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以优质强筋小麦品种郑麦366在河南34个不同地点的样品和在河南有较大推广面积的15个不同品质类型的品种为材料,研究了不同基因型和环境条件对小麦面包烘烤品质和面团流变学特性的影响.分析其早代选种指标、面团流变学特性与面包烘烤品质之间的相关关系,结果表明:环境条件对小麦品质的影响主要表现在蛋白质含量的变化上;面包体积不仅受...  相似文献   

马传喜  吴兆苏 《作物学报》1993,19(6):562-566
小麦的烘烤品质主要取决于面粉中蛋白质的含量和品质。因为蛋白质的含量受环境条件的影响较大,旨在提高小麦烘烤品质的育种主要着眼点在于改善其蛋白质的品质。Khan等(1989)研究表明,小麦胚乳蛋白质中的麦谷蛋白及醇溶蛋白的数量与烘烤品质有关。而Payne等(1981,1983)则认为麦谷蛋白的高分子量亚基构成对烘烤品质有重要的影响  相似文献   

以14个绵阳系列小麦品种为材料,研究不同品种籽粒蛋白质含量、蛋白组分和SDS-沉降值的变化规律,以及籽粒蛋白质含量及其组分与SDS-沉降值的关系,为绵阳系列小麦品种的选育提供理论依据。研究结果表明,不同小麦品种籽粒蛋白质含量不同,变幅为7.30%~13.09%,多数品种属于低蛋白质含量类型。多数品种的SDS-沉降值分布在20~30 mL范围内。不同品种籽粒蛋白组分各异。籽粒蛋白质含量、贮藏蛋白含量、谷蛋白和醇溶蛋白含量都与SDS-沉淀值成极显著的正相关关系。高的籽粒蛋白质含量和谷蛋白与醇溶蛋白含量是绵阳系列小麦品种获得较好烘烤品质的前提。  相似文献   

【目的】本研究旨在探究基因型和环境及两者互作对棉籽中主要成分含量的影响。【方法】以11个陆地棉品种在长江中下游流域部分棉区10个试点的样品为研究材料,测定棉籽中蛋白质、油分、棉酚、植酸、α-生育酚和γ-生育酚6种主要成分的含量,并分析其基因型、环境及其互作效应。【结果】结果表明,基因型、环境,以及两者互作对棉籽中蛋白质和油分含量均有极显著的影响;环境对棉籽中棉酚和植酸含量有极显著影响,基因型对棉籽中棉酚含量有极显著影响、对植酸含量有显著影响,但二者对棉酚和植酸含量互作效应不显著。α-生育酚和γ-生育酚的基因型效应不显著,但环境效应显著,地区间的生育酚含量差异达到极显著水平。此外,蛋白质含量与油分含量呈极显著负相关,二者之和稳定在75%左右。【结论】在棉籽品质育种中不仅要依据品种的差异,还要考虑环境以及品种与环境的互作。棉籽主要成分含量的表现是基因型和生态环境共同作用的结果。  相似文献   

评价营养品质的指标是籽粒的蛋白质和氨基酸的含量,蛋白质含量高则营养品质好。不同食品要求不同的面粉品质,烘烤品质面包要求面粉的蛋白质和面筋的含量高,品质好,才能烘烤出体积大,松软有弹性的优质面包。优质栽培氮素化肥的施用量和施用期,对小麦蛋白质组分的质量和数量以及麦谷蛋白与醇溶蛋白的比值密切相关。  相似文献   

不同优质小麦因其具体用途不同,对蛋白质含量、面筋含量、沉降值等指标要求不同。通过3种不同用途的优质小麦品种在9种不同水肥处理条件下的产量和籽粒品质的研究,结果表明:不同的基因型品种其籽粒品质和产量指标存在极显著差异;小麦产量及籽粒品质主要决定基因遗传效应,同时水肥效应和品种水肥互作效应对籽粒品质和产量有极显著影响。不同基因型优质小麦籽粒品质和产量指标在水肥处理间变异程度不同。  相似文献   

