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新农村建设的切入点在基础设施、公共事业建设。基础设施建设方面,重点要解决五件事:一是走平坦路;二是喝干净水;三是上卫生厕所;四是用洁净能源;五是住整洁房。发展社会事业方面,重点要做好三件事:一是提高农村教育水平;二是加大农村医疗覆盖面;三是发展农村文化事业。如果集体经济强大,村里的公用事业可以不用向村民要一分钱。所以要解决这些基本问题,  相似文献   

就农业信息工作如何适应新形势要求,建立结构合理、运行灵活的农业信息网络,实现信息功能的社会化、结构上的网络化、服务手段现代化和经营上的产业化。提出了一些建议:(1)拓宽信息服务领域;(2)加强农业信息体系建设;(3)强化农业信息服务手段;(4)提高信息队伍素质。  相似文献   

2008年我院将围绕“西部一流,全国先进”建院目标,坚持“科研立院、人才兴院、服务强院”办院方针,以服务建设城乡统筹发展的直辖市、发展现代农业、推进新农村建设为宗旨,努力提升科技创新和科技服务两大能力,加速推进科技创新、成果转化、支撑保障三大体系建设,以基本建设、学科发展、产业发展.人才培养、和谐农科院建设五大工作为重点,全面完成市委市政府交办的“建设、改革、稳定、发展”四大任务。2008年全院工作重点有六大方面:一是全力推进基本建设;二是强化自主创新,推进学科发展;三是努力发展科技产业,服务“三农”;四是加强人才培养,构建战斗力强的创新、营销和管理团队;五是进一步加强内部管理,完善管理体制和运行机制;六是强化精神文明建设、党风廉政建设和思想政治工作,构建和谐农科院。  相似文献   

回顾了十年来广东省家业信息工作的经验和体会,即各级领导要反家业信息服务当作加强家业社会化服务的乎要任务来抓;要加强宣伟发动,在力发展网员单位,不断扩充直接服务;要突出广东特色,努力开发信息资源,不断充实网上信息内容。  相似文献   

阐述了湖北省在信息处理手段,信息网络建设,信息服务以及有偿服务方面的新进展;介绍了湖北省在农业信息工作中,强化思想认识,强化体系建设,强化制度建设,强化队伍建设,强化信息开发,强化服务功能的经验。  相似文献   

阐述了新时期农业信息工作要从四个方面加强:①加强领导,制订规划;②加强信息基础设施建设;③努力拓工信息工作内容;④提高自身素质,在信息的起初准确,深度和超前上下功夫。  相似文献   

生态示范区建设规划的理论与实践   总被引:3,自引:2,他引:3  
生态示范区建设是我国政府为实施可持续发展战略而发动的群众性生态建设活动,得到了社会各界的广泛支持。在生态示范区建设规划的编制中要注意要确保社会经济可持续发展这一目标;注意规划区域的整体优化;注意切实执行人与自然控制共生这一基本法则;注意应用景观生态不关于结构与功能匹配的理论去解决一些大尺度环境问题;注意突出重点,才能为生态示范区试点建设提供有力的技术支持。同时要尽量应用以3S技术和生态制技术为代表的技术强化规划的科学内涵,以提高规划的可操作性。  相似文献   

襄汾县在水土保持监督执法中,狠抓规范化、标准化、制度化建设,把“两 费”征收纳入政府行为,加大宣传,领导、监督力度;强化服务、管理、自身素质的提高,把好审批关、收费关,处罚关,开创了水土保持监督执法工作的新局面。  相似文献   

农产品实现商品化首先要求农民要解放思想,转变观点;要注意开发推广特、新、优产品;发挥区域优势;建立完善的市场体系;发挥各级领导和涉农部门的引导和服务作用。  相似文献   

农业信息工作必须要与经济体制改革,政府的宏观决策和经济发展相适应。要做好农业信息的基础性工作,就要抓人才培养,基础性建设和工作水平。要加强信息工作的领导;要加大信息的覆盖面;要拓宽投资渠道,加快网络建设;强化领导。使农业信息工作发挥巨大作用。  相似文献   

