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一、目前欧盟的共同渔业政策面临的问题………共同渔业政策亟须改革欧盟委员会资料显示,欧盟地区88%的渔业资源被过度捕捞,30%的渔业资源濒临灭绝,并指出现行的共同渔业政策执行效果不佳.为了应对2012年的渔业政策改革,欧盟已经对成员国的渔业管理政策调整提出了建议,如减少渔船数量,制定更加清晰的管理目标,渔业发展的长期目标应该是负责任的和与各方利益协调一致.  相似文献   

欧盟共同渔业政策(TheCommon Fisheries Policy,CFP)实行至今已有30多年,期间对其方针政策进行了多次调整。共同渔业政策的总体目标主要包括二个方面:1)对地区渔业资源实行有效的管理;2)促进欧盟渔业的可持续发展。对共同渔业政策的实际执行效果,长期以来各方褒贬不一。近日,英国政府发布的一份官方报告称,欧盟共同渔业政策在实现其总体目标方面是失败的。  相似文献   

为进一步加强渔业经济政策研究工作,促进渔业持续、稳定、健康发展,全国渔业经济政策研讨会于2002年12月3日~5日在成都召开。会议的主要任务是研究新时期渔业经济政策研究的重点,交流开展调研工作的体会,以及对进一步搞好调研工作的建议,开展渔业经济和农村政策培训等内容。此次会议对第五届渔业经济调研网络调研论文评选结果进行了通报,浙江省台州市海洋与渔业局林毅文、卢昌彩的《关于建设现代渔港经济区的思考》等9篇  相似文献   

河南省商丘地区近两年来,各级党委、政府始终把发展水产作为支柱产业来抓、深化渔业经济改革、调整渔业发展方针,制定了一系列促进渔业发展的配套政策,调动了各方面积极性  相似文献   

在布鲁塞尔召开的欧盟渔业委员会会议上,OCEAN2012严厉批评了欧盟的渔业补贴政策。会议还讨论了未来如何使用渔业补贴以及如何可持续捕捞等问题。OCEAN2012认为,渔业补贴将助长环境和经济问题。只有维持良好的鱼类种群资源,才会获得更多的产量和就业机会。欧盟需要重新调整其渔业政策,避免过度捕捞。由于目光短浅及决策失误,欧盟大西洋水域已经过度捕捞的鱼类种群大约占63%,地中海占82%,波罗的海占2/3。每年全球因为过度捕捞至少损失32亿欧元。  相似文献   

2013年11月4日,丹麦政府向世界贸易组织(WTO)秘书处提交了一份文件,要求WTO就法罗群岛与欧盟之间的鲭鱼配额纠纷进行仲裁。丹麦既是世界贸易组织成员国,又是欧盟成员国,法罗群岛作为丹麦的海外自治领地,随着丹麦一同加入了世界贸易组织,但并没有随着丹麦一同加入欧盟,其中的重要原因之一是法罗群岛担心加入欧盟之后,在渔业方面将会受到欧盟“共同渔业政策”的制约,尽管如此,欧盟一直认为北大西洋海域的渔业资源应由欧盟与周边国家共管,其中鲭鱼、鲱鱼等重要的渔业品种的捕捞配额应由各方协商确定和分配,多年以来,法罗群岛与欧盟在渔业捕捞配额方面一直存在分歧,法罗群岛认为欧盟现行配额分配方法损害了法罗群岛的利益,并且自行确定每年的捕捞配额,欧盟因此对法罗群岛进行经济制裁,禁止法罗群岛的渔船停靠欧盟国家的港口,禁止欧盟国家购买法罗群岛的渔获物。由于渔业是法罗群岛重要的支柱产业,欧盟的制裁对其经济产生了不利影响。  相似文献   

为了推动大连休闲渔业的快速健康发展,通过分析供给侧结构改革和休闲渔业之间的内在联系,以及大连休闲渔业发展前景和潜在风险,提出通过完善相应管理体制、改善休闲渔业环境、发展品牌特色及共享经济、提高从业者素质等措施,发展大连休闲渔业,以促进大连渔业结构优化改革。  相似文献   

通过对我国主要的渔业产品出口国和地区:日本、美国、韩国、欧盟以及世界另一水产品出口大国泰国的渔业贸易政策分析,试图使我国水产品出口企业和相关从业人员了解以上各国的渔业贸易政策,以便对他们的生产经营活动有所帮助和指导.通过对以上各国和我国在渔业贸易政策方面的比较,分析我国渔业贸易方面的不足,以及今后调整的方向.  相似文献   

