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文中对新疆罗布泊北部21个风积物样品和56个冲洪积物样品进行了磁性特征和粒度的分析,初步探讨了罗布泊风积物与冲洪积物磁性变化的差异性。结果表明:1)风积物与冲洪积样品中对磁化率起主要贡献的是磁铁矿和磁赤铁矿;2)风积物的磁化率与百分比频率磁化率呈负相关,与粗粒(>63μm)组分呈正相关,与细粒(<5μm)组分呈负相关关系,说明风积物磁化率与非成土风积粗粒组分密切相关;3)冲洪积物1.25m~1.90m之间的磁化率和百分比频率磁化率呈正相关关系,和SIRM/χ呈反相关关系,和粒度呈反相关关系,揭示了后期的化学风化可能主导着磁化率的变化。  相似文献   

杜尧  马腾  肖骢  陈柳竹 《干旱区研究》2016,33(1):94-100
研究内陆干旱区盐湖相淤泥水化学特征,对于深入认识干旱区淤泥早期成岩过程中的水-岩相互作用具有重要意义。以我国西北干旱区小柴旦盐湖相淤泥水为研究对象,分析淤泥水的化学特征,探讨其对早期成岩过程中水-岩相互作用的指示意义。结果显示:不同深度盐湖相淤泥水的各化学组分含量均普遍高于上覆湖水,淤泥水盐度的升高与近地表强烈的蒸发作用和湖滩析盐后再溶解作用有关。不同深度淤泥水的Na~+、K~+、Li~+和Cl~-含量变化范围较小,Mg~(2+)、Ca~(2+)、Sr~(2+)、SO_4~(2-)、I~-、TOC及TNb变动范围较大,Br~-和B~(3+)随深度增加有一定程度的减少。淤泥在早期成岩过程中即发生了一定程度的水-岩作用和生物化学作用,其主要过程包括:浅地表的强烈蒸发、蒸发岩矿物沉淀、阳离子交换、硫酸盐还原菌作用下的脱硫酸过程、有机质降解等。  相似文献   

通过对罗布泊LX02剖面孔沉积物稀土元素丰度、分布模式及稀土总量的分析,结合沉积物中烧矢量和粒度参数的变化特征,探讨了稀土元素纵向变化与气候环境之间的关系。结果表明:罗布泊沉积物中稀土元素丰度值较高,平均值为140.0402μg/g,总体上以较湿润的环境为主导,化学风化作用较强。同时,沉积物中轻重稀土元素比值约为9.5,轻稀土含量明显高于重稀土含量,为明显的右倾斜型,Eu为中度负异常,Ce绝大部分为微弱的负异常的稀土配分模式。稀土元素含量与粒度和烧矢量之间存在较好的相关性,分析表明,沉积物中∑REE高值段指示暖湿气候环境,∑REE低值段代表冷干气候环境。根据稀土元素分布与沉积环境的关系,重建了72.4~51.0ka BP期间罗布泊地区经历了4次较大的冷干-暖湿-冷干-暖湿的气候演化过程,从而得出在干旱半干旱地区的罗布泊沉积物中稀土元素对古气候变化具有良好的指示作用。  相似文献   

罗布泊地区是我国西北干旱区环境研究的热点,在罗布泊干湖周边,保留有丰富的地质环境信息。为此,在罗布泊西北缘,针对区域地层构造分布特征、构造活动事件序列、湖泊沉积物及堆积土层中的环境信息进行分析,定量/半定量地重建了第四纪环境和气候变化,解析了未来可能再度出现的地质环境和气候变化的可能性。研究表明:本区第四纪以来主要有767~531 ka、255~158 ka和43~34 ka 3次较大规模构造活动,影响了罗布泊干湖近代的地形地貌分布特征,也影响湖面变化;研究区所处基岩剥蚀台地,地貌由剥蚀准平原化向平原化演化,通过基岩剥蚀"夷平"雏形时间和周边石质文物估算,剥蚀率为0.09~1.2 mm·ka~(-1)。总体上,该区域的干旱化趋势仍会持续。  相似文献   

