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梅娟  赵由才 《环境工程学报》2014,8(6):2548-2552
利用甲烷氧化菌菌液增加材料中甲烷氧化菌的数量,可以得到高甲烷氧化率的填埋场甲烷生物氧化覆盖材料。研究发现,渗滤液原水和渗滤液处理尾水均能促进甲烷氧化菌的生长,可利用渗滤液耦合矿化垃圾混合培养制备甲烷氧化菌菌液用于填埋场甲烷减排。填埋龄长的渗滤液原水有着较好的培养效果,得到的菌液在4 d内最高甲烷氧化速率达到2.68 mL/h,超过甲烷氧化菌培养液(nitrate minimal salt medium,NMS)的实验结果。渗滤液中总氮、无机碳、总有机碳和Ni元素的含量对甲烷氧化菌的培养过程影响较大,适用于甲烷氧化培养的渗滤液应满足:总氮1 400 mg/L,总有机碳55 mg/L,Ni元素0.4 mg/L,总磷含量较高。  相似文献   

生物过滤法净化垃圾填埋场温室气体甲烷的研究进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
生物过滤法是一种低费用、无二次污染的减少垃圾填埋场温室气体甲烷排放的方式,是垃圾填埋气净化的一种很好的选择.介绍了净化垃圾填埋场甲烷的生物过滤器类型及甲烷氧化微生物,概述了生物过滤器氧化甲烷的影响因素、操作条件,并分析了其发展趋势.  相似文献   

垃圾填埋场生物覆盖材料筛选及甲烷减排   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
赵玲  王丹  尹平河  赵超  武晶 《环境工程学报》2012,6(10):3719-3724
通过模拟柱实验研究了消化污泥、矿化垃圾和黏土作为垃圾填埋场生物覆盖材料的甲烷氧化能力。3种材料的甲烷日氧化率平均值、总氧化率和氧化速率V(CH4)分别是:消化污泥10.27%、75.82%、1.76 mmol/(kg·d);矿化垃圾11.05%、75.61%、2.04 mmol/(kg·d);黏土9.05%、68.15%、1.33 mmol/(kg·d),消化污泥和矿化垃圾对甲烷的氧化能力均大于黏土。进一步探讨了消化污泥中添加粉煤灰、建筑垃圾和黏土进行改性后对甲烷的氧化能力,考察了改性污泥的渗透系数和抗压强度。结果表明:粉煤灰对消化污泥的改性效果最好,其日氧化率平均值、总氧化率和V(CH4)分别达到17.27%、92.37%和2.35 mmol/(kg·d),粉煤灰与消化污泥以1∶1~1.5∶1混配后可满足填埋场对覆盖材料渗透系数和抗压强度的要求。  相似文献   

利用和强化垃圾填埋场生物覆盖层的甲烷氧化能力是控制垃圾填埋场温室气体排放的一种经济和有效的手段。以陶粒和堆肥复合基质生物覆盖层为研究对象,采用实验室模拟柱试验方法对不同厚度(30~80 cm)生物覆盖层的甲烷氧化行为进行为期4个月的研究。试验结果表明,不同厚度生物覆盖层的甲烷氧化速率以30 cm厚度最佳;生物覆盖层氧气的空间分布与柱中甲烷氧化活动有显著的交互影响;以碳同位素(δ13C)测得80 cm生物覆盖层中甲烷的氧化率为41.73%。  相似文献   

生活垃圾卫生填埋场甲烷减排与控制技术研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
系统地研究了生物氧化、生物抑制和风力驱动准好氧填埋的生活垃圾卫生填埋场甲烷减排集成技术.研究表明,喷洒了NMS营养液(80 mL/kg)的矿化垃圾为甲烷氧化覆盖层,可以持续氧化甲烷,第23天后甲烷氧化率稳定在75%左右;当氯仿质量浓度为20 mg/kg或乙炔体积分数达到1.2%时,甲烷产量极少,产甲烷菌几乎被完全抑制;采用风帽技术的改进型准好氧填埋可以利用风速0.5 m/s的自然风,在不增加成本的前提下大幅减少甲烷排放.  相似文献   

湿地稻-鸭复合生态种养对甲烷菌种群数量影响的研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
采用厌氧培养箱技术.用最大或然数计数(MPN)法测定稻一鸭复合种养对水稻不同生育期土壤中的产甲烷菌种群数量的影响。结果表明,稻田土壤中产甲烷菌数量的变化规律与稻田甲烷排放的季节变化规律基本一致,早稻田土壤中菌数高峰期出现在孕穗期.晚稻田土壤中菌数高峰期出现在分蘖盛期。实行稻-鸭复合种养,显著降低了稻田土壤中甲烷细菌种群的数量。特别是减少了甲烷排放高峰期的甲烷细菌憨量。早稻田和晚稻田产甲烷菌种群数量分别比对照田降低20%-96.9%和94.3%~95.8%,且两系统土壤中甲烷细菌数量的差异达1%的显著水平。  相似文献   

