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为全面认识老年驾驶人的驾驶特征,分析其驾驶行为,从老年驾驶人交通事故致因和心理、生理等因素,梳理国内外老年驾驶人特性及行为的研究成果,总结主要研究内容和方法,并展望其未来研究趋势。结果表明:造成老年驾驶人交通事故的因素主要包括个人因素和道路环境因素,同时性格态度、自我评价等心理特征和认知功能、视听觉等生理特征也影响驾驶行为。总体上,老年驾驶人的驾驶特征及行为研究,内容精确丰富,方法科学完善;而对老年驾驶人驾驶能力评估的研究,则重点关注在综合统计学和心理学等方法的基础上,构建具体度量模型,用以评价和预测其驾驶能力。  相似文献   

为减少自动驾驶过程中驾驶疲劳对驾驶人状态的影响,综合分析人机共驾环境下驾驶人的疲劳研究发展现状,系统梳理人机共驾模式下驾驶疲劳的研究成果,探索未来发展方向。首先,通过文献检索与关联性分析,明确人机共驾过程中疲劳累积研究现状;然后,从手动驾驶和人机共驾下的驾驶疲劳致因分析、驾驶时长和非驾驶相关任务对疲劳的影响、人机共驾环境下驾驶疲劳对驾驶行为的影响3个维度,讨论分析研究成果;最后,提出人机共驾环境下驾驶人疲劳研究的不足与发展方向。研究结果表明:人机共驾模式导致驾驶人被动疲劳增加,接管绩效受损,弹性设置非驾驶相关任务与自动驾驶时间可有效缓解被动疲劳;人机共驾过程中驾驶疲劳的演化规律与检测模型尚不明确,结合人机共驾场景特征探索驾驶人疲劳调控策略是未来研究重点。  相似文献   

为全面认识驾驶人行为及风险感知并分析行为成因,从驾驶人生理因素着手,从驾驶人视力、阻塞性睡眠呼吸暂停综合征和肌肉骨骼疾患3个方面梳理国内外驾驶人行为及风险感知的研究成果与研究不足。研究结果表明:驾驶人的生理疾病对其驾驶能力和危险感知存在显著影响;生理疾病严重程度与异常驾驶行为中的一般性失误、危险性失误行为之间具有显著正相关关系,疾病严重程度越高,出行失误行为的频率越高;之后可从理论和实验两方面着手,针对驾驶人的不同属性进行研究。  相似文献   

为研究不同驾驶人在追尾事故中的驾驶行为特征,用Near-crash事件代替真实碰撞事件,选取一段城市快速道路开展实车试验。首先测试21名驾驶人实驾时的最大减速度、制动至最大减速度时间、平均减速度、碰撞时间倒数(TTCi)4个指标;然后用Mobileye等设备提取数据,得到不同性别、驾驶经验、驾驶风格的驾驶人指标因素;最后对数据进行方差分析。结果表明:Near-crash事件中,女性驾驶人平均减速度、最大减速度大于男性驾驶人,女性驾驶人更倾向于急刹车;经验影响驾驶人的平均减速度、最大减速度;熟练驾驶人制动到最大减速度时间长,制动过程更加平稳;激进型驾驶风格的驾驶人车头时距(THW)小于保守型驾驶人。  相似文献   

目前全世界范围每年约有60多万人死于道路交通事故中,通过对事故的分析和交通安全工程师对人车安全系统的研究,发现驾驶人的生理素质对事故的发生有密切联系。因此,要想安全驾驶一生,就必须了解驾驶员生理方面的知识,掌握一些克服驾驶员生理对安全不利因素的方法。影响驾驶安全的生理因素主要有驾驶员的视觉特性、听觉特性、人体感觉特性、驾驶疲劳特性以及酒后驾车等对安全行车的影响。  相似文献   

为全面认识驾驶人在愤怒情绪影响下的驾驶特征,回顾、分析了国内外学者在驾驶愤怒与攻击性驾驶的关系、驾驶愤怒影响因素、量表开发与应用及驾驶愤怒相关干预措施的实施等4个方面的研究成果。结果表明:驾驶愤怒的诱发受人口学、心理和环境因素的共同影响,驾驶愤怒在某种程度上会导致攻击性驾驶。驾驶愤怒量表(DAS)、驾驶愤怒表达量表(DAX)和驾驶愤怒倾向量表(PADS)被广泛用于驾驶愤怒的测量,用多种心理训练对驾驶人进行愤怒干预,尽管有一定的效果,但干预对象和方法均较为单一。总体上,众多学者使用相关问卷研究了驾驶人从愤怒情绪的诱发到表达的整个过程,并通过驾驶愤怒预测风险驾驶行为特征,研究内容不断丰富和完善,方法不断创新;对于如何有效减少或避免驾驶愤怒对交通安全的影响,未来应从驾驶人文化背景、交通模式、结合生理和心理特性的干预方法等方面重点考虑。  相似文献   