欧盟与索罗门群岛签订双边入渔协议2004年2月4日,欧盟与索罗门群岛签订了一个为期三年的双边入渔协议。此协议将于2005年1月1日起生效,按照协议欧盟渔船可进入索罗门群岛渔区捕捞金枪鱼。此协议的签订,标志着欧盟与索罗门群岛建立起了一个渔业伙伴关系。欧盟承诺协助索罗门群岛规划渔业政策,并寻找执行该政策的适当方式。此次欧盟与索罗门群岛所签订的入渔协议正是欧盟渔业政策的实践之一。联合国粮农组织(FAO)的水产贸易分会,于2004年2月10日-14日在德国布莱梅港市举行会议,有120位来自各国政府单位、渔业组织、非政府组织的成员,在布莱…  相似文献   

湘潭市渔业在十一年改革中,认真贯彻了党的各项农村经济政策,深化渔业改革,调整了渔业经营体制,发展了养鱼科学技术,加强了渔业基地建设和渔业法制教育,整个渔业由传统的副业性生产向商品经济转变,开始形成一种相对独立的产业,  相似文献   

Despite regular reforms, problems under the EU's Common Fisheries Policy (CFP) persist. In order to identify priorities for future reforms of the policy, we developed an analytical framework consisting of 17 criteria and specifying indicators, derived from scientific, wider fisheries, and common resources literature. We applied the framework to the CFP governance system, its regulations, institutions, and processes at EU as well as member state level. The results show that the CFP does not fully meet any of the 17 criteria for an effective resource policy. Its performance was assessed as “neutral” regarding 10 criteria and “negative” regarding seven criteria. Trend analysis shows that there is a slightly positive trend regarding the CFP's performance, with five criteria trending positively, 11 showing a neutral trend and only one criterion trending negatively (simplicity of rules). The analysis identified five criteria which are performing badly and have not improved over time: simplicity of rules, user‐pays principle, resource efficiency, accountability, and compliance mechanisms. Future reforms of the CFP should first and foremost address these criteria while continuing efforts to improve the CFP's performance regarding other criteria. The evaluation of the CFP demonstrates the applicability of the analytical framework which can also be applied to other multilevel fisheries governance systems. Moreover, the results can inform reforms of Regional Fisheries Management Organisations. Like the CFP, these institutions manage transboundary fisheries and have not effectively addressed the issues of resource rent capture and resource efficiency.  相似文献   

Failure to understand the potential responses of fishers to management measures creates a significant risk of revisiting the familiar scenario of perverse and unintended consequences of those measures. This paper reports on a choice experiment survey to evaluate fisher's preferences for various management measures proposed under the EU Common Fisheries Policy (CFP) reform process, but the conclusions have wider relevance as similar measures are used by comparable fleets in fisheries globally. The survey was conducted with fishers involved in mixed pelagic and demersal fisheries in Ireland, pelagic fisheries in Denmark and demersal fisheries in Greece. Fisheries management policies were characterized by five attributes designed both to cover the principal CFP reform proposals and to integrate ecological, social, economic and institutional factors affecting fisher's decisions. The study uses a random utility modelling framework to reveal the preferences of the fishers across the alternative policy attributes. Results show that while there are generally preferences both for healthy stocks and for maintaining the importance of fishing to the local community, strong interfishery preference differences exist. These differences are most notable in relation to a discard ban and to the use of individual transferable fishing rights, favoured in Denmark, but not in Ireland for instance. The strength of these interfishery differences supports the assertion that there are no panaceas in fisheries management and that solutions should be tailored within the context of specific fisheries. Not doing so could create a significant risk of inappropriately managed fisheries that may lead to unsustainable outcomes.  相似文献   

This study compares the details and performance of fisheries management between the EU and a selection of other countries worldwide: Iceland, New Zealand, and Australia, which are considered in many respects to be among the most advanced in the world in fisheries management. Fisheries management in the EU, Iceland, Australia, and New Zealand has developed following different paths, despite being based on similar instruments and principles. Iceland, Australia, and New Zealand have been at the forefront of developing management practices such as stakeholder involvement, legally binding management targets (Australia, New Zealand), individual transferable quotas, and discard bans (Iceland, New Zealand). The EU has since the beginning of the 21st century taken significant steps to better involve stakeholders and establish quantitative targets through management plans, and a landing obligation is gradually being implemented from 2015 onward. The management of domestic fisheries resources in Australia, New Zealand, and Iceland has, overall, performed better than in the EU, in terms of conservation and economic efficiency. It should, however, be stressed that, compared to Australia, New Zealand, and Iceland, (i) initial over‐capacity was more of an issue in the EU when management measures became legally binding and also that (ii) EU has been progressive in developing common enforcement standards, on stocks shared by sovereign nations. The situation of EU fisheries has substantially improved over the period 2004–2013 in the northeast Atlantic, with fishery status getting close to that in the other jurisdictions, but the lack of recovery for Mediterranean fish stocks remains a concern.  相似文献   

