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面对现代马业信息化管理的实际需求,采用Visual Studio 2015开发平台、SQL Server 2014数据库,应用C#语言构建基于.NET框架,B/S模式的马场信息综合管理系统。管理系统为马场提供了全面、高效、可视化的马场信息管理技术支持,包括马匹信息管理、健康监测、饲养管理、免疫管理、病例管理、繁育管理、训练管理、日常管理八个模块,实现了马匹与马场基本信息的管理、马匹免疫信息与病例信息的统计、免疫提醒与分娩提醒等功能。在饲养管理子系统中,根据不同马匹的营养需要量和所选饲料的营养价值,建立了基于目标规划算法的马饲料配方模型,实现马饲料配方的自动生成,对马饲料配方的研究具有一定的参考价值。综合性管理系统的构建对现代马业的发展具有实际意义。  相似文献   

本研究以马的消化系统解剖特点为基础,依据美国国家研究委员会(National Re-search Council,简称NRC)马饲养标准中的马营养需要量,采用目标规划法来计算赛马的饲料配方。本配方结合赛马的特点和饲料的特性、营养水平和口感的差异,满足了赛马每日的营养需要,有较强的实践指导意义。  相似文献   

为了满足新疆伊犁昭苏地区马场信息化管理中精准喂饲的实际需求,试验通过对饲料原料的营养成分、价格和不同体重、不同用途以及不同生态状况的伊犁马对各营养物质的需求量进行研究,根据美国NRC饲养标准中马匹对各营养物质的需求量,制订伊犁马饲料配方设计的整个流程,采用目标规划法建立伊犁马营养配方模型。系统将伊犁昭苏马产业与信息技术相结合,采用浏览器/服务器模式(B/S架构)、Django框架、Bootstrap响应式网页开发技术(结合即时编译型的编程语言JavaScript和层叠样式表CSS)、蟒蛇(Python)语言和PostgreSQL数据库实现了伊犁马的营养配方推荐系统,系统的部署服务器乌班图(Ubuntu Server)。系统实现表明,通过填入少量的参数即可实现伊犁马日粮配方的自动生成,不仅对伊犁马饲料配方的研究有参考价值,而且也可以为育马人员提供技术支持,有效提高马匹开发管理水平。  相似文献   

鱼类消化酶活性的影响因素   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
随着现代水产养殖业和水产饲料工业的发展,人们对鱼类的营养需要及其饲料配方进行了许多研究,在鱼类消化生理方面,近年来也引起广大研究者的关注。鱼类消化酶活性的高低直接关系到鱼类对营养物质的吸收和利用.凡能影响消化酶活性的因素均能影响营养物质的消化吸收。因此了解影响鱼类消化酶活性的因素对指导配合饲料的研制和生产具有重要意义。本文将这方面的研究情况作一概述。  相似文献   

营养与饲料配方技术研究的目标是解决动物对营养物质以及饲料原料合理利用问题。随着动物营养与饲料科学的研究进展以及饲料工业的迅速发展 ,动物生产水平和营养物质利用率有了极大提高。但目前尚还有一些问题值得探讨 ,下面就根据当前我国动物生产和饲料工业的现状 ,谈几点看法。1 应深入研究营养物质之间的相互关系动物营养物质利用的机理已基本清楚 ,营养物质之间的相互关系便成为研究的焦点。经过一个多世纪 ,营养学研究已进入较深层次 ,已证明各种动物均不同程度需要大约 5 0种以上的必需营养素 ,这些营养素的营养功能以及缺乏症已基…  相似文献   

营养与饲料配方技术研究的目标是解决动物对营养物质以及饲料原料合理利用问题。随着动物营养与饲料科学的研究进展以及饲料工业的迅速发展,动物生产水平和营养物质利用率有了极大提高。但目前还有一些问题值得探讨,根据当前我国动物生产和饲料工业的现状,谈几点看法。1应深入研究营养物质之间的相互关系动物营养物质利用的机理已基本清楚,营养物质之间的相互关系便成为研究的焦点。经过一个多世纪,营养学研究已进入较深层次,已证明各种动物均不同程度需要大约50种以上的必需营养素,这些营养素的营养功能以及缺乏症已基本研究清楚,而各种营…  相似文献   

近几年,中国马的养殖与利用有所升温,特别是各地马术俱乐部如雨后春笋迅速发展和成长,但有关马的饲养管理方面的研究还非常滞后.文中结合 NRC标准对马的消化生理、饲料利用特点及各种营养物质需要作一浅述.  相似文献   

作物饲料经济效益评估方法初探刘央先,马学武,曹力萌(甘肃省畜牧局)(甘肃省饲草饲料研究所)(甘肃农业大学)饲料产品作为商品经济中的商品,具有商品的所有属性,它的使用价值就是能够满足畜禽的营养需要,其对畜禽营养需要满足的好坏是受畜禽对营养物质的需要和自...  相似文献   