Several commercial fungicide seed treatments were evaluated for their possible effect on the survival of Bradyrhizobium japonicum on seeds and on the nodulation and yield of soybeans in a greenhouse and a field experiment. quinolate Pro (carbendazim and oxine copper), Vitavax 200FF (carboxin and thiram), and Monceren (pencycuron) had a small effect or no effect on the survival of B. japonicum and on the nodulation and yield of soybeans. They can thus be considered compatible with soybean seed inoculation. Germipro UFB (carbendazim and iprodione), Apron 35J (metalaxyl), and Tachigaren (hymexazol) decreased B. japonicum survival and the nodulation and yield of soybeans and thus cannot be considered compatible with soybean seed inoculation.  相似文献   

Grape quality and its nutrient composition vary depending on agronomical management practices (fertilization, irrigation, weed, and pest control), and agrochemicals treatments (such as kaolin, hormones, and sucrose), viticultural (grape cultivars and varieties, training, pruning, cluster thinning, and trunk girdling), and biotechnological techniques, as well as growth stage and environmental changes (soil, climate, and season). Understanding the mentioned agro-biotechnological techniques assists grape growers and geneticists in breeding grapevines to improve yield, tolerance, quality, and nutraceutical values based on their usage purposes. Thus, this review article focuses on the up-to-date approaches and incentivizes further studies on the unknown mechanisms related to engineering grape flavonoid/phenylpropanoid biosynthetic pathways to improve its health-promoting effects in both grape and human. The engineering/breeding strategies and viticultural practices have been proposed based on the grape usage purposes and environmental conditions.  相似文献   

以北方为主产区的中国两大经济水果苹果、葡萄常见的水旱灾害为例,收集整理长时间序列气象、水文、灾害、生产管理、遥感及其反演参数及土壤属性、基础地理信息等多类数据,并通过数据质量控制、标准规范制定、数据库总体方案及数据库接口设计,采用开源MySQL数据库建库技术,构建了基于C/S架构的经济林果水旱灾害综合数据库;同时基于数据库软件开发工具、GIS中间件、Quartz开源组件等,引入RBAC模型,研制了数据库管理子系统,建立数据库完备安全机制和作业调度机制,实现完善的数据采集、更新、管理、查询、分析和高效访问与共享功能,为苹果、葡萄水旱灾害监测预警、风险评估模型以及风险转移综合防范技术决策服务平台建设提供数据支撑。以北方苹果和葡萄水旱灾害为例的经济林果水旱灾害综合数据库的成功建设,为其他地区、其他林果种类和其他灾害类型的灾害综合数据库建设提供了宝贵经验。  相似文献   

低氮和干旱胁迫对富士和秦冠生长及氮素利用的影响   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  
【目的】以富士(Fuji)、 秦冠(Qinguan)嫁接在平邑甜茶(Malus hupehensis Rehd.)上的当年生盆栽苗为试验材料,采用砂培方法,研究了缺氮胁迫和干旱对富士和秦冠生长情况、 光合参数、 植株各部位氮磷钾含量及氮素利用效率的影响,分析比较了低氮干旱条件下富士和秦冠生长及氮素利用的差异,以期为果树生产高效肥水利用提供理论指导。【方法】试验共设四个处理: 正常氮正常水(ZZ)、 低氮正常水(DZ)、 正常氮干旱(ZG)、 低氮干旱(DG)。氮素和水分均设置两个水平,分别为正常氮(6 mmol/L NO-3-N)、 低氮(0.3 mmol/LNO-3-N)、 正常供水(保持盆中砂子相对含水量为饱和含水量的80%~85%)、 干旱处理(保持盆中砂子相对含水量为饱和含水量的60%~65%)。【结果】富士和秦冠的生物量(茎和叶)、 株高茎粗等生长指标以及光合速率、 气孔导度、 蒸腾速率均为正常氮正常水(ZZ)>低氮正常水(DZ)>正常氮干旱(ZG)>低氮干旱(DG),并且相对应处理下秦冠的以上指标均高于富士;正常供水下,缺氮处理使富士、 秦冠的根冠比比正常氮处理均有所增加,富士提高了2.05%,秦冠提高了22.40%。富士和秦冠的氮、 磷、 钾含量均表现出正常氮正常水(ZZ)>低氮正常水(DZ)>正常氮干旱(ZG)>低氮干旱(DG); 氮、 钾元素含量在植株各部位的分布顺序依次是叶>根>茎,磷元素则是根>叶>茎;光合氮素利用效率(PNUE)和氮素利用效率表现为秦冠处理之间差异极显著,富士处理之间差异不显著;秦冠的PNUE和NUE明显高于富士,在低氮正常水(DZ)处理下,秦冠氮肥利用率比富士高42.07%,在低氮干旱(DG)处理下高64.14%;低氮胁迫下富士和秦冠的NUE显著提高,并且秦冠提高的幅度高于富士。【结论】施用氮肥能够显著提高富士与秦冠的干物质量,同等水肥条件下,秦冠生长优于富士;水分亏缺会减少叶片对氮的吸收,干旱条件下适度增施氮肥,可提高果树的抗旱能力;低氮干旱胁迫下秦冠的生长指标、 光合指标及氮素利用效率指标均优于富士,表现出较强的抗低氮干旱胁迫的能力。  相似文献   

