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Abstract— The NASA Stardust mission brought to Earth micron‐size particles from the coma of comet 81P/Wild 2 using aerogel, a porous silica material, as the capture medium. A major challenge in understanding the organic inventory of the returned comet dust is identifying, unambiguously, which organic molecules are indigenous to the cometary particles, which are produced from carbon contamination in the Stardust aerogel, and which are cometary organics that have been modified by heating during the particle capture process. Here it is shown that 1) alteration of cometary organic molecules along impact tracks in aerogel is highly dependent on the original particle morphology, and 2) organic molecules on test‐shot terminal particles are mostly preserved. These conclusions are based on two‐step laser mass spectrometry (L2MS) examinations of test shots with organic‐laden particles (both tracks in aerogel and the terminal particles themselves).  相似文献   

Abstract— Mineral particles analogous to components of cosmic dust were tested to determine if their Raman signatures can be recognized after hypervelocity capture in aerogel. The mineral particles were accelerated onto the silica aerogel by light‐gas‐gun shots. It was found that all the individual minerals captured in aerogel could be identified using Raman (or fluorescence) spectra. The laser beam spot size was ?5 micrometers, and in some cases the captured particles were of a similar small size. In some samples fired into aerogel, a broadening and a shift in the wave numbers of some of the Raman bands was observed, a result of the trapped particles being at elevated temperatures due to laser heating. Temperatures of samples were also estimated from the relative intensities of Stokes and anti‐Stokes Raman bands, or, in the case of corundum particles, from the wave number of fluorescence bands excited by the laser. The temperature varied greatly, dependent upon laser power and the nature of the particle. Most of the mineral particles examined had temperatures below 200 °C at a laser power of about 3 mW at the sample. This temperature is sufficiently low enough not to damage most materials expected to be found captured in aerogel in space. In the worst case, some particles were shown to have temperatures of 500–700 °C. In addition, selected meteorite samples were examined to obtain Raman signatures of their constituent minerals and were then shot into aerogel. It was possible to find Raman signatures after capture in aerogel and obtain a Raman map of a whole grain in situ in the aerogel. It is concluded that Raman analysis is indeed well suited for an in situ analysis of micrometer‐sized materials captured in aerogel.  相似文献   

Abstract— Infrared spectroscopy maps of some tracks made by cometary dust from 81P/Wild 2 impacting Stardust aerogel reveal an interesting distribution of organic material. Out of six examined tracks, three show presence of volatile organic components possibly injected into the aerogel during particle impacts. When particle tracks contained volatile organic material, they were found to be ‐CH2‐rich, while the aerogel is dominated by the ‐CH3‐rich contaminant. It is clear that the population of cometary particles impacting the Stardust aerogel collectors also includes grains that contained little or none of this organic component. This observation is consistent with the highly heterogeneous nature of collected grains, as seen by a multitude of other analytical techniques.  相似文献   

In Stardust tracks C2044,0,38, C2044,0,39, and C2044,0,42 (Brennan et al. 2007 ) and Stardust track 10 (this work) gold is present in excess of its cosmochemical abundance. Ultra‐thin sections of allocation FC6,0,10,0,26 (track 10) show a somewhat wavy, compressed silica aerogel/silica glass interface which challenges exact location identification, i.e., silica glass, compressed silica aerogel, or areas of overlap. In addition to domains of pure silica ranging from SiO2 to SiO3 glass, there is MgO‐rich silica glass with a deep metastable composition, MgO = 14 ± 6 wt%, due to assimilation of Wild 2 Mg‐silicate matter in silica melt. This magnesiosilica composition formed when temperatures during hypervelocity capture reached >2000 °C followed by ultrafast quenching of the magnesiosilica melt when it came into contact with compressed aerogel at ~155 °C. The compressed silica aerogel in track 10 has a continuous Au background as result of the melting point depression of gold particles <5 nm that showed liquid‐like behavior. Larger gold particles are scattered found throughout the silica aerogel matrix and in aggregates up to ~50 nm in size. No gold is found in MgO‐rich silica glass. Gold in track 10 is present at the silica aerogel/silica glass interface. In the other tracks gold was likely near‐surface contamination possibly from an autoclave used in processing of these particular aerogel tiles. So far gold contamination is documented in these four different tracks. Whether they are the only tiles with gold present in excess of its cosmochemical abundance or whether more tiles will show excess gold abundances is unknown.  相似文献   

