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先进的医疗影像设备广泛应用于临床、给疾病的诊断提供了更新的思维和领域.不同的疾病过程可以交叉形成相似的影像特征.相同的疾病过程可以有多种影像表现.影像学不是病理的、最后的诊断.病理学是研究疾病发生发展及转归的结构与功能形态学特征,是基础与临床医学的重要桥梁,病理学的发展也是临床医学的发展过程,忽视病理学诊断是误诊、漏诊的重要原因.病理诊断仍是临床最基本、最可靠的依据.影像学诊断有了病理诊断的确定,才能不断地提高.分子影像学是21世纪继续发展的新影像学,由于分子生物学和影像技术的发展,使影像学超出了原有的解剖和…  相似文献   

近半个世纪以来,肿瘤的化学治疗取得了更大进展。随着肿瘤分子生物学研究的深入,对肿瘤发生发展的分子机制了解更多,从而为肿瘤的药物治疗提供了一种新的模式,即肿瘤靶向治疗。在靶向治疗的新模式中,病理医师不仅要作出疾病的诊断,提供肿瘤的预后指标,而且还要检测肿瘤中是否存在靶向药物相应的分子靶点,以作为临床医师实施靶向药物治疗的依据。由此,更突显出在靶向治疗中病理医师与临床医师合作之重要性。为顺应肿瘤治疗的新趋势,推广药物病理学的理论和应用,使广大病理工作者熟悉各种试剂的特性、组织的正确固定和处理以及标准化检测方法,并掌握检测结果的判断标准和意义,由《中华病理学杂志》编辑委员会、中华医学会病理学分会主办的第七届全国诊断病理暨肿瘤治疗相关的病理指标检测学术研讨会定于2006年10月20—25日在江西省南昌市召开。  相似文献   

近半个世纪以来,肿瘤的化学治疗取得了更大进展。随着肿瘤分子生物学研究的深入进行,对肿瘤发生发展的分子机制了解更多,从而为肿瘤的药物治疗提供了一种新的模式,即肿瘤靶向治疗。在靶向治疗的新模式中,病理医师不仅要作出疾病的诊断,提供肿瘤的预后指标,而且还要检测肿瘤中是否存在靶向药物相应的分子靶点,以作为临床医师实施靶向药物治疗的依据。由此,更突显出在靶向治疗中病理医师与临床医师合作之重要性。为顺应肿瘤治疗的新趋势,推广药物病理学的理论和应用,使广大病理工作者熟悉各种试剂的特性、组织的正确固定和处理以及标准化检测方法,并掌握检测结果的判断标准和意义,由《中华病理学杂志》编辑委员会、中华医学会病理学分会主办的第七届全国诊断病理暨肿瘤治疗相关的病理指标检测学术研讨会定于2006年10月20-25日在江西省南昌市召开。  相似文献   

我国病理学技术五十年的发展和现状   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
我国的病理学工作从20世纪20年代由病理界前辈从国外引进至今,经历了近一个世纪的发展。近50年来随着病理学技术的迅猛发展,不断涌现的新技术新方法精细地反映了组织、细胞、分子多方面多层次的信息,使病理学诊断和研究有了更加科学、准确和可靠的形态学和分子生物学依据,提高了诊断的正确率,加深了我们对疾病的病因、病理变化和疾病发生发展过程规律性的认识。  相似文献   

诊断病理专业理论课教学的几点体会   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
诊断病理学是一门实践性很强的学科,是介于基础医学与临床医学之间的桥梁学科.病理诊断是运用病理学的基本概念,根据疾病的病变特点,结合临床提供一手材料,由病理科医生所做的定诊性结论.在各种影像诊断和其它先进的诊断方法高度发展的今天,许多疾病的最后确诊还要取决于病理诊断,故病理诊断在疾病诊断中被誉为“金标准”.因病理诊断具有复杂性、独特性和定性性,故病理医生必须有高超的病理诊断水平,病理诊断理论课学习尤其重要.作者在病理学理论课教学中不断进行探讨,将几点体会报道如下.  相似文献   