江苏省粮食部门的重点饲料科研项目之一罗氏沼虾饲料配方研究,最近由常州市饲料公司研制成功,于3月3日在常州通过省级鉴定,并已投入批量生产。罗氏沼虾俗称对虾,营养价值高,肉质鲜美,可与江南河虾媲美。但在生长阶段对饲料营养要求较高。常州市饲料公司科技人员根据罗氏沼虾的生长特点及营养物质的需要,经多次筛选配方,160天饲喂试验,终于研制成功了最佳饲料配方新品.  相似文献   

浅谈降低动物饲料成本的途径与措施   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
科学地搭配饲料,制订出合理的饲料配合方案,做到既能满足牲畜机体对营养物质的需要,又不至于浪费饲料。本文从3个方面分析了饲料配方策略,阐述了正确选择原料的方法以及降低饲料成本的措施。  相似文献   

Chinese horse industry is in the early stage of transition from traditional horse industry to modern horse industry. Scientific feed formula is of great practical significance to the development of modern horse industry. In this paper, the horse feed formula model based on the goal programming was constructed by analyzing and researching the horse's daily nutrition demand and the component elements of feed formula model. The formula optimized the horse's various nutrients, including dry matter, digestible energy, crude protein, calcium and phosphorus, ensured that the number of nutrients, quality and the proportion of their daily needs, and took into account the cost of feed also. Two different types of horses, race horse and riding horse were used to describe the design process for horse feed formulations based on different feed standards, and the effectiveness of the feed formula model was verified at the same time. The study would provide some reference value for the study of horse feed formula model.  相似文献   

马是人类社会发展的重要组成部分,人类种草养马历史悠久,但人们对马用饲草的认识和研究还不足,致使现代马业和草业科学发展存在严重脱节现象,影响了两者的可持续发展。因此,结合现代马业发展趋势及其对饲草的利用特点,综述了草地放牧、青干草、青贮及半干青贮饲草等在现代马业发展中的研究与实践现状,并提出了现代马业发展中草业科学存在的问题及建议,以期为保障现代马业的可持续发展提供理论指导,为拓展我国现代草业科学与技术发展空间提供参考。  相似文献   

This is the first documented case report of dermatitis associated with the poultry mite (Dermanyssus gallinae) in a horse. It occurred in a 16-year-old horse that was in contact with domestic hens. Clinical signs consisted of severe pruritus, with self-induced hair loss mainly on the head. Despite the multiple skin scrapings performed during both day- and nighttime, mites were only isolated from the in-contact poultry and from the horse's environment, and not the horse. The animal was treated using a 2% permethrin solution, sprayed on the entire body once a week for 4 weeks, and by decontamination of the horse's immediate environment. Although eradication of the mites and elimination of further contact between the horse and the poultry were not achievable, recurrence of dermatitis was prevented by regular applications of permethrin on the horse and biannual decontamination of the horse's stable.  相似文献   

[目的]高寒牧区肉牛育肥对饲料的要求与其他地区存在着明显的差异,环境因素、气候条件、饲草料现状都是制约肉牛育肥产业发展的瓶颈。因此选择适宜的饲料配方对高寒牧区肉牛育肥产业的发展显得极为重要。[方法]本饲料配方筛选试验通过组间对比选择,筛选出适宜高寒牧区肉牛育肥的试验配方。在实际应用中取得了较好的效果。[结果]表明:筛选出适合本地育肥牛的1号料和3号料,饲喂1号料的A组比饲喂2号料的B组和4号料的D组,头均日增重高84g和142g(P0.01)差异极显著,头均多获利81.80元和147.18元;饲喂3号饲料的C组比饲喂2号料的B组和4号料的D组,头均日增重高64g和122g(P0.01)差异极显著。[结论]头均多获69元和133.84元。  相似文献   

Nutrition is a critical component of equine health. Horse owners' knowledge of nutrition is likely to affect their feeding practices. The aim of this study was to survey feeding practices, dietary supplement use, and knowledge about equine nutrition in New England by surveying a subpopulation of horse owners (67/337 or 19.8%) who brought their horses to the Large Animal Hospital at the Cummings School of Veterinary Medicine at Tufts University between July and September 2008. All owners reported feeding hay, with the majority feeding grass or timothy hay. Most owners (96%) reported feeding a concentrate in addition to hay. Approximately 84% of owners reported including at least one dietary supplement in their horse's daily feeding. The most commonly used supplements were chondroprotectives, electrolytes, and multivitamins. Survey questions designed to assess the owner's knowledge of nutrition suggested that many owners may not have a basic understanding of principles of equine nutrition; less than 50% knew the daily water and hay requirements for a horse, and 69% lacked knowledge about the proper use of concentrates in a diet. Most of the surveyed owners consulted multiple sources of information concerning equine nutrition, including veterinarians (n = 36), trainers (n = 27), feed stores (n = 10), and the internet (n = 7). Although the major source of information was the veterinarian, it appears that the communication between horse owners and their veterinarian about optimal feeding practices could be enhanced. This survey demonstrated areas in the veterinarian–client dialog that need to be addressed when evaluating the health and well-being of the horse.  相似文献   

A field survey involving 112 Standardbred race horses in 14 stables at a Detroit racetrack was conducted to determine feeding practices of the Standardbred trainers, to estimate crude protein (CP), digestible energy (DE), and dry matter (DM) consumption by racing Standardbreds, and to compare those intakes with 1989 recommendations of the National Research Council (NRC), “Nutrient Requirements of Horses.” Trainers were interviewed regarding: 1) the age and sex of the horses; 2) their feeding practices, and 3) the horse's training and racing schedule. Only adult horses which were actively racing and continuously stabled at the track were included.

