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危险化学品泄漏扩散研究探讨   总被引:5,自引:2,他引:5  
对危险化学品泄漏扩散的研究是事故应急救援的基础。针对近年来日益增多的危险化学品泄漏事故,本文从数学模型和计算机仿真模拟两方面系统评述了国内外危险化学品泄漏扩散方面的研究,其中数学模型研究主要分为“反求源强”模型和扩散模型两类,计算机仿真模拟主要分为静态离线仿真模拟和实时动态仿真模拟两类。在此基础上,提出了进一步研究的一般框架和研究的方向。  相似文献   

为了研究LNG泄漏扩散过程及危害,建立了引入时间参数的高斯烟羽混合模型,利用MATLAB工具对LNG泄漏扩散过程进行动态模拟,解决了高斯烟羽模型不能模拟连续泄漏源泄漏初期浓度分布的问题。提出了非点源高斯烟羽混合模型,可预测液池、大孔等非点源的泄漏扩散过程,并利用Burro 9号LNG泄漏扩散试验进行模型验证。研究了风速、大气稳定度等对LNG泄漏扩散所形成的危险区域的影响,结果表明:风速对LNG泄漏扩散的影响显著,风速越大,扩散越快,扩散达稳定后所形成的危险区域面积越小;大气越稳定,扩散越慢,危险区域面积越大。  相似文献   

基于主成分分析和后果评价模型,提出了一种液体管道泄漏后果综合评价方法。将液体管道泄漏后果划分为火灾、爆炸和中毒3大类14个基本指标,建立后果评价指标体系。在VCE等后果模拟计算的基础上得到初始数据,运用SPSS软件处理相关数据,使用主成分分析法得到各指标相互独立的综合评价模型。选择天津港某码头进行实例分析,运用该方法对该港口储运的15类有代表性液体危险化学品进行综合评价,得到了各化学品的综合评价值以及按照其发生泄漏后危险性大小的排序。结果表明,该方法适用于评价港口码头等储运多种液体危险化学品的行业。  相似文献   

针对传统危险化学气体泄漏扩散软件在模拟表现力方面的不足,提出将改进的随机游走大气泄漏扩散模型集成到真三维地理环境信息系统中,完成了基于真三维GIS环境下的危险化学品泄漏扩散模拟仿真系统的设计与开发.该系统能够在真三维场景中直观地展示危险化学气体的三维扩散过程,实时显示危险化学品泄漏扩散浓度分布图及事故不同程度的危害范围.同时通过与PHAST软件模拟结果对比,验证了该系统的可靠性.系统可以直观地、有效地帮助应急指挥人员组织应急救援和疏散,为企业、政府在危险化学品泄漏事故预防、预测和评估以及应急预案的制定提供参考.  相似文献   

危险气体泄漏扩散的实验方法研究   总被引:10,自引:3,他引:10  
综述了研究危险气体事故泄漏扩散的3种实验方法,即全规模大型现场实验、实验室模拟和小型现场实验,详细讨论该3种试验方法在实施和应用中的优缺点。对小型现场实验的无量纲长度、速度、时间、大气稳定度、大气湍流、液滴的尺寸分布和沉降、源动量通量比例等重要参数的确定方法重点进行分析和阐述。小型试验法特别适用于模拟化学性质活泼的危险气体的泄漏扩散研究,可为安全评价、应急救援提供有价值的参考数据。  相似文献   

危险性物质泄漏事故扩散过程模拟分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
研究分析了描述气态危险物质泄漏扩散过程的多种现有模型的特点,选择以高斯烟羽模型和高斯烟团模型为基础,探讨进行模拟分析的有关参数的选取,设计开发了气态危险物质泄漏事故扩散过程模拟分析的软件系统。通过算例计算,模拟分析了泄漏物质的扩散过程及地面浓度分布,计算结果表明了计算机模拟分析的有效性,但高斯模型对重气体或轻气体的模拟存在失真现象,影响了过程模拟的准确度。  相似文献   

针对石化企业中可能造成毒气泄漏的装置或设备,从工程实际出发,建立了3种毒气泄漏和扩散的数值模型.根据模型和给定的扩散条件,对毒气的泄漏和扩散进行数值模拟和动态仿真,得到毒气泄漏后人员死亡区域、危险区域和有感区域的动态变化结果.对石化企业有毒物质源进行毒性分级,并确定了相应的毒气泄漏危险性参数.通过给定的装置和设备泄漏危险性参数计算得到毒气泄漏的危险性矩阵,进而对石化企业有毒有害气体泄漏进行危险性评估.  相似文献   

危险性物质泄漏事故扩散过程模拟分析   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
研究分析了描述气态危险物质泄漏扩散过程的多种现有模型的特点,选择以高斯烟羽模型 高斯烟团模型为基础,探讨进行模拟分析的有关参数的选取,设计了开发了气态危险物质泄漏事故扩散过程模拟分析的软件系统,通过算例计算,模拟分析了泄漏物质的扩散过程及地面浓度分布,计算结果表明了计算机模拟分析的有效性,但高斯模型对重气体或轻气体的模拟丰在失真现象,影响了过程模拟的准确度。  相似文献   