Detailed karyotypes and 4C DNA amounts have been studied in five cultivars of Cajanus cajan and 20 species belonging to Cajanus, Rhynchosia, Dunbaria, Flemingia and Paracalyx. C. cajan shows intraspecific variability and its karyotype is most similar to that of C. cajanifolius (sect. Cajanus) in the morphology and number of satellite chromosomes and the lack of any correlation between chromosome size within the complement and asymmetry. Karyotypes of C. lineatus and C. sericeus belonging to sect. Atylia are similar with respect to maximum r-index and the ratio of longest and shortest chromosomes in their respective complements. C. acutifolius (sect. Frutocosa) is distinct in having a very low ratio (1.44) between the longest and the shortest chromosomes, while in C. albicans, C. goensis, C. scarabaeoides (sect. Cantharospermum) there is no chromosome pair with r-index >2.0. C. mollis and C. volubilis (sect. Volubilis) show similarity with regard to ratio between the longest and the shortest chromosomes and a distinct chromosome pair with an arm ratio of 2.7 and C. platycarpus is distinct (sect. Rhynchosoides) in having the smallest ratio (1.36) between the longest and the shortest chromosomes. 4C DNA amounts in Cajanus and Rhynchosia vary between 3.28 pg to 11.69 pg and 4.92 pg to 11.13 pg respectively, while in Dunbaria, Flemingia and Paracalyx these vary between 4.70 and 7:06 pg. In the genus Cajanus karyotypic features and 4C DNA amounts agree with the sectional classification and bring out a close relationship between C. cajan and C. cajanifolius. This is supported by studies based on seed protein patterns, isozyme analysis, trypsin and chymotrypsin inhibitor patterns, RFLP and RAPD data and crossability relationships. A clear relation between DNA amount and abnormalities effecting the extent of pairing and recombination in interspecific hybrids shows the importance of this study in developing future breeding programme involving C. cajan and its wild relatives that are of potential value.  相似文献   

Gladiolus corms were grown in media contaminated with cadmium (Cd) (50 mg kg?1) and supplemented with silicon (Si) and potassium (K). The role of Si and K for mitigation of Cd toxicity was evaluated. Cd-induced stress generated significantly increased level of oxidative stress markers including hydrogen peroxide (H2O2), and malondialdehyde (MDA) in gladiolus. The application of K and Si improved the production of protein and proline in the treated plants. Moreover, K and Si supplemented plants exhibited an improvement in the activity of antioxidant enzymes and a reduction in the level of MDA, H2O2 and Cd uptake under Cd stress. Application of K and Si also enhanced the uptake of mineral nutrients including calcium (Ca), magnesium (Mg), manganese (Mn), sulfur (S) and K. The plants supplemented with K and Si exhibited a higher amount of total phenolics and flavonoids. The combined effect of Si and K was more pronounced regarding beneficial effects on gladiolus plants compared to individual effect of these elements under Cd stress. The current research reveals that Si and K may improve gladiolus growth by decreasing the oxidative stress and Cd uptake and by increasing the activity of antioxidant defense enzymes, the quantity of secondary metabolites and plant nutrition.  相似文献   

