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宣威市和富源县位于我国云南省东北部,是全世界肺癌发病率最高的地区之一。当地居民在不通风的房间内燃烧烟煤做饭或取暖造成了严重的室内空气污染。研究表明,长期暴露在燃煤造成的污染物中是导致两地居民肺癌持续高发的主要原因,多环芳烃是最可疑的致病因子之一。2008年1月,分别用聚胺脂泡沫和玻璃纤维滤膜采集了当地9个点位室内、室外空气中气相和颗粒物相中的多环芳烃,同时采集了对应点位的土壤样品。通过对样品的分析,考察了当地空气和土壤中多环芳烃的污染水平、特征以及来源。结果证明,当地空气和土壤中存在严重的多环芳烃污染,室内污染显著高于室外,然而随着当地工业的发展室外污染同样不可忽视,主成分分析结合比值法证明,当地室内外多环芳烃的主要污染源来自于煤炭的燃烧。对空气颗粒物和土壤中多环芳烃浓度进行了比较,对土壤中多环芳烃的来源进行了验证。  相似文献   

焦炉工人PAHs空气日均暴露浓度分析   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
用个体采样器对100名受试者进行了可吸入颗粒物和气态样品的24h跟踪采集,并通过梯度洗脱一反相HPLC/可编程序荧光检测法定量分析了样品中14种多环芳烃。结果表明,不同受试人员多环芳烃空气日均暴露浓度存在很大差异,其中焦炉工人受多环芳烃中BaP空气日均暴露浓度为0.5μg/m^3~1.7μg/m^3,炼纲厂工作人员和清洁区办公人员的BaP空气日均暴露浓度分别为0.02μg/m^3和0.01μg/m^3。不同受试人员多环芳烃空气日均暴露在PM10及气相中的分配比例也略有不同,焦炉工人的BaP空气日均暴露浓度有近99%来自PM10,一般人群为93%左右。指出2环、3环多环芳烃主要以气态形式存在,4环至6环多环芳烃主要分布在PM10中。  相似文献   

土壤多环芳烃污染的地统计学研究进展   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
土壤中的多环芳烃对人体健康具有潜在的危害。应用地统计学的方法研究土壤多环芳烃的空间特性,以及在此基础上开展风险评价、污染源识别、土壤修复等工作,是土壤多环芳烃研究的重要方向之一。文章介绍了国内外在这个领域的研究成果,并提出了此领域的发展方向展望。  相似文献   

天津城郊土壤中PAHs含量特征及来源解析   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:3  
以天津市郊环城四区为研究对象,系统采集了环城四区95个表层土壤样品,利用高效液相色谱仪对16种PAHs进行分析测定,结果表明,西青、东丽、津南和北辰土壤中16种PAHs的总量范围分别为62.6~1 994.9、36.1~4 074.7、20.1~2 502.5、22.1~707.7μg/kg;平均含量分别为445.8、841.8、509.5、242.5μg/kg。四区中都以高环多环芳烃为主,西青、东丽、北辰和津南高环多环芳烃分别占多环芳烃总比例的45.4%、42.2%、38.8%和38.7%。空间分析的结果表明,靠近天津市市区样点土壤中多环芳烃的含量要明显高于远离市区土壤中多环芳烃的含量。利用环数PAHs的相对丰度和比值法对天津市郊环城四区土壤中多环芳烃的污染来源进行了解析,研究区土壤监测样点的PAHs主要来自燃烧源,少部分来自石油类来源或几种污染源的共同复合累加的作用。  相似文献   

武汉市东西湖农场表层土壤中多环芳烃的含量分布特征   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
对武汉市东西湖农场土壤中多环芳烃的含量调查表明,除紧靠马路边、居民区的土壤中多环芳烃的浓度高于荷兰制定的土壤修复标准之外,其余地方均在此标准值之内,其中主要是高环多环芳烃含量超标严重。证明了汽车尾气所排放的多环芳烃要高于居民日常生活的排放量。多环芳烃在水平方向上的迁移存在色谱效应。  相似文献   

文章建立气相色谱四级杆质谱联用分析土壤和沉积物中16种多环芳烃的测定方法。参考《土壤和沉积物多环芳烃的测定气相色谱质谱法》(HJ805-2016)和《全国土壤污染状况详查土壤样品分析测试方法技术规定》采用全扫描和选择离子扫描两种方式优化定性、定量分析步骤。结合实际对土壤和沉积物中多环芳烃进行了加压流体萃取(ASE)的提取和GPC净化方式,建立了土壤和沉积物中16种多环芳烃的气相色谱四级杆质谱联用仪分析方法。  相似文献   

