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以中央企业的董事会结构改革为背景,以外部董事占优型董事会为研究对象,基于策略信息传递博弈理论,对信息不对称条件下董事会的项目投资额决策进行建模,运用最优化方法和数值分析手段,探讨外部董事占优型董事会的投资决策机制和微观治理行为.研究结果表明,外部董事占优可在董事会的投资(尤其是大项目的投资)决策过程中起到监督制衡内部董事的作用;内部董事在信息揭示增加的期望利润能够弥补其私人利益损失时进行信息传递,从而促进外部董事监督职能的发挥和投资绩效的改善;提高外部董事的咨询职能和知情概率对内部董事的信息揭示有激励作用,而内部董事的代理成本和外部董事的监督成本对内部董事的信息揭示有抑制作用,进而制约外部董事的职能发挥.这些结论对于外部董事的选聘和配套制度的完善具有重要的参考意义.  相似文献   

本文认为,"票决制"只有在一定条件下才会成为有效率的决策机制.相对于外部董事来说,在内部董事长的决策能力高于一定标准时,或者当董事会的信息沟通效率低于一定临界值时,由董事长一人决策的"集权制"可以比"票决制"更有效率.此外,本文也在模型中分析了现实中的决策机制,即介于集权和分权之间的、冠以"票决制"名义的集权制,发现这种决策机制的效率处于"票决制"和"绝对集权制"的效率水平之间.当董事会的特征满足某些条件时,该决策机制的效率更贴近"票决制";反之,则更贴近"绝对集权制".  相似文献   

本文探索性地研究了转型环境中董事间非正式关系影响董事会战略决策的过程机制。利用与中国上市公司协会合作调查获取的上市公司董事会决策过程相关数据并结合上市公司数据库数据,考察了中国文化背景下,董事会非正式层级对决策过程的影响机理。研究发现,董事会非正式层级会增加决策过程中的政治行为、降低程序理性。在对政治行为和程序理性进一步细分后发现,董事会非正式层级通过提高董事的自我意识、个体影响从而增加政治行为,通过降低决策过程中信息搜寻、信息加工而降低程序理性。本文的研究揭示了转型环境中董事会非正式层级所具有的分化、竞争的功能,在一定程度上打开了董事会决策过程的"黑箱",丰富了董事会决策过程研究,为转型环境下公司治理行为研究做出贡献,亦对中国公司治理实践具有启示作用。  相似文献   

公司董事会的国际比较   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
董事会是由股东大会选举数名董事所组成的公司经营决策机关,是公司治理的核心,应该通过决策和监督职能最大限度地维护包括股东在内的公司所有利害相关者的利益。因此,借鉴国外成功的经验,发挥董事会的作用,强化董事会的职责和提高董事会的效率已成为公司治理机制的核心问题。为了便于比较研究,我们按照地区分布和资本市场的发达程度,从不同国家、地区和组织颁布的80余份公司治理原则中筛选了10份作为样板。一、 董事会类型 由于各国经济政治、历史文化等因素的影响,在董事会制度的选择上有所不同。一般有两种董事会类型即单层制董事…  相似文献   

独立董事制度是作为一种监督机制引入公司治理的。在董事会中引进独立董事可以增加董事会的客观性和独立性。一个股东占多数的董事会并不是最佳董事会结构,解决的办法就是引入独立董事,以降低经理们串通的可能性,提高董事会作为一种市场诱生的、控制权低成本内部转移机制的效能。当前关于独立董事的讨论,主要集中在如何保持其独立性上。但是这触及独立董事问题的本质了吗?绝大多数的独立董事由具有法律、财务或其他专门知识的专家组成,或者由经验丰富的工商界人士和具有政府背景的人士组成。因此,独立董事在一定程度上是具有稀缺性的人力资…  相似文献   

邓健  李凯  孙丽辉 《管理世界》2005,(6):157-158
我国的国有控股公司脱胎于计划经济时期的国有企业,虽然经历了一系列改革,但相比西方公司制度,仍具有一些特殊性,如委托—代理关系通过行政行为产生,激励约束机制薄弱等。这些特殊性加大了董事会决策行为的风险。因此,为保证国有资产的安全,防止国有资产流失,确保国有资产的增量增质,有必要对国有控股公司董事会的决策行为进行风险分析,为风险规避创造条件。(一)国有控股企业董事会的决策行为风险分析一般来说,国有控股公司董事会的决策行为主要有能力风险、道德风险和偏好风险。能力风险是指国有控股公司董事会在经营决策和企业管理过程中,…  相似文献   

