对样品中Cu含量的测定没有显著的影响,而对Zn和Pb含量的测定都有显著的影响,湿灰法处理后样品中Zn和Pb含量的测定值均普遍高于干灰法处理后相应的测定值。根据本研究结果可知。测定Cu含量的生物样品可用常规灰化温度进行处理,而测定Zn和Pb含量的生物样品宜用低温灰化技术进行处理。图6表1参12  相似文献   

野生食用菌具有富集重金属的能力,据调查研究云南省的部分野生食用菌有重金属超标的情况,探讨野生食用菌对重金属的富集具有迫切意义。本文以鸡枞菌(Termitomyces albuminosus)和珊瑚菌(Ramaria botrytoides)为研究对象,采用ICP-MS测定鸡枞菌和珊瑚菌中Cu、Zn、Cd和Pb的含量,以及野生菌根际土壤和非根际土中重金属的总量和有效态含量。在此基础上,计算了两种野生食用菌根际与非根际土壤中重金属总量的比值,根际与非根际土壤中重金属有效态比值,以及鸡枞菌和珊瑚菌对土壤中重金属富集系数,还探讨了鸡枞菌、珊瑚菌重金属含量与根际土壤重金属总量的相关性。研究结果表明,(1)两种野生食用菌根际与非根际土壤中重金属总量的比值大于1。在鸡枞菌根际/非根际土壤中重金属含量比值高低顺序为:CdPbZnCu,珊瑚菌根际/非根际土壤中重金属含量比值高低顺序为:ZnCdPbCu。(2)根际与非根际土壤中重金属有效态比值总体上大于1。由以上两点可见,鸡枞菌、珊瑚菌根系微环境有利于重金属元素(Cu、Zn、Cd、Pb)的富集。(3)鸡枞菌对Cd、Cu、Zn的BCF(Bioaccumulation factor,BCF)大于1,而珊瑚菌对Cd、Cu、Zn的BCF小于1。鸡枞菌和珊瑚菌对Cd、Cu和Zn的富集能力存在差异。鸡枞菌对重金属富集与根际土壤重金属含量无显著相关性,珊瑚菌对Cu的富集与根际土壤中的Cu呈显著正相关。对野生食用菌进行富集差异研究有利于合理利用云南野生食用菌资源,以及野生食用菌根际效应研究将为野生食用菌生长土壤的重金属环境风险评价提供依据。  相似文献   

山东省主要果园土壤中Cu、Zn的形态、含量及分布   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
对我国山东省主要果园土壤中的Cu、Zn元素的形态、含量及分布进行了研究。结果表明 :果园土壤中Cu、Zn元素的全量高于一般粮田土壤。在不同土壤类型中 ,形态分布各具特点 ,Cu元素在棕壤和褐土中的形态分布趋势一致 ,为矿物态 >有机态 >沉淀态 >交换态 ,在潮土和砂姜黑土中一致 ,为矿物态 >沉淀态 >有机态 >交换态 ;而Zn元素在这 4种土壤中的分布趋势相同 ,均为矿物态 >沉淀态 >有机态 >交换态。土壤中交换态的Cu、Zn含量随土壤pH值的增大而减小。Cu、Zn某些形态的含量与土壤中全量间有一定的相关性 ,其中沉淀态Cu与总Cu的关系较为紧密 ,2者呈极显著相关 ;矿物态Zn与总Zn也呈极显著相关。  相似文献   

湖南某植烟土壤重金属含量及其生态风险评价   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
采集了湖南某植烟区表层土壤样品112份,测定了土壤中6种重金属元素的含量,并采用单因子污染指数法、综合污染指数法和潜在生态危害指数法对其污染状况进行评价.结果表明,植烟区土壤重金属平均含量分别为36.25(Cu)、69.78(Zn)、37.66(Pb)、0.36(Cd)、12.71(As)、0.27(Hg)mg·kg-1.6个元素的变异系数在32.57%—59.03%之间,属于中等变异,元素分布不均.污染评价结果表明,植烟区土壤重金属Cu、Zn、Pb、As的单因子污染指数平均值小于1,其污染较轻.而重金属Cd和Hg的超标率为54.46%和58.04%,土壤受到Cd和Hg污染.潜在生态风险指数评价结果显示植烟区土壤重金属属于轻度污染.相关性分析结果表明Cu、Zn、Pb和Cd之间呈显著相关性,As和Hg相关性显著,说明其同源性较高.来源分析表明,研究区Cu、Zn、Pb和Cd污染来源东北部主要为矿区污染,西南部主要是人为源,As主要来源为成土母质和生活源,Hg主要为大气污染源.  相似文献   