甲烷厌氧氧化古菌(ANMEs)是甲烷厌氧氧化过程中的重要微生物种群,对自然生境甲烷削减的意义重大,目前研究多集中在海洋系统,而关于ANMEs古菌在淡水系统的研究较少,其相关作用机理和工程应用的研究也尚处于初步阶段。在综合文献及前期研究基础上,介绍了ANMEs为主线的淡水系统甲烷厌氧氧化机制,分析了ANMEs的微生物学特性及地理分布,系统梳理了ANME-2d古菌针对不同电子受体(NO_3~-、Fe~(3+)、Cr~(6+)等)的电子转移体系研究进展;指出了ANME-2d及其他ANMEs可能根据环境改变而选择不同的电子受体,其相对应的电子转移机制也不同。通过对不同电子受体下的ANME-2d及其他ANMEs在淡水系统中的作用机制进行讨论分析,可为淡水系统甲烷厌氧氧化机制和碳循环过程提供理论依据,并为在工程中应用ANMEs实现同步污染物处理和甲烷削减提供新的思路。  相似文献   

以陶粒为载体,利用甲烷、氧气和养分制备出新型甲烷氧化基质--复合陶粒基质.以水分、孔隙度、碳氮比、NO3-浓度为影响因素,以复合陶粒基质的最大甲烷氧化速率(Vmax)为目标函数,进行L16(45)正交试验.以正交试验单因子方差分析结果(F值)为权重分配依据,应用层次分析法建立复合陶粒基质的甲烷氧化能力评分机制.评价结果...  相似文献   

为了研究奶牛粪便堆放高度、堆放方式和温度对奶牛粪便甲烷排放的影响,基于静态箱-气相色谱法,研究了奶牛粪便在4种堆放处理(堆放高度分别为30、45、60cm的处理和每天加粪6cm至堆放高度约60cm的处理)下连续7周的甲烷排放通量。同时,分析了堆放前后奶牛粪便的理化特性。结果表明:4种处理的甲烷日均排放通量的变化规律大致相似,即甲烷日均排放通量在实验前5天较小,第6天开始逐渐上升并相继达到峰值,之后降低并趋于平稳;4种处理的甲烷日均排放通量为(0.243±0.083)~(0.341±0.145)mg/(m3.h);堆放后奶牛粪便的pH(除堆放高度为30cm的处理外)、干物质、挥发性固体含量均下降,而灰分、全氮、全磷、氨氮、总有机碳和碳氮比(除堆放高度为30、45cm的处理外)均上升;回归分析和Wilcoxon配对法非参数检验结果表明,奶牛粪便堆放高度和堆放方式及温度对甲烷排放影响较大,各处理的甲烷日均排放通量与环境温度、奶牛粪便内部温度(包括奶牛粪便表面以下100mm处温度及奶牛粪便堆放中心温度)均呈指数关系。  相似文献   

微量NO2对厌氧氨氧化甲烷化反硝化耦合影响的动力学分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
采用批试验方法,研究微量 NO2对颗粒污泥厌氧氨氧化、甲烷化和反硝化耦合的影响.基于 Haldane 模型建立了厌氧氨氧化的 NO2 强化函数,估计了强化函数中的最大强化系数(30.55)、NO2 半饱和常数(1.96 mg/L)、NO2 抑制常数(0.0082 mg/L)和基础速率系数(0.0314).微量 NO2 对甲烷化和反硝化动力学可用反竞争性抑制动力学方程进行描述.甲烷化的最大比乙酸盐去除速率为0.15 mg COD/(mg VSS·h),乙酸盐半饱和常数为395 mg COD/L,NOz抑制系数为0.623 mg/L.反硝化的亚硝酸盐氮最大去除速率 0.00685 h-1,亚硝酸盐氮半饱和常数0.214 mg/L,NO2 抑制系数为22.4 mg/L.试验中大部分的 NOx 气体物质出现损失.  相似文献   