Body weights (BW) estimated using a chest girth measurement resulted in an overall mean BW of 449 kg. Body condition scores were established for each horse with an overall mean score of 5.7 which indicated average body condition for a racing Standardbred at this track. Typical rations from each stable were weighed, and feed samples of hays and concentrates were analyzed at a commercial laboratory to determine CP, DM, acid detergent fiber (ADF), and estimated energy density. A computer program calculated CP, DE, and DM values for each horse's ration based on amounts fed. The software program included with the 1989 NRC publication was used to compare estimated nutrient intakes with current NRC recommendations for a horse of a given BW.

All trainers fed a variety of hays and commercial grain mixes, and five trainers fed oats separately. The mean total intake of feed for all horses on an “as fed” basis was 16.1 kg. The estimated mean DM intake for all horses was 14.4 kg vs. NRC recommended 10.6 kg. The mean percentage of rough-age in the ration for all stables was 64% vs. a NRC recommendation of 35%. The mean CP% on a DM basis for all stables' rations was 14.5% vs. the NRC recommendation of 11.4%. The mean daily CP and estimated DE intakes for all horses were 2113 g and 37.6 Meal, respectively, in contrast to current NRC recommendations of 1189 g CP and 29.7 Meal DE. These data indicate that estimated CP, DE, and DM consumption are above the recommendations of NRC in 1989.  相似文献   

Mash feed preparation is the widely practiced method of preparing and presenting feed to laying hens in the egg industry due to its economics, flexibility, and simplicity. However, this form of feed presents a wide range of particle sizes that are likely to segregate (i.e., large particles may separate from the small particles during feed delivery through either auger or drag-chain delivery systems). Two predominant segregation patterns were observed, including sieving and side-to-side segregation, during feed delivery. These segregation patterns promoted ingredient selection activities by the hens (mainly larger particles) that modified the nutrients in the feed and influenced the hens’ ability to meet their daily nutrient requirements. This observation was quantified through a systematic study of the relationship of feed nutrients, feed particle size distribution, and hen performance, including BW and egg quality analysis. To minimize the feed segregation effect on hen performance and egg quality, 3 recommendations are proposed to improve feed fabrication and the feed delivery system.  相似文献   

Palmar heel pain can be divided into 5 groups, depending on the clinical signs and based on the horse's response to diagnostic analgesia. These groups include navicular pain; solar third phalanx, including the insertion of the deep flexor tendon; distal interphalangeal arthrosis, mixed pain (multiple structures), and palmar pain. Depending on the region of pain, different strategies can be used to treat the horse. Primary among these are reestablishing the biomechanics of the hoof and modifying the pain response of the horse.  相似文献   

Full-thickness, circular, cutaneous wounds (4 cm diameter) were created on metacarpi and metatarsi of 5 horses. On day 6, all 4 wounds on each horse received a stored autogenous split-thickness sheet graft. Grafts were obtained from the horse's ventrolateral thorax with a pneumatic dermatome at the time the cutaneous wounds were created. Grafts were coapted to the granulation bed of 2 wounds of each horse with fibrin glue. Grafts were coapted to the cutaneous margin of all 4 wounds of each horse with cyanoacrylate glue. Bandages were changed daily until the study ended at 14 d. When the bandages were changed, ointment containing neomycin, polymyxin B, and bacitracin was applied to all wounds. The viable area of graft was measured on post-grafting d 14 and calculated with a micro-processor. Split-thickness sheet-grafts attached to granulation beds on the metacarpi and metatarsi with fibrin glue had no greater survival than did grafts attached without fibrin glue (P > 0.05).  相似文献   

This study investigated digestibilities of nutrients and feed efficiency in female mink at the different dietary protein levels during the mink growth period. Effects of dietary protein on growth performance of minks were also measured. Sixty 45‐day‐old healthy female minks were randomly assigned to 6 treatment groups with 10 animals in each group. Animals were fed diets varying in protein levels: 28% (Group I), 30% (Group II), 32% (Group III), 34% (Group IV), 36% (Group V) and 38% (Group VI), respectively. The digestibilities of key nutrients were determined on Day 14 after initiating the experiment and the last 3 days. From the beginning of the study, body weight and feed intake were weighed and recorded every other week in order to calculate the average daily bodyweight gain and the feed efficiency. The trial had demonstrated that nitrogen intake was greatly significantly different, which was affected by dietary protein levels (p < 0.001). Growth performance of minks was impaired when dietary protein level was at 28%. When dietary protein level was at 34%, minks had the best daily gains, feed efficiency, and digestibilities of some key nutrients.  相似文献   

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