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产品生态设计是一种新的设计理念,其以产品环境特性为目标,以生命周期评价为工具,综合考虑产品整个生命期相关的生态环境问题,设计出对环境友好的,又能满足人的需求的新产品。设计方法和步骤包括四个阶段:产品生态辨识,产品生态诊断,产品生态定义,生态产品评价。  相似文献   

通过工业性运行试验,验证“蔗渣碱法造纸制浆黑液资源化处理”项目工艺路线在工业过程中的可行性,工艺设备的可靠性,纸产品以及黑液处理回收产品的产量,质量及其工艺的稳定性;得出资源化回收产品产率,质量等工业实验数据,为项目产业化实施提供设计依据。  相似文献   

3月16日,由国际食品包装协会委托有关方面进行的“3·15”北京市场2类餐具质量安全调查结果显示:一次性塑料餐具70%合格,仿瓷(密胺)餐具质量有所提高。然而,无证企业的产品和虽已获证但产品有严重问题的一次性塑料餐具,仍占据部分市场;超市仿瓷餐具手续齐全质量较有保证,批发市场仿瓷餐具有证产品增多,但无证产品近50%不合格。  相似文献   

聚天冬氨酸制造工艺研究进展   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
聚天冬氨酸具有高生物可降解性,是一种优良的“环境友好”型阻垢分散剂和缓蚀剂,它是一种新型水处理剂,本文系统地介绍了近年来聚天冬氨酸合成方法的最新研究成果,分析了各种合成方法和反应条件对产品转化率及其性能的影响,概括了控制成产品转化率与摩尔质量的主要因素和产品的分离提纯方法,提出了今后聚天冬氨酸制造工艺研究的发展方向。  相似文献   

利用粉煤灰制备镁橄榄石微晶玻璃的研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为丰富微晶玻璃外观色泽,提高产品竞争力,利用氟硅酸盐在微晶玻璃制备中可作成核剂的特性,经过理论分析确定以粉煤灰提取有价成分后的含氟固体残渣为主要原料生产镁橄榄石微晶玻璃的配料。通过等温晶化制度对产品进行晶化处理;运用扫描电镜对产品的结晶过程进行观察;采用X射线衍射分析确定产品的主晶相,验证是否生成了该配料条件下的目标晶相。研究表明,晶化产物中生成了大量以镁橄榄石为主晶相的微晶体,且基础玻璃的熔融温度大为降低,该原料配比是成功的。  相似文献   

首次探索了一种破坏式造孔与有机复合相结合的新方法以制备介孔复合水环境净化材料,使最终产品成为一种具有广谱孔结构分布的复合环境材料。详细介绍了该方法的第二步工艺即添加剂升温烧蚀法,在优化后的最佳条件下,产品的孔径得到了进一步扩大,其中部分孔道直径可达至介孔级,同时材料的表面得到了进一步活化。经此步工艺后,所制备的中间产品染料吸附量是原材料的19.4倍,是酸洗刻蚀后产品的12.2倍;24h吸湿率是原材料的3.8倍,是酸洗刻蚀后产品的1.9倍。  相似文献   

为积极配合《中华人民共和国节约能源法》的实施,国家标准化管理委员会制订了46项与该法配套的国家标准,并于2008年6月1日起陆续实施。此次发布的46项国家标准包括:22项高耗能产品单位产品能耗限额标准;5项交通工具燃料经济性标准;11项终端用能产品能源效率标准;8项能源计量、能耗计算、经济运行等节能基础标准。其中,新制订国家标准37项,修订国家标准9项,强制性国家标准36项。  相似文献   

中国塑料加工工业协会近日联合信息产业部电子信息产品污染控制促进中心在京召开阻燃塑料标识及绿色塑料促进座谈会。与会代表纷纷表示,要大力推进塑料加工产业和电子信息产品的污染控制,致力于建设环境友好型和谐行业,为生态文明建设做出贡献。  相似文献   

中国科学院沈阳应用生态研究所与锦西天然气化工有限责任公司联合研制的“生态缓释尿素”是一种新型长效氮肥,是863计划资助项目。该产品是在现代化大型尿素装置生产过程中,加入对保护环境有益的尿酶抑制剂,按一定工艺生产的缓释尿素产品,  相似文献   

