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指出了苔藓植物结构简单,对土壤环境的变化反应敏感,是良好的生物指示植物。通过文献调查和采用室内模拟实验的方法,分析了苔藓植物对富含酸、碱和重金属三种恶劣土壤环境的适应性。结果表明:苔藓植物对恶劣土壤环境的适应性较差,但对三种恶劣土壤环境的适应性特征各不相同;比较而言,苔藓对酸性环境的耐受力最差,对重金属的富集能力和耐受力较差,但对碱性环境表现出一定的适应性。以上结果可为当地苔藓植物的多样性保护以及合理利用苔藓植物进行环境污染监测提供参考。  相似文献   

通过对九峰山自然保护区不同海拔苔藓植物标本的采集和鉴定,分析了九峰山苔藓植物的种类组成、α多样性指数、β多样性指数及均匀度指数。结果表明:九峰山自然保护区苔藓植物共有221种,其中苔类植物包含19种,藓类植物包含202种,共计37科91属221种;九峰山不同海拔苔藓植物的ShannonWiener指数(H值)变化明显,海拔2200m的H值最高,表明物种种类最多,丰富度最大;海拔1600m和2200m间的βC多样性指数最大,苔藓植物物种的变化速率是最快的,且其物种的更替也非常剧烈;海拔1400m和海拔2200m的βT指数值最大的,揭示出两地苔藓植物的群落变化是最明显的。  相似文献   

长白山苔藓植物研究进展与展望   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
长白山是我国温带地区苔藓植物具有代表性的区域,自19世纪末以来,众多的苔藓学家涉足长白山,对该地区的苔藓植物进行了采集和鉴定,野外调查它们的分布,初步揭示了该地区苔藓植物在物种水平上的多样性特点。20世纪90年代以来,对长白山地区苔藓植物研究的领域日渐广泛,工作也不断深入,已涉及到生物多样性,分布格局,生态位,分布与生态因子关系,重要种类的碳同化特点,苔藓对生态界在的指示作用,苔藓植物生态系统中的作用以及重要类群的生态分化等,并取得了丰富的成果,长白山已成为我国系统全面研究苔藓植物的代表性山地。今后,该地区苔藓植物的研究应该侧重在苔藓植物对全球气候变化的响应及蓣警作用,环境污染长期变化监测,重要类群对微环境的生态适应及其与形态,生理特点间的关系,长白山与世界其它重要山地苔藓植物区系关系,苔藓植物种群生态学以及苔藓植物资源的开发利用等方面。  相似文献   

苔藓植物的繁殖栽培研究进展   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
苔藓植物种类多样、资源丰富,由于其重要的生态功能及其在环境监测、医药、园林绿化、农业等方面的应用前景而日益受到人们的重视,实现规模生产则是苔藓植物开发应用的重要前提.文中综述了苔藓植物繁殖栽培的研究进展,分析了环境条件对苔藓植物生长的影响,阐述了苔藓植物的繁殖和栽培方式,并根据目前国内苔藓植物生产中存在的问题提出建议和...  相似文献   

对长沙市郊枫香人工林大气降水、穿透水、树干茎流中NH4+-N、NO3--N、P、Mg、Ca、K、Cu、Fe、Zn、Mn、Pb等11种化学元素含量进行测定。结果表明:大气降水中化学元素含量变化较大,其加权平均值按大小排序为CaNH4+-NZnNO3--NKMnMgFeCuPb;穿透水、树干茎流中化学元素含量变化不一,但总的趋势是大气降水经过枫香人工林后化学元素含量呈增加趋势,并具有不同程度的季节变化;穿透水、树干茎流中Cu、Fe、Zn普遍呈负淋溶。  相似文献   

苔藓植物具有较高的观赏价值,但目前在园林中的应用较少。唐诗中的苔藓植物景观意境和配置方式对现代园林中苔藓植物景观的营建具有重要的参考价值。通过对与苔藓植物有关的400首唐诗进行分析归纳,总结出包括积极、中性、消极的3种苔藓植物景观意境类型,并分析情境感受对意境产生的影响,然后对苔藓植物与建筑、其他植物、山石等6种景观配置及其与意境的关系进行分析。结果表明,情境感受和景观元素意象的组合有利于苔藓植物景观意境的生成和感知;苔藓植物和具有不同物性特点及隐喻特点的景观元素配置可以营造不同的景观意境氛围。  相似文献   

通过对太行山地区苔藓植物的资源调查,共采集标本3 000余号,经分类鉴定普查到28科253种苔藓植物;增补河南省苔藓植物新纪录属8属,新纪录种18种和疑似新种1个;根据普查结果,将太行山苔藓植物划分为9个区系成分和4个群落类型;进行了云台山园区苔藓植物优势科、优势属统计、单种科、单种属统计分析。  相似文献   