高粱主要品质性状的基因型与环境及互作效应分析   总被引:6,自引:1,他引:5  
摘要: 选取10个高梁品种分别播种于山西榆次、辽宁沈阳、甘肃平凉、贵州贵阳和湖南长沙5个地区,淀粉、蛋白质、单宁和脂肪4项品质分析结果表明,不同品种、不同地点间4个品质性状均表现出较大的不同。不同区域试验结果表明,在各试点籽粒淀粉含量变异系数均为最小,平均值为2.59%,单宁最大,变异系数平均值为21.57%,蛋白质和脂肪的变异系数分别为11.13%和18.63%,远远高于淀粉和低于单宁,说明不同品种淀粉含量变化相对较小, 而单宁含量则有很大的变异,有较大的选择余地和改进潜力。分析影响品质性状的主次因素,结果表明,淀粉含量以基因型×环境效应为主,基因效应也较大。单宁含量以基因效应为主要因素,蛋白质含量以基因型×环境互作效应为主, 脂肪含量的环境、基因型、基因型×环境效应三者所占总平方和的百分比比较接近,几乎是基因型、环境和交互作用平均作用的结果。在今后品种的引进和选育方面应考虑这些性状的基因型、环境和互作效应,以提高品种的选育效果和生产水平。  相似文献   

选择13个春小麦新品种(系)种植于河西灌区7个不同生态点,以研究小麦子粒蛋白质、湿面筋、吸水率、形成时间稳定时间等主要品质性状在不同地区间的变化规律。结果表明所测品质性状受基因型、地点及基因型×地点互作效应的影响达极显著水平。13个品种品质性状在地点间存在较大差异,民勤点和武威点小麦蛋白质、湿面筋、形成时间和延伸性等主要品质性状值均较高,而黄羊点和民乐点的品质性状值相对较低。基因型影响表明,瑞春1号、1486和宁春4号的蛋白质、湿面筋形成时间、延伸性在7个地点平均值较高。  相似文献   

探索水分和氮肥对高产小麦品质和产量的影响,为今后新品种选育提供科学依据。以山西省农科院小麦研究所选育的高产、优质小麦品种‘临Y7287’为材料,采用裂区设计,主区为3个灌水时期,副区为3个氮肥追施时期,对其籽粒产量、蛋白质含量和部分流变学特性进行分析。研究结果表明,水、氮互作对该品种各项品质指标和产量影响明显。W3N3处理,‘临Y7287’小麦籽粒产量最高,为10124.48 kg/hm2,蛋白质含量14.86%、湿面筋含量34.1%、干面筋含量10.2%、面粉稳定时间368 s,蛋白质各组分比例协调。因此,W3N3处理为比较理想的水氮运筹方式。  相似文献   

四川小麦主栽品种的品质性状表现及其稳定性   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
2006—2008连续3年,在5个生态点考察了7个四川省代表性小麦品种在两种氮水平下的品质状况及其稳定性,以期为四川小麦品质定位、品质改良和生产指导提供依据。结果表明,3年均值,籽粒容重777 g L-1,籽粒蛋白质含量12.3%,湿面筋含量25.1%,Zeleny沉降值32.9 mL,降落值326 s,面粉吸水率56.5%,面团形成时间3.0 min、稳定时间4.5 min,面条评分78.5分、面包评分62.2分。几乎所有品质性状均存在显著的基因型、环境及其互作效应。籽粒容重、沉降值、降落值、面粉吸水率和面条评分的年份效应大于地点效应,而籽粒蛋白质含量、湿面筋含量、面团形成时间、稳定时间和面包评分则地点效应大于年份效应。增施氮肥对籽粒蛋白质含量、湿面筋含量、沉降值、面团形成时间、稳定时间和面包评分都有显著的增效作用,但对降落值、面粉吸水率和面条评分无明显影响。品种品质的稳定性因品质性状不同而异,川麦39面包评分高而稳定,川麦37面条总评分高而稳定,二者可被用于四川小麦品质改良。  相似文献   

Inconsistency of wheat end-use quality has long been a problem for the milling and baking industries, which require high levels of uniformity for modern, high speed, processing. Extensive research was conducted to characterise genetic, environmental, and biochemical factors that contribute to variation in wheat quality. Samples from 17 locations of trials with 30 cultivars grown over two years were evaluated for grain quality, milling yield, mixograph parameters and baking properties. Protein quality and composition of flour samples were determined by SDS sedimentation and size-exclusion chromatography. Test sites were monitored for soil fertility, and meteorological data was collected hourly during grain fill. Additional grain samples and data were collected from six cultivars grown at 11 locations in 1993. Significant variation in end-use quality was observed among samples; variation was attributed to environmental effects, genotype, and their interactions. For many mixograph and baking parameters, variation attributed to environmental effects was of greater magnitude than for genotype. Increasing levels of low molecular weight (LMW) saline soluble proteins were related to a general decline in dough mixing properties and loaf characteristics. However, correlations of protein components with baking parameters were generally low, suggesting limited predictive value. Hours of high temperature stress (>32 °C) during grain fill were associated with loaf volume and SDS sedimentation volume, although in a curvilinear fashion. Increasing temperature stress initially had a positive influence on loaf volume and protein quality; however, when temperature stress exceeded 90 hours, there was a strong negative influence on baking quality. Variation among cultivars for environmental stability was indicated and cultivar responses to temperature stress varied. Relationships with meteorological data suggest opportunities to predict wheat end-use quality through environmental modelling. This revised version was published online in August 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