分子生物学技术的发展和进步催生了分子病理学,人类基因组计划的实施为个体化医疗奠定了理论和实践基础.在个体化医疗中近几年发展迅速、临床意义凸显的当属肿瘤的个体化诊断和治疗,即肿瘤的靶向治疗.正确的靶向治疗的前提是准确的靶向分子病理诊断[1].伴随着肿瘤靶向治疗的迅速发展,临床病理科也迎来了病理学发展史上最好的机遇,分子病理学的发展可称为病理学发展史中的另一个里程碑[2],对病理学科的发展将产生深远的影响.分子病理诊断是传统形态病理诊断的极大补充和完善,是生命科学赋予病理学的使命,将有效地推动病理学的学科发展,进一步奠定病理诊断在现代临床医学中的重要地位.每一位病理工作者有责任迎接这一挑战,对于促进病理科的发展与建设可谓"机不可失,时不再来".  相似文献   

病理形态学和免疫组织化学有效标记,结合分子病理学的检测是当前临床病理诊断的发展趋势。近年来这种三结合的诊断模式已在淋巴瘤的病理诊断中得到应用。各类淋巴瘤的病理形态学特征是病理诊断的基石,免疫组织化学有助于正确的诊断及分类,仅靠这二者,恶性淋巴瘤的误诊率仍较高,采用分子病理学技术检测病理标本中淋巴瘤特征性的分子标记具有重要的参考价值。其中运用聚合酶链反应(PCR)技术检测IgH/TCR基因的重排是目前常用的淋巴瘤的分子病理学的方法之一。  相似文献   

乳腺癌的分子病理学研究   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  
分子病理学作为病理学科的前沿领域,其发展日新月异,新的研究思路和研究成果不断涌现,极大地提高了人们对疾病本质的认识.近年来,通过对乳腺癌的分子病理学研究,揭示了一系列分子遗传学变化,深化了人们对乳腺癌的发生、发展、分化、转移机制的认识,为乳腺癌的早期诊断、预后评估和个性化治疗奠定了较好的基础.  相似文献   

目的探讨应用荧光定量PCR(FQ-PCR)技术在病理组织中检测结核分枝杆菌DNA(TB-DNA)的临床应用价值。方法对196例临床诊断结核的穿刺病理活检标本进行石蜡包埋切片,采用实时荧光定量PCR技术检测TB.DNA,并行抗酸染色及组织病理学检查,对三种检测与临床诊断符合率进行比较。结果在196例临床诊断结核的石蜡包埋组织中,荧光定量PCR检测阳性136例,阳性率为69.39%,抗酸染色检测阳性69例,阳性率为35.20%,组织病理学检查阳性102例,阳性率为52.04%,荧光定量PCR检测阳性率最高。结论荧光定量PCR技术简便、快捷,敏感性强、特异性高,可作为结核病分子病理诊断的重要检测方法,具有较高的临床应用价值。  相似文献   

<正>随着乳腺癌多学科综合治疗的迅速发展,尤其是外科保乳和微创治疗、肿瘤内科个体化治疗和靶向治疗的推行,以服务外科为主要目的、以肿瘤定性和分级为核心工作的传统外科病理学已经逐渐向服务和指导患者的个体化和规范化治疗方向转变,其涉及和涵盖的内容早已远远超出外科病理诊断的字面含义。通过专科化病理诊断提供全面规范的乳腺病理诊断报告以及肿瘤分子治疗的靶向检测的发展集中体现了这一趋势。  相似文献   