苔藓植物的物种及数量变化是对城市环境质量的反映。本文研究了2005年及2015年呼和浩特市4个公共绿地所采集的苔藓植物标本,结果表明:(1)2005年所采集到的苔藓植物有7科12属28种,2015年有7科12属35种;(2)2005年苔藓植物中优势科为真藓科和丛藓科,2015年优势科为真藓科、丛藓科和青藓科;(3)2005年与2015年所采集的苔藓植物种类都以世界广布种(44.4%)、北温带成分(23.8%)和东亚成分为主(14.4%),其他区系地理成分占极少数(15.9%);(4)2005年与2015年所采集苔藓植物种数的相似性系数为0.540,大于0.5,物种之间极为相似;(5)2005年与2015年苔藓植物物种丰富度排序均为:树木园满都海公园青城公园乌兰夫植物园。  相似文献   

苔藓植物及其在园林中的应用   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3       下载免费PDF全文
通过对苔藓植物多样性、分布及分类的描述,初步探讨了苔藓植物在园林中的作用,并进一步阐述了苔藓植物在园林中的应用价值和广泛前景,并指出了苔藓植物在园林应用中存在的问题及对策。    相似文献   

为研究不同干扰程度下苔藓植物的物种组成差异,通过对恩施市区三种干扰强度下的苔藓植物进行采样调查,共获得200余份苔藓植物标本。经过室内鉴定与统计,发现该区域共有苔藓植物25科31属44种,单种科和单种属资源丰富。其中,中等干扰程度下的湖北民族学院校园内苔藓植物种类最多,为33种,与中度干扰假说相印证。另外,3个调查点苔藓植物生态类型均已土生为主,石生次之,且中度干扰状态下三种生境下(土生、石生和树生)的苔藓种类均最丰富。因此,该研究一定意义上表明了人类干扰对苔藓植物类群多样性的影响,为苔藓植物的物种保护提供一定的理论基础。  相似文献   

Forest integrity has been proposed as one conservation endpoint that integrates desirable characteristics such as natural biodiversity, stand structure and continuity. Although its defining criteria are still under discussion, any surrogates must effectively represent or predict their status, and be easier to measure than the criteria themselves. Bryophytes have been proposed as such surrogates, because they are important components of forest integrity, and considerable research indicates that some groups are sensitive to the changes associated with specific forest management regimes. The objectives of this paper are (1) to review the issues in determining indicators of forest integrity, including desirable qualities in such indicators, (2) to review the state of knowledge concerning bryophytes as components of forest integrity (i.e. their responses to forest management practices), and (3) to assess bryophytes as potential indicators of forest integrity, in terms of both qualities desirable in indicators and our understanding of bryophyte response patterns. Although bryophytes possess some characteristics that suggest potential indicator value, many challenges prevent their reliable application. I highlight key areas in which research is required to identify operational bryophyte indicators of forest integrity. Along with a standardized protocol to select and calibrate such indicators, we urgently require strategic research to compile data on undisturbed reference forests on which to base selection of endpoints; species-specific ecological tolerances, with consideration of complex interactions; mechanisms of response to disturbance, with consideration of temporal aspects; population viability thresholds; and recruitment effects on community assembly. Whether we succeed in finding bryophyte indicators of forest integrity, this research would also provide the data to monitor and interpret the integrity of the bryophyte community.  相似文献   

中国苔藓植物研究现状   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
中国苔藓植物研究起步较晚,目前主要在苔藓植物区系、生态以及开发利用方面做了很多工作,在苔藓植物化学、细胞学、生理学和分子生物学方面的研究才刚刚起步.文章重点阐述了中国苔藓植物在区系、生态学、分子系统学、地理分区与其分布类型、化学活性成分以及应用等方面的研究现状,并分析了中国苔藓植物研究中存在的问题.  相似文献   

The abandonment of agricultural lands in Northern and Eastern Europe increases the area covered by first generation forests, which are either formed as an outcome of secondary succession or established as plantations. However, questions remain as to how these new stands develop and what kind of species they favour, which in turn has impacts on their ecological and economical value. Our aim was to compare understorey vascular plant and bryophyte vegetation characteristics between naturally regenerated and planted birch stands on abandoned agricultural sites in Estonia, focusing on the aspects of species richness and forest understorey recovery. Species richness and diversity of vascular plants were similar in both stand types but the number of forest vascular plant species was significantly higher in naturally regenerated stands. The bryophyte layer of naturally regenerated stands had a higher species richness, diversity, and number of forest bryophyte species. The higher number of forest vascular plant and bryophyte species in naturally regenerated stands can be explained by the longer undisturbed succession period. The recovery of the forest understorey was unaffected by former agricultural land use (crop field or grassland). The influence of soil properties on the recovery of the forest understorey was not detected, but the number of vascular plant species that grow in forests as well as in grasslands was negatively correlated with distance from forest. Overall, understorey vegetation of natural and planted birch stands did not reveal substantial differences. However, in the case of vigorous natural birch regeneration in the vicinity of forest land, unassisted reforestation should be favoured.  相似文献   

