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介绍利用高温高压(HPHT)合成高质量金刚石单晶和化学气相沉积法(CVD)制备金刚石薄膜的设备、方法、工艺参数以及热丝CVD和微波等离子体CVD的优缺点;P型和N型金刚石掺杂研制现状.重点介绍N型金刚石掺杂的困难,氮、锂、钠、磷、硫等杂质的掺杂效果,共掺杂对于金刚石薄膜的影响,以及近年来P型和N型掺杂取得的成果.  相似文献   

介绍化学气相法(Chemical Vapor Deposition,CVD)制备CVD金刚石薄膜涂层拉丝模方法,并在线材的拉拔生产过程中对其性能进行了应用研究.首先,采用热丝化学气相沉积法(Hot Filament Chernical Vapor Deposition,HFCVD)在硬质合金拉丝模的内表面(内孔直径为(φ)3.8mm)沉积了高质量的CVD金刚石薄膜.并采用扫描电镜、拉曼光谱对沉积在模具内孔表面的CVD金刚石薄膜的表面形貌、薄膜质量进行了检测和评估.在实际拉拔生产线上对制备的CVD金刚石薄膜涂层拉拔模具进行了应用试验.结果表明,金刚石薄膜涂层拉丝模的工作寿命比传统硬质合金模具提高了8~10倍,并且拉制的线材具有更好的表面质量.  相似文献   

石墨烯二维材料有着优异的物理、化学特性,在多个科学领域展现出广阔的应用前景.采用化学气相沉积方法在Cu-Ni合金表面制备了二维石墨烯薄膜并揭示其生长机制;研究生长时间、温度等对石墨烯覆盖度和晶格质量的影响.通过优化生长条件,成功制备了大面积单层及具有强烈层间耦合作用的AB堆叠双层石墨烯薄膜.进一步运用表面沉积技术在单层石墨烯上构建零维Au团簇和二维Au薄膜,研究其对石墨烯电导特性的影响;并结合第一性原理计算,揭示Au的形态及覆盖度影响石墨烯电导特性的规律.据此制作了石墨烯场效应晶体管器件,通过精确控制Au的覆盖度,实现石墨烯电导类型和载流子浓度的有效调控,拓展了其在微电子领域的应用.  相似文献   

世界首颗厘米量级碳60分子单晶在我国问世世界上最大的碳60(C60)分子单晶最近在浙江大学问世。有关专家称,这颗世界上首次以厘米计量的 C60单晶的诞生,使 C60及其化合物在物理、化学及标准科学等研究领域的前景更为广阔。据介绍,C60材料在室温下可以形成分子晶体。但由于其单晶生长不易,因此在这之前,国际上制备出的最大的 C60单晶的线度仅为6mm,这也使得目前绝大我数的研究仅停留在粉末材料或薄膜材料上。浙江大学物理系凝聚态物理研究所经过多年的研究,找到了一条最为适合 C60单晶生长的温度曲线,并成功地制备出了这颗最大线度达1.3 cm 的大尺寸、高品质单晶。  相似文献   

微细的二维Bragg光栅在光信息领域有重要应用,传统的干法或湿法蚀刻在高密度格子制备方面有很大难度,研究合成了具有紫外感光性的含锆溶胶,进一步在硅和石英基板上制备了含锆感光性凝胶薄膜,直接利用这种感光性凝胶薄膜,结合激光干涉技术和热处理过程,可在硅基板或石英基板上制备出反射型或透过型二维Bragg格子光栅,X-射线衍射表明,经过热处理后构成格栅的材料为多晶的四方相ZrO2,这类光栅不含有机物,衍射光符合Bragg条件,格子的周期为1μm,格栅线条或栅孔尺寸约0.5μm.  相似文献   

超导体因其零电阻与完全抗磁性等性质,已成为凝聚态物理与材料科学领域最重要的研究方向之一.近年来,随着单晶薄膜制备工艺的提高,二维晶体超导体逐渐发展为新的前沿热点,其中出现的一些新奇物理现象,如高温超导和量子相变等,得到了学术界的广泛关注.简要介绍了二维晶体超导体的研究背景和基本特性,并分两个部分重点介绍了二维晶体中高温超导和量子相变两类重要现象.第一部分总结性回顾了二维高温超导体单原胞层铁硒/钛酸锶(FeSe/STO)的发现和验证,实验中发现的基本性质并探讨了其可能的超导机理.第二部分着重介绍量子相变和量子格里菲斯奇异性,包括其理论模型、在二维晶体超导中的实验发现和相应的分析.最后总结全文,并对相关领域的发展进行了展望.  相似文献   