长江口潮滩沉积物的性状对重金属累积的影响   总被引:13,自引:0,他引:13  
采集长江口无明显点源污染的崇明东滩和九段沙潮滩56个沉积物样品,测定沉积物原样和粘粒中Cu.Zn,Pb,Cr,Cd和Ni的含量以及沉积物的主要性状(粒径分布、游离铁、活性铁、总铁、游离锰、总锰、有机碳和磁化率等),以相关分析和偏相关分析研究沉积物中重金属含量与沉积物主要性质之间的关系.结果表明,沉积物中粘粒的Cu,Zn,Pb,Cr和Ni含量分别是相应沉积物原样的2.3,3.3,2.0,1.7和2.1倍.潮滩沉积物粘粒的含量是影响重金属累积的主要因素.潮滩沉积物中的磁化率与重金属含量呈显著相关性,表明利用磁信息研究潮滩重金属污染的可行性.  相似文献   

为了探讨矿业活动对有色金属之乡——南丹县粮食作物玉米籽粒的影响,采集当地玉米籽粒和对应土壤各139份,并分析其Cd、Pb、As、Cu和Zn含量。结果表明,南丹县玉米地土壤Cd、Pb、As、Cu和Zn的平均含量分别为1.205、79.31、29.42、27.91和132.4 mg·kg-1;依据GB 2762—2012《食品中污染物限量》,玉米中Cd、Pb和As的超标率分别为8.4%、28.3%和3.0%。相关性检验结果表明,南丹县土壤和玉米中Cd、Zn、As含量存在显著相关性(P0.05),通过玉米及对应土壤重金属含量对耕地土壤环境质量评价得出,综合质量影响指数均值为2.70,土壤质量状态为轻度超标。人体健康风险评价表明,玉米中单一重金属Cd、Pb、As、Cu、Zn的风险系数和多金属综合风险系数均小于1,且食用玉米的年健康风险也低于国际辐射防护委员会(ICRP)推荐的最大年健康风险水平,表明长期摄入当地玉米对居民的健康不会造成明显影响,可安全食用。  相似文献   

利用地统计学方法,研究了广西岩溶地区某铅锌矿区农田土壤中Cd、Zn、Pb、Cu四种重金属有效态含量的空间分布特征及其影响因子.结果表明:研究区域不同程度地受到Cd、Zn、Pb、Cu的污染,且水田污染较旱地严重;与广西土壤背景值相比,污染程度最严重的是Cd,在水田和旱地中超标率均为100%,平均超标倍数分别为312.94和33.67;其次是Zn,在水田和早地中超标率分别为100%和34%,平均超标倍数分别为38.34和2.11;污染最轻的为Cu,超标率仅为7%.空间分析表明,有效态Cd、Zn、Pb、Cu的块金系数分别为2.7%、0.2%、6.5%、0.13%,体现了强烈的空间自相关性,且四种重金属空间分布特征相似,在离原铅锌选矿厂较近的西北偏西面有效态Cd、Zn、Pb、Cu含量最高,沿着西北偏西至东南偏东的灌溉渠流向,有效态Cd、Zn、Pb、Cu的含量呈递减趋势,东部旱地有效态Cd、Zn、Pb、Cu含量相对较低.土壤有效态Cd、Zn、Pb、Cu在污染区的空间分布与土壤基本理化性质关系密切,有效态Cd、Zn、Pb、Cu与pH、阳离子交换量、粘粒都呈极显著负相关,与有机质含量则呈极显著正相关.  相似文献   