内蒙古呼伦湖沉积物营养元素分布及环境污染评价   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
对呼伦湖各采样点表层沉积物营养元素(TN、TP和TOC)的分布特征及相互关系进行了分析,并对表层沉积物进行了营养元素的环境评价和重金属的地积累指数评价。结果表明:新开河、乌尔逊河及克鲁伦河入湖点(A10、F9、I2)营养元素的含量均低于其它采样点,且TOC与TN和TP的环境行为近似,说明TN和TP的沉积与生物有机质的沉积相伴随;呼伦湖沉积物碳氮比的均值约为10.2,说明内、外源有机质基本达到平衡状态。通过对沉积物的环境污染评价发现,呼伦湖沉积物有机污染较轻,仍处于较清洁状态,但有机氮的污染程度较为严重;地积累指数评价显示,主要污染元素为Cd和As,Hg、Cu和Zn属于无污染状态。  相似文献   

以新疆天山天池景区为研究区,运用环境磁学方法,对景区内81个表土(0~10 cm)样品的磁学参数进行系统测定,分析土壤磁学特征及其环境指示意义。结果表明:(1)天池景区土壤磁性矿物含量适中;以亚铁磁性矿物(磁铁矿)为主导,同时伴有少量不完全反铁磁性矿物;土壤磁性矿物颗粒以稳定单畴(SSD)粗颗粒和超顺磁性(SP)颗粒混合组成,同时含有少量的多畴(MD)粗颗粒。(2)研究区表土磁性增强主要受自然成土过程和旅游活动影响;旅游活动区土壤亚铁磁性矿物含量高于未干扰区,土壤颗粒以较粗的SSD颗粒为主,SP颗粒含量相对少,表明旅游活动对景区土壤产生了一定影响,而未干扰区土壤磁性受自然成土过程影响较大。(3)磁性参数空间分布表明,土壤亚铁磁性矿物含量沿景区交通线、环湖的北部、西北部和西南部呈现相对高值,说明景区土壤主要受到旅游交通和专门服务设施活动的干扰。综合来看,土壤磁学方法能够初步圈定旅游干扰对景区土壤污染的程度及范围,可为天池景区土壤环境污染监测及决策部门进行旅游环境管理提供参考依据。  相似文献   

渭河陕西段潜流带污染特征及其对河水的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
河流潜流带沉积物间隙水是影响河流水质的重要因素,为探究其污染物迁移转化对河水的影响,通过现场采样和室内实验测试分析,2013年6月和12月对渭河陕西段4个研究点沉积物中含水率、有机质(OM)的特征和总氮(TN)、总磷(TP)在沉积物中的垂直变化规律进行分析,并分别对TN、TP、有机质在沉积物、间隙水和河水的迁移转化进行相关性分析。结果表明:① 有机质含量在垂直方向上大体呈现随深度增加而波动下降的趋势,但眉县在12月的10 cm以下反而随深度增加而上升;② 沉积物中TP、TN在夏季的平均含量分别为18.55 mg·kg-1和13.52 mg·kg-1,在冬季的平均含量分别为6.48 mg·kg-1和2.91 mg·kg-1,含量偏高,属严重污染,且夏季污染程度高于冬季。沉积物、间隙水和河水TP、TN含量的比较表明,三者之间存在“汇”与“源”的关系,沉积物间隙水TP、TN含量高于河水TP、TN含量,具有向河水释放的趋势;③ 相关性分析表明,间隙水与河水中的TP、TN和有机质存在显著相关性,而和沉积物中的TP、TN相关性不明显,夏季各介质氮磷间的相关性较冬季显著。  相似文献   

根据有关本地区地理文字记载,塔里木盆地东部一直是干燥的荒漠气候,干燥的气候条件,丰富的沙源,以及气候的动力作用,是导致塔里木盆地东部地区环境变迁和沙漠化必然发展的自然因素。但是,本文认为引起历史时期以来,特别是近代,本地区环境变化的主要原因是人类活动改变地表水的地域分配及人类活动对天然植被的破坏。笔者在1998年5月,2002年10月,2004年5月,2006年5月、10月和2007年5月、11月对塔河中、下游地区进行实地考察获得了第一手资料,本文在前人研究的成果和实地考察资料基础上,对塔里木盆地东部地区历史时期以来气候环境与人类活动对塔里木盆地东部地区环境变迁的影响进行探讨。  相似文献   