引言Bi-Sr-Ca-Cu-O超导体系的发现对超导材料的理论研究和应用开发将产生重大影响。Bi-Sr-Ca-Cu-O体系的大尺寸单晶对探索超导的结构机理和物理特性是非常必要的。作者利用CuO和Bi_2O_3作助熔剂生长出尺寸为2×1×0.4mm的超导单晶。并讨论了Bi-Sr-Ca-Cu-O体系的超导性能和晶体结构。  相似文献   

MXene是一种新型的二维过渡金属碳化物或碳氮化物,具有类似石墨烯的二维结构.MXene因其独特的物理和化学特性,以及在储能、催化、电子与光电子等领域中的良好应用前景而受到广泛关注.介绍了MXene材料的制备、表征以及在锂离子电池、钠离子电池、锂硫电池和超级电容器等储能器件上的最新研究成果.最后,对MXene材料的未来发展和挑战进行了介绍.  相似文献   

室温超薄铁电体是制备大容量非易失性存储器的关键材料.在过去的几十年,以钙钛矿结构复杂氧化物为代表的传统铁电薄膜吸引了广泛的关注.然而,受限于潜在的临界尺寸效应,即在其厚度减薄的过程中铁电性会出现减弱甚至消失的现象,发展基于传统铁电体的纳米电子学器件遇到了极大的挑战.二维范德华材料得益于天然稳定的层状结构、表面饱和的化学特性以及层间微弱的相互作用,为在原子尺度极限厚度下实现二维铁电性提供了优良的平台.层状二维铁电材料将为未来纳米电子学器件的进一步微型化和柔性化提供新的机遇和可能.本文首先回顾了传统铁电研究的相关背景,然后主要介绍二维铁电体研究及其器件应用的最新进展,并简要展望其未来的发展方向.  相似文献   

石墨烯是目前发现的唯一存在的二维原子晶体,在薄膜制备中具有很多优点,如高化学和机械稳定性、高透光率、良好的导电性、优异的柔韧性以及原料廉价等,因而被认为是制备透明导电薄膜最有前途的材料之一.文中主要针对单层石墨烯的制备以及石墨烯基透明导电薄膜的研究进展进行综述,并对其发展前景进行展望.  相似文献   

Growth of graphene from solid carbon sources   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Sun Z  Yan Z  Yao J  Beitler E  Zhu Y  Tour JM 《Nature》2010,468(7323):549-552
Monolayer graphene was first obtained as a transferable material in 2004 and has stimulated intense activity among physicists, chemists and material scientists. Much research has been focused on developing routes for obtaining large sheets of monolayer or bilayer graphene. This has been recently achieved by chemical vapour deposition (CVD) of CH(4) or C(2)H(2) gases on copper or nickel substrates. But CVD is limited to the use of gaseous raw materials, making it difficult to apply the technology to a wider variety of potential feedstocks. Here we demonstrate that large area, high-quality graphene with controllable thickness can be grown from different solid carbon sources-such as polymer films or small molecules-deposited on a metal catalyst substrate at temperatures as low as 800?°C. Both pristine graphene and doped graphene were grown with this one-step process using the same experimental set-up.  相似文献   

Recently,chemical vapor deposition (CVD) on copper has been becoming a main method for preparing large-area and highquality monolayer graphene.In this paper,we first briefly introduce the preliminary understanding of the microstructure and growth behavior of graphene on copper,and then focus on the recent progress on the quality improvement,number of layers control and transfer-free growth of graphene.In the end,we attempt to analyze the possible development of CVD growth of graphene in future,including the controlled growth of large-size single-crystal graphene and bilayer graphene with different stacking orders.  相似文献   