Landfill fugitive methane emissions were quantified as a function of climate type and cover type at 20 landfills using U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) Other Test Method (OTM)-10 vertical radial plume mapping (VRPM) with tunable diode lasers (TDLs). The VRPM data were initially collected as g CH4/sec emission rates and subsequently converted to g CH4/m2/day rates using two recently published approaches. The first was based upon field tracer releases of methane or acetylene and multiple linear regression analysis (MLRM). The second was a virtual computer model that was based upon the Industrial Source Complex (ISC3) and Pasquill plume stability class models (PSCMs). Calculated emission results in g CH4/m2/day for each measured VRPM with the two approaches agreed well (r 2 = 0.93). The VRPM data were obtained from the working face, temporary soil, intermediate soil, and final soil or synthetic covers. The data show that methane emissions to the atmosphere are a function of climate and cover type. Humid subtropical climates exhibited the highest emissions for all cover types at 207, 127, 102, and 32 g CH4/m2/day, for working face (no cover), temporary, intermediate, and final cover, respectively. Humid continental warm summers showed 67, 51, and 27 g CH4/m2/day for temporary, intermediate, and final covers. Humid continental cool summers were 135, 40, and 26 g CH4/m2/day for the working face, intermediate, and final covers. Mediterranean climates were examined for intermediate and final covers only and found to be 11 and 6 g CH4/m2/day, respectively, whereas semiarid climates showed 85, 11, 3.7, and 2.7 g CH4/m2/day for working face, temporary, intermediate, and final covers. A closed, synthetically capped landfill covered with soil and vegetation with a gas collection system in a humid continental warm summer climate gave mostly background methane readings and average emission rates of only 0.09 g CH4/m2/day flux when measurable.

Implications The OTM-10 method is being proposed by EPA to quantify surface methane emissions from landfill covers. This study of 20 landfills across the United States was done to determine the efficacy of using OTM-10 for this purpose. Two recently published models were used to evaluate the methane flux results found with VRPM optical remote sensing. The results should provide a sense of the practicality of the method, its limitations at landfills, and the impact of climate upon the cover's methane flux. Measured field data may assist landfill owners in refining previously modeled methane emission factor default values.  相似文献   

Landfill fugitive methane emissions were quantified as a function of climate type and cover type at 20 landfills using US. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) Other Test Method (OTM)-10 vertical radial plume mapping (VRPM) with tunable diode lasers (TDLs). The VRPM data were initially collected as g CH4/sec emission rates and subsequently converted to g CH4/m2/ day rates using two recently published approaches. The first was based upon field tracer releases of methane or acetylene and multiple linear regression analysis (MLRM). The second was a virtual computer model that was based upon the Industrial Source Complex (ISC3) and Pasquill plume stability class models (PSCMs). Calculated emission results in g CH4/m2/day for each measured VRPM with the two approaches agreed well (r2 = 0.93). The VRPM data were obtained from the working face, temporary soil, intermediate soil, and final soil or synthetic covers. The data show that methane emissions to the atmosphere are a function of climate and cover type. Humid subtropical climates exhibited the highest emissions for all cover types at 207, 127, 102, and 32 g CH4/m2/day, for working face (no cover), temporary, intermediate, and final cover, respectively. Humid continental warm summers showed 67, 51, and 27 g CH4/m2/day for temporary, intermediate, and final covers. Humid continental cool summers were 135, 40, and 26 g CH4/m2/day for the working face, intermediate, and final covers. Mediterranean climates were examined for intermediate and final covers only and found to be 11 and 6 g CH4/m2/day, respectively, whereas semiarid climates showed 85, 11, 3.7, and 2.7 g CH4/m2/day for working face, temporary, intermediate, and final covers. A closed, synthetically capped landfill covered with soil and vegetation with a gas collection system in a humid continental warm summer climate gave mostly background methane readings and average emission rates of only 0.09 g CH4/m2/day flux when measurable.  相似文献   

分别以厌氧污泥、脱氮硫杆菌菌悬液和厌氧污泥并添加脱氮硫杆菌菌悬液为接种物,以硫化物和硝酸盐为进水基质,考察不同接种物条件下,各反应器的硫化物氧化特性、反硝化特性、生化反应机理及微生物特性。结果表明,在无菌条件下,硫化物不能被硝酸盐化学氧化。接种脱氮硫杆菌菌悬液的2#反应器的硫氧化速率为1.98 g S/(m3.h),停留24 h硫化物的去除率高达97%,脱硫能力最强,该接种条件下以硝酸盐氧化硫化物为主反应,优势菌为杆菌,进水的NO3--N/S应控制在0.4以下,可以实现高效生物脱硫。接种厌氧污泥的1#和3#反应器的脱氮效果比2#反应器好,停留时间为24 h时,硝酸盐的平均去除率为96%。单独接种厌氧污泥的1#反应器的硫氧化速率为1.78 g S/(m3.h),其优势菌为球菌,该接种条件下以硝酸盐氧化硫化物和硝酸盐氧化单质硫为主反应,进水的NO3--N/S应控制在0.8左右。以厌氧污泥联合脱氮硫杆菌为接种物时,硫氧化速率为1.71 g S/(m3.h),反应器以硝酸盐氧化硫化物、硝酸盐氧化单质硫以及异养反硝化为主反应,驯化后优势菌为球形、卵圆形和短杆状,应控制进水NO3--N/S为1.2,可以实现同步脱硫反硝化,该工艺既可以用于含硫废水的处理,也可以用于C/N低的硝酸盐废水的处理。  相似文献   