Evaluation of wheat cultivars from different eras allows breeders to determine changes in agronomic and end-use quality characteristics associated with grain yield and end-use quality improvement over time. The objective of this research was to examine the trends in agronomic and end-use quality characteristics of hard red winter wheat cultivars grown in Nebraska. Thirty historically important and popular hard red winter wheat cultivars introduced or released between 1874 and 2000 were evaluated at Lincoln, Mead and North Platte, Nebraska in 2002 and 2003. An alpha lattice design with 15 incomplete blocks of two plots and three replications was used at all locations. Agronomic (days to flowering, plant height, spike length, culm length, grain yield and yield components, and grain volume weight) and end-use quality (flour yield, SDS-sedimentation value, flour protein content, and mixograph time and tolerance) traits were measured in each environment. Highly significant differences were observed among environments, genotypes and their interactions for most agronomic and end-use quality characteristics. Unlike modern cultivars, older cultivars were low yielding, and less responsive to favorable environments for grain yield and yield components. Semidwarf cultivars were more stable for plant height than traditional medium to tall cultivars. All cultivars had high grain volume weight since it is part of the grading system and highly selected for in cultivar release. Modern cultivars were less stable than older cultivars for SDS-sedimentation and mixing tolerance. However, the stability of older cultivars was attributed to their having weak mixing tolerance and reduced SDS-sedimentation values. The reduced protein content of modern cultivars was offset by increased functionality, as measured by mixograph and SDS sedimentation. In conclusion, breeders have tailored agronomic and end-use quality traits essential for hard red winter wheat production and marketing in Nebraska.  相似文献   

环境与品种对小麦淀粉理化特性和面条品质的影响   总被引:13,自引:0,他引:13  
测定了13个小麦品种在3个地点的淀粉理化特性和面条品质,结果表明直链淀粉含量、膨胀势和面条品质主要受遗传因素的控制,品种间变异平方和分别占总变异平方和的57.5%、52.3%和58.6%,但环境因素也有重要影响。RVA主要黏度指标则有所不同,低谷黏度和最终黏度主要受品种的影响,其变异分别占总变异的40.2%和48.0%,而峰值黏  相似文献   

不同土壤水分对强、弱筋小麦烘焙品质的影响   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
以强筋小麦济麦20和弱筋小麦宁麦9为材料,在防雨池栽条件下研究了不同土壤水分对强、弱筋小麦烘焙品质的影响。结果表明:随着土壤水分减少,强、弱筋小麦籽粒蛋白质含量显著增加。蛋白质含量、湿面筋含量及沉降值与小麦烘焙品质指标均呈显著相关,可以作为衡量小麦烘焙品质的参考指标。2个供试品种中,强筋小麦(济麦20)烘焙品质受土壤水分影响较大,在土壤相对含水量55%~60%条件下烘焙品质最好;而弱筋小麦(宁麦9)烘焙品质受土壤水分影响不明显。  相似文献   

J. Mesdag 《Euphytica》1964,13(3):250-261
The value of the Zeleny test as an indirect determination method of the baking quality of wheat has been assessed by studying the correlation of the results of this method as compared to the direct methods of determination. A number of wheat varieties of different baking quality was involved in the investigations.In addition the influence of differences in protein content of the grains on the baking quality of these varieties was studied. This influence has appeared to be not the same for all the varieties tested.In some cases there is also a difference between the reaction of the Zeleny test and the reaction of the baking test on changes in the protein content.  相似文献   