大气降尘磁学特征对城市污染源的指示   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
本文应用环境磁学方法研究了兰州市区大气自然降尘的磁学特征。结果表明:兰州市大气降尘中磁性矿物含量较高,主要含有磁铁矿和磁赤铁矿,并伴有少量赤铁矿,磁性矿物颗粒较粗,为准单畴颗粒;兰州市自然粉尘背景值较高,但市区污染物仍以人为源为主,尤其在冬季采暖期间最为显著,且在春、夏季节,兰州市的污染仍以人为源为主,与通常认为兰州市污染冬季以燃煤为主,春、夏季以粉尘为主的模式有较大差异。  相似文献   

基于生态足迹的塔里木盆地人口与水土资源协调发展研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
研究塔里木盆地生态赤字的动态变化,为政府部门合理规划塔里木盆地人与自然和谐发展提供依据,运用生态足迹和适度人口模型,计算了塔里木盆地2002-2010年的生态足迹、生态承载力和适度人口规模,并将其与现实人口进行对比分析。结果表明:2010年塔里木盆地人均生态资源需求明显大于人均生态资源供给,生态处于不可持续状态。动态来看,2002-2010年间,塔里木盆地适度人口规模与实际人口数反向变化,生态赤字呈扩大趋势,赤字人口从2002年的166.83万人大幅增加到2010年的569.26万人,人类对耕地、草地和化石能源用地的开发和利用超出了其生态承载力的阈值,塔里木盆地人口与资源环境协调性在下降。认为这是塔里木盆地人口增长、人均生态资源需求增加的反向影响,以及技术进步、资源利用效率提高的正向影响共同作用的结果。  相似文献   

Lop Sea, located at the east end of the Tarim Basin, Northwest China, dried up permanently, which is the terminal lake of the Tarim River. Lop Sea was considered as the lake basin of Lop Nor since Quaternary. However, the possibility that Lop Nor was away from the Lop Sea in historical time is crucial to be discussed to interpret the proxy records in sediment profiles. To obtain a general view of the evolution of Lop Nor and Lop Sea in a historical period, several approaches were adopted in this paper. First, the Qianlong Thirteen-Row Atlas, an ancient imperial atlas of the Qing Dynasty, which was completed around 1760, indicated that the Tarim River formed a relatively large lake at its modern upstream region. Second, a Digital Elevation Model(DEM) with a 10-m spatial resolution and a relative precision of 0.42 m was derived from TanDEM-X/Terra SAR-X satellite image pairs using the interferometry method, which was verified using ICESat-GLAS laser footprints and a local DEM acquired by a drone. Finally, based on the spatial analysis of historical documents, expedition reports, sediment profiles and archaeological evidence, it can be deduced that the lacustrine deposition was discontinued in the Lop Sea. Six episodes in the evolutionary history of the drainage system in eastern Tarim Basin were summarized. The proved depositional condition variations could be used for future interpretation of proxy records in sediment. The high-accurate DEM provided a reference for the location of further fieldwork in the Lop Sea. The method proposed in this paper may be efficient for the research of inland lakes or rivers in global arid regions.  相似文献   

罗布泊红柳沙包记录的极端气候事件及影响因素   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
赵娟  赵元杰  夏训诚 《干旱区研究》2012,29(6):1094-1099
罗布泊地区的红柳沙包,具有清晰的沉积纹层,与树木年轮一样,具有准确的计年和储存环境信息的功能。通过对罗布泊典型红柳沙包中沙层沉积厚度、落叶阳离子含量、C/N、δ13C、δD、δ18O等序列中记录的环境代用指标极端值与极端气候事件的相关性分析发现,环境代用指标极端值与极端气候事件之间有很好的对应关系。依此分析了近160 a罗布泊地区极端气候事件的发生规律和影响因素。  相似文献   