为研究新老驾驶人在农村公路复杂环境中的视觉特性,采用眼动仪测量若干被试人员在实际驾驶过程中的视觉生理指标,运用统计学和数据挖掘方法分析新老驾驶人的瞳孔直径、注视特性、扫视特性和追随眼动特性,进而辨析新老驾驶人的驾驶行为特性差异。结果表明,在农村公路复杂道路环境中,新老驾驶人的视觉特性和驾驶行为具有明显差异。新驾驶人的瞳孔直径变化剧烈,表现出长时间注视和注视反馈特性;老驾驶人具有较多短时间注视特性,注视前瞻性和反馈特性都很明显,并且具有追随眼动特性。  相似文献   

为探究外部干预对驾驶人危险感知能力的作用效果,梳理不同理论描述驾驶人危险感知过程,并总结驾驶人危险感知行为机制;然后,从危险感知行为要素出发,分析驾驶风格、驾驶经验、交通环境、驾驶状态对危险感知能力的影响;其次,介绍5种危险感知能力干预方式的研究成果,归纳各方式特点;最后,从干预效果持续性、评价指标、迁移效应等方面总结...  相似文献   

为促进驾驶人危险辨识研究,系统梳理国内外有关驾驶人危险辨识的研究进展。介绍驾驶风险管理理论以及危险辨识的定义和模型,归纳驾驶人危险辨识能力的评估和提升方法,展望驾驶人危险辨识的研究前景。结果表明,驾驶人危险辨识的模型和训练体系有待进一步完善;为获得更为准确的评估结果,有必要研究融合交通环境、眼动特性、驾驶行为等多源信息的驾驶人危险辨识能力评估方法。为进一步提升我国道路交通系统安全水平,应加快驾驶人危险辨识相关研究成果在我国的市场化应用。  相似文献   

对交通肇事逃逸定义是指发生交通事故后,交通事故当事人为逃避法律追究,驾驶车辆或者遗弃车辆逃离交通事故现场的行为。但有少数机动车驾驶人无视法律法规,发生交通事故后,不积极抢救伤员、保护现场,为逃避法律追究和民事赔偿逃离现场,给受害当事人造成极大的生理及经济负担。笔者综合分析交通事故逃逸案件,对肇事逃逸犯罪  相似文献   

Introduction: While road traffic accidents and fatalities are a worldwide problem, the rates of road traffic accidents and fatalities show differences among countries. Similarly, driver behaviors, traffic climate, and their relationships also show differences among countries. The aim of the current study is to investigate the moderating effect of driving skills on the relationship between traffic climate and driver behaviors by country. (Turkey and China). Method: There were 294 Turkish drivers and 292 Chinese drivers, and they completed the Traffic Climate Scale, the Driving Skills Inventory, and the Driver Behavior Questionnaire. The moderated moderation analyses were conducted with Hayes PROCESS tool on SPSS. Results: The results showed that safety skills moderated the relationship between internal requirements and violations both in Turkey and China. Safety skills also moderated the relationship between internal requirements and errors only in China and the relationship between functionality and violations in Turkey. Perceptual-motor skills moderated the relationships between external affective demands and errors, and also the relationship between internal requirements and positive driver behaviors in Turkey. It can be inferred that driving skills has different influences on traffic climate-driver behaviors relationship in different cultures and there might be cultural differences in the evaluation of drivers’ own driving skills. Practical Applications: Among driving skills, safety skills have a more critical role to increase road safety by decreasing number of violations. Interventions to increase safety skills of drivers might be promising for road safety.  相似文献   

