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孙龙生  张艳云 《畜禽业》1999,(1):27-27,31
<正> 鱼粉作为优质蛋白质饲料在生产上应用很广,研究开发鱼粉替代品一直是畜牧工作者追求的目标,并且取得了一些进展。而“快大快”则是我国科技工作者利用高科技从鱼可溶物中提炼出来的富含“未知生长因子”(UGF)的天然超浓缩物质,它不仅能促进畜禽的生长,提高生产性能,还能降低鱼粉用量,是优质鱼粉的最佳替代品,并且在蛋鸡、肉猪试验中取得了较好效果。为了探讨“快大快”替代鱼粉对肉鸡饲养的可行性及经济效益,我们用AA肉鸡进行了本试验。  相似文献   

目前水产养殖步履艰难。水产品价格的不断下降和鱼粉价格的持续高涨,形成了尖锐的矛盾。原料价格的上涨和饲料价格的下降也形成了尖锐的矛盾。为了解决这一矛盾,必须寻找鱼粉代用品,降低鱼粉的用量,随之而来的是饲料品质下降,生长率下降,饲料系数升高。为了提高鱼的生长率,降低饲料系数,部分生产厂家往往在鱼饲料中加入大量的抗生素及激素类促生长剂。鱼类饲料中加入大量抗生素类和激素类的促生长剂后,虽然有较明显的促生长效果,但安全性差:拉网出血、使水产动物的抗应激能力降低,抗病能力降低,造成水产动物越冬死亡、运输死亡…  相似文献   

国内鱼粉价格已处在底部   4月 16日在郑州召开的全国饲料市场分析研讨会上,与会专家、业界代表对鱼粉市场走势进行了研判,认为目前国内鱼粉价格已处在底部。导致鱼粉价格下降的原因:一是国内库存较多;二是受英国“疯牛病”事件影响,欧盟暂停鱼粉进口,使国际鱼粉市场出现供求失衡;三是今年 2月以来欧洲、南美一些国家暴发口蹄疫,绝大部分国家限制鱼粉的进口 (因鱼粉中含有肉骨粉 ),而转用廉价的大豆及其副产品,对鱼粉价格起了助跌作用。   专家和业内人士对未来国际、国内鱼粉市场走势持乐观态度。一是 3月 27日至 4月 10日,…  相似文献   

吴岘 《畜禽业》2005,(1):2-5
玉米、豆粕、鱼粉以及饲用氨基酸等主要饲料原料的价格是决定饲料成本最重要的因素,其中尤以豆粕的价格变化影响最大,豆粕的价格变化将带动其他类原料的价格波动。对饲料企业而言,认真分析和准确把握饲料原料价格走势,将有利于其制订原料采购储备计划、合理安排生产、有效控制生产成本,  相似文献   

鱼粉是目前水产饲料中主要的传统动物蛋白源,高质量的鱼粉仍普遍应用于水产养殖业中的饲料中,特别是名特优鱼类和虾类。然而,在国际市场中,鱼粉是一种价格不稳定的商品,其价格在一年中的变动可能相当大,这种波动对水产养殖业的饲养成本有重大的影响。  相似文献   

鲜肉、带骨鲜肉、谷类麸子粉和油菜籽粕与其他成分部分代替鱼粉制成微湿小颗粒饲料,饲喂幼鱼,其结果:鰤鱼饲料中的鱼粉可用上述成分按10,20和30%的比例等热量替代。当饲料中蛋白质量的10%被上述物质替代后,发现幼鱼生长和喂养效果较好,用鲜肉作为替代品可增加饲料性能的30%。另一方面,用其他蛋白质源替代有减少的倾向,但性能也增加10%以上,同时还发现,含有30%油菜籽粕替代的饲料可以降低血液和血清的性能,产生消极的影响。上述结果表明:鱼粉可用几种(例如鲜肉、谷类麸子粉等)廉价的蛋白质限量配比替代,当以鱼粉为基质的饲料中适当加入上述蛋白质,不仅可以降低饲料成本,而且可提高喂饲效果。鱼的配合饲料中,现在多用鱼粉,但其原料鱼─—远东拟沙丁鱼的捕获量最近正在减少,人们担心鱼粉供应量不足和价格高涨,期望着能代替鱼粉的蛋白质源。笔者等曾进行了用大豆油粕代替鱼粉蛋白作为鱼饲料的研究,对其利用性调结果表明:油粕的营养价值因加热和精制程度而有显著不同,经适度加热或精制的油粕可以配合20-30%;渡边曾报导大豆油粕可以与麸子粉一起配合,此外关于鱼饲料代替蛋白质源的报导尚未见到。还有,Watanabe等人把鲑和鲤鱼对各种蛋白质的消化  相似文献   