我国上市公司董事会效率与公司绩效的实证研究   总被引:16,自引:0,他引:16  
董事会效率是指董事会各项职能发挥的效果,包括董事会的制度建设、董事会的结构设置、董事会战略决策能力以及对管理层经营行为的监控效率。本文从影响董事会效率的因素出发,以我国上市公司2000-2003年样本公司为统计数据,对董事会效率进行了实证研究。首先,通过董事会效率的各因素与公司绩效之间的多元回归分析,建立了董事会效率的测评模型,借助该模型可对我国上市公司的董事会效率实施测评。利用董事会效率测评结果,对我国上市公司的董事会效率与公司绩效的关联关系进行实证研究。研究结果显示,董事会效率与公司绩效之间存在正相关关系,公司绩效会随着董事会效率的增强而提高。同时结果表明,目前我国上市公司董事会效率普遍偏低。因而,提高我国上市公司董事会效率需要设置合理的董事会规模、保持适当的独立董事比例、提高董事会决策效率、增大董事持股比例以及提升董事会对管理层的监控效率。  相似文献   

董事会的构成与其职能发挥   总被引:26,自引:0,他引:26  
一、董事会构成的国别差异及原因 董事会的构成可以从董事的年龄、性别、董事长与总经理(CEO)是否兼任等不同方面 进行划分,限于篇幅,本文主要从董事的独立性大小或是否直接参与公司的高层管理,将董 事会的构成分为执行董事和非执行董事,也称内部董事和外部董事。北美一些国家所称的 内部董事,是指那些同时也是公司职员的董事;外部董事则指那些不属于公司职员的董事。 而在英国及英联邦国家所讲的执行董事,是指同时兼任公司高级管理人员的董事,他们既参 与董事会的决策,同时也在其管理岗位上执行董事会的决策,显然,执行董事…  相似文献   

董事会治理是影响高管薪酬契约有效性的关键,已有研究主要从董事会结构层面展开,缺乏对董事会内部运作机制与高管薪酬契约有效性关系的具体分析。基于董事权威不平衡性的治理效应视角,系统考察了董事会非正式层级与高管薪酬契约有效性的逻辑关系及其作用机理,得出了一些具有重要价值的结论,主要包括:1.董事会非正式层级对高管薪酬业绩敏感性具有显著的负向调节作用,且主要体现在业绩下滑的样本公司中,表明董事会非正式层级对高管薪酬契约的影响主要体现在公平性和风险匹配性方面。2.只有当最高层级董事身份为独立董事时,董事会非正式层级对高管薪酬业绩敏感性具有显著的负向调节效应。3.董事会非正式层级增强了高管薪酬的行业和地区薪酬敏感性,进一步验证了董事会非正式层级的社会公平效应。论文的研究为从微观运作层面理解董事会治理和高管薪酬契约有效性提供一种新的视角和结论,对于优化董事会治理和提高高管薪酬契约有效性等均具有重要借鉴意义。  相似文献   

以引入独立董事制度的 2001 年为数据来源的窗口期,实证研究我国上市公司董事会治理结构改革对高管薪酬水平及薪绩敏感性的影响.结果表明,独立董事在董事会中的比例、薪酬委员会设置以及董事长与总经理二职兼任对高管薪酬水平有显著正影响.进一步的分析还发现,独立董事制度建设与董事长总经理二职兼任均显著提高了薪绩敏感性,薪酬委员会的设置对薪绩敏感性也有一定的影响.通过一系列公司治理改革可以有效抑制行为人的机会主义倾向,提高上市公司高管薪绩敏感性.  相似文献   

This paper investigates how the increasing ratio of women directors on corporate boards is associated with decision-making dynamics, specifically the perceived participation and influence of the women on the board. We test hypotheses using a sample of 458 women on Norwegian corporate boards where the ratio of women directors among board members ranges from 11 to 100%. Overall, we find that women perceive that they have a high level of information sharing, a low level of self-censorship, and a high level of influence across the different ratios of board membership held by women directors. These results support the notion of women directors as significant influencers. However, the results also show that women directors perceive that they do receive more information and engage in more informal social interaction when the ratio increases, and perceived influence does also increase when the ratio increases.  相似文献   

In the last decade, the number of women on corporate boards has increased slightly, but the prevailing minority status of women directors implies that they will continue to face social barriers. While prior research has largely focused on explaining social barriers (e.g., being categorized as an out-group member) to increase diversity and its negative consequences, how boards can avoid these obstacles remains unclear. Stemming from recategorization theory, we examine whether and to what extent board chairperson leadership efficacy and board openness (as mechanisms to avoid out-group bias) enhance the influence of women when they are in the minority in board decision-making. In a sample of 146 Norwegian firms, we found a positive relationship between women minorities and women directors’ contribution to board decision-making. Moreover, we found that this positive impact increases when the board chairperson exercises leadership and the board operates in an atmosphere of openness.  相似文献   