Abstract— New model organic microparticles are used to assess the thermal ablation that occurs during aerogel capture at speeds from 1 to 6 km s?1. Commercial polystyrene particles (20 μm diameter) were coated with an ultrathin 20 nm overlayer of an organic conducting polymer, polypyrrole. This overlayer comprises only 0.8% by mass of the projectile but has a very strong Raman signature, hence its survival or destruction is a sensitive measure of the extent of chemical degradation suffered. After aerogel capture, microparticles were located via optical microscopy and their composition was analyzed in situ using Raman microscopy. The ultrathin polypyrrole overlayer survived essentially intact for impacts at ~1 km s?1, but significant surface carbonization was found at 2 km s?1, and major particle mass loss at ≥3 km s?1. Particles impacting at ~6.1 km s?1 (the speed at which cometary dust was collected in the NASA Stardust mission) were reduced to approximately half their original diameter during aerogel capture (i.e., a mass loss of 84%). Thus significant thermal ablation occurs at speeds above a few km s?1. This suggests that during the Stardust mission the thermal history of the terminal dust grains during capture in aerogel may be sufficient to cause significant processing or loss of organic materials. Further, while Raman D and G bands of carbon can be obtained from captured grains, they may well reflect the thermal processing during capture rather than the pre‐impact particle's thermal history.  相似文献   

Abstract— In 2006, the Stardust spacecraft will return to Earth with cometary and perhaps interstellar dust particles embedded in silica aerogel collectors for analysis in terrestrial laboratories. These particles will be the first sample return from a solid planetary body since the Apollo missions. In preparation for the return, analogue particles were implanted into a keystone of silica aerogel that had been extracted from bulk silica aerogel using the optical technique described in Westphal et al. (2004). These particles were subsequently analyzed using analytical techniques associated with the use of a nuclear microprobe. The particles have been analyzed using: a) scanning transmission ion microscopy (STIM) that enables quantitative density imaging; b) proton elastic scattering analysis (PESA) and proton backscattering (PBS) for the detection of light elements including hydrogen; and c) proton‐induced X‐ray emission (PIXE) for elements with Z > 11. These analytical techniques have enabled us to quantify the composition of the encapsulated particles. A significant observation from the study is the variable column density of the silica aerogel. We also observed organic contamination within the silica aerogel. The implanted particles were then subjected to focused ion beam (FIB) milling using a 30 keV gallium ion beam to ablate silica aerogel in site‐specific areas to expose embedded particles. An ion polished flat surface of one of the particles was also prepared using the FIB. Here, we show that ion beam techniques have great potential in assisting with the analysis and exposure of Stardust particles.  相似文献   

We predict that when Asteroid 2004 MN4 passes 5.6±1.4 Earth radii from Earth's center on April 13, 2029, terrestrial torques during the flyby will alter its spin state in a dramatic manner that will be observable using groundbased telescopes. Although the asteroid will most likely not undergo catastrophic disruption, it may be subject to localized failure across its surface and interior, providing a unique opportunity to measure otherwise inaccessible mechanical properties of an asteroid.  相似文献   

Abstract– We have shown in laboratory experiment that hypervelocity impacts on a solar cell produce ejecta that can be captured on aluminum (Al 1100) foil or in low density (33 kg m?3) aerogel. The origin of the secondary impacts can be determined by either analysis of the residue in the craters in the foils (which preserve an elemental signature of the solar cell components) or by their pointing direction for tracks in the aerogel (which we show align with the impact direction to ± 0.4°). This experimental evidence explains the observations of the NASA Stardust mission which has reported that the majority of tracks in the aerogel collector used to collect interstellar dust actually point at the spacecraft’s solar panels. From our results, we suggest that it should also be possible to recognize secondary ejecta craters in the Stardust mission aluminum foils, also used as dust sampling devices during the mission.  相似文献   