Landfills are among the major sources of anthropogenic methane (CH4) estimated to reach 40?×?109kg per year worldwide by 2015 (IPCC, 2007 IPCC. 2007. Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, Synthesis Report on Contributions of Work Groups 1, 2, and 3 to the Fourth Assessment Report Core Writing Team, Edited by: Pauchar, R.K. and Reisinger, A. Geneva, Switzerland: IPCC.  [Google Scholar]). A 2½-year field experiment was conducted at a closed landfill in western Michigan where methanotrophs, methane-consuming bacteria, were stimulated by nutrient addition to the soil without significantly increasing biogenic nitrous oxide (N2O) production. The effects of the nitrogen amendments (KNO3 and NH4Cl), phenylacetylene (a selective inhibitor of nitrifying bacteria that contribute to N2O production), and a canopy (to reduce direct water infiltration) on the vertical soil gas profiles of CH4, CO2, and O2 were measured in the top meter of the soil. Methane and nitrous oxide fluxes were calculated from the corresponding soil gas concentration gradients with respect to depth and a Millington–Quirk diffusivity coefficient in soil derived empirically from soil porosity, water content, and diffusivity coefficients in air from the literature. Methane flux estimates were as high as 218.4 g m?2 day?1 in the fall and 12.8 g/m?2 day?1 in the summer. During the spring and summer, CH4 fluxes were reduced by more than half by adding KNO3 and NH4Cl into the soil as compared to control plots, while N2O fluxes increased substantially. The concurrent addition of phenylacetylene to the amendment decreased peak N2O production by half and the rate of peak methane oxidation by about one-third. The seasonal average methane and N2O flux data were extrapolated to estimate the reduction of CH4 and N2O fluxes into the atmosphere by nitrogen and inhibitor addition to the cover soils. The results suggest that such additions coupled with soil moisture management may provide a potential strategy to significantly reduce greenhouse gas emissions from landfills.

Implications The results of a 2½-year study of effects of nutrient stimulation on methane oxidation in landfill cover soils demonstrates that nutrient addition does decrease methane emissions. The work further underscores the control which soil moisture exerts on methane oxidation. Water management is critical to the success of methane oxidation strategies.  相似文献   

Methane oxidation fluxes were monitored with the closed chamber method in eight treatment plots on a semi-wet grassland site near Giessen, Germany. The management regimes differed in the amount of nitrogen (NH4NO3) fertilizer applied and in the height of the in-ground water table. No inhibition of CH4 oxidation occurred, regardless of the amount of annual N fertilizer applied. Instead, the mean CH4 consumption rates were correlated with the mean soil moisture of the plots. However, the correlation between daily soil water content and corresponding CH4 oxidation rate was always weak. During drought period (late summer) water stress was observed to restrict CH4 oxidation rates. The findings led to the question whether methane production with soil depth might modify the CH4 fluxes measured at the surface. Therefore, two new methods were applied: (1) soil air sampling with silicone probes; and (2) anaerobic incubations of soil cores to test for the methane production potential of the grassland soil. The probe measurements revealed that the CH4 sink capacity of a specific site was related to the vertical length of its CH4 oxidizing column, i.e. the depth of the CH4 producing horizon. Anaerobically incubated soil cores produced large amounts of CH4 comparable with tropical rice paddy soil. Under field conditions, heavy autumnal rain in 1998 led to a dramatic increase of soil CH4 concentrations upto 51 microliters l-1 at a depth of 5 cm. Nevertheless, no CH4 was released when soil surface CH4 fluxes were measured simultaneously. The results thus demonstrate the high CH4 oxidation potential of the thin aerobic topsoil horizon in a non-aquatic ecosystem.  相似文献   