Inkjet printing of single-crystal films   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The use of single crystals has been fundamental to the development of semiconductor microelectronics and solid-state science. Whether based on inorganic or organic materials, the devices that show the highest performance rely on single-crystal interfaces, with their nearly perfect translational symmetry and exceptionally high chemical purity. Attention has recently been focused on developing simple ways of producing electronic devices by means of printing technologies. 'Printed electronics' is being explored for the manufacture of large-area and flexible electronic devices by the patterned application of functional inks containing soluble or dispersed semiconducting materials. However, because of the strong self-organizing tendency of the deposited materials, the production of semiconducting thin films of high crystallinity (indispensable for realizing high carrier mobility) may be incompatible with conventional printing processes. Here we develop a method that combines the technique of antisolvent crystallization with inkjet printing to produce organic semiconducting thin films of high crystallinity. Specifically, we show that mixing fine droplets of an antisolvent and a solution of an active semiconducting component within a confined area on an amorphous substrate can trigger the controlled formation of exceptionally uniform single-crystal or polycrystalline thin films that grow at the liquid-air interfaces. Using this approach, we have printed single crystals of the organic semiconductor 2,7-dioctyl[1]benzothieno[3,2-b][1]benzothiophene (C(8)-BTBT) (ref. 15), yielding thin-film transistors with average carrier mobilities as high as 16.4?cm(2)?V(-1)?s(-1). This printing technique constitutes a major step towards the use of high-performance single-crystal semiconductor devices for large-area and flexible electronics applications.  相似文献   

稀土是我国重要的战略资源,在永磁体、合金、催化剂、石油精炼、精细抛光、发光材料、玻璃陶瓷等高新技术领域具有重要的应用。稀土晶体是一类重要的高端光学材料,是指稀土元素可以完整占据结晶学结构中某一格点的晶体,作为核心工作物质在激光技术与电离辐射探测技术中得到了广泛应用。以稀土激光晶体、稀土闪烁晶体、稀土倍频晶体、稀土单晶光纤为代表,综述了近年来面向不同应用领域的高端稀土晶体材料在组成设计与性能优化方面的研究进展。在生长技术方面,结晶生长的化学键合理论能够为多尺度稀土晶体生长提供精细化的关键因素控制技术,有利于获得高品质稀土晶体材料。  相似文献   

Patterning organic single-crystal transistor arrays   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Briseno AL  Mannsfeld SC  Ling MM  Liu S  Tseng RJ  Reese C  Roberts ME  Yang Y  Wudl F  Bao Z 《Nature》2006,444(7121):913-917
Field-effect transistors made of organic single crystals are ideal for studying the charge transport characteristics of organic semiconductor materials. Their outstanding device performance, relative to that of transistors made of organic thin films, makes them also attractive candidates for electronic applications such as active matrix displays and sensor arrays. These applications require minimal cross-talk between neighbouring devices. In the case of thin film systems, simple patterning of the active semiconductor layer minimizes cross-talk. But when using organic single crystals, the only approach currently available for creating arrays of separate devices is manual selection and placing of individual crystals-a process prohibitive for producing devices at high density and with reasonable throughput. In contrast, inorganic crystals have been grown in extended arrays, and efficient and large-area fabrication of silicon crystalline islands with high mobilities for electronic applications has been reported. Here we describe a method for effectively fabricating large arrays of single crystals of a wide range of organic semiconductor materials directly onto transistor source-drain electrodes. We find that film domains of octadecyltriethoxysilane microcontact-printed onto either clean Si/SiO(2) surfaces or flexible plastic provide control over the nucleation of vapour-grown organic single crystals. This allows us to fabricate large arrays of high-performance organic single-crystal field-effect transistors with mobilities as high as 2.4 cm(2) V(-1) s(-1) and on/off ratios greater than 10(7), and devices on flexible substrates that retain their performance after significant bending. These results suggest that our fabrication approach constitutes a promising step that might ultimately allow us to utilize high-performance organic single-crystal field-effect transistors for large-area electronics applications.  相似文献   

