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In the masterpiece of Fitzgerald’s The Great Gatsby,Jay Gatsby,the protagonist of this work,is a perfectionist.He wants more than what his condition can offer,so it is uneasy for him to let himself free.This thesis mainly discusses the tragic color in The Great Gatsby through an analysis of his idealism,for which he eventually pays at the price of his life.  相似文献   

赵丽 《科技信息》2011,(4):145-145
The Scarlet Letter is the masterpiece of Nathaniel Hawthorne,one of the great writers in the nineteenth century America.Since it was published in the year of 1850,it has been reread in the circle of literary criticism..In the book,Hawthorne Portrays Hester Prynne,the heroine full of rebellious spirit.In this paper,I’d like to analyze the virtues of Hester,in addition,manifestations of her rebellious acts and the causes are mentioned meanwhile.  相似文献   

A scheme of chaotic secure communication based on the parameter modulation and the inversion of a chaotic dynamical system is analyzed.According to this schems,information signal is modulated by a bifurcation parameter of the transmitter,which is in chaotic state.In the receiver,a proportional-integral feedback demodulator is used to demodulate the information signal,which only uses the available synchronizing error as well as stateness of receiver,The purpose of this demodulator is proposed to overscome the influence of differentiation operation,nonlinear part and singularities in chaotic system.Numerical simulation is proposed to show the effectiveness of this demodulator.  相似文献   

XML——数字图书馆存储内容的未来选择   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Through expounding the superiorities of XML in the construction of the digital library, this paper points out that XML is the optimum selection of digital library' s storage content in the future.  相似文献   

Sale-leaseback is paid special focus on for its great application in China in recent years.By giving a detailed analysis,an analysis of the features of sale-leaseback and a study of the risks of it are given in this paper.Then a quantitative analysis of commercial real estate sale-leaseback is carried out.The scientific theoretical analysis is provided in this paper for risk assessment in commercial real estate sale-leaseback mode in China.An effective approach is put forward for sale-leaseback project evaluation and prevention of risk.A useful means is given to supervise commerciai real estate sale-leaseback mode for relevant departments and a certain contribution is made to a further sound development of commercial real estate sale-leaseback mode.  相似文献   

In previous research much effort has been devoted to the geometry of woven fabrics and relat-ed problems under the assumption of constant yarn configuration in fabric.This paper will first re-port that image crimp (yarn crimp measured by an image analysis method) seems larger than actualvalue.From the explanation of this result,the variation of yarn configuration in woven fabric dueto the non-uniform flattening is revealed.The significance of this actual structure of woven fabricsis discussed.It is believed that the variation of yarn configuration is very important for fabric per-formance,and may be an advantage for fabric quality.  相似文献   

The aim of this paper is to review the development and state of the art in the application of certain organosilicon compounds known as trialkoxysilanes (or simply silanes) to the problems of the metal finishing industry. The ultimate goal of this work is the replacement of chromate passivation and paint pretreatments, as well as overcoming the shortcomings of organic coatings formulated in the modern environmentally friendly world, thus without chromate or chromated pigments, volatile organic carbon (VOC) containing compounds or harazardous air pollutants (HAPs).  相似文献   

In this paper the recent research results in energy systems engineering in China are surveyed. According to the different research projects in energy systems engineering field have been done or under way in China, this brief survey is divided into three parts. The first part is the research in energy demand and supply forecasting. The second part is the research of energy models, namely, departmental energy models, regional energy models, national energy models and other energy models. The third part is the research of decision methodology.  相似文献   

Since the early work of O. M. Bilanuik and B. C. Sudarshan in 1962 and G. Feinberg in 1967, the research work on the faster-than-light (superluminal) has been performed in the world, such as in USA, Europe and China. In this paper, the development stages of the study are presented, which include beginning stage, transitional stage and experimental stage. Based on the Einstein‘s paper in 1905, the velocities greater than that of light had no possibility of existence. However, in the Einstein‘s papers of 1907 it was founded that the superluminal signal speed could not be refuted absolutely. In this paper, the studies on velocities are classified. The definition of General Information Speed is suggested, which will ease the discussion. After reviewing the researches of 1962-2004, it can be concluded that the faster-than-light is a realizable scientific statement.  相似文献   