农业工程与中国农业现代化相互关系分析   总被引:6,自引:5,他引:6  
农业工程是中国农业现代化的重要技术支撑和物质保障,农业工程技术进步与农业现代化发展的相关度越来越高。在加快推进"工业化、信息化、城镇化、农业现代化"同步发展的新要求下,农业现代化面对的是一个更加复杂的社会巨系统,其复杂性、动态性、开放性和异质性不断增加。农业工程作为农业现代化发展的核心要素,已不能仅靠本系统的力量孤立发展,而需在农业现代化这一更高层次系统的剧变中发现自身与系统中其他构成因素的关系和相互作用规律,从而更好发挥自身作用,实现与农业现代化的互动共赢。该文以"中国特色现代农业建设路径研究"为基础,综合利用有组织系统和先进生产力构建的理论、工具、方法,通过分析中国农业现代化的系统目标、系统构成以及农业工程在系统中的地位、作用和与其他要素、结构、环境的关系,从而获得农业工程发展的数量、质量、运动量、结构对中国农业现代化发展质量和速度的影响。研究表明,农业工程受现代农业发展环境、要素影响较大,而农业工程则对中国农业现代化的发展结构,特别是劳动力、土地、产品的结构产生显著影响并表现出许多同向性,因此农业工程可以通过主动发展、协同发展来加快现代农业发展方式的转变,并为农业工程自身的发展带来更好的发展环境和更多的发展机遇。  相似文献   

土壤水氮迁移转化与作物生长耦合模拟   总被引:7,自引:5,他引:2  
定量描述农田土壤-作物系统中水氮迁移转化规律,对水氮资源高效利用和水土环境保护具有重要的意义。以土壤水、热和溶质迁移转化动力过程为基础,综合考虑气象因素变化和土壤水氮动态变化及其对作物生长的影响,构建了土壤水、热、氮迁移转化与作物生长耦合模拟模型。并应用该模型对2007-2008年冬小麦生育期内的土壤水分、氮素转化运移以及冬小麦产量、生物量、腾发量(ET)进行模拟,模拟结果与实测数据均吻合良好。可应用该模型模拟不同作物种类、不同灌水施肥条件下土壤水分与氮素动态变化过程和作物生长状况,进而获得农田水肥优化管理模式。  相似文献   

Enhancements in ultraviolet-B radiation (UV-B) due to stratospheric ozone depletion affect biological forms directly and indirectly. To investigate how belowground processes are affected under increased UV-B, a field experiment with mung bean cultivars (HUM-1 and HUM-12) was conducted. The responses of selected soil enzymes (β-glucosidase, cellobiohydrolase, polyphenol oxidase, glycine aminopeptidase, and phosphatase), microbial biomass C and N were assessed in rhizospheric and non-rhizospheric zones, along with measurements of phenol and flavanoid contents in roots and leaves. Test plants were exposed to two UV-B levels: (1) UVB, simulating 20% stratospheric O3 depletion; and (2) UV0, the ambient UV-B. Elevated UV-B depressed shoot biomass by 24.8 and 15.9% and root biomass by 43.7 and 38.4% in cv. HUM-1 and HUM-12 compared with UV0. Although elevated UV-B caused an increase in phenol and flavonoid contents in leaves and roots, a reduction in the number of root nodules (32.4 and 24% in HUM-1 and HUM-2, respectively) and their fresh weight (27 and 23% in HUM-1 and HUM-2, respectively) was observed. Elevated UV-B caused microbial activity to shift from the rhizosphere to non-rhizosphere as indicated by increased microbial biomass N and soil enzyme activities in this zone.  相似文献   

The interactive effect of cadmium (Cd) and zinc (Zn) bioaccumulation on physiological and biochemical characteristics of carrot (Daucus carota L. var Pusa Kesar) plants grown with different levels of Cd and Zn was examined. The combined application of Cd and Zn (Cd+Zn) had synergistic and antagonistic effects at low and high concentrations, respectively, on Cd accumulations in plants, chlorophyll b, and photosynthesis and transpiration rates. Whereas both low and high Cd+Zn concentrations had synergistic effects on Zn accumulation, ascorbic acid, protein content, total phenols, peroxidase activity, chlorophyll a, total, carotenoids and stomatal conductance. Bioaccumulation of Cd had strong and negative relationships with measured physiological and biochemical parameters. The study further showed that Cd and Zn in combination have more toxic effects on carrot plants as compared to their individual treatments. This study concludes that interactive effects of Cd and Zn on test plant depend on their ratios present in plants.  相似文献   

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