分析了隧道沥青摊铺过程环境空气中的TSP及多环芳烃质量浓度。TSP用膜法,中流量采样器采样15 min,重量法分析;超声波萃取,高效液相色法分析多环芳烃。结果表明,摊铺机周围空气中TSP超过8 mg/m3,道路空气中TSP超过3 mg/m3;环境空气中苊烯等12种多环芳烃均有检出,苊烯和艹屈质量浓度较高,苯并[a]芘和二苯并[a,h]蒽质量浓度较低。苯并[a]蒽、苯并[a]芘和二苯并[a,h]蒽超标,对人体健康危害较大。建议加强相关行业PAHs的排放水平及其健康风险研究,制定相关限值标准和沥青摊铺过程环境空气的沥青烟监测方法标准。  相似文献   

对江苏省南京和苏州12个典型生态示范区土壤中多环芳烃污染现状进行了凋查。结果表明,生态示范区土壤中多环芳烃污染程度随土地利用类型不同而污染程度有所不同,以工业用地为主的土壤中多环芳烃含量明显高于以农业用地为主的土壤,其总量呈现出由工业区用地到蔬菜瓜果用地逐渐降低的趋势。2个示范区4环及其以上PAH含量明显高于2环-3环PAH,主要为石化燃料高温燃烧造成;而以农业为主的蔬菜生产基地等,多环芳烃主要来源于石油类污染。  相似文献   

王伟 《中国环境监测》2019,35(1):135-141
建立了基质固相分散-ASE提取-GC/MS法同时测定土壤中8种有机氯农药和16种多环芳烃的方法。对方法的线性、检出限、精密度、回收率及土壤质控样品进行了分析,结果表明,8种有机氯农药和16种多环芳烃线性良好,相关系数为0.997 5~0.999 8,方法检出限为0.39~1.57μg/kg,空白加标样品的相对标准偏差小于20%,实际土壤样品加标回收率为60.6%~125%,土壤质控样品结果均在范围内。该方法能够满足土壤中8种有机氯农药和16种多环芳烃的检测要求。  相似文献   

测定土壤中多环芳烃的不同萃取法比较   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
测定土壤中多环芳烃的不同萃取法比较范元中编译(江苏省环境监测中心南京210029)1引言土壤中的多环芳烃(PAH)测定通常由索氏提取器完成,这个方法的缺点是除了样品处理时间长外还要消耗大量的溶剂。为此发展了超声萃取法,在这一方法中由于液浴中的超声波作...  相似文献   

The seasonal variations of concentrations of PAHs in the soil and the air were measured in urban and rural region of Dalian, China in 2007. In soil, mean concentrations of all PAHs in summer were larger than those in winter, whereas the concentrations of heavier weight PAHs in winter were larger than those in summer. Winter/summer concentration ratios for individual PAHs (R(W/S)) increased with the increase of molecular weight of PAHs in soil, indicating that PAHs with high molecular weight were more easily deposited to soil in winter than summer. In air, mean concentrations of all PAHs in winter were larger than those in summer. In comparison with the R(W/S) in soil, all the values of R(W/S) in air were larger than one indicating that the entire individual PAH concentrations in winter were larger than those in summer. The average concentration composition for each PAH compound in soil and air samples was determined and the seasonal change of PAH profile was very small. It was suggested that PAHs in soils and air had the same or similar sources both in winter and summer. The approach to the soil-air equilibrium was assessed by calculating fugacity quotients between soil and air using the soil and air concentrations. The calculated soil-air fugacity quotients indicated that soil acted as a secondary source to the atmosphere for all lighter weight PAHs (two-three rings) and it will continue to be a sink for heavier weight PAHs (five-six rings) in the Dalian environment, both in winter and summer. Medium weight PAHs (four-five rings) were close to the soil-air equilibrium and the tendency shifted between soil and air when season or function region changed. The fugacity quotients of PAHs in summer (mean temperature 298 K) were larger than those in winter (mean temperature 273 K), indicating a higher tendency in summer than winter for PAHs to move from soil to air. The variation of ambient conditions such as temperature, rainfall, etc. can influence the movement of PAHs between soil and air. Most of the fugacity quotients of PAHs for the urban sites were larger than that for the rural site both in winter and summer. This phenomenon may be related with that the temperatures in urban sites were higher than those in the rural site because of the urban heat island effect.  相似文献   