This review paper examines the structure of the EU aquaculture sector, the contribution it makes to the EU economy and the policy environment for past and future development. The primary analysis uses statistical data from the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations which has been re-categorized according to species groups established by the European Aquaculture Technology and Innovation Platform (EATiP) and by culture system type using expert knowledge. Additional data sources for the analysis include the European Market Observatory for Fisheries and Aquaculture Products (EUMOFA) and the European Commission Scientific, Technical and Economic Committee for Fisheries. EU aquaculture production was 1.34 million tonnes in 2012 with a first sale value of €4.76 billion. Shellfish comprised 45 % by volume and 28 % by value; marine fish 30 % by volume and 53 % by value; and freshwater fish 25 % by volume and 19 % by value. The total production volume has actually fallen slightly from 1.4 million tonnes in 2000, whilst the value has increased significantly from 2.79 billion in 2000, mainly due to a growth in Atlantic salmon production. Five countries accounted for around 78 % of the direct output value of EU aquaculture in 2012, the UK, France, Greece, Italy and Spain. Around 50 % of the direct output value was generated using marine cage systems (28 % by volume), whilst less than 3 % of value was generated in recirculated aquaculture systems (<1.5 % by volume). Around 5 % of value was contributed by extensive to semi-intensive inland and coastal pond systems. STECF (2014) estimates there are between 14,000 and 15,000 aquaculture enterprises in the EU employing around 80,000 people, approximately 40,000 full-time equivalent (FTE). The greatest number of jobs (FTE) is provided by the freshwater pond and suspended shellfish sectors due to much lower productivity figures. This could be seen as a social benefit in rural and coastal regions, but corresponding low wages could also discourage young entrants to the industry and lead to dependency on migrant workers. Where efficiencies can be improved through capital investment there is likely to be significant scope for consolidation of ownership as can be observed in the marine fish sector. The output from aquaculture has to find a place within the wider fish and seafood market where volumes are generally inversely related to price. The potential growth of the sector is therefore constrained both in relation to the overall market and with respect to competition from substitute products. These include product from EU capture fisheries as well as imports from third countries (sourced from aquaculture and capture fisheries). Whilst interactions between individual products can be hard to demonstrate, any increase in production costs is likely to lead to lower output volumes, whilst improvements in production efficiency can lead to increased output volumes. With around 60 % of EU fish and seafood supply obtained through imports, and little prospect of increasing outputs from capture fisheries, EU policy is generally supportive of sustainable aquaculture development for reasons of food security and economic development. The underlying basis for this is maximizing the quality and health benefits of farmed products, whilst improving resource efficiency and minimizing impacts. This is expressed through funding support for research and technological development and structural funds to the fisheries and aquaculture industries. However, constraints to growth also exist in the form of regulatory barriers and costs that reduce industry competitiveness. Changing market requirements are also a factor. Prospects for growth have been assessed using the results of EATiP stakeholder workshops combined with the analysis of the sector by system type. These suggest an overall increase in production by 55 % is possible by 2030 based mainly on expansion of marine cage-based farming using larger systems in more exposed sites and similarly shellfish farming using larger-scale suspended systems. Expansion of recirculated aquaculture systems appears likely based on entrepreneurial and European policy for research and technological development activity, although constrained by currently low competitiveness.  相似文献   

The incidental capture by marine fisheries as bycatch poses a global threat to pelagic sharks and rays. In large, industrialized fisheries that often operate in areas beyond national jurisdiction, at least 22 threatened species of pelagic elasmobranchs are caught as bycatch, representing the majority of megafauna bycatch in tuna fisheries. Here, we investigate (1) the efficacy of the current policies of the five tuna-related Regional Fisheries Management Organizations (tRFMOs) in mitigating elasmobranch bycatch, (2) data needed to better assess the amount and impact of elasmobranch bycatch and (3) the research necessary for the adoption of new policies. We found that tRFMOs have adopted 34 active policies that address pelagic elasmobranch bycatch. However, most policies (~76%, n = 26) are unlikely to avoid or minimize elasmobranch bycatch. Instead, most policies focus on mitigating post-capture mortality via remediation and requiring or encouraging research and data collection. Despite the emphasis on research mandates, we find that the existence of research was not related to policy adoption, suggesting that lack of research has not historically prohibited policymaking. Overall, we suggest that current research and data transparency, though perhaps not necessary for policy adoption, are not sufficient to adequately evaluate the population-level impacts of bycatch on many elasmobranch species in tRFMO-managed fisheries. Given these results, we recommend a precautionary approach that involves reforms in tRFMO voting processes to facilitate the adoption of binding requirements for elasmobranch catch limits, bycatch avoidance, pre- and post-capture handling and release modifications and protection of areas important to threatened pelagic elasmobranchs.  相似文献   