Abstract– Keystones removed from the Stardust cometary collector show varying degrees of visible fluorescence when exposed to UV light, with the brightest fluorescence associated with the space‐exposed surface. We investigated the spatial characteristics of this phenomenon further by using fluorescence microscopy, confocal Raman microscopy, and synchrotron Fourier transform infrared (FTIR) spectromicroscopy. Twenty‐four keystones, extracted from the Stardust cometary collector, were analyzed. Fluorescence measurements show two distributions with different excitation characteristics, indicating the presence of at least two distinct fluorophores. The first distribution is confined to within about 10 μm of the space‐exposed surface, whereas the second distribution is much broader with a maximum that is typically about 30–50 μm below the surface. Confocal Raman measurements did not reveal any changes associated with the surface; however, only features associated with aliphatic hydrocarbons were strong enough to be observed. FTIR measurements, on the other hand, show two distinct distributions at the space‐exposed surface: (1) a narrow, surface‐confined distribution originating from ?O3SiH groups and (2) a broader, sub‐surface distribution originating from ?O2SiH2 groups. These functional groups were not observed in keystones extracted from the cometary flight spare or from the Stardust interstellar collector, indicating that they may result at least partially from cometary exposure. The presence of O3SiH and O2SiH2 groups at the comet‐exposed surface suggests that the enhanced surface fluorescence is caused by defects in the O‐Si‐O network and not by organic contamination.  相似文献   

During the inbound segment of the Ulysses flyby of Jupiter, there were multiple incursions into the dawnside low-latitude boundary layer, as identified by Bame et al. (Science257, 1539–1542, 1992) using plasma electron data. In the present study, ion composition and spectral measurements provide independent collaborative evidence for the existence of distinct boundary layer regions. Measurements are taken in the energy-per-charge range of 0.6–60 keV/e and involve mass as well as mass-per-charge identification by the Ulysses/SWICS experiment. Ion species of Jovian magnetospheric origin (including O+, O2+, S2+, S3+) and sheath origin (including He2+ and high charge state CNO) have been directly identified for the first time in the Jovian magnetospheric boundary layer. Protons of probably mixed origin and He+ of possibly sheath (ultimately interstellar pickup) origin were also observed in the boundary layer. Sheath-like ions are observed throughout the boundary layer; however, the Jovian ions are depleted or absent for portions of two boundary layer cases studied. Ions of solar wind origin are observed within the outer magnetosphere. and ions of magnetospheric origin are found within the sheath, indicating that transport across the magnetopause boundary can work both ways, at least under some conditions. Although their source cannot be uniquely identified, the proton energy spectrum in the boundary layer suggests a sheath origin for the lower energy protons.  相似文献   

Abstract– The deceleration tracks in the Stardust aerogel display a wide range of morphologies, which reveal a large diversity of incoming particles from comet 81P/Wild 2. If the large and dense mineral grains survived the extreme conditions of hypervelocity capture, this was not the case for the fine‐grained material that is found strongly damaged within the aerogel. Due to their low mechanical strength, these assemblages were disaggregated, dispersed, and flash melted in the aerogel in walls of bulbous deceleration tracks. Their petrologic and mineralogical properties are found significantly modified by the flash heating of the capture. Originating from a quenched melt mixture of comet material and aerogel, the representative microstructure consists of silica‐rich glassy clumps containing Fe‐Ni‐S inclusions, vesicles and “dust‐rich” patches, the latter being remnants of individual silicate components of the impacting aggregate. The average composition of these melted particle fragments is close to the chondritic CI composition. They might originate from ultrafine‐grained primitive components comparable to those found in chondritic porous IDPs. Capture effects in aerogel and associated sample biases are discussed in terms of size, chemical and mineralogical properties of the grains. These properties are essential for the grain survival in the extremely hot environment of hypervelocity impact capture in aerogel, and thus for inferring the correct properties of Wild 2 material.  相似文献   

Abstract– Particles from comet 81P/Wild 2 were captured with silica aerogel during the flyby Stardust mission. A significant part of the collection was damaged during the impact at hypervelocity in the aerogel. In this study, we conducted impact experiments into aerogel of olivine and pyroxene powder using a light‐gas gun in similar conditions as that of the comet Wild 2 particles collection. The shot samples were investigated using transmission electron microscopy to characterize their microstructure. Both olivine and pyroxene samples show evidence of thermal alteration due to friction with the aerogel. All the grains have rounded edges after collection, whereas their shape was angular in the initial shot powder set. This is probably associated with mass loss of particles. The rims of the grains are clearly melted and mixed with aerogel. The core of olivine grains is fairly well preserved, but some grains contain dislocations in glide configuration. We interpret these dislocations as generated by the thermal stresses that have emerged due to the high temperature gradients between the core and the rim of the grains. Most of the pyroxene grains have been fully melted. Their high silica concentration reflects a strong impregnation with melted aerogel. The preferential melting of pyroxene compared with olivine is due to a difference in melting temperatures of 300°. This melting point difference probably induces a bias in the measurements of the ratio olivine/pyroxene in the Wild 2 comet. The proportion of pyroxene was probably higher on Wild 2 than expected from the samples collected into aerogel.  相似文献   