王冬梅 《科技信息》2009,(26):I0131-I0131
Death of a Salesman, American playwright Arthur Miller's masterpiece, describes the tragic fate of Willy Loman, a middle-class salesman. Some critics claim that the play is an attack upon the "American dream" and that willy is the victim of brutal economic system. However, on further studying the play, the writer draws the conclusion that Willy is not so much a victim of "American dream" as he is the victim of his own weakness in personality.  相似文献   

本对《格萨尔》这部名扬世界的口头巨所经过的从口头到手抄本,从手抄到木刻本.从木刻到铅印本这一特殊的书面化过程进行了粗略的分析考证。认为这部口头巨之真正意义上的书面化(具有政府性质的搜集、挖掘、出版),并不是始于或实现于以往之哪朝哪代,而是中国现代史上才开始和得以实现的一个化壮举。  相似文献   

《红楼梦》的思想复杂、深邃,作品通过对人们生存困境的艺术描写,将“时空”与“存在”两个哲学命题形泉地表现在作品中,体现了作者对存在与生命终极价值的哲学追问,提升了作品的认识价值和思想深度。  相似文献   

《贾平凹作品生态学主题研究》一书从精神、文化、社会、人文、民生、自然、民俗、艺术等诸多层面,全面论述了贾平凹作品中的生态情怀和生态理念。这是一部选题新颖,视角独特,体系完备,论述深刻的佳作,堪称贾平凹作品人文生态学主题研究的开拓创新之作,也是该领域研究的集大成之作。  相似文献   

歌德的诗剧《浮士德》以它在文学和哲学上的价值吸引了不少十九世纪的著名音乐家为它作曲。舒曼付出十年的心血,用音乐语言出色地诠释了歌德的原著。清唱剧《浮士德》是不可多得的一部杰作,它是舒曼音乐艺术中的一颗明珠。  相似文献   

作为一部让文史界同仁翘首以待的史籍,《福建旧方志综录》不仅包括了福建历代所修各种通志(省志、府志、州志、厅志、县志)及专志、杂志的志书志料书目,还对与志书有关的地名、人物进行了详尽的考证。它是一部学术巨著,也是一座资料宝库,虽然该书存在一些不足,但仍不失为福建史志学的巨著、中国旧方志综录的典范。  相似文献   

论《傲慢与偏见》的魅力   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文通过对英国十九世纪初小说家简·奥斯丁的经典之作<傲慢与偏见>的主题思想、布局结构、人物形象和反讽手法的评析,展现了作品在思想性和艺术性上的独特魅力.  相似文献   

荣荣是宁波颇有影响的女诗人,文章试以她的代表诗集《像我的亲人》为例,结合作者的创作历程,从悲天悯人的人文情怀、感知天命的深度拓展等二个层面,剖析诗人创作的情感向度。  相似文献   

费.司各特.菲茨杰拉德是典型的"迷惘的一代"的作家,其代表作《了不起的盖茨比》是一部具有鲜明自觉意识的有关美国的成功和理想的小说。菲茨杰拉德在作品中反思了社会现实,展现了浮华背后的精神危机。  相似文献   

郭著章教授编著的《文言英译教程》是一部水平很高的翻译教材,但是编者所引用的译文有些值得商榷,主要体现在措辞,句子和篇章三个方面。作为翻译专业本科生的教材,编者有必要在引用时对误译做出说明,以方便学生学习。  相似文献   

希刺克厉夫是小说<呼啸山庄>中众所周知的复仇者.但若细读文本,我们其实还能捕捉到作品里隐含的缘自女主角凯瑟琳和作家本人的两股浓重的报复情结;她们由此成为不容忽略的复仇者.  相似文献   

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