《Safety Science》2006,44(8):733-746
Youth, worldwide, are involved in a disproportionate number of road accidents, in general, and fatal accidents, in particular. Kuwait is no exception to this trend. The objectives of this funded research were to identify the trends in belt use, smoking in motion, and road accidents of young drivers in Kuwait. Findings of a person-interview questionnaire survey of 1467 randomly selected young drivers in Kuwait are presented. The socio-economic, driving experience, belt use, smoking behaviour, and road accident involvements of the sample young drivers are given. The interrelationships between the socio-economic, belt use, smoking behaviour, and road traffic accidents are also examined. Degrees of association between these variables are determined, and the extent of potential contribution of smoking-in-motion to causes of road accidents is also determined. Young female drivers were found to be generally safer drivers than their young male counterparts; those who smoked while driving used seat belt less, and had a higher involvement rate in road traffic accidents. A number of recommended measures for the improvement of road safety in Kuwait end the paper.  相似文献   

The authors present a global overview on the issue of drugs and driving covering four major areas: (1) Epidemiology and Prevalence--which reviews epidemiological research, summarizes available information, discusses the methodological shortcomings of extant studies, and makes recommendations for future research to better define prevalence and epidemiology; (2) Effects of Medicinal and Illegal Drugs on Driving Performance--focuses on the six classes of drugs most often found in impaired and injured drivers, draws conclusions regarding the risk of these drugs to traffic safety and discusses the need for additional research; (3) Toxicological Issues--discusses ways to identify drug users via behavioral testing and analytical techniques, reviews the approaches used by different countries, screening and confirmation techniques, alternative specimens (e.g., urine, oral fluid, sweat), and how rapid roadside testing could be coupled with behavioral and laboratory testing in an effective approach to identifying and prosecuting drugged drivers; (4) Driving Under the Influence of Drugs [DUID] Laws--provides an overview of DUID laws in the United States and Europe, discusses the basic tenets of these laws, the various types of DUID statutes, the reasons why many existing laws hinder the prosecution of drugged drivers and the rationale for developing per se legislation as a strategy to more effectively manage the drugged driver problem.  相似文献   

高速公路疲劳驾驶交通事故的控制   总被引:4,自引:2,他引:4  
针对我国高速公路疲劳驾驶交通事故频发的现状,结合高速公路行车特点,从驾驶员高速行车的生理心理及高速公路行车环境等方面分析高速公路疲劳驾车交通事故原因。根据交通心理学、安全人机学等原理,提出驾驶者自身控制、运输单位内部管理、宣传和舆论、家庭教导、交通部门服务性诱导、交通管理部门的执法和管理等各个方面提出高速公路疲劳驾驶交通事故的控制措施。  相似文献   

Objectives: Methiopropamine (MPA; 1-(thiophen-2-yl)-2-methylaminopropane) belongs to the new psychoactive substances (NPS) that have emerged on the drug market in recent years. MPA appeared in 2011 and is an analogue of methamphetamine, sold as, for example, "Slush Eric"and "Blow." It is reported to have effects similar to those of methamphetamine, but the toxicity in humans is not known. Three fatal cases involving MPA have been reported. One analytical confirmed intoxication case has been published, and this supports the symptoms described by the users. The prevalence of recreational use of MPA is unknown, and no studies have reported the prevalence in driving under the influence of drug (DUID) cases.

Methods: We investigated the frequency of MPA in DUID cases received at our institute during a 12-week period and report the analytical method using an ultraperformance liquid chromatography.tandem mass spectrometry for quantification of MPA in whole blood. The analytical findings were compared to the results from a clinical test of impairment performed by a physician shortly after the driving episode. The samples were analyzed for 42 different psychoactive substances.

Results: MPA was detected in 10 DUID cases (0.8% of the cases), only from male drivers. Other drugs were detected concomitantly in all the cases. Two of the cases were traffic accidents.

Conclusions: Our study shows that MPA is found in DUID cases and reveals that NPS are used among drivers and also proven in blood from drivers involved in traffic accidents. More studies are requested regarding the pharmacological and toxicological effects of MPA and other NPS. This is the first article that describes a method for analyzing and quantifying MPA in whole blood samples.  相似文献   

为探究和定量分析疲劳驾驶交通事故严重程度的影响因素,以广东省1370条疲劳驾驶事故数据为基础,对比分析不同年份、时间段以及年龄段的疲劳驾驶交通事故特征;以交通事故严重程度为因变量,将其分为严重事故和非严重事故,从驾驶员年龄、驾龄、车辆类型等17个初步选择的自变量中筛选对疲劳驾驶交通事故严重程度具有显著影响的因素;采用二...  相似文献   

