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化肥和农药的使用对农业生产具有极大的促进作用,但也伴随着环境污染问题。本研究对广东省1987-2013年的化肥施用总量,氮肥、钾肥、磷肥、复合肥、农药的施用量和单位面积施用量、化肥施用强度等进行分析。研究发现:自1987年开始,广东省农业化肥施用总量、氮肥、钾肥、磷肥、复合肥、农药施用量逐年递增,但增幅各不相同;钾肥和复合肥增长较多;化肥施用强度不断增加,2012年比1987年增长了2.87倍,远远超过了国际上公认的化肥施用安全上限(225 kg/hm2)。广东农业化肥和农药施用量在改革开放初期、城镇化发展初期、种植结构调整期和政策调整期,均表现出不同的特征。  相似文献   

近年来,农药、化肥、农膜等农用化学物质的大量使用,对促进农业增产和农民增收作出了突出贡献。但与此同时,化肥和农药的过量使用引起了农业土壤、水体和大气的环境质量变劣。同时过量使用化肥和农药会增加农民的投入,而湖泊富营养化和酸雨又会导致一定的经济损失。棉花生育期长,需肥、水量大,病虫草害多。  相似文献   

化肥农药是农业生产中不可或缺的生产资料,在提高农产品产量的同时,对生态环境和食品安全也产生了不利影响,已经成为农业面源污染的主要来源。因此,科学合理地使用化肥农药,是确保农产品高产、优质的重要手段。马铃薯是甘肃省第三大粮食作物,选择马铃薯开展化肥农药减施研究具有重要的现实意义。通过对甘肃省马铃薯生产现状和面临问题的综合分析,确定了甘肃省推进马铃薯化肥农药减施的总体目标,提出了重点研究的技术内容,需要集成的区域技术模式以及推进的具体措施。  相似文献   

根据江苏省盐城市小麦化肥农药减量增效技术集成与推广示范的要求,明确关键核心技术,选取配套辅助技术,持续推进小麦化肥农药减量增效技术集成与推广应用,提高技术示范效果与推广规模,提升小麦化肥、农药施用水平,促进小麦生产质量与效益双提高,进而实现农村生态环境改善的目标。  相似文献   

正本刊讯日前,由中国农业科学院茶叶研究所承担,阮建云研究员主持的"茶园化肥农药减施增效技术集成研究与示范"获得2016年国家重点研发计划"化学肥料和农药减施增效综合技术研发"专项支持,计划在5年内通过技术集成创新,构建出一系列的茶园化肥农药减施技术模式,为广大茶农提供明白易懂的操作规程,以大幅削减我国茶园化肥农药的用量,从而实现茶叶的绿色、安全生产,进一步推  相似文献   

日前在中国环境与发展国际合作委员会2004年年会上,中外专家指出中国农民滥用化肥和农药(尤其是造成的氮污染)已严重危害到人体健康和环境质量,中国过量使用化肥和农药已到极限。  相似文献   

正近日记者了解到,为做好春耕工作,截至目前,周宁县水稻储备1.5万公斤、马铃薯储备80万公斤、化肥1 900吨、农药58吨。该县农业农村局将农资储备作为关注重点,切实做好良种、化肥、农药、地膜等农资的调运、储备和供应,力保农资市场稳定,全力做好春耕。"我们年前订购的可供全县水稻种植需求的种子以及化肥、农药等农资已经全数到货。  相似文献   

郭庆人 《作物研究》2012,26(3):278-281
对当前传统水稻栽培技术对稻田甲烷气体排放以及化肥、农药施用后造成环境污染的现状进行了分析.采用膜下滴灌水稻栽培技术能够有效降低甲烷气体排放,减少施用化肥、农药对环境的污染;同时,膜下滴灌水稻比传统水稻在节水、增产方面有明显优势.  相似文献   

略论茶园污染及净化措施   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
高旭晖  吴慧信 《茶叶》1996,22(3):30-32
本文分析了茶园污染物质的来源之净化措施。污染物质主要阴来自工矿企业的“三废”,在烟尘、重金属及有毒气体等;有滥用化肥农药造成的残留,还有病、虫体本身及其代谢物等,提出的净化措施为:要控制“三废”入园,科学而 使用农药农药化肥优化生态环境,维护生态平衡等。  相似文献   