The Alagxa Plateau, in the margin of the northeastern Tibetan Plateau, is one of the most important dust source areas in East Asia, and the widespread sandy desert in the area is important both as a reservoir and a source of eolian silty. The northeastern margin of the Tibetan Plateau is one of the most actively-growing mountain belt on earth, and has large amounts of debris, with masses of fine grained material, which were continuously mobilized and deposited in the Alagxa Plateau by rivers, forming broad alluvial fans. It is possible that the role of fluvial sediments as a source of silty dust in the Alagxa Plateau has been underestimated. In this study, we test this hypothesis by investigating the iron mineralogical and geochemical characteristics of the fluvial sediments and the surface material of the sandy desert in the Alagxa Plateau, and comparing them with paleo-eolian dust deposits(loess) in the adjacent Chinese Loess Plateau(CLP) to investigate the possible linkages among the fluvial sediments, sandy desert and the last glacial loess of the CLP. The results show that sandy desert typically have high contents of goethite, and high ratios of goethite to hematite, similar to the fluvial sediments in the Alagxa Plateau. Based on the major element characteristics, field investigations and the results of previous studies, we found a genetic link between the silt component of the fluvial sediments and the sandy desert in the Alagxa Plateau with high value of Gt(goethite) and similarity of the Gt/(Hm(hematite)+Gt) ratio. But the silt component of the sandy desert main come from the adjacent fluvial sediments. The iron mineralogical characteristics(χ(magnetic susceptibility), χARM(anhysteretic susceptibility), SIRM(saturation isothermal remanent magnetization) and SIRM_(AF100 mT)(SIRM demagnetized at 100 mT)) of the CLP samples overlap with those of the fluvial sediments in the Alagxa Plateau, but there is a mismatch with the sandy desert samples. This suggests that the fluvial sediments are the source of a large amount of silty material which could be transported to the CLP. Therefore, we conclude that the fluvial sediment in the Alagxa Plateau is an important source of eolian silt, which is deposited in downwind region, and that this source has been previously underestimated.  相似文献   

近百年来罗布泊最后干涸时间的评述   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
罗布泊的干涸是中亚干旱地区环境变化的一个重要事件,现有研究对1921年覆水以来最后一次干涸发生的时间存在广泛争议。通过相关概念的明确和研究对象时空范围的限定,基于文献对比分析和遥感图像的重新判读,逐一分析了现有研究成果的异同;并分析了1930年代以来湖面的盈亏情况以及补给水源的变化过程。结果表明:罗布泊最后一次覆水于1962年,干涸可能发生在该年冬季,最迟不晚于次年夏季;在极度干旱的气候背景下,20世纪30年代以来的湖水存在剧烈的盈亏变化;而农业耗水规模的扩大和筑坝拦水,直接促成了最后一次干涸的发生。  相似文献   

YANG Han 《干旱区科学》2015,7(6):820-830
Soil magnetic characteristics are correlated with soil p H and organic matter content. Analyzing soil magnetic characteristics, organic matter content and p H can indirectly evaluate soil pollution caused by human activities. This study analyzed the soil magnetic characteristics, organic matter content and p H in surface soil samples from different land use types in Shihezi city, a newly and rapidly developing oasis city in Xinjiang of China. The aims of this study were to explore the possible relationships among the soil magnetic parameters and thereby improve the understanding of influence of urbanization on soil properties. Eighty surface soil samples at the depth of 0–10 cm were collected from 29 July to 4 August 2013. The results showed that the magnetic minerals in surface soil were dominated by ferromagnetic minerals. Spatially, the magnetic susceptibility(χLF), anhysteretic remanent magnetization susceptibility(χARM), saturation isothermal remanent magnetization(SIRM) and "soft" isothermal remanent magnetization(SOFT) were found to be most dominant in the new northern urban area B(N-B), followed by built-up areas(U), suburban agricultural land(F), and then the new northern urban area A(N-A). The values of χLF, χARM, SIRM and SOFT were higher in the areas with high intensities of human activities and around the main roads. Meanwhile, the property "hard" isothermal remanent magnetization(HIRM) followed the order of UN-BFN-A. Built-up areas had an average p H value of 7.93, which was much higher than that in the new northern urban areas as well as in suburban agricultural land, due to the increased urban pollutant emissions. The average value of soil organic matter content in the whole study area was 34.69 g/kg, and the values in the new northern urban areas were much higher than those in the suburban agricultural land and built-up areas. For suburban agricultural land, soil organic matter content was significantly negatively correlated with χLF, and had no correlation with other magnetic parameters, since the soil was frequently ploughed. In the new northern urban areas(N-A and N-B), there were significant positive correlations of soil organic matter contents with χARM, SIRM, SOFT and HIRM, because natural grasslands were not frequently turned over. For the built-up areas, soil organic matter contents were significantly positively correlated with χLF, χARM, SIRM and SOFT, but not significantly correlated with frequency-dependent susceptibility(χFD, expressed as a percentage) and HIRM, because the soil was not frequently turned over or influenced by human activities. The results showed that soil magnetic characteristics are related to the soil turnover time.  相似文献   