A set of 20 accessions of durum wheat (Triticum turgidum L., durum group), which mostly included exotic landraces from various Mediterranean countries, and four Italian improved varieties were evaluated for grain yield in five environments and for quality traits in two environments of Sicily. Glutenin composition was also assessed electro-phoretically on six seeds per entry. The cultivars differed (P ≤ 0.01) for yield, protein content and sodium dodecyl sulphate (SDS-sed) sedimentation volume, in the presence of significant (P ≥ 0.001) genotype-environment interaction effects. These effects were large for yield and moderately large for protein content relative to genotype main effects following estimation of variance components. Most exotic cultivars yielded comparably with, and some of them showed greater stability than, the best yielding Italian variety 'Simeto. Some exotic cultivars combined outstanding yield, protein content and SDS-sedimentation values and represent therefore extremely valuable germplasm sources to broaden the local genetic base. The glutenin composition LMW-2 and HMW 7 + 8 was positively associated with gluten quality. Six entries showed heterogeneous electrophoretic patterns, suggesting the presence of different genotypes within the cultivar.  相似文献   

环境变异及施肥措施对强筋小麦品质性状的影响   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
旨在分析环境变异及施肥措施对‘郑麦366’品质性状的影响,为强筋小麦品种的优质高产高效生产提供理论依据。选取生产上有生态代表性的不同地点进行取样,设小区进行氮肥用量用期、NPK平衡施肥试验;研究环境变异及施肥措施对‘郑麦366’品质特性的影响。结果表明,‘郑麦366’在不同地点、不同年份的品质表现相对比较稳定,多数地点的‘郑麦366’的品质结果达到或超过国家二等强筋小麦品质标准,且面包烘焙品质表现优良;粉质仪稳定时间在不同地点自北向南、自西向东表现逐渐降低的趋势。增施氮肥能够改善‘郑麦366’的品质,分期施用氮肥可以在一定程度上提高面筋的质量。N:P:K肥按225:120:180配合施用,‘郑麦366’的产量、湿面筋含量、湿面筋指数、干面筋含量、稳定时间、弱化度均表现最好,N、P、K肥配合施用可同时提高强筋小麦品种的产量和品质。‘郑麦366’的品质表现相对比较稳定,在大面积种植过程中,应重视N、P、K肥配合施用以提高强筋小麦品种的产量和品质。  相似文献   

Grain protein content is one of the most important attributes in bread making quality. Several studies have reported that the type of, and the balances between, storage protein (i.e. gliadins and glutenins) are also relevant. Generally, the modern cultivars present less grain protein content than their predecessors, suggesting that breeding may have reduced baking quality while improving yield. Furthermore, there is little information on whether, and eventually how, breeding influences the types of protein synthesized in the grains, and the sensitivity of the type of protein and baking quality to changes in the environment. This study aimed to determine the stability in baking quality in wheat cultivars released at different eras to variation in the duration of the pre-anthesis period without changes in the sowing date. The experiment studied the combination of three cultivars released in 1940, 1964 and 1994 at two different durations from sowing to anthesis (because of exposure to different photoperiods during stem elongation in the field). Modern cultivars showed lower grain protein content than the oldest ones (11 vs. 14 %). There were no correlation between grain protein content and baking quality (assessed by Zeleny test), indicating that protein type is more important than grain protein content. Gliadins were more variable than glutenins because of differences between cultivars and flowering dates. Wheat breeding also seemed to have improved the stability of quality variables in response to environmental variation during the pre-anthesis period (when yield potential is being determined).  相似文献   

Summary Wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) kernel weight is an important yield component and seed quality factor that appears to be declining with recent cultivar releases in the major U.S. wheat region. The objectives of experiments were to detmrmine the relationship between planted and harvested 1000-kernel weights and their effect on grain yield and grain protein percentage. Twelve popular hard red winter wheat cultivars were grown with recommended practices at 10 Kansas locations for three years. Rank correlation coefficients between kernel weights and grain yields and protein percentages were calculated.Correlations of planted and harvested kernel weights over all cultivars with grain yield were inconsistent, being positive for some locations and years and negative for other locations and years. Planted kernel weights and grain yields of individual cultivars were not related, but harvested kernel weights and grain yields were correlated positively for eight of the 12 cultivars. Harvested kernel weights and grain protein percentages frequently were correlated positively at individual locations, but always were correlated negatively for individual cumtivars. It was concluded that high stable harvested wheat kernel weight is important as a component of grain yield under a range of environments and that improving this trait would benefit all segments of the wheat industry.Contribution No. 84-395-J, Department of Agronomy, Kansas State University, Manhattan, Kansas 66506 USA.  相似文献   

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