江西江维高科技股份有限公司利用生产过程中的废弃物、电石渣、煤渣以及陶瓷尾矿等作原料,采用高科技综合玻璃和陶瓷技术制作成一种新型建筑装饰材料——特种微晶玉石板材,填补了江西高档建筑材料产品的空白,是高档石材的替代品,无天然石材危害健康的放射性元素,属绿色环保产品。  相似文献   

通过试验研究,总结出可张孔曝气阻力损失的影响因素,以优化产品的结构设计参数,降低产品在工程应用中的能耗,获取更好的经济效益。  相似文献   

无纺布动态膜生物反应器处理碱减量印染废水   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
应用无纺布动态膜生物反应器(DMBR)处理碱减量印染废水,对该反应器处理碱减量印染废水过程中的实验结果表明,动态膜形成过程、影响因素和系统的运行效果进行了研究。通过测定临界通量得到反应器稳定运行的亚临界条件。实验结果表明,反应器运行70 min后,形成了稳定的动态膜。动态膜的形成速度与曝气量有关,当曝气量过大时,使得膜面错流速度过大,从而影响动态膜的形成。孔径对动态膜形成的初期影响较大,小孔径膜基材比大孔径膜基材更容易形成动态膜,而当动态膜稳定形成后,小孔径膜基材形成的动态膜性能略好,对污染物的去除效果更好。实验条件下,动态膜生物反应器对COD、UV254、色度和浊度的去除率分别为74%~85%、74%~79%、79%~86%和96.8%~98.6%,出水水质达到《纺织染整工业水污染物排放标准》(GB4287-2012)排放要求。  相似文献   

In preparation for a field experiment where a NAPL will be injected into a fractured sandstone aquifer, a 2D invasion percolation model of DNAPL migration in a single horizontal fracture with varying aperture has been developed. This simulation investigated the effect of spatially correlated fracture aperture fields on pressure-saturation relationships as a function of variable aperture mean, standard deviation, and spatial correlation statistics under hydrostatic conditions. Results from spatially correlated variable aperture fields can be significantly different from random fields. Longer ranges decreased entry pressures and higher standard deviations decreased nonwetting phase saturations. Mean aperture is the major control on displacement pressure, entry pressure and the form of the pressure-saturation curve. Simulation results using statistical parameters for a variable aperture natural sandstone fracture as described by Yeo et al. [International Journal of Rock Mechanics and Mining Sciences 35 (1998) 1051] closely resemble a Brooks-Corey pressure-saturation function, and exhibit a distinct entry pressure followed by a rapid increase in nonwetting phase saturation. Graphical estimates of entry pressure provide a good approximation of the critical aperture controlling the formation of a continuous nonwetting phase pathway in a variable aperture fracture. Consequently, we show that multiphase flow concepts developed for porous media can successfully be applied to variable aperture fractures. Entry pressure correlates well to the mean aperture in these simulations when using a Gaussian distribution of fracture aperture. Interpreted aperture distributions from NAPL injection experiments do not fit the true distribution well at low nonwetting phase saturations, but do at higher saturations above the entry pressure. Consequently, true, mechanical aperture variation within a fracture plane cannot be determined from NAPL injection experiments either in the field or laboratory.  相似文献   

Measurements of groundwater velocity in discrete rock fractures   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Estimating groundwater velocity in fracture networks using a Darcy or cubic law calculation is complicated by the wide distribution of fracture aperture often found in these systems and by the difficulty in measuring hydraulic head in discrete fracture features. Although difficult to conduct in a fractured rock setting, the point dilution method can be utilized to collect direct measurements of groundwater velocity in individual fractures. To compare measured against calculated velocities, more than 100 point dilution experiments were conducted within a 35 x 35 m area of a single fracture and in discrete fracture features within a fracture network at a larger scale. The dilution experiments were conducted by isolating a fracture feature in a borehole, measuring the hydraulic aperture, and measuring the decay of an injected tracer due to the advective groundwater flux across the fracture. Groundwater velocity was estimated using the hydraulic aperture and the rate of decay of the injected tracer. Estimates of the local hydraulic gradient were calculated via the cubic law using the velocity estimate and the hydraulic aperture. The results of the tests conducted in the single fracture show variable (1 to 33 m/day) but on average higher velocities in comparison to that measured during a natural gradient tracer experiment conducted previously (in which the effects of matrix diffusion were accounted for) and to that which would be calculated using the cubic law. Based on these results, it was determined that the best estimate of the average groundwater velocity, at the scale of the measurement area used for the cubic law calculations, could only be obtained using the largest apertures in the aperture distribution. Variability of the velocity measurements was also observed over time. Increases in velocity were attributed to the effect of rainfall although concurrent increases in hydraulic gradient were not detected (likely within the tolerance of the measuring devices). The groundwater velocities measured in the fracture network varied over a wider range than at the scale of the single fracture (from 2 to 388 m/day). No correlation, however, was observed between the size of the fracture aperture and measured velocity.  相似文献   