陈琦  韩立民  钟美希 《水产学报》2017,41(11):1806-1816
由Ostrom提出的社会—生态系统(social-ecological system,SES)分析框架是当前国际上用于分析公共池塘资源管理问题的一个前沿理论工具。本文综览当前SES分析框架在国外渔业管理领域的大量研究文献,在归纳、整理研究尺度和对象的基础上,从系统变量识别、变量相互作用分析、系统结果识别、适应性管理设计和适应性管理执行与监督5个层面对SES分析框架在国外渔业管理领域的应用研究进行了系统梳理和评述。虽然当前SES分析框架在渔业管理领域的应用研究在变量识别、数理实证和研究尺度拓展等方面尚有待进一步完善和发展,但现有国外研究成果对于新形势下我国渔业管理理论研究和渔业管理制度改革均具有十分重要的参考价值。  相似文献   

Ocean sustainability is a widespread public concern in Europe, and the issue of fisheries discards is one that is now widely known. With this increase in public awareness comes the need to adapt fisheries management policies to manage issues like fisheries discards that were not previously taken into account. In this context, this study analyses the evolution of the European Union's discard policy since its inception in 2006 until the present day and the events that shaped its current format. It analyses the policy's advantages and disadvantages, and its political, environmental and scientific consequences. It argues that an increase in public awareness, due to public campaigns against fisheries discards, has focused managers' attention onto a symptom of fisheries mismanagement, rather than on its underlying causes of over‐exploitation and lack of fisheries control. This has distorted the discussion of the reform of the Common Fisheries Policy and potentially undermined its provisions relating to discards.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT:   Fishery policy formation is a multilateral political process that typically involves conflicting attitudes towards management, and opposing interests among resource users. As fisheries resources continue to decline, conflict between and within fishing sectors will grow. The challenge for fisheries policy makers is to ensure fisheries resources are evenly allocated among the stakeholders whilst managing resources in a sustainable manner. Australian fisheries management has been revolutionized by the introduction of Integrated Fisheries Management (IFM), which is based on a systematic approach involving the inclusion of all sectors in the management process. This approach means determining the total amount of fish that can be harvested from a fishery and then adopting management strategies for allocating explicit catch shares between the competing sectors. The recent increased burden on fisheries stocks, caused by higher recreational user participation, has forced policy makers to make large changes relating to the allocation of resources. Policy makers in Western Australia, aware of conflict developing between users of the abalone resource, developed a unique management system based on resource sharing. By integrating the recreational sector in the overall management process, the primary objective of the new agenda is to decrease conflict between competing users and develop a management system without partisanship.  相似文献   

水产健康养殖与食品安全发展战略研究   总被引:8,自引:1,他引:8  
随着科学技术的进步和国民经济的发展,我国的水产养殖业得到了迅速的发展并已成为世界第一水产养殖大国。但是随着水产养殖产量的提高和养殖规模的扩大,养殖环境恶化,主要养殖品种疫病严重,滥用药物等问题十分严重,导致养殖水产品质量下降。本文从养殖生产、市场流通以及人类食品安全等方面探讨了健康养殖与食品安全的重要性和紧迫性,并从技术、经济、政策法规等方面提出了一些建议和对策。  相似文献   

Fishing impacts and the degradation or loss of habitat structure   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
The wider effects of fishing on marine ecosystems have become the focus of growing concern among scientists, fisheries managers and the fishing industry. The present review examines the role of habitat structure and habitat heterogeneity in marine ecosystems, and the effects of fishing (i.e. trawling and dredging) on these two components of habitat complexity. Three examples from New Zealand and Australia are considered, where available evidence suggests that fishing has been associated with the degradation or loss of habitat structure through the removal of large epibenthic organisms, with concomitant effects on fish species which occupy these habitats. With ever-increasing demands on fish-stocks and the need for sustainable use of fisheries resources, new approaches to fisheries management are needed. Fisheries management needs to address the sustainability of fish-stocks while minimizing the direct and indirect impacts of fishing on other components of the ecosystem. Two long-term management tools for mitigating degradation or loss of habitat structure while maintaining healthy sustainable fisheries which are increasingly considered by fisheries scientists and managers are: (1) protective habitat management, which involves the designation of protected marine and coastal areas which are afforded some level of protection from fishing; and (2) habitat restoration, whereby important habitat and ecological functions are restored following the loss of habitat and/or resources. Nevertheless, the protection of marine and coastal areas, and habitat restoration should not be seen as solutions replacing conventional management approaches, but need to be components of an integrated programme of coastal zone and fisheries management. A number of recent international fisheries agreements have specifically identified the need to provide for habitat protection and restoration to ensure long-term sustainability of fisheries. The protection and restoration of habitat are also common components of fisheries management programs under national fisheries law and policy.  相似文献   

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