为了实现对有毒推进剂泄漏扩散浓度的快速估算,对液体推进剂偏二甲肼在发射场泄漏蒸发扩散的实际情况进行理论分析,建立扩散模型,并从泄漏源、沉积效应、地面反射、大气稳定度等方面对扩散模型进行完善;应用数值模拟方法进行仿真,将数值模拟结果与实验数据、理论计算结果进行对比分析。研究结果表明:气体扩散模型与数值模拟及实验结果基本一致,但扩散模型计算结果偏小,这是由于推进剂进行了燃烧和氧化反应,扩散区域温度上升,大气稳定度降低,实际浓度更大。  相似文献   

在危险化学品泄漏事故中泄漏源强是预测事故后果的主要影响参数,也是事故应急救援决策的基础。为了在化学品泄漏事故过程中快速准确地获取泄漏源强数据,将粒子群优化(PSO)算法应用于危险化学品泄漏源强的反算中。利用高斯烟羽扩散模型和下风向浓度测量数据,将计算浓度与测量浓度的误差平方和作为目标函数,采用粒子群算法来优化,以确定源强并通过模拟的测量浓度数据进行算法有效性验证。结果表明,PSO算法及其参数改进算法不依赖于初值的选择,计算速度快,能满足事故应急响应救援的需要。  相似文献   

HAZDIG (HAZardous DIspersion of Gases) is a user-friendly PC- based software for generating scenarios for the emissions and gaseous dispersion of hazardous chemicals. It can simulate accidental as well as normal release but has been specifically developed as a tool for studying accidental release of hazardous chemicals and the consequences. HAZDIG is made-up of five main modules—data, release scenario generation, dispersion, characteristics estimation, and graphics. HAZDIG incorporates the latest models for estimating atmospheric stability and dispersion. The data needed to run the models is easy to obtain and feed—properties of chemicals, operating conditions, ambient temperature, and a few commonly available meteorological parameters. A database containing various proportionality constants and complex empirical data has been built into the system. The graphics module enhances the user friendliness of the software, and enables presentation of the results in an easy-to-understand and visually appealing manner. The output of the software is formatted so that it can be directly used for reporting the results without the need of editing.  相似文献   

工业企业事故性泄漏扩散模型   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
对工业企业的泄漏扩散模型的国内外研究情况进行了调查研究,在对各模型优缺点分析的基础上,针对目前工业企业的事故后果模拟评价中所采用泄漏扩散模型存在的问题和不足,提出应用PG扩散模型研究物质泄漏的扩散模式,结合某企业的物质扩散算例说明该模型的实际应用,为工业企业的事故后果模拟评价以及重大事故应急预案的编制提供了一定的参考.  相似文献   

The accidental release of toxic chemicals, which are heavier than air and stored under pressure, may create an emergency scenario in an industrial plant. The extension of vulnerable distance in the downwind direction is an important criterion in framing an emergency management plan of that industrial area. There are several studies showing the role of surface level meteorological and topographical features on its propagation and dispersion just after its release from a container. In the present study, vertical variation of wind speed in the atmospheric boundary layer and surface roughness parameter have been considered to study their roles on the impact of downwind extension of vulnerable distances. A catastrophic release from a tonner having 900 kg of liquid chlorine has been considered, and SAFETI Micro developed by DNV Technica, UK has been utilized in the consequence analysis of this release. The analysis results have been explained for various atmospheric stability classes and surface wind speeds.  相似文献   

Incidental release of toxic chemicals can pose extreme danger to life in the vicinity. Therefore, it is crucial for emergency responders, plant operators, and safety professionals to have a fast and accurate prediction to evaluate possible toxic dispersion life-threatening consequences. In this work, a toxic chemical dispersion casualty database that contains 450 leak scenarios of 18 toxic chemicals is constructed to develop a machine learning based quantitative property-consequence relationship (QPCR) model to estimate the affected area caused by toxic chemical release within a certain death rate. The results show that the developed QPCR model can predict the toxic dispersion casualty range with root mean square error of maximum distance, minimum distance, and maximum width less than 0.2, 0.4, and 0.3, which indicates that the constructed model has satisfying accuracy in predicting toxic dispersion ranges under different lethal consequences. The model can be further expanded to accommodate more toxic chemicals and leaking scenarios.  相似文献   

HGSYSTEM: a review, critique, and comparison with other models   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
HGSYSTEM is a package of computer models for modeling release and atmospheric dispersion of hazardous substances, which has capabilities that may not be found together elsewhere (e.g., hydrogen fluoride/air/water thermodynamics, aerosol release, release and dispersion of mixtures, multi-component evaporation, downward vertical jets, plume lift-off, deposition, and street-canyon). There are, however, some shortcomings in its spill models and in the transition from a spill to a dispersion model. The model's strong and weak points and limited comparisons with ALOHA and DEGADIS are discussed herein.  相似文献   