Problem: This study evaluates how the traffic behaviors of young drivers and their attitudes toward traffic regulations have changed over the last 23 years, and particularly, whether the differences in attitudes and behavior between male and female drivers have changed. Method: The study was conducted in 2001, and it replicated a traffic attitude survey administered in 1978. The same survey was used, enabling comparison between the years. The number of respondents was 3,158 in 1978 and 2,759 in 2001. Results: The comparison revealed several differences regarding the background factors, attitudes, and driving style of novice drivers. Most obvious changes in the drivers' background were the changes in education level (higher today), driver training (more private training today), and exposure/experience in terms of kilometers (more today). The summary variable measured that the young drivers showed more negative attitudes toward traffic rules and safe driving in 2001 compared to 1978. Female drivers drove less than males and evaluated their driving skill lower. Female drivers were less involved in accidents and they committed less traffic offenses than males (kilometrage controlled). Female drivers showed a more positive attitude toward traffic safety and rules than males. The difference in traffic attitudes and behavior between males and females in 1978 compared to 2001 remained the same or even increased somewhat.  相似文献   

Introduction: In Brazil, driver aggressiveness in road traffic is a critical issue and could be an important contributing factor to the high number of traffic accidents. Because no instruments are available in Portuguese to register driving aggressiveness or driving anger in Brazil, we adapted English instruments into the Brazilian context. The aims of this study were to provide a Brazilian adaptation of the Driving Anger Expression Inventory (DAX) and to try to validate it by testing its psychometric properties and investigating its relationships with risky driving behaviors (DBQ), road accidents, driving sensation seeking, and hostility. Method: The Brazilian adaptations of the DAX, DBQ, the Driving Sensation Seeking Scale (DSSS) and the hostility Scale were administered to a sample of 512 undergraduate students (with a mean age of 23.7 years, 52.1% men). Results: Confirmatory factor analysis of the Brazilian DAX (DAX-BR) items yielded a four-factor solution with 43 items, which obtained the best goodness-of-fit to the data. Cronbach’s alpha for the DAX-BR factors ranged from 0.69 to 0.88. Other results on validity were a positive correlation (range 0.39–0.59) between the factors of the DAX-BR, DSSS, and DBQ. Conclusion: DAX-BR as the same structure as the original and is a reliable instrument for use with young drivers. Other studies should be conducted to further validate the DAX-BR in different types of populations such as older and more experienced drivers, professional drivers, and traffic regulation offenders whose driver's license has been taken away. Practical applications: This Brazilian version can be recommended for the assessment of driving anger expression in Brazil among young drivers in view of helping them driver more safely, and in particular to reduce traffic violations.  相似文献   

中美两国汽车驾驶安全影响因素研究   总被引:8,自引:4,他引:4  
影响汽车驾驶安全的各国道路交通系统以及驾驶员的驾驶行为等存在着差异性 ,许多差异可以通过统计数据的分析 ,或者其他定量研究方法获取 ,但仍然有许多影响驾驶安全的因素难以发现。笔者通过焦点团体座谈会的方法 ,从驾驶者的角度 ,搜集并分析了中美两国驾驶安全的主要影响因素 ,以及具有美国驾驶经历会对我国驾驶员有何影响。通过中美两国定性数据的对比分析 ,得出了主要影响因素 ,与此同时 ,通过问卷调查定量地分析了这些因素的严重程度。  相似文献   

Introduction: This study aims to explore the influence of Big Five personality traits in combination with various socio-demographic factors and experiences of accident involvement on aberrant driving behaviors. The study also compares the effects of the level of development (i.e., developed or developing) of three countries on the personality traits and driving behaviors. Method: The four-factor Driver Behavior Questionnaire was used to collect data on aberrant driving behaviors, while a short version of the 10-item Big Five Inventory was used to collect data on personality traits. Responses were collected from Japan (1,250 responses), China (1,250), and Vietnam (1,000). A latent variable model was applied after controlling data in each category (e.g., age). Results: This study revealed that respondents who experienced accidents in the past and scored higher on Agreeableness were less likely to commit aggressive violations in Japan, China, and Vietnam. Further, Japanese and Vietnamese female drivers who scored high on Conscientiousness were found to be less likely to commit ordinary violations. Neuroticism was positively correlated with aggressive violations only in the case of Vietnamese drivers, irrespective of the history of accident involvement. Conclusions: Drivers with particular personality types that are linked with aberrant driving behavior may need to receive additional training on behavior management. Practical Applications: This study may help road traffic policymakers predict future driving behaviors of Vietnamese and Chinese drivers based on those of Chinese and Japanese drivers, respectively, and act accordingly.  相似文献   

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