城市森林对大气中重金属的富集特征   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为了探究城市森林不同树种对大气中重金属的富集能力和分析大气环境质量状况,本文以昆明市东三环边坡的城市森林为试验区,玉溪市磨盘山国家森林公园为对照区,选取两地区分布最广泛的蓝桉、云南松、华山松、圆柏为实验对象,通过测定植物叶片中的重金属含量,对其季节变化规律及重金属元素含量间的相关性进行了分析,结果表明:(1)植物叶片中重金属Zn、Cu、Pb、Cd含量(由春到冬)呈先下降后持续上升的变化趋势;Zn含量春季处于最高值(120.63 mg·kg-1);其余3种重金属元素含量冬季达到最高值.(2)叶片中Cu和Pb含量相关性极显著、金属元素的总含量和Zn、Cd的含量也极显著相关,其相关系数均达到0.85以上;Zn和Pb含量的相关性不显著.大气中重金属Pb污染严重的地区可选择华山松作为城市主要绿化树种、Zn污染严重的地区可选择蓝桉、Cu污染严重的地区可选择圆柏、Cd污染严重的地区4种植物均可选择;试验区的空气污染等级达到了Ⅱ级污染,属于轻度污染区,其中春季大气的综合污染指数最高.  相似文献   

通过野外调查与室内实验分析研究了干旱区典型的矿业城市-金昌市郊农田土壤中重金属Zn、Ni、Cu、Pb、Cd五种重金属的EDTA提取态含量情况,并利用surfer对数据进行了空间插值分析.结果表明,金昌市郊农田土壤中这五种元素的EDTA提取态中,Cu的平均提取含量最高,Ni、Zn、Pb的提取态含量相对比较低,Cd的最低.相关性分析的结果显示,这五种重金属的EDTA提取态含量两两之间均呈显著正相关关系;EDTA提取态含量与其全量之间也均呈正相关关系,但只有Cd和Cu两种元素的相关性达到了显著性水平.空间分析表明,这五种重金属EDTA提取态的含量均在自家咀和马家崖子附近存在高值区.  相似文献   

To understand the features and leaching characteristics of copper (Cu) scrap smelting dust and its potential risk to environment and humans, three types of smelting dust were sampled and investigated. The dust samples were collected from the dust captured by cyclone collector, panel cooler, and bag house in a typical Cu scrap smelting process of a factory in Guangxi of China. Zinc (Zn), Cu and lead (Pb) were the main elements of the samples of cyclone collector dust (CCD), panel cooler dust (PCD), and bag house dust (BHD). There were less arsenic (As), Pb and Cu in CCD than PCD and BHD, and PCD contained more manganese (Mn), nickel (Ni), and iron (Fe) than BHD. The particle shapes of BHD appeared more regular than CCD and PCD, and energy dispersive X-ray spectroscopy analysis illustrated the compositions of selected surface areas of three samples. The size of particles ranged from 0.011 to 33.11 μm in CCD, from less than 1 μm to several mm in PCD, and from 0.832 to 363.078 μm in BHD. The main elements in leachate were Zn and Mn from CCD, Zn, cadmium (Cd) and Pb from PCD, Zn, Mn and Cd from BHD. The leaching toxicity risk of Cd, Mn, and Zn of PCD and BHD was higher than CCD.  相似文献   

采用室内模拟方法,在单独与混合暴露条件下研究了褶纹冠蚌(Cristaria plicata)对Cu、Zn的积累与分布特征.结果表明:褶纹冠蚌对水环境中的Cu、Zn具有良好的积累能力,持续暴露8d内,体内各组织重金属积累量基本呈线性上升,其中鳃与外套积累速率最快(p<0.05).Cu在褶纹冠蚌鳃、内脏团和生殖腺中的积累速率与Zn之间存在显著差异(p<0.05),且Cu、Zn之间在各组织中的积累拮抗作用明显.暴露前,Cu含量在褶纹冠蚌体内依次为:生殖腺>外套、内脏团>鳃、足>肌肉(p<0.05),变化幅度为10倍左右;Zn含量依次为:鳃>内脏团>生殖腺>足、外套>肌肉(p<0.05),变化幅度为4倍左右.暴露后,外套和鳃对Cu、Zn的积累量最高,且Cu、Zn含量在不同组织间的变化幅度明显增加.暴露前后,Cu含量在不同组织间的变化幅度均高于Zn.不同暴露条件下,褶纹冠蚌不同组织对Zn的浓缩系数(BCF)明显高于Cu.  相似文献   