Forest management regimes dictate the composition and structure of large parts of the Fennoscandian boreal forest region. The understanding of thinning impacts on understorey plant communities is considerably lower compared to the effects of final felling. We studied the response of bryophyte assemblages to second commercial thinning in spruce-dominated stands sampled to be representative of the dominant forest type of south-central Sweden. Eighteen stands were analysed 6–12 years after second commercial thinning, and were compared with six stands commercially thinned only once, at two spatial scales (0.1 and 0.01?ha), with stand ages varying between 52 and 66 years. We found few strong differences in bryophyte species richness and no differences in bryophyte species composition between stands thinned once or twice. More pioneer species were found in stands thinned only once, a result that needs further study. Species richness declined significantly with time since thinning on both investigated spatial scales. Canopy cover significantly affected the composition of forest floor species. Thinning effects over longer time periods need further study, and also effects in different forest types along productivity gradients. For nature conservation, studies targeted towards thinning response of uncommon species connected to specific habitats and substrates will be essential.  相似文献   

随着城市工业的发展,酸雨的范围和强度在不断增加,直接或间接破坏了土壤元素间的化学平衡,因而威胁到农业生产的可持续发展.综述了酸雨的污染现状及其对土壤常量元素、重金属元素以及稀土元素化学行为的影响.指出:①碱性土壤的抗酸雨淋溶能力大于中、酸性土壤;②土壤元素的淋溶量一般随酸雨的酸度和淋洗量的增加而上升,其中可交换态金属元素的敏感性显著高于其它形态;③酸雨促进土壤金属元素淋溶的最终结果,一是减轻了重金属对土壤生态系统的污染压力,二是导致植物生长所必需的盐基离子缺乏;④土壤中N,S,P元素的形态和有效性受胶体吸附和微生物转化等多因素的共同影响,在酸雨污染下的变化趋势尚难定论;⑤稀土元素在酸雨条件下的淋失将有利于富稀土地区植物的生长.  相似文献   

湿地水文过程效应及其调控技术   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
水文是湿地中最重要的生态过程, 湿地通过水文过程进行物质和能量交换, 从而控制着湿地的形成与演化, 制约着湿地环境的生物、物理和化学特征, 湿地水文过程恢复是湿地恢复的重要环节之一。文中介绍了湿地水文及其对湿地功能的重要性, 并且从湿地水文过程效应入手, 阐述了湿地水流流量与频率变化、来水时间变化及洪水泛滥的周期性变化对湿地生物的影响和湿地生物对水文变化的响应机制, 提出了湿地水文过程调控技术, 包括湿地水文连通技术、湿地蓄水防渗技术和生态补水技术。  相似文献   

热带树木构筑学研究概述   总被引:10,自引:2,他引:8  
臧润国  蒋有绪 《林业科学》1998,34(5):112-119
热带树木构筑型研究是热带树种结构多样性研究的一个重要方面。本文简要叙述了热带树木构筑学的发展过程,介绍了热带树木的不同形成方式及构筑的主要要素。树木不同部分的发育顺序,顶端分生组织的活动方式,树木的延长生长与分枝方式等是热带树木构筑型的主要分类要素。  相似文献   



Natural regeneration with broadleaved species and reforestation with coniferous trees are two widely practiced forest regeneration strategies after timber harvesting. They lead to different tree species composition and may cause different understory biodiversity, but the effects on ground bryophyte composition and diversity are not well-known.


We tested whether natural regeneration with broadleaved species and reforestation with spruce induced different diversities of the ground bryophyte populations 20–40 years after old-growth spruce forest clearcutting in the subalpine regions of southwestern China.


Differences between natural stands and plantations were compared through the analysis of 13 paired stands, with 78 plots, 390 shrub/herb quadrats, and a total of 1,560 bryophyte quadrats.


Naturally regenerated forests were characterized by lower density and cover and lower tree height but higher herbaceous plant height, shrub cover, and bryophyte diversity. They also harbored many more ground bryophytes. The species richness of pleurocarpous mosses and fans, mats, and turfs were significantly higher in naturally regenerated forests. Frequency difference analysis demonstrated that more bryophyte species preferred ground habitats in naturally regenerated forests than in plantations (116 vs. 48 species). The canonical correspondence analysis indicated that stand structure attributes were more important determinants of ground bryophyte diversity and abundance.


Natural regeneration and reforestation resulted in large differences in ground bryophyte populations. A larger diversity was observed in the former case, and natural regeneration practices can be an effective measure for the protection of ground bryophyte diversity after clearcutting.  相似文献   

土壤-植被系统及其对土壤健康的影响   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
在总结分析土壤健康概念与内涵、土壤-植被系统的组成与边界的基础上, 着重从植被类型与特征对土壤生态系统的物理健康、化学健康和生物健康3方面的影响进行了综述。  相似文献   

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