Extremely saline soils are very harsh environments for the growth and survival of most plant species, however, halophytes can grow well. The underlying mechanism of halophyte to resist high saline is not well understood by us. This study was conducted at the potash mine near the Lop Nur, China, where the effects of the halophyte Suaeda salsa L. on the saline-alkaline soils and its growth and sustainability were investigated. Four plots(in which the salt encrustation layers were removed), with different soil treatments were evaluated:(1) undisturbed soil, with no additional treatment(T1);(2) the slag soil zone, in which a 40-cm layer of slag was placed on the undisturbed soil surface(T2);(3) slag+sandy soil, in which a 20-cm layer of slag was placed in the lower layer and 20 cm of sandy soil, taken from an area about 70 km away from Lop Nur potash mine, where Tamarix species were growing, was placed in the upper layer(T3); and(4) a 40-cm sandy soil layer taken from the area where Tamarix species were growing was placed on undisturbed soil(T4). Soil nutrient contents increased in the four treatments, but salt content only decreased in the T1 treatment. Salt content in the T4 treatment increased over the two-year period, which may be partly attributed to salt deposition from wind-blown dust within the mine and salt accumulation within the surface soil(0–20 cm) in response to high evaporative demands. The S. salsa plants exhibited greater improvements in growth under the T4 treatment than under the T1, T2, and T3 treatments, which demonstrated that low levels of salinity are beneficial for the growth of this species. The T1 treatment was sustainable because of its low cost and superior soil improvement characteristics. Therefore, S. salsa plants not only reduced soil salinity and increased soil nutrient levels, but also ameliorated the plant growth environment, which would be beneficial for both the ecological restoration of the Lop Nur area and similar areas throughout the world.  相似文献   

The dust storm is the most important and frequent meteorological disaster over Tarim Basin,which causes huge damages on local social economics.How to predict the springtime and summertime dust storm occurrence has become a hot issue for meteorologists.This paper employed the data of dust storm frequency and 10-m wind velocity at 35 stations over Tarim Basin and the reanalysis data from the National Center for Environmental Prediction and the National Center for Atmospheric Research(NCEP/NCAR) during 1961-2007 to study the relationship between dust storm frequency(DSF) in summer over Tarim Basin and the thermal anomalies in Tibetan Plateau in May by using the statistical methods,such as Empirical Orthogonal Function(EOF),correlation and binomial moving average.The results show when negative anomalies in Tibetan Plateau and positive anomalies in its southern region are present along 30°N(the second mode of surface temperature anomalies by EOF decomposition) in May,the time coefficient(PC2) plays an important role in summer DSF variation and has a close relation with the summer DSF at both inter-annual and decadal time scales.When negative anomalies in Tibetan Plateau and positive anomalies are present in its southern region(PC2 in positive phase),there is an anomalous anticyclone in North China,which weakens the northwest wind and is not beneficial for cold air moving from high latitude to the Tarim Basin,and the circulation pattern is hard to result in dust storm weather.Furthermore,the sea level pressure(SLP) increased over Tarim Basin and the direction of SLP gradient reversed,which resulted in the 10-m wind velocity slowing down,so the DSF decreased.From above all,it can be conclude that the thermal anomalies in Tibetan Plateau in May has important effects on the summertime dust storm frequency over Tarim Basin and the PC2 can be used as a prediction factor for the summertime dust storm occurrence.  相似文献   