Pomacea insularum were collected from polluted and unpolluted freshwater ecosystems in Malaysia. Besides the shells, the soft tissues were dissected and pooled into cephalic tentacle, foot, mantle, operculum, digestive tract, penial sac, lung sac, and remainder. These tissues were analyzed for the concentrations of Cu, Cd, Fe, Ni, and Zn. The present work resulted in three interesting findings. First, the concentrations of Cu, Cd, Fe, and Zn found in most of the different parts of P. insularum collected from the polluted Juru River were significantly (P < 0.05) higher than those found in the snails from the other four sites. Second, positive and significant correlation coefficients were found for sediment-lung sac for Cd, Fe, and Zn while sediment-digestive tract for Cu. These correlation results indicated that lung sacs could reflect the environmental concentrations of Cd, Fe, and Zn, while the digestive tract could do the same for Cu. Third, the different concentrations of heavy metals found in the different parts indicated different metal regulation and binding sites in these organs. The significant correlation coefficients between different tissues indicated that they might be caused by similar metal regulation and sequestration. Based on the above findings, P. insularum are a potential biomonitor of Cd, Cu, Fe, and Zn pollution in freshwater ecosystems.  相似文献   

In 2000, 63 (polished) white rice samples were collected in eight administrative areas all over South Korea and analyzed for 16 elements by inductively coupled plasma atomic emission spectrometry (ICP-AES). Potassium had the highest content, next to Mg, Ca, Si, Zn, Na, Al and Fe. Most of the samples contained worldwide average concentrations of essential and trace elements in rice grains reported by various researches. For inter-area differences in those elements in the rice, the statistical analysis showed no significant differences (p > 0.05) among the eight administrative areas, suggesting that inter-area differences were not substantial in most cases. Thus, the present data can be used as national background levels of elements in rice produced in South Korea. Using the published data on daily consumption of rice in South Korea, it was possible to estimate the daily intake of As, Cd, Cu, Pb and Zn via rice. The results showed that a regular consumption of rice produced in Korea plays an important role in accumulation of essential and trace elements in Korean, especially for farm-households consuming relatively large amounts of rice.  相似文献   

The concentration of heavy metals (Cu, Fe and Zn) were determined by atomic absorption spectrophotometry in the river water and the edible muscle tissues of chub, Leuciscus cephalus, from river Yildiz, Turkey, and in the waste water The following results were found in the water of the river Yildiz: Cu 0.03-0.53, Fe 0.91-1.96 and Zn, 053-1.49 microgl(-1), in the waste water Cu 0.20-0.52, Fe 1.22-2.29 and Zn 0.92-1.46 microgl(-1) and in the edible muscle of chub: Cu 1.00-3.79, Fe 7.21-17.04 and Zn 4.12-18.33 microg g(-1) wet weight respectively. Among the heavy metals studied Pb, Cd, Co, Cr, Ni and Mn were not detected in the river water, waste water and chub samples. Heavy metal contents in these samples were evaluated and the highest concentrations of Cu, Fe and Zn were found in the muscle tissue. The levels of the heavy metals were detected in decreasing order as iron> zinc> copper. All the samples contained comparatively lower amounts of metals as suggested by international and national regulatory bodies. Thus, we recommend periodic monitoring of these metals in the fish consumed by local people.  相似文献   

The tissue and sub-cellular distribution of Fe, Cu, Zn and the naturally occurring radionuclide polonium-210 was determined in the gastropod mollusc Haliotis rubra collected from Western Port Bay, Australia, between March and July 1988. The highest concentrations of the metals, with the exception of Cu, were found in the digestive gland. Copper was more uniformly distributed, with tissues that are more vasculated having higher concentrations. Ultrastructural examination of the digestive gland, gill and kidney showed dense membrane-bound granules within the cytoplasm. Elemental analysis of the granules by electron probe x-ray microanalysis indicated that the granules in the digestive gland and gill contained high concentrations of iron, with small amounts of copper and zinc. In contrast, the metal-containing granules in the kidney were predominantly composed of iron, copper and phosphorus, with variable contributions of sodium potassium, and calcium. Homogenisation and fractionation of the digestive gland by differential centrifugation confirmed that approximately 80, 10, 90 and 50% of the total homogenate Fe, Cu, Zn and 210Po, respectively, sedimented at 1200xg. In the haemolymph, all the elements studied were associated with the soluble high molecular weight component of the serum, not with the amoebocytes. 210Po was present in the mucus-secreting hypobranchial glands at about half the concentration found in gill tissue.  相似文献   