Shi鱼饲料中代替鱼粉的蛋白质源   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
鲜肉、带骨鲜肉、谷类麸子粉和油菜籽粕与其他成分部分代替鱼粉制成微湿小颗粒饲料,饲喂幼Shi鱼,其结果:饲料中的鱼粉可用上述成分按10,20和30%的比例等热量替代。当饲料中蛋白质量的10%被上述物质替代后,发现幼Shi鱼生长和喂养效果较好,用鲜肉作为替代品可增加饲料性能的30%。另一方面,用其他蛋白质源替代有减少的倾向,但性能也增加10%以上,同时还发现,含有30%油菜籽粕替代伯饲料可以降低血液和血清的性能,产生消极的影响。上述结果表明:鱼粉可用几种(例如鲜肉、谷类麸子粉等)廉价的蛋白质限量配比替代,当以鱼粉为基质的饲料中适当加入上述蛋白质,不仅可以降低饲料成本,而且可提高喂饲效果。Shi鱼的配合饲料中,现在多用鱼粉,但其原料鱼-远东拟沙丁鱼的捕获量最近正在减少,人们担心鱼粉供应量不足和价格高涨,期望着能代替鱼粉的蛋白质源。笔者等曾进行了用大豆油粕代替鱼粉蛋白作为Shi鱼饲料的研究,对其利用性调结果表明:油粕的营养 价值因加热和精制程度而有显著不同,经适度加热或精制的油粕可以配合20-30%。渡边曾报导大豆粕可以与麸子粉一起配合,此外关于Shi鱼饲料代替蛋白质源的报导尚未见到.还有,Watanabe等人把鲑和鲤鱼对各种蛋白质的消化率、生物价、蛋白质纯利用率等进行了比较,得出肉粉和麸子粉的营养价比鱼粉差的结论。本报导是用比较廉价的、供给量比较 谷类麸子粉、菜籽油粕、肉粉和肉骨粉作为代替鱼粉的一部分饲喂Shi幼鱼,测定了其生长、饲料效率、鱼体成分等,比较了它们的代替效果。  相似文献   

我国鱼粉资源缺乏,每年需进口60多万吨,还远不能满足我国饲养业对鱼粉的需要。进口鱼粉价格一涨再涨,饲料价格不断上升。1995年我区鲤鱼颗粒饲料价格已超过245(元/吨。为解决鱼粉短缺和动物蛋白来源不足的矛盾,促进我区渔业稳步发展,合理利用当地饲料资源,提高饲料效率,降低饲料成本,为此,采用运城盐湖卤虫干粉替代进口鱼称进行鲤鱼饲养效果试验。一、鲤鱼饲料配方依据运城地区饲料公司企业标准和山东淡水水产研究所《鲤鱼建议营养指标》,再根据我区饲料资源情况进行饲料配方设计。其中,为使饲料中动物蛋白含量保持一致,卤虫…  相似文献   

2006年上半年,由于鱼粉价格的疯涨,使得不少饲料企业和养殖户调整饲料配方,使用鱼粉替代品,由于技术的不成熟,造成许多替代品被滥用。直接给养殖业带来了经济损失。广东连续遭遇罗非鱼及活鳗出口被退情况,造成退货的直接原因在于发现药检残留,其间接原因却跟饲料质量的下降有重大关系。优质的饲料能够从根本上提高动物机体本身的抗病能力。而在北方淡水鱼投喂替代品花样繁多,肉粉、鸡肠粉、小鱼干等都成了撒向鱼塘的食物,导致鱼口味发生改变。还有部分养殖户错误的选择了假鱼粉,使用这些同样价格不菲的掺假鱼粉饲养效果明显下降.  相似文献   