Kansu (KS) profile is located in the east of Yili basin, western Xinjiang, where typical loess sediments are distributed. The magnetic parameters (such as IRM, SIRM SOFT, and M) and grain size in the KS profile were analyzed in the study. The results showed that the magnetic property of KS loess is dominated by ferrimagnetic minerals, such as magnetite and maghemite. Antiferromagnetic and superparamagnetic minerals also exist in the profile, but had less impact on magnetic susceptibility. Compared with the typical loess sediments of the central Loess Plateau in China, the strata of Kansu profile contained more magnetic minerals and hard magnetic minerals. The analysis of grain size for magnetic minerals indicated that the properties of loess and paleosol were respectively dominated by PSD/MD and coarse SSD magnetite. The research found that the contents of magnetic minerals in loess and paleosol sequences in Kansu profile were similar, but the proportion of fine grained magnetite and soft magnetic minerals were varying, which implies a positive relationship between the value of magnetic susceptibility and intensity of pedogenesis.  相似文献   

新疆沙漠空间分布格局与类型结构   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
在对新疆沙漠区域环境特点分析的基础上,基于新疆1[JP18]∶[JP]1 000 000数字地貌图和TM影像数据及Google Earth等资料,利用GIS技术,编制了新疆沙漠分片图与沙漠类型分布图,对新疆沙漠空间分布与类型结构进行了分析。结果表明:① 新疆共有577块沙漠,可以划分为35片区。按照区域可分为塔里木盆地沙漠区、准噶尔盆地沙漠区、阿尔泰山沙漠区、准噶尔西部山沙漠区、昆仑山-阿尔金山沙漠区、天山沙漠区6个区;② 新疆沙漠面积达428 977.14 km2,占新疆总面积的26.12%;沙漠分布广泛,平原、丘陵和山地均有分布,但各区域的沙漠面积相差悬殊;沙漠在空间上呈聚集分布,主要分布在塔里木盆地和准噶尔盆地;沙漠景观破碎化程度具有很大空间差异性,在塔里木盆地和准噶尔盆地中面积较大沙漠的破碎化程度低,而在山地与两大盆地的过渡地带面积较小的沙漠破碎化程度较高。③ 新疆沙漠具有独特的地貌类型、稳定性和类型丰富度等类型结构,地貌类型以沙丘和沙垄为主,沙漠植被覆盖度差,以流动性沙丘和流动性沙垄为主,多数沙漠的类型丰富度贫乏,只有少数沙漠类型数量可以达到中等乃至极丰富。  相似文献   

CHEN Limei 《干旱区科学》2022,14(12):1377-1394
Vegetation growth status is an important indicator of ecological security. The Tarim River Basin is located in the inland arid region of Northwest China and has a highly fragile ecological environment. Assessing the vegetation net primary productivity (NPP) of the Tarim River Basin can provide insights into the vegetation growth variations in the region. Therefore, based on the Google Earth Engine (GEE) cloud platform, we studied the spatiotemporal variation of vegetation NPP in the Tarim River Basin (except for the eastern Gobi and Kumutag deserts) from 2001 to 2020 and analyzed the correlations between vegetation NPP and meteorological factors (air temperature and precipitation) using the Sen slope estimation method, coefficient of variation, and rescaled range analysis method. In terms of temporal characteristics, vegetation NPP in the Tarim River Basin showed an overall fluctuating upward trend from 2001 to 2020, with the smallest value of 118.99 g C/(m2?a) in 2001 and the largest value of 155.07 g C/(m2?a) in 2017. Regarding the spatial characteristics, vegetation NPP in the Tarim River Basin showed a downward trend from northwest to southeast along the outer edge of the study area. The annual average value of vegetation NPP was 133.35 g C/(m2?a), and the area with annual average vegetation NPP values greater than 100.00 g C/(m2?a) was 82,638.75 km2, accounting for 57.76% of the basin. The future trend of vegetation NPP was dominated by anti-continuity characteristic; the percentage of the area with anti-continuity characteristic was 63.57%. The area with a significant positive correlation between vegetation NPP and air temperature accounted for 53.74% of the regions that passed the significance test, while the area with a significant positive correlation between vegetation NPP and precipitation occupied 98.68% of the regions that passed the significance test. Hence, the effect of precipitation on vegetation NPP was greater than that of air temperature. The results of this study improve the understanding on the spatiotemporal variation of vegetation NPP in the Tarim River Basin and the impact of meteorological factors on vegetation NPP.  相似文献   

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