 石墨烯是碳原子以六角形密堆积形成的二维原子晶体,具有独特的物理化学性质,在电子器件、能源环境和生物医学等领域有着广阔的应用前景。石墨烯的可控制备和组装是其实现实际应用的前提条件。近年来,相继开发出一系列石墨烯自组装与结构调控的技术方法,得到了多种结构特异、组成丰富和性能独特的石墨烯基多维度结构。本文从水溶性的氧化石墨烯出发,综述从零维到三维一系列不同维度和尺度石墨烯的自组装行为和材料构筑策略。对石墨烯的不同组装结构进行系统分类,提出其多维度组装体系的概念。石墨烯的多维度组装体系,在微纳米尺度上包括零维度的石墨烯基纳米颗粒和一维的石墨烯纳米线,在宏观尺度上包括二维石墨烯薄膜和三维的宏观体结构,最后对相关研究领域的发展趋势进行了总结和展望,结合计算化学的相关结果,预测了一系列未开发的石墨烯自组装结构。  相似文献   

Growth dynamics of pentacene thin films   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
The recent demonstration of single-crystal organic optoelectronic devices has received widespread attention. But practical applications of such devices require the use of inexpensive organic films deposited on a wide variety of substrates. Unfortunately, the physical properties of these organic thin films do not compare favourably to those of single-crystal materials. Moreover, the basic physical principles governing organic thin-film growth and crystallization are not well understood. Here we report an in situ study of the evolution of pentacene thin films, utilizing the real-time imaging capabilities of photoelectron emission microscopy. By a combination of careful substrate preparation and surface energy control, we succeed in growing thin films with single-crystal grain sizes approaching 0.1 millimetre (a factor of 20-100 larger than previously achieved), which are large enough to fully contain a complete device. We find that organic thin-film growth closely mimics epitaxial growth of inorganic materials, and we expect that strategies and concepts developed for these inorganic systems will provide guidance for the further development and optimization of molecular thin-film devices.  相似文献   

 石墨烯材料具有优异的导电性、柔性、化学稳定性等特征,在印刷电子领域中具有广阔的应用前景。概述了石墨烯材料的宏量制备方法,结合喷墨打印、丝网印刷和3D打印等方法介绍了石墨烯墨水制备的技术特点和要求,展示了石墨烯在印刷电子功能器件中的应用,主要类型包括透明导电薄膜、柔性电路、超级电容器和可穿戴传感器等。总结了该领域当前研究进展中存在的问题和挑战,从材料设计、加工制备和器件应用方面进行了展望。在未来发展中可通过丰富石墨烯打印线路的结构形式,并注重利用组装的策略增强结构有序性,实现多功能、高性能的器件制备和应用。  相似文献   

Optical centers of single-crystal diamond grown by DC arc plasma jet chemical vapor deposition (CVD) were examined using a low-temperature photoluminescence (PL) technique. The results show that most of the nitrogen-vacancy (NV) complexes are present as NV-centers, although some H2 and H3 centers and B-aggregates are also present in the single-crystal diamond because of nitrogen aggregation resulting from high N2 incorporation and the high mobility of vacancies under growth temperatures of 950-1000℃. Furthermore, emissions of radiation-induced defects were also detected at 389, 467.5, 550, and 588.6 nm in the PL spectra. The reason for the formation of these radiation-induced defects is not clear. Although a Ni-based alloy was used during the diamond growth, Ni-related emissions were not detected in the PL spectra. In addition, the silicon-vacancy (Si-V)-related emission line at 737 nm, which has been observed in the spectra of many previously reported microwave plasma chemical vapor deposition (MPCVD) synthetic diamonds, was absent in the PL spectra of the single-crystal diamond prepared in this work. The high density of NV- centers, along with the absence of Ni-related defects and Si-V centers, makes the single-crystal diamond grown by DC arc plasma jet CVD a promising material for applications in quantum computing.  相似文献   

透明导电薄膜是触摸器件以及液晶显示器等的重要组成部分,制备透明导电薄膜的材料主要有金属氧化物、导电聚合物、碳材料、金属材料和复合材料等。其中,一维银纳米线和二维石墨烯材料制备透明导电薄膜具有光电性能优异、化学性能稳定和柔韧性好等特点,有望应用于柔性电子设备中。介绍了石墨烯银纳米线透明导电薄膜常用的制备方法:旋涂法、真空抽滤法、棒涂法、喷涂法、滴涂法等5种以及各种制备方法的优缺点;总结了石墨烯银纳米线复合薄膜的应用领域;展望了石墨烯银纳米线透明导电薄膜的发展前景。  相似文献   

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