<正>技术简介近年来,由于过度捕捞、环境污染及厄尔尼诺现象等不良气候的影响,野生鱼粉资源日益减少,导致世界鱼粉产量有所下降,国际鱼粉的价格不断攀升,导致以鱼粉为主要蛋白源的水产饲料的成本也不断上升。如果有效在水产饲料中降低鱼粉的用量,成为目前水产养殖业研究的重点。针对这一现状,借助鲟鱼、鲑鳟鱼创新团队的项目支持,饲料岗位历时三年,系统研究了各种单一及混合植物蛋白源替代鱼粉对西伯利亚鲟生长、代谢以及肉品质的影响。发现对于西伯利亚鲟而言,在可消化必需氨基酸模式  相似文献   

The economic profitability of fish meal replacement by soybean meal and pea‐rice concentrate mixture, was analysed considering the economic conversion ratio (ECR) and the economic profit index (EPIst) as a proposal for evaluating the economic profitability in diets for sea bream. The optimal fish meal levels for minimizing the ECR were 33% (when soybean meal was included) and 14% (in the case of pea‐rice concentrate mixture) and for maximizing the EPIst, optimal fish meal levels were 31% and 28.8%, respectively, considering the current market price of fish meal and vegetal ingredients. The EPIst, seems to be a better index than the ECR to estimate diet profitability, because it considers weight increment, feed conversion ratio, diet cost and fish sale price. A sensibility analysis was conducted, considering variations in the price of fish meal and vegetal ingredients. Finally, several multiple regressions were developed for estimating the optimal level of fish meal with each vegetable ingredient and the expected value of the economic profit as a function of the market price of both fish meal and plant protein. When fish meal prices increase, the highest beneficial level of the inclusion fish meal and the highest economic profit would be achieved with pea‐rice mixture.  相似文献   

Gastrointestinal and metabolic influences on short- and medium-term control of voluntary feed intake of European eel were investigated for groups of fish fed at different feeding schedules: 1 meal 2 days−1, 1 meal day−1, 2 meals day−1 and continuous feeding for 12 h and 24 h daily. For fish fed daily, the feeding schedule had no effect on feed intake, metabolism, growth, size variation and body composition. Only fish fed once every 2 days could not completely compensate by increasing their average meal size and showed a reduced feed intake, metabolism and growth. Stomach capacity did not limit meal size and feed intake as large differences in appetite were found for eels with empty stomachs. Feed intake was related to metabolism as the levels of O2 consumption and NH4 excretion just before the meal were correlated to average meal size, suggesting that rate (and duration) of metabolism is sensed and is providing information about the metabolic consequences of feed intake and feed processing. Meal size is based on the (expected) scope for metabolism and eels seem to strive to an average daily feed intake, associated with their developmental state (growth potential). Plasticity in this feed intake behaviour, expressed by individual variation in feed intake and day-to-day fluctuations in individual and group intake, is regarded as adaptive on different time scales.  相似文献   

Fishmeal replacement with a mixture of plant protein (PP) raw materials (soya, wheat gluten meal, corn gluten meal and rapeseed meal) in diets for 300‐950 g turbot was tested. Eight different diets with fishmeal protein stepwise varying from 53.7% of crude protein (CP) to 93% of CP of the total protein in the diet were tested. The fish was weighed at monthly intervals for following of weight development and calculation of specific growth rates, daily feed intake and feed conversion ratio. At the end of the experiment, fish was sampled for sensory evaluation. Average final weight was 950 g and did not vary between the experimental groups. There were no effects of dietary treatment on specific growth rates, daily feed intake, feed conversion ratio or sensory attributes measured. The least‐cost diet (with 53.7% fishmeal protein) is about 12% lower in raw material cost (based on material price of diet components) than the all fishmeal diet. The results therefore indicate that the raw material cost in feed for on‐growing turbot can be reduced considerably without any negative effect on growth and feed utilization.  相似文献   

Cholecystokinin (CCK) is the key regulator hormone that stimulates the secretion of digestive pancreatic enzymes in vertebrates. In fish, little is known about the mechanism of induction of CCK in the digestive tract by feed ingredients. To investigate the response of CCK and digestive enzymes to fish feed ingredients in yellowtail Seriola quinqueradiata, we performed a number of experiments in which we measured the mRNA levels of CCK, trypsin, and lipase after oral administration of a single bolus of the ingredients. We administered fish meal and fish oil in experiment 1; high and low concentrations of fish meal in experiment 2; and five different dietary protein sources (fish meal, soybean meal, soy protein concentrate, corn gluten meal, and glutamic acid fermentation by-products) in experiment 3. In experiments 1 and 3, only fish meal significantly increased the mRNA levels of CCK and digestive enzyme. In experiment 2, a high concentration of fish meal [20?% (w/v)] significantly increased CCK and trypsin mRNA levels, but a low concentration of fish meal [1?% (w/v)] did not. These results suggest that high concentrations of fish meal (the protein source in fish feed) has the most potent effect on stimulation of CCK synthesis and secretion of digestive enzymes in yellowtail.  相似文献   