Biodegradation of trace gases in simulated landfill soil cover systems   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The attenuation of methane and seven volatile organic compounds (VOCs) was investigated in a dynamic methane and oxygen counter gradient system simulating a landfill soil cover. The VOCs investigated were: Tetrachloromethane (TeCM), trichloromethane (TCM), dichloromethane (DCM), trichloroethylene (TCE), vinyl chloride (VC), benzene, and toluene. Soil was sampled at Skellingsted landfill, Denmark. The soil columns showed a high capacity for methane oxidation, with oxidation rates up to 184 g/m2/d corresponding to a 77% reduction of inlet methane. Maximal methane oxidation occurred at 15-20 cm depth, in the upper part of the column where there were overlapping gradients of methane and oxygen. All the chlorinated hydrocarbons were degraded in the active soil columns with removal efficiencies higher than 57%. Soil gas concentration profiles indicated that the removal of the fully chlorinated compound TeCM was because of anaerobic degradation, whereas the degradation of lower chlorinated compounds like VC and DCM was located in the upper oxic part of the column. Benzene and toluene were also removed in the active column. This study demonstrates the complexity of landfill soil cover systems and shows that both anaerobic and aerobic bacteria may play an important role in reducing the emission of trace components into the atmosphere.  相似文献   


The attenuation of methane and seven volatile organic compounds (VOCs) was investigated in a dynamic methane and oxygen counter gradient system simulating a landfill soil cover. The VOCs investigated were: Tetrachloromethane (TeCM), trichloromethane (TCM), dichloromethane (DCM), trichloroethylene (TCE), vinyl chlo-ride (VC), benzene, and toluene. Soil was sampled at Skellingsted landfill, Denmark. The soil columns showed a high capacity for methane oxidation, with oxidation rates up to 184 g/m2/d corresponding to a 77% reduction of inlet methane. Maximal methane oxidation occurred at 15–20 cm depth, in the upper part of the column where there were overlapping gradients of methane and oxygen. All the chlorinated hydrocarbons were degraded in the active soil columns with removal efficiencies higher than 57%. Soil gas concentration profiles indicated that the removal of the fully chlorinated compound TeCM was because of anaerobic degradation, whereas the degradation of lower chlorinated compounds like VC and DCM was located in the upper oxic part of the column. Benzene and toluene were also removed in the active column. This study demonstrates the complexity of landfill soil cover systems and shows that both anaerobic and aerobic bacteria may play an important role in reducing the emission of trace components into the atmosphere.  相似文献   

Methane-oxidizing bacteria (methanotrophs) in the soil are a unique group of methylotrophic bacteria that utilize methane (CH4) as their sole source of carbon and energy which limit the flux of methane to the atmosphere from soils and consume atmospheric methane. A field experiment was conducted to determine the effect of nitrogen application rates and the nitrification inhibitor dicyandiamide (DCD) on the abundance of methanotrophs and on methane flux in a grazed pasture soil. Nitrogen (N) was applied at four different rates, with urea applied at 50 and 100 kg N ha?1 and animal urine at 300 and 600 kg N ha?1. DCD was applied at 10 kg ha?1. The results showed that both the DNA and selected mRNA copy numbers of the methanotroph pmoA gene were not affected by the application of urea, urine or DCD. The methanotroph DNA and mRNA pmoA gene copy numbers were low in this soil, below 7.13?×?103 g?1 soil and 3.75?×?103 μg?1 RNA, respectively. Daily CH4 flux varied slightly among different treatments during the experimental period, ranging from ?12.89 g CH4 ha?1 day?1 to ?0.83 g CH4 ha?1 day?1, but no significant treatment effect was found. This study suggests that the application of urea fertilizer, animal urine returns and the use of the nitrification inhibitor DCD do not significantly affect soil methanotroph abundance or daily CH4 fluxes in grazed grassland soils.  相似文献   

模拟生物反应器加速产甲烷过程研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
渗滤液原液回灌易导致填埋垃圾产甲烷过程的滞后,从而对甲烷收集利用产生不利影响。通过3根实验室模拟生物反应器,研究了原液回灌(C1)、渗滤液好氧预处理后回灌(C2)和原液回灌+垃圾层上部通风曝气(C3)3种填埋方式下的填埋气产气规律。结果表明,C1甲烷浓度经历短暂上升,达到19.5%后开始逐渐降低,产甲烷速率和产甲烷总量均很低;C2甲烷浓度逐渐上升,在第121天时甲烷浓度达到50%,产甲烷最高速率和产甲烷总量分别为0.31 L/(kg·d)和25.2 L/kg。在停止上部垃圾层通风曝气后,C3甲烷浓度迅速上升,在81 d时甲烷浓度便达到50%以上,最大产甲烷速率和产甲烷总量分别为0.22 L/(kg·d)和16.0 L/kg。对各模拟柱填埋气可回收性评价结果表明,C3填埋气可回收利用比例最高,C2略低,C1在实验期间内则无可回收利用气体产生。  相似文献   

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