Abstract– Impacts of small particles of soda‐lime glass and glycine onto low density aerogel are reported. The aerogel had a quality similar to the flight aerogels carried by the NASA Stardust mission that collected cometary dust during a flyby of comet 81P/Wild 2 in 2004. The types of track formed in the aerogel by the impacts of the soda‐lime glass and glycine are shown to be different, both qualitatively and quantitatively. For example, the soda‐lime glass tracks have a carrot‐like appearance and are relatively long and slender (width to length ratio <0.11), whereas the glycine tracks consist of bulbous cavities (width to length ratio >0.26). In consequence, the glycine particles would be underestimated in diameter by a factor of 1.7–3.2, if the glycine tracks were analyzed using the soda‐lime glass calibration and density. This implies that a single calibration for impacting particle size based on track properties, as previously used by Stardust to obtain cometary dust particle size, is inappropriate.  相似文献   

The helium resonance line at 584 Å has been observed with the UltraViolet Imaging Spectrograph (UVIS) Extreme Ultraviolet channel during the flyby of Venus by Cassini at a period of high solar activity. The brightness was measured along the disk from the morning terminator up to the bright limb near local noon. The mean disk intensity was ∼320 R, reaching ∼700 R at the bright limb. These values are slightly higher than those determined from previous observations. The sensitivity of the 584 Å intensity to the helium abundance is analyzed using recent cross-sections and solar irradiance measurements at 584 Å. The intensity distribution along the UVIS footprint on the disk is best reproduced using the EUVAC solar flux model and the helium density distribution from the VTS3 empirical model. It corresponds to a helium density of 8×106 cm−3 at the level of where the CO2 is 2×1010 cm−3.  相似文献   

The Tyrrhena Terra region of Mars is studied with the imaging spectrometers OMEGA (Observatoire pour la Minéralogie, l’Eau, les Glaces et l’Activité) onboard Mars Express and CRISM (Compact Reconnaissance Infrared Spectrometer for Mars) onboard Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter, through the observation of tens of craters that impacted into this part of the martian highlands. The 175 detections of hydrated silicates are reported, mainly associated with ejecta blankets, crater walls and rims, and central up-lifts. Sizes of craters where hydrated silicates are detected are highly variable, diameters range from less than 1 km to 42 km. We report the presence of zeolites and phyllosilicates like prehnite, Mg-chlorite, Mg-rich smectites and mixed-layer chlorites–smectites and chlorite–vermiculite from comparison of hyperspectral infrared observations with laboratory spectra. These minerals are associated with fresh craters post-dating any aqueous activity. They likely represent ancient hydrated terrains excavated by the crater-forming impacts, and hence reveal the composition of the altered Noachian crust, although crater-related hydrothermal activity may have played a minor role for the largest craters (>20 km in diameter). Most detected minerals formed over relatively high temperatures (100–300 °C), likely due to aqueous alteration of the Noachian crust by regional low grade metamorphism from the Noachian thermal gradient and/or by extended hydrothermal systems associated with Noachian volcanism and ancient large impact craters. This is in contrast with some other phyllosilicate-bearing regions like Mawrth Vallis where smectites, kaolinites and hydrated silica were mainly identified, pointing to a predominance of surface/shallow sub-surface alteration; and where excavation by impacts played only a minor role. Smooth plains containing hydrated silicates are observed at the boundary between the Noachian altered crust, dissected by fluvial valleys, and the Hesperian unaltered volcanic plains. These plains may correspond to alluvial deposition of eroded material. The highlands of Tyrrhena Terra are therefore particularly well suited for investigating the diversity of hydrated minerals in ancient martian terrains.  相似文献   