The effect of replacing fish meal with soybean meal (SBM) in practical feeds for cuneate drum was evaluated in an 8-week net pen trial. The cuneate drum fingerlings (initial body weight 29.8 ± 1.3 g fish− 1) were fed six isonitrogenous and isocaloric feeds containing 39% digestible protein and 16 MJ kg− 1 digestible energy. The control feed was formulated to contain 40% herring meal, whereas in the other five feeds SBM was included at 11.3, 22.5, 33.8, 45.0 and 56.3% to replace 20, 40, 60, 80 or 100% of the fish meal. There were no significant differences in feed intake between fish fed the control feed and feeds in which SBM replaced 20 to 80% of the fish meal, but fish fed the fish meal free feed had higher feed intake than the other treatments. Weight gain linearly declined with the decrease of fish meal level. Final body weight (FBW) of fish fed the feeds in which SBM replaced 20% of the fish meal did not significantly differ from fish fed the control feed. Replacing 40 to 100% of the fish meal resulted in lower FBW and nitrogen retention efficiency (NRE), and higher feed conversion ratio (FCR) than those of fish fed the control feed. Fish fed the feeds in which SBM replaced 60 to 100% of the fish meal had lower condition factor and hepatosomatic index than those of fish fed the control feed. No significant differences in carcass protein content was found among the treatments, but fish fed the feeds in which SBM replaced 60 to 100% of the fish meal had higher moisture and lower lipid content in carcass than those of fish fed the control feed. Results of the present study appear to indicate that cuneate drum has a limited ability to utilize SBM as a protein source in practical feeds.  相似文献   

Juvenile, 1-g Colossoma macropomum (Cuvier) were fed two different diets: one with fish meal and another with soya meal as the main dietary protein source. Both diets were provided at ad libitum feeding level, and at two restricted feeding levels of ~ 80% and 60% of the ad libitum level. The experiment was performed in 30 aquaria, each stocked with 12 fish. For each treatment (two diets X three feeding levels), there were five replicates. Fish were fed three times daily at 0900, 1300 and 1700 h. At sampling days (days 14, 29, 44) in each aquarium in one of these feedings, chromic-oxide-marked feed was used. Shortly after the last meal, fish were weighed and four fish were taken from each aquarium for determination of the chromic oxide content in their digestive tract. Fish fed the fish meal diet attained a higher weight but had a lower body protein content. At the ad libitum feeding level, feed intake of the fish meal diet was higher, but feed and protein utilization efficiency were lower than with the soya diet. However, statistical analysis of the data of both the ad libitum and the two restricted feeding levels revealed that the reduced voluntary feed intake of the soya diet was the cause of its better utilization with ad libitum feeding. There is no evidence that soya protein is more freely available than fish meal protein. The chromic oxide data showed that 15 min after feeding, all of the feed (99.8%) could be traced back in fish fed the lowest feeding level, while at the ad libitum feeding level the recovery was only 72%. These data confirmed the hypothesis that at high feeding levels, considerable amounts of feed remain uneaten. Feed losses were not significantly different between the two diets. The chromic oxide recovery data of the 0900 h and 1300 h feedings showed that the feed passage rate in the digestive tract was similar for the three different feeding levels. Due to the high feed losses at high feeding levels, the relation between feed ration and feed utilization is determined mainly by the percentage of feed losses at the different feed rations.  相似文献   