An experimental study of the transport properties of fluid-saturated joints composed of two complementary rough fracture surfaces, translated with respect to each other and brought in contact, is reported. Quantitative roughness measurements on different fractured granite samples show that the surfaces have a self-affine geometry from which the dependence of the mean aperture on the relative displacement of fracture surfaces kept in contact can be predicted. Variations of the hydraulic and electrical conductances of the joint are measured as functions of its mean aperture. A simple parallel plane model accounts for the global trend of the measurements, but significant deviations are observed when a relative lateral displacement of the surfaces is introduced. A theoretical analysis of their origin shows that they are due both to the randomness of the aperture field and to a nonzero local slope of the surface near the injection hole; the corresponding conductivity fluctuation amplitudes have power law and linear variations with the lateral displacement, and are enhanced by the radial injection geometry.  相似文献   

Bush bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) lines 'S156' (O3-sensitive)/'R123' (O3-tolerant) and cultivars 'BBL 290' (O3-sensitive)/'BBL 274' (O3-tolerant) were used to study the effects of O3 on stomatal conductance (gs), density, and aperture size on leaf and pod surfaces with the objective of establishing links between the degree of plant sensitivity to O3 and plasticity of stomatal properties in response to O3. Studies in open-top chambers (OTCs) and in continuously stirred tank reactors (CSTRs) established a clear relationship between plant developmental stages, degrees of O3 sensitivity and gs: while 'S156' had higher gs rates than 'R123' earlier in development, similar differences between 'BBL 290' and 'BBL 274' were observed at later stages. Gs rates on the abaxial leaf surfaces of 'S156' and 'BBL 290', accompanied by low leaf temperatures, were significantly higher than their O3-tolerant counterparts. Exposure to O3 in CSTRs had greater and more consistent impacts on both stomatal densities and aperture sizes of O3-sensitive cultivars. Stomatal densities were highest on the abaxial leaf surfaces of 'S156' and 'BBL 290' at higher O3 concentrations (60 ppb), but the largest aperture sizes were recorded on the adaxial leaf surfaces at moderate O3 concentrations (30 ppb). Exposure to O3 eliminated aperture size differences on the adaxial leaf surfaces between sensitive and tolerant cultivars. Regardless of sensitivity to O3 and treatment regimes, the smallest aperture sizes and highest stomatal densities were found on the abaxial leaf surface. Our studies showed that O3 has the potential to affect stomatal plasticity and confirmed the presence of different control mechanisms for stomatal development on each leaf surface. This appeared to be more evident in O3-sensitive cultivars.  相似文献   

We use electrical resistance measurements to characterize the aperture field in a rough fracture. This is done by performing displacement experiments using two miscible fluids of different electrical resistivity and monitoring the time variation of the overall fracture resistance. Two fractures have been used: their complementary rough walls are identical but have different relative shear displacements which create "channel" or "barrier" structures in the aperture field, respectively parallel or perpendicular to the mean flow velocity U(→). In the "channel" geometry, the resistance displays an initial linear variation followed by a tail part which reflects the velocity contrast between slow and fast flow channels. In the "barrier" geometry, a change in the slope between two linear zones suggests the existence of domains of different characteristic aperture along the fracture. These variations are well reproduced analytically and numerically using simple flow models. For each geometry, we present then a data inversion procedure that allows one to extract the key features of the heterogeneity from the resistance measurement.  相似文献   