The MESSENGER spacecraft flyby of Mercury on 14 January 2008 provided a new opportunity to study the intrinsic magnetic field of the innermost planet and its interaction with the solar wind. The model presented in this paper is based on the solution of the three-dimensional, bi-fluid equations for solar wind protons and electrons in the absence of mass loading. In this study we provide new estimates of Mercury’s intrinsic magnetic field and the solar wind conditions that prevailed at the time of the flyby. We show that the location of the boundary layers and the strength of the magnetic field along the spacecraft trajectory can be reproduced with a solar wind ram pressure Psw = 6.8 nPa and a planetary magnetic dipole having a magnitude of 210 RM3 − nT and an offset of 0.18 RM to the north of the equator, where RM is Mercury’s radius. Analysis of the plasma flow reveals the existence of a stable drift belt around the planet; such a belt can account for the locations of diamagnetic decreases observed by the MESSENGER Magnetometer. Moreover, we determine that the ion impact rate at the northern cusp was four times higher than at the southern cusp, a result that provides a possible explanation for the observed north-south asymmetry in exospheric sodium in the neutral tail.  相似文献   

The roughness of a planetary surface offers clues to its past geologic history. We apply a surface roughness model developed by Buratti and Veverka (Buratti, B.J., Veverka, J. [1985]. Icarus 64, 320-328) to Cassini ISS data from the January 1st, 2005 flyby of Iapetus. This model uses the observed scattering behavior to provide a depth to radius factor q quantifying the size of idealized craters on the surface. Our findings indicate that the surface on the dark side is significantly smoother than the surfaces of other icy low-albedo saturnian satellites. We have found that the average depth to radius on the leading (dark) side is 0.084, corresponding to a Hapke mean slope angle of 6°. As compared to the 13-33° Hapke mean slope angle of other icy satellites (Buratti, B.J., and 10 colleagues [2008]. Icarus 193, 309-322), our results present a clearly different picture for the leading surface of Iapetus, suggesting that the dark deposit contributes to the decrease in macroscopic surface roughness of the leading side. Attempts were made to obtain an average depth to radius value for the trailing (bright) side; however the scans of the bright side from this flyby exhibited large variations in albedo, resulting in results that were physically unrealistic.  相似文献   

The Cassini Visual and Infrared Mapping Spectrometer (VIMS) is an imaging spectrometer covering the wavelength range 0.3-5.2 μm in 352 spectral channels, with a nominal instantaneous field of view of 0.5 mrad. The Cassini flyby of Jupiter represented a unique opportunity to accomplish two important goals: scientific observations of the jovian system and functional tests of the VIMS instrument under conditions similar to those expected to obtain during Cassini's 4-year tour of the saturnian system. Results acquired over a complete range of visual to near-infrared wavelengths from 0.3 to 5.2 μm are presented. First detections include methane fluorescence on Jupiter, a surprisingly high opposition surge on Europa, the first visual-near-IR spectra of Himalia and Jupiter's optically-thin ring system, and the first near-infrared observations of the rings over an extensive range of phase angles (0-120°). Similarities in the center-to-limb profiles of H+3 and CH4 emissions indicate that the H+3 ionospheric density is solar-controlled outside of the auroral regions. The existence of jovian NH3 absorption at 0.93 μm is confirmed. Himalia has a slightly reddish spectrum, an apparent absorption near 3 μm, and a geometric albedo of 0.06±0.01 at 2.2 μm (assuming an 85-km radius). If the 3-μm feature in Himalia's spectrum is eventually confirmed, it would be suggestive of the presence of water in some form, either free, bound, or incorporated in layer-lattice silicates. Finally, a mean ring-particle radius of 10 μm is found to be consistent with Mie-scattering models fit to VIMS near-infrared observations acquired over 0-120° phase angle.  相似文献   

We analyze FUV spatially-resolved dayglow spectra obtained at 0.37 nm resolution by the UVIS instrument during the Cassini flyby of Venus. We use a least-squares fit method to determine the brightness of the OI emissions at 130.4 and OI 135.6 nm, and of the bands of the CO fourth positive system which are dominated by fluorescence scattering. We compare the brightness observed along the UVIS foot track of the two OI multiplets with that deduced from a model of the excitation of these emissions by photoelectron impact on O atoms and resonance scattering of the solar 130.4 nm emission. The large optical thickness 130.4 nm emission is accounted for using a radiative transfer model. The airglow intensities are calculated along the foot track and found to agree with the observed 130.4 nm brightness within ∼10%. The modeled OI 135.6 nm brightness is also well reproduced by the model. The oxygen density profile of the VTS3 model is found to be consistent with the observations. We find that self-absorption of the (0, v″) bands of the fourth positive emission of CO is important and we derive a CO vertical column of about 6.4 × 1015 cm−2 in close agreement with the value provided by the VTS3 empirical atmospheric model.  相似文献   

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