Soil is the major environmental reservoir of organic compounds and soil-air exchange is a key process in governing the environmental fate of these compounds on a regional and global scale. Samples of air and soil were collected to study the levels of PAHs in the air and soil of the Agra region. Concentrations of PAH measured at four locations in the city of Agra, covers industrial, residential, roadside and agricultural areas. Samples were extracted with hexane by ultrasonic agitation. Extracts were then fractioned on a silica-gel column and the aromatic fraction was analysed by GC-MS. The mean concentration of the total PAH (T-PAH) in the air of Agra was 24.95, 17.95 and 14.25 ng m(-3), during winter, monsoon and summer respectively. The average concentration of T-PAH in the soil of Agra was 12.50, 8.25 and 6.44 μg g(-1) in winter, monsoon and summer seasons respectively. The aim of this study was to investigate the rate of approach to equilibrium partitioning of PAHs between air and soil compartments and to determine the direction of net flux of the studied PAH between air and soil. Calculated soil-air fugacity quotients indicate that the soil may now be a source of some lighter weight PAHs to the atmosphere, whereas it appears to be still acting as a long-term sink for the heavier weight PAHs to some extent in this region.  相似文献   

Our previous study indicated that the current level of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) in Shenzhen soil is in the low-end of world soil PAH pollution. In this study, the fate of PAHs in the soil of Shenzhen was investigated. The mass inventories of Σ(27)PAHs and Σ(15)PAHs (defined as the sum of the 27 or 15 PAH compounds sought) in topsoil of Shenzhen were ~204 and ~152 metric tons, respectively. Fate estimation of Σ(15)PAHs shows that air-soil gaseous exchange is the primary environmental process with ~10,076 kg/year diffusing from soil to air. Rain washing (~1131 kg/year from air to soil) is the most important input pathway followed by wet (~17 kg/year) and dry deposition (~8 kg/year) to soils in Shenzhen. The transport of Σ(15)PAHs by soil erosion is a crucial loss process for soil PAHs in Shenzhen (1918 kg/year for water runoff and 657 kg/year for solid runoff from soil). Moreover, degradation is not ignorable at present (95 kg/year). Comparison of inventory and residue (defined as Σ(15)PAHs left in topsoils after all environmental loss processes) suggested that input and loss of high molecular weight PAHs for Shenzhen's soil reached apparent equilibrium. Soil PAH pollution in Shenzhen will stay in a quasi-steady state for a long period and the natural environmental processes can not significantly reduce the pollution.  相似文献   

In this study, 74 soil samples collected from the Pearl River Delta were analyzed for polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs). The PAH mixture in the soils is mainly of low molecular weight compounds, with naphthalene (21.4%) and phenanthrene (21.8%) being dominant. Soil PAH levels from the Pearl River Delta are relatively low (28?C711 ng/g, averaged 192 ng/g) compared to those from urban soils in temperate regions. The mean concentration of ??PAHs generally decrease with increasing distance from the city center, with ??PAHs of paddy soils > crop soil > natural soil. PAHs in the air were measured during a year-round sampling campaign using semipermeable membrane devices, and the transfer of chemicals between the soil and air compartments were estimated. Soil?Cair fugacity quotient calculations showed a highly uncertain equilibrium position of PAHs, with net volatilization of naphthalene and fluorene, whereas net deposition of phenanthrene, fluoranthene, and pyrene, indicating a capacity for the air to supply the soil with more substances.  相似文献   

综述了近年来我国大气、水、土壤环境和生态系统中多环芳烃(PAHs)污染状况研究进展,指出化石燃料及其衍生物的燃烧产物是PAHs的主要来源,虽然我国大部分地区生态环境中PAHs风险较低,但仍须关注其潜在的健康风险,提出多学科交叉研究典型PAHs在生态系统中的环境行为及原位修复技术等未来研究方向。  相似文献   