双渠道闭环供应链存在制造商网络直销渠道和零售商实体店零售渠道。消费者会对购买不满意的产品进行退货,由于网上商店购买的产品缺乏现场体验故退货率较高。相比线下实体商店,线上退货流程更为复杂,这往往容易影响消费者购物体验。因此本文设计考虑跨渠道退货的双渠道闭环供应链结构,并分析跨渠道退货率以及渠道消费偏好对供应链的决策影响,基于Stackelberg博弈和Nash均衡博弈理论,从集中式决策与分散式决策两方面研究不同闭环供应链结构下的定价决策与利润分配,并结合数值算例进行分析。研究结果表明,跨渠道退货率以及消费者渠道偏好对闭环供应链的定价策略以及利润分配等决策具有显著影响。  相似文献   

This paper investigates whether non‐executive directors associated with good (bad) board decisions are subsequently rewarded (penalized) in the market for directors. This question is addressed by assessing whether the post‐acquisition performance of acquiring companies influences the number of non‐executive directorships that non‐executives involved in these acquisitions hold subsequent to the acquisition. We find that non‐executives on the boards of acquirers that increase (omit or cut) their dividend subsequently hold more (fewer) non‐executive directorships in listed companies. Our findings suggest that the non‐executive labour market is efficient and rewards (penalizes) non‐executives for good (bad) acquisitions.  相似文献   

如何看待公司董事会的认知资源   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
本文研究了董事会在公司战略决策中的作用,董事会所具有的独特决策技能、知识与提高公司战略决策质量的关系以及董事会在发挥群体决策优势中的贡献。研究结果表明董事会不是“橡皮图章”,公司应充分地利用董事会的认知资源来为公司创造价值。  相似文献   

在上层为制造商、下层为多个竞争型零售商和需求市场的二层供应链网络中,分析了多个零售商间横向公平偏好、零售商与制造商间纵向公平偏好行为。构建了下层零售商考虑横向和纵向公平偏好的Nash均衡模型,并且得到上层和下层供应链网络的Stackelberg-Nash博弈模型,利用罚函数法求解得到二层供应链网络均衡决策。定性分析了零售商横向、纵向公平偏好权重和纵向公平参考系数对均衡决策的影响,并通过数值算例验证。最后对供应链各决策者给出应对公平偏好负效用的合理化建议。  相似文献   

This study examines how widespread the similarities between US and Japanese corporate governance practices have become. Results suggest that, in spite of convergence in many areas of business practices, Japanese board structures and governance practices still differ greatly from those in the United States—particularly in Securities and Exchange Commission-mandated reforms such as independent audit and compensation committees. Our results suggest that corporate governance differences between Japanese and US firms may be driven, in part, by differences in directors’ recognition of investors’ performance expectations. In particular, results indicate that the exit barriers related to employment influence decision-making for Japanese directors more strongly than they affect US directors’ decisions. Board independence—particularly with respect to audit and compensation committee membership—reduces the height of perceived exit barriers. Results suggest that, in spite of convergence in many areas of business practices, Japanese board structures and governance practices still differ greatly from those in the United States although it does not conclude that the transition is necessarily desirable.  相似文献   

The issue of women’s representation at the decision-making level in Malaysia has received special attention from the Government since 2004, the year in which it adopted a policy requiring that 30 % of the posts at the decision-making level in the public sector be filled by women. In 2011, the policy was extended to the private sector where 30 % of listed firms’ board seats are to be allocated to women with 2016 being the deadline for compliance. To this end, this paper aims at examining the factors that determine the appointment of women to the boards of Malaysian large firms. Large firms were chosen in this study because they have the resources and the capacity to adopt the policy more readily than smaller firms. The results reveal that gender diversity is positively associated with board size and the presence of family on the board. That is, the larger the board, the more likely it is that women sit on it. The fact that the presence of women on the board is associated with the presence of one or more family members on the board means that the appointment of women to the board is very much influenced by family ties rather than commercial reasons. The results also reveal a positive association between board independence and the proportion of women directors. Further, it is found that board independence is associated positively with the presence of independent women directors. Finally, the results show that firm performance is negatively associated with gender diversity. That is, firms with low financial performance are more likely to have women on their boards. Hence, taken altogether, the evidence suggests that the appointment of women to the board is very much driven by tokenism and family connection rather than by the business case.  相似文献   

Strategic decision-making processes influence firm-level outcomes. Using the theory of upper echelons, this study investigates how diversity in directors’ skills, knowledge, and industry experience influence board decision-making processes that may impact overall strategic decision-making processes. Such diversity has been commonly accepted to be a ‘double-edged sword’—enhancing comprehensiveness but hindering the speed of decision-making. On the contrary, we used an existing large survey database to show that directors’ diverse educational background, functional background, and industry experience (job-related diversity) have a positive effect on comprehensiveness as well as the speed of board decision-making. In addition, our results indicate that board processes (directors’ use of their knowledge and skills) play an important role by transmitting the positive effects of diversity. The study is in a tradition of exploring how boards may influence firms’ strategic decision-making processes. Our findings provide additional arguments for adding job-related diversity to boards of directors.  相似文献   

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