By using translucent epoxy replicas of natural single fractures, it is possible to optically measure aperture distribution and directly observe NAPL flow. However, detailed characterization of epoxy reveals that it is not a sufficiently good analogue to natural rock for many two-phase flow studies. The surface properties of epoxy, which is hydrophobic, are quite unlike those of natural rock, which is generally assumed to be hydrophilic. Different surface wettabilities result in dramatically different two-phase flow behavior and residual distributions. In hydrophobic replicas, the NAPL flows in well-developed channels, displacing water and filling all of the pore space. In hydrophilic replicas, the invading NAPL is confined to the largest aperture pathways and flow frequently occurs in pulses, with no limited or no stable channel development, resulting in isolated blobs with limited accessible surface area. The pulsing and channel abandonment behaviors described are significantly different from the piston-flow frequently assumed in current modeling practice. In addition, NAPL never achieved total saturation in hydrophilic models, indicating that significantly more than a monolayer of water was bound to the model surface. Despite typically only 60-80% NAPL saturation, there was generally good agreement between theoretically calculated Young-Laplace aperture invasion boundaries and the observed minimum apertures invaded. The key to determining whether surface wettability is negligible, or not, lies in accurate characterization of the contaminant-geologic media system under study. As long as the triple-point contact angle of the system is low (<20 degrees), the assumption of perfect water wettability is not a bad one.  相似文献   

By using translucent epoxy replicas of natural single fractures, it is possible to optically measure aperture distribution and directly observe NAPL flow. However, detailed characterization of epoxy reveals that it is not a sufficiently good analogue to natural rock for many two-phase flow studies. The surface properties of epoxy, which is hydrophobic, are quite unlike those of natural rock, which is generally assumed to be hydrophilic. Different surface wettabilities result in dramatically different two-phase flow behavior and residual distributions. In hydrophobic replicas, the NAPL flows in well-developed channels, displacing water and filling all of the pore space. In hydrophilic replicas, the invading NAPL is confined to the largest aperture pathways and flow frequently occurs in pulses, with no limited or no stable channel development, resulting in isolated blobs with limited accessible surface area. The pulsing and channel abandonment behaviors described are significantly different from the piston-flow frequently assumed in current modeling practice. In addition, NAPL never achieved total saturation in hydrophilic models, indicating that significantly more than a monolayer of water was bound to the model surface. Despite typically only 60–80% NAPL saturation, there was generally good agreement between theoretically calculated Young–Laplace aperture invasion boundaries and the observed minimum apertures invaded. The key to determining whether surface wettability is negligible, or not, lies in accurate characterization of the contaminant-geologic media system under study. As long as the triple-point contact angle of the system is low (< 20°), the assumption of perfect water wettability is not a bad one.  相似文献   

In situ chemical oxidation (ISCO) employing permanganate is an emerging technology that has been successful at enhancing mass removal from DNAPL source zones in unconsolidated media at the pilot-scale. The focus of this study was to evaluate the applicability of flushing a permanganate solution across two single vertical fractures in a laboratory environment to remove free phase DNAPL. The fracture experiments were designed to represent a portion of a larger fractured aquifer system impacted by a near-surface DNAPL spill over a shallow fractured rock aquifer. Each fracture was characterized by hydraulic and tracer tests, and the aperture field for one of the fractures was mapped using a co-ordinate measurement machine. Following DNAPL emplacement, a series of water and permanganate flushes were performed. To support observations from the fracture experiments, a set of batch experiments was conducted. The data from both fracture experiments showed that the post-oxidation effluent concentration was not impacted by the oxidant flush; however, changes in the aperture distribution, flow field, and flow rate were observed. These changes resulted in a significant decrease to the mass loading from the fractures, and were attributed to the build-up of oxidation by-products (manganese oxides and carbon dioxide) within the fracture which was corroborated by the batch experiment data and visual examination of the walls of one fracture. These results provide insight into the potential impact that a permanganate solution and oxidation by-products can have on the aperture distribution within a fracture and on DNAPL mass transfer rates. A permanganate flush or injection completed within a fractured rock aquifer may lead to the development of an insoluble product adjacent to the DNAPL which results in the reduction or complete elimination of advective regions near the DNAPL and reduces mass transfer rates. This outcome would have significant implications on the plume generating potential of the remaining DNAPL.  相似文献   

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