在湖南杂交晚稻产区对水稻机插秧同步侧深施肥技术和病虫害绿色防控技术等进行大面积示范,探究化肥农药减施增效综合技术的应用效果。结果表明,机插秧同步侧深施肥技术能够较常规施肥减少化肥投入11.0%,减少氮肥投入14.0%,提高了肥料利用效率,达到增产增收、提质增效的目的;病虫害绿色防控技术的应用,减少了化学农药的投入,保障了农产品质量安全;化肥农药减施增效综合技术的应用能够增加收益917.1元/hm2。  相似文献   

我国水稻安全生产问题   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
阐述了我国市场对稻米质量的需求变化和优质稻米的特殊商品属性。分析了水稻安全生产中使用化肥、农药、生物技术、生物肥药和稻田选择等相关技术问题。特别是提出了对我国水稻转基因研究和推广中应该注意的问题,以及平衡学科发展确保我国粮食安全对策。  相似文献   

 田间实验表明在不同的管理方式和不同生长期所研究的土壤参数均发生显著变化。土壤微生物生物量/磷脂含量随水稻生长期延长而显著减少,同时,单独施用肥料或农药和同时施用肥料和农药均导致土壤微生物生物量/磷脂含量发生一定变化,单独施用农药的土壤中土壤微生物生物量/磷脂含量最低。异养型细菌和蛋白质分解菌数量随水稻生长期延长持续减少,单独施用农药的土壤中异养型细菌和蛋白质分解菌数量最少,异养型细菌和蛋白质分解菌数量的变化趋势与土壤微生物生物量/磷脂含量相似。电子运输系统/脱氢酶活度随水稻生长期延长持续增强。与对照相比,单独施用肥料或同施农药和肥料导致土壤中电子运输系统活度增强,而单独施用农药土壤中电子运输系统活度明显下降。单独施用肥料或农药及同时施用肥料和农药处理中,土壤中蛋白质含量相对稳定,但在不同生长期存在较大变化。关键词  相似文献   

针对大豆田缺苗断条现象,进行调查研究分析,总结造成此现象的原因是在选种、整地、施肥、用药、播种五个关键环节存在问题:种子质量差,整地达不到标准;种肥同层施或施劣质肥;种衣剂成分、用量种类及使用方法不当;封闭除草用药不当;播种质量及时期不当等.  相似文献   

Combined effects on soil microbial activity of nutrient and pesticide management in hybrid rice double annual cropping system were studied. Results of field experiment demonstrated significant changes in soil microbial biomass phospholipid contents, abundance of heterotrophic bacteria and proteolytic bacteria, electron transport system (ETS)/dehydrogenase activity, soil protein contents under different management practices and at various growth stages. Marked depletions in the soil microbial biomass phospholipid contents were found with the advancement of crop growth stages, while the incorporation of fertilizers and/or pesticides also induced slight changes, and the lowest microbial biomass phospholipid content was found with pesticides application alone. A decline in the bacterial abundance of heterotrophic bacteria and proteolytic bacteria was observed during the continuance of crop growth, while the lowest abundance of heterotrophic bacteria and proteolytic bacteria was found with pesticides application alone, which coincided with the decline of soil microbial biomass. A consistent increase in the electron transport system activity was measured during the different crop growth stages of rice. The use of fertilizers (NPK) alone or combined with pesticides increased it, while a decline was noticed with pesticides application alone as compared with the control. The soil protein content was found to be relatively stable with fertilizers and/or pesticides application at various growth stages in both crops undertaken, but notable changes were detected at different growth stages.  相似文献   