Eighty eight surface soil samples were collected from the Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau (QTP) for determination of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) and organochlorine pesticides (OCPs), including dichlorodiphenyltrichloroethane and metabolites (DDXs) and hexachlorocyclohexane isomers (HCHs). The measured concentrations were 51.8 ± 38.5 ng g(-1), 0.329 ± 0.818 ng g(-1), and 0.467 ± 0.741 ng g(-1) as means and standard deviations of PAHs, DDXs, and HCHs, respectively, which were 1-2 orders of magnitude lower than those reported for eastern China. Significant differences were also revealed among four sub-areas within QTP. PAHs detected in the samples from the remote sub-areas of T'ang-ku-la/Hoh Xil Mountains and along the Qinghai-Tibet highway in the west and northwest of QTP were 1 order of magnitude lower than those from Lhasa and east Qinghai. The differences in soil OCPs among the sub-areas were 2-7 times. Soil PAHs were significantly correlated with emission density and soil organic carbon content (SOC), while OCPs were correlated significantly with the population density and SOC. Based on the calculated backward air mass trajectories and geographical distributions of emission and population, it was revealed that PAHs and OCPs accumulated in the soils in the west and northwest QTP were primarily from long-range transport and may represent the background levels of East Asia. This part of QTP can also serve as an important receptor area for regional or even global long-range transport study. The elevated concentrations of PAHs and OCPs in Lhasa and east Qinghai were mainly from local sources, while PAHs from adjacent Lanzhou area also contributed considerably to the accumulation of PAHs in east Qinghai.  相似文献   

The level, distribution, compositional pattern, and possible sources of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) in agricultural soil of Shanghai were investigated. The concentrations ranged from 140.7 to 2,370.8 μg kg(?-1) for 21 PAHs and from 92.2 to 2,062.7 μg kg(?-1) for 16 priority PAHs, respectively. The higher level of PAHs was mainly distributed in the south and west of Shanghai region, and the lower concentration was found in Chongming Island. Generally, the composition pattern of PAHs was characterized with high molecular weight PAHs, the seven possible carcinogenic PAHs accounted for 4.8-50.8% of the total PAHs, and fluoranthene, pyrene, and benzo[b]fluoranthene were the most dominant components in soil samples. The correlation analysis suggested that low molecular weight PAHs and high molecular weight PAHs were originated from different sources and further corroborated that total organic carbon was a key soil property affecting the fate of persistent organic pollutants in the environment. The isomer ratios and principal component analysis indicated that PAHs in the investigated areas were derived primarily from combustion of biomass, coal, and petroleum. Compared to the soil quality standards of the Netherlands, all the target PAHs (except Ant) in most samples exceeded their target values. The Nemerow composite index based on the same soil quality standard showed that 69.4% of the soil samples were heavily polluted. The total BaP(eq) of ten Dutch target PAHs in 72% soil samples were higher than the reference total carcinogenic potency. Therefore, the agricultural soil in Shanghai is suffering from serious PAHs contamination.  相似文献   

The concentrations, distribution and sources of 16 polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) were determined in 30 agricultural soil and 16 vegetable samples collected from subtropical Shunde area, an important manufacturing center in China. The total PAHs ranged from 33.7 to 350 μg/kg in soils, and 82 to 1,258 μg/kg in vegetables. The most abundant individual PAHs are phenanthrene, fluoranthene, chrysene, pyrene and benzo(b)fluoranthene for soil samples, and anthracene, naphthalene, phenanthrene, pyrene and chrysene for vegetable samples. Average vegetable–soil ratios of total PAHs were 2.20 for leafy vegetables and 1.27 for fruity vegetables. Total PAHs in vegetable samples are not significantly correlated to those in corresponding soil samples. Principal component analyses were conducted to distinguish samples on basis of their distribution in each town, soil type and vegetable specie. Relatively abundant soil PAHs were found in town Jun’an, Beijiao, Chencun, Lecong and Ronggui, while abundant vegetable PAHs were observed in town Jun’an, Lecong, Xingtan, Daliang and Chenchun. The highest level of total PAHs were found in vegetable soil, followed by pond sediment and “stacked soil” on pond banks. The PAHs contents in leafy vegetables are higher than those in fruity vegetables. Some PAH compound ratios suggest the PAHs derived from incomplete combustion of petroleum, coal and refuse from power generation and ceramic manufacturing, and paint spraying on furniture, as well as sewage irrigation from textile industries. Soil PAHs contents have significant logarithmic correlation with total organic carbon, which demonstrates the importance of soil organic matter as sorbent to prevent losses of PAHs.  相似文献   

以河南省3类典型工业区域为例,分析研究其土壤中多环芳烃类化合物的种类组成及含量分布特征,结果表明:3类典型工业区域周边土壤中均检出14种PAHs,其中萘、芘、艹屈 、苯并[a]蒽具有较高的检出水平;大型化工企业周边土壤中PAHs的检出率高于油田和工业园区;检出的14种PAHs的总质量比均值,大型化工企业明显高于油田和工业园区;3类典型工业区域土壤中PAHs测定值明显高于背景值,表明土壤已受到PAHs的影响;来源分析表明,PAHs的污染主要源自石油和燃料的燃烧.  相似文献   

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