Juvenile hybrid striped bass Morone saxatilis×M. chrysops were fed practical diets containing graded levels of either solvent-extracted soybean meal, roasted soybeans, or raw, unprocessed soybeans. Two separate 10-wk studies were conducted; within each study, there were two separate evaluations of soy products. In the first study, weight gain and feed efficiency of fish fed 45% or higher levels of soybean meal were significantly lower than fish fed the positive control diet, while weight gain and feed efficiency of fish fed 30% soybean meal were not significantly different than fish fed the control diet. Fish fed the lowest level of unprocessed soybean (20%) exhibited significantly depressed weight gain and feed efficiency compared to fish fed the control diet. In the second study, weight gain and feed efficiency of fish fed 40% roasted soybeans were significantly lower than fish fed the control diet, but weight gain and feed efficiency of fish fed 20% roasted soybeans were not significantly lower than fish fed the control diet. In both studies, whole body proximate composition values were significantly different among treatments. Whole-body lipid concentrations were significantly higher in fish fed certain levels of soy products, but only at levels above those eliciting depressions in weight gain and feed efficiency. A further evaluation of solvent-extracted soybean meal was conducted with incorporation levels of 20–40% of the dry diet in gradations of 5% with a nutritionally complete mineral premix. Weight gain and feed efficiency of fish fed any level of soybean meal in that study were not significantly different from fish fed a positive control diet. Whole body proximate components were not significantly different between treatments. Unprocessed soybeans apparently have little potential as an ingredient in diets fed to juvenile hybrid striped bass; roasting, or heat treatment, improves their use. Solvent extracted soybean has the potential of supplying the majority of crude protein in diets fed to juvenile hybrid striped bass. Incorporation of complete mineral premixes seems beneficial with higher levels of solvent-extracted soybean meal.  相似文献   

IntroductionInherent to the practice of intensive aquaculture is the generation of wastes having immediate and verybroad effects on the aquatic environment.There is a growing consensus about the need to reduce waste pro-duction in aquaculture to minimize the negative impacts on the environment.Nitrogen(N) and phosphorus(P) wastes are major concerns for many aquaculture operations.In the past,formulation of diets in intensive aquaculture was often aimed at meeting requirements formaximum growt…  相似文献   

张静雅  任幸  李伟业  柳敏海  王力  王岩 《水产学报》2020,44(11):1873-1882
通过10周生长实验评价了利用棉籽浓缩蛋白替代条纹锯鮨(Centropristis striata)饲料鱼粉的潜力。采用单因素实验设计,设4个鱼粉替代水平。对照饲料(C)中鱼粉含量为35%,通过添加棉籽浓缩蛋白分别替代饲料C中鱼粉的40%(R40)、60%(R60)和80%(R80)。每个处理设3个重复。实验鱼初始体重为29.5 ± 0.5g。实验期间,每天分两次按饱食量投喂实验饲料。结果表明:利用棉籽浓缩蛋白替代饲料鱼粉对鱼摄食、生长、饲料利用效率、鱼体组成和养殖废物(氮、磷和碳)排放量无显著影响,但单位鱼产量鱼粉消耗量(RCP)随饲料鱼粉含量下降而降低。基于生长、饲料成本、对环境的影响和RCP进行综合分析结果表明投喂饲料R80时养殖效益有别于投喂饲料C、R40和R60时。上述结果显示通过添加棉籽浓缩蛋白可将条纹锯鮨饲料鱼粉含量降低至7%。  相似文献   

Use of Cottonseed Meal in Channel Catfish Feeds   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Solvent extracted cottonseed meal was substituted for soybean meal in catfish feeds on a nitrogen basis. The feeds, which contained either 0, 10, or 20% cottonseed meal, were formulated to contain about 32% protein and 2.9 kcal digestible energy/g. The fish were reared in 6 m3 net pens suspended in a 1.6 ha earthen pond. Twelve pens (four per treatment) were stocked with 400 fish with an initial average weight of 95 g/fish. All fish were fed to satiation once daily. A sample of 60 fish from each pen was weighed at 76 days to evaluate feed consumption, feed conversion, and weight gain. At the end of the experiment (132 days), fish from each net pen were weighed collectively and samples were taken to determine tissue free gossypol concentrations, proximate composition of fillets, and dressout percentages. There were no significant differences in weight gain, feed conversion, or survival of fish sampled at 76 days or of fish at the end of the experiment regardless of dietary treatment. At 76 days, feed consumption of fish fed the 20% cottonseed meal feed was significantly higher than that of other fish, but there were no significant differences in feed consumption at the end of the experiment. Free gossypol levels were below detectable limits in fish tissue. There were no significant differences in percentage dressout or in body composition, except for a slightly higher ash content in fish fed the feed containing 10% cottonseed meal. It appears that cottonseed meal can be used to partially substitute for soybean meal in catfish feeds. At the present, it is recommended that cottonseed meal be limited to 15% of the catfish diet.  相似文献   

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