Combined effects on soil microbial activity of nutrient and pesticide management in hybrid rice double annual cropping system were studied. Results of field experiment demonstrated significant changes in soil microbial biomass phospholipid contents,abundance of heterotrophic bacteria and proteolytic bacteria, electron transport system (ETS)/dehydrogenase activity, soil protein contents under different management practices and at various growth stages. Marked depletions in the soil microbial biomass phospholipid contents were found with the advancement of crop growth stages, while the incorporation of fertilizers and/or pesticides also induced slight changes, and the lowest microbial biomass phospholipid content was found with pesticides application alone. A decline in the bacterial abundance of heterotrophic bacteria and proteolytic bacteria was observed during the continuance of crop growth, while the lowest abundance of heterotrophic bacteria and proteolytic bacteria was found with pesticides application alone, which coincided with the decline of soil microbial biomass. A consistent increase in the electron transport system activity was measured during the different crop growth stages of rice. The use of fertilizers (NPK) alone or combined with pesticides increased it, while a decline was noticed with pesticides application alone as compared with the control.The soil protein content was found to be relatively stable with fertilizers and/or pesticides application at various growth stages in both crops undertaken, but notable changes were detected at different growth stages.  相似文献   

杂交水稻覆膜旱作节水栽培具有节约水资源、减少化肥农药投入、管理简便等特点,有提质增效的作用。本文介绍了杂交水稻覆膜旱作模式在文山州的示范表现,及其在当地适宜推广应用的区域,同时总结了适应文山州地理区域性的杂交水稻覆膜旱作节水高效栽培技术。  相似文献   


Systematic research on the effect of vesicular-arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi with different agricultural crops, sand dune plants and plantation crops has been carried out in Bangladesh for last few years. Large numbers of VA-mycorrhizal fungi have been detected in different soil types for identification and inoculum production and for use in nurseries and the field as an alternative to chemical fertilizers and pesticides and to progress towards nature farming. The VAM fungi not only absorb and translocate immobile nutrients like phosphorus, zinc and copper (especially phosphorus) through external hyphae, but also play important roles in inter- and intra-specific transfer of carbon, phosphorus, and nitrogen from plant to plant. VAM fungi may also protect plants from certain root-infecting pathogens, improve plant-water relations, enhance the establishment and growth of micro-propagated plants, and increase plant tolerance to salinity. VAM fungi can improve the ecological and environmental conditions of the country and its agriculture by reducing the farmer's dependence and expenditure on chemical fertilizers and pesticides. Effective mycorrhizal inoculum can be introduced directly to the field or indirectly through the production of VAM-infected seedlings from nurseries. The gap of knowledge on the occurrence of VAM fungi in association with different agricultural and forest crops is still immense in Bangladesh. This article has been prepared to draw attention of agricultural scientists, plant physiologist, forest managers, policy-makers and different government and non-government officials towards nature farming systems utilizing VAM and possibility of utilizing VAM in production system.  相似文献   

为治理农村污染,农业部明确了“一控、两减、三基本”的目标,主要是通过资源化利用的办法从根本上“控制农业用水的总量,减少化肥农药的施用总量,解决畜禽养殖污染、地膜回收和秸秆焚烧等问题”。阐述总结盐城市农作物秸秆能源化、肥料化、基料化、饲料化和工业原料化方面的利用,畜禽水产养殖污染治理和农业投入品等废弃物资源利用的进展,分析目前存在的问题,并提出下一阶段的工作建议。  相似文献   

有机无机肥配施对冬水田水稻产量和耕层土壤性质的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在农业生产要求全面减施化肥农药的大背景下,综合评价四川冬水稻田区有机无机配施对水稻产量和土壤肥力的效应具有一定意义。本试验在冬水稻田区,比较了在等氮量替代条件下,无N(CK)、单施化肥N、P、K(T1)、30%有机肥N+70%化肥N(T2)、50%有机肥N+50%化肥N(T3)、100%有机肥N(T4)等处理的水稻产量、氮肥利用和土壤肥力变化情况。结果表明,有机无机肥配施处理的水稻产量较CK增加17.29%~31.43%,T2处理最高,且明显提高了氮肥利用率、氮肥农学效率和氮肥偏生产力;有机无机肥配施具有提升土壤有机质、培肥地力的作用。可见,冬水稻田区适宜的有机肥替代方案为30%有机N+70%化肥N,既可稳定水稻产量、降低成本,又可提高氮素利用率和降低对农田环境的不良影响。  相似文献   

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