Heavy metals pollution in aquatic environments is a major problem contributing to human health issues. The study of these pollutants through bioindicators such as the oyster Crassostrea iredalei is important for (1) determining the levels and sources and (2) regulating the quantity of pollutants. The concentrations of cadmium (Cd), manganese (Mn), copper (Cu), zinc (Zn), and lead (Pb) in tissues of C. iredalei, sediment and surrounding water was measured, and data was analyzed to determine the relationship between sampling periods and between oyster tissue, sediment, and water. The highest concentration of metals in oyster tissue was Zn, followed by Cu, Mn, Cd, and Pb. Concentrations of Cd, Cu, and Zn exceeded the maximum level allowed according to the Malaysian Food Act of 1983, which is equivalent to the WHO recommended levels of heavy metals in organisms used for consumption. The highest metal concentration in sediment was Mn followed by Zn, Pb, Cu, and Cd. Concentrations of heavy metals in surrounding water were Zn, Pb, Cu, Mn, and Cd. There was no correlation between metal concentration in oyster tissue and in sediment for all five metals.  相似文献   

淮南市城区地表灰尘重金属分布特征及生态风险评价   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
城市地表灰尘中重金属会对人体健康和生态环境产生危害,为研究城市中不同功能区地表灰尘重金属的含量和潜在生态危害水平,以典型煤炭资源型城市淮南市的地表灰尘为研究对象,采集工业区、商业区、交通区、文教区、居住区和公园绿地等6种功能用地共40个点位的地表灰尘。采用电感耦合等离子体发射光谱(ICP-OES)和DMA-80直接测汞仪测定Zn、Pb、Cu、Cr、Cd、Ni、Co、V、Hg的含量,分析其在不同功能区地表灰尘中的分布特征、相关性及可能的来源;并应用潜在生态危害指数法对重金属在不同功能区的潜在生态危害进行评价。结果表明:1)淮南市地表灰尘中 Zn、Pb、Cu、Cr、Cd、Ni、Co、V、Hg的平均质量分数分别是202.59、74.63、62.74、110.69、0.57、35.82、12.18、50.95和0.105 mg·kg-1,其中Zn、Pb、Cu、Cr、Cd、Ni、Hg的平均含量分别是淮南市土壤背景值的3.47、3.17、2.04、1.21、9.50、1.12、2.56倍,是中国土壤背景值的2.73、2.87、2.78、1.81、5.88、1.33、1.62倍。2)9种重金属中,Zn和V的含量在不同功能区分布相对均匀,其他重金属在不同功能区含量均表现出较明显的空间异质性。3)不同功能区中,Zn、Pb、Cu、Ni、Co、V、Hg的平均含量在工业区最高,Cr 和 Cd 的平均含量在交通区最高。4)不同重金属的相关性表明,Zn、Pb、Cu、Cd、Ni 等5种元素有同一来源,Co 和 V 有同一来源。5)单项潜在生态危害系数大小为 Cd〉Hg〉〉Pb〉Cu〉Ni〉Co〉Zn〉Cr〉V。不同功能区9种重金属复合生态危害均处于强生态危害水平(300≤RI〈600),其中工业区和交通区潜在生态危害水平最高。  相似文献   

The accumulations of Al, Cd, Cr, Cu, Fe, Ni, Pb and Zn in the exoskeleton, gills, hepatopancreas and abdominal muscles of crayfish Astacus leptodactylus (Eschscholtz, 1823) were determined. The strongest correlation observed was between Cr and Ni in the gills (r?=?0.904); moderate to strong correlations between Al, Cr, Fe, Ni and Cu were also observed in gill tissue. Disregarding the gills, the strongest correlation was found between Cu and Zn in the hepatopancreas (r?=?0.808); the correlation between these two metals might have been a result of metallothionein activity. The accumulation of Pb was found to correlate with that of Cd in the exoskeleton, Cd and Zn in the gills, Zn and Cu in the hepatopancreas and Cu in the abdominal muscle. None of these correlations were present in lakewater and sediment samples, suggesting that the crayfish metabolism may be responsible for the co-accumulation of metal–metal pairs. As all correlations in non-gill tissues are observed between divalent metals, a shared transporter such as divalent metal transporter 1 might be involved in the accumulation of these metals.  相似文献   

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