The head and neck region harbor numerous specialized tissues of all lineages giving rise to a plethora of different malignancies. In recent years, new types and subtypes of cancer has been described here due to the recognition of their histological and molecular characteristics. Some have been formally accepted in the most recent classifications from the World Health Organization (WHO) and American Joint Committee on Cancer (AJCC) as distinct diseases due to characteristics in clinical presentation, outcome, and treatment. In particular, this applies to malignancies of the salivary gland, sinonasal tract, and oropharynx. In this overview, we present the most recent developments in the classification, histopathological characteristics, and molecular features of head and neck cancer. The clinical and radiological characteristics, outcome, and treatment options including perspectives for targeted therapies, are discussed.  相似文献   

The COVID-19 pandemic situation may be viewed as an opportunity to accelerate some of the ongoing transformations in modern pathology. This refers primarily to the digitalisation of the practice of tissue and cellular pathology diagnostics. However, it is also an opportunity to analyse the modus operandi of a discipline that has been practised in a similar manner for more than 100 years. The challenge is to define the next generation of interconnectivity tools that would be necessary to achieve a new operational model that, while ensuring low face-to-face interaction between the main players of the diagnostic pipeline, allows maximum interconnectivity to serve our patients and the immediate teaching and research needs associated with clinical tissue/cellular samples. This viewpoint aims to describe what this new paradigm, a low-contact and high-interconnectivity pathology (LC&HC Path) operation, may require in the near future.  相似文献   

Otis CN 《Human pathology》2006,37(8):929-931
Residency training in anatomic pathology in the United States elicits a wide range of fundamental questions and conflicting opinions. This paper reflects the author's opinion concerning 4 questions that are often integral to these discussions and impact the outlook on training in the current century. (1) What are the goals of residency training in anatomic pathology? (2) In the face of exponential growth of information in anatomic pathology, how are residents to be trained? (3) What changes are likely to occur in the practice and training of anatomic pathology? (4) Is combined training in anatomic and clinical pathology a viable program for the 21st century?  相似文献   

Systematic review and meta-analysis in anatomic pathology   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Heatley MK 《Histopathology》2000,36(6):481-487

This Editorial introduces the first Annual Review Issue of the Journal of Pathology, entitled ‘Molecular and Cellular Themes in Cancer Research’ and produced under the Guest Editorship of Professor Peter Hall and Professor David Lane of Dundee, Scotland, U.K. This issue will appear as Journal of Pathology Volume 187, Number 1. For non-subscribers, this publication can also be purchased as a free-standing volume (for further details please refer to the Announcement at the front of this issue). This is the first of a series of Annual Review Issues on major topics in pathology. Readers of the Journal are invited to offer their comments on this new development and to suggest possible topics and contributors for future issues, in correspondence with the Editor-in-Chief at j.pathology@qub.ac.uk. Copyright © 1998 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Clinicians and pathologists do their work, of course, in quite different ways. Because both groups are trained as physicians, however, this training commonality makes all involved seem basically to be on the same “medical team.” There are, nevertheless, some fundamental differences between the 2 groups that can on occasion cause significant difficulties in mutual understanding; there are reasons to believe that such differences are becoming more pronounced. Although the differences in viewpoints are often subtle and, therefore, seemingly not very important, these differences have very profound causes and can be profound in their effects. This narrative examines the underlying broad historical-sociological-philosophical bases for these differences with the aim of illuminating their importance to medicine and their prospective importance to pathology in particular.  相似文献   

A second case of fetal XXXXY-syndrome detected by prenatal chromosome analysis is presented. The pathological findings include a facial aspect featuring fetal Down's syndrome, hypogenitalism and hypogonadism with excessive reduction of germ cells and also skeletal abnormalities that may be interpreted as early changes, preceding phalangeal shortening V and radioulnar synostosis.  相似文献   

I. P. Pavlov Department of Physiology, Research Institute of Experimental Medicine, Academy of Medical Sciences of the USSR, Leningrad. Translated from Byulleten' Éksperimental'noi Biologii i Meditsiny, Vol. 110, No. 11, pp. 464–466, November, 1990.  相似文献   

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