固体和液体化学品仓库火灾是企业安全面临的经常性威胁之一,需考虑火灾中毒性燃烧产物释放和非燃烧产生的毒性物质释放。结合火灾风险分析方法,阐述火灾场景中各要素及相互关系,主要包括火灾场景、物质、燃烧速率、源项、毒性、扩散、概率和风险之间的关系,火灾场景考虑持续时间、面积和通风率的影响,物质中考虑平均结构式和燃烧方程,源项中考虑形成的产物、燃烧物质每千克的散发和活性物质百分比,毒性中考虑HCl,NO2,SO2和非燃烧产生的物质。基于储存物质平均结构式,建立燃烧关系方程。燃烧速率计算取决于可用的氧气量和需要的氧气量,分为面积受限的燃烧速率和氧气受限的燃烧速率。最后给出毒性燃烧产物HCl,NO2,SO2释放量和非燃烧产生的毒性物质释放量的计算方法,同时以毒性燃烧产物释放场景后果模拟为例说明仓库发生火灾的后果严重性,为仓库火灾风险分析提供借鉴。  相似文献   

In this work, the safety analysis of a new production line in a pesticide factory in Northern Italy is presented. The analysis was based on four different methods in a way that every part of the new line was investigated. The eventual incidents identified by this analysis were further examined with regard to their consequences using three different simulation models for the release and dispersion of the resultant toxic cloud. This analysis has proven that the risk level for the personnel of the factory and the surroundings is acceptable.  相似文献   

The present work is aimed at analyzing the evolution of accidental scenarios deriving from the release of toxic materials inside a tunnel. This scenario, compared to the more frequently investigated cases of fire, followed by smoke dispersion, may involve a large variety of common products characterized by widely differing physical properties; nonetheless it has been analysed in the literature less than expected. The present study compares the dispersion of two common toxic chemicals (chlorine and ammonia), in order to derive some preliminary information about the influence of the physical properties and the release rate. A reference road tunnel geometry is assumed, while the release occurs from ground level, at the centre of one lane and in the middle of the tunnel. Two study cases involving a road tanker, transporting the product as liquefied gas under pressure, were considered: a catastrophic release, from a 220 mm hole, emptying the tanker in a few tens seconds (case A), and a continuous release, from a much smaller hole (15 mm), lasting 5 min (case B). For the sake of simplicity, the release is assumed to be in gaseous phase; the dispersion of the toxic is simulated for the 5 min period following the start of the release using a CFD (Computational Fluid Dynamics) analysis, according to an RANS (Reynolds-Averaged Navier–Stokes) approach with the standard kε turbulence model, assuming no ventilation conditions. Structured curvilinear grids with hexaedric cells, refined according to the local concentration gradient, are used. For case A scenarios, especially for the whole release duration, dispersion is mainly governed by the “plug-flow” effect caused by the large volume of toxic entering the tunnel in a rather short time; then, the role of diffusivity and gravity becomes more important. Chlorine, heavier than air and with lower diffusivity than ammonia, progressively accumulates towards the floor; the dispersion of ammonia, which is lighter than air, appears more influenced by diffusivity than by gravity, since a limited stratification is observed. These trends are more evident for case B scenarios, where the toxic flow rates are much lower. It is expected the results will give some useful insight into the dispersion phenomenon within highly confined spaces and maybe also provide some suggestion about ventilation systems design and emergency procedures.  相似文献   

Water reactive chemicals are generally aggressive materials that are used widely in the process industries. Common water reactive substances are sulphur trioxide, oleum, titanium tetrachloride, silicon tetrachloride, chlorosulphonic acid, chloroacetyl chloride and phosphorus trichloride. When released to the atmosphere, water reactive materials generally react readily with any free ground water, substrate water and atmospheric water. The exact nature, kinetics and thermodynamics of these reactions govern the subsequent consequences of a release. Consequence modelling and dispersion analysis of water reactive materials is notoriously difficult due to the uncertainties surrounding the reaction with water. Very little experimental data are available on the release behaviour of many water reactive materials. There are often discrepancies and gaps in the data available on the liquid phase hydrolysis reaction; these discrepancies can be as extreme as whether the reaction is exothermic or endothermic. This paper will use a case study to show how the behaviour of water reactive materials has been incorporated into safety and environmental risk assessments, in particular for the purposes of the predictive aspects of COMAH Safety Reports.  相似文献   

化学品突发性事故预测的不确定性分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
介绍化学品突发性事故预测的不确定性概率统计和模糊数学分析方法。对参数和模式的不确定性分别进行了讨论,计算机系统包括化学品常用数据库、事故识别模块,事故后果分析模块和不确定性分析模块,对液氯泄漏排放事故、液化气(丙烷)两相闪蒸爆炸和管道煤气(CO)泄漏伤害模式实例进行了分析。对连续源和瞬时源的讨论说明泄漏时间的确定对事故分析极为重要。  相似文献   

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