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通过岩心观察、薄片鉴定、电镜扫描、阴极发光、物性分析,对四川盆地东部环开江—梁平海槽上二叠统长兴组礁滩相储层特征、储层成岩作用进行研究,并初步建立成岩演化序列。储层特征研究发现,长兴组储层发育良好,储集岩以"花斑状"生屑云岩和生物礁云岩为主,粒间孔、粒间溶孔和粒内溶孔较为发育,孔隙度总体介于2%~6%,渗透率集中在0.1~1 m D,结合孔渗相关关系将其划分为4种储层类型:"低孔高渗"型、"中孔中渗"型、过渡型、"高孔低渗"型。储层成岩作用研究发现,储层在成岩阶段经历了多期胶结、压实、白云岩化、溶蚀、构造破裂等成岩作用。由于成岩作用对孔隙结构的改造,孔隙演化整体上呈减小趋势。胶结作用及压实作用使得原生孔隙大幅度减少,对储层的形成具有破坏性作用,溶蚀及白云岩化作用对储层的形成具有建设性作用,构造破裂对储层进一步优化改造。研究表明原生粒间孔和早成岩期岩溶及热液白云岩化作用形成的早期次生孔隙不仅是现今储层储集空间的雏形,也基本决定了储层的最终面貌。  相似文献   

四川盆地东部(文中简称“川东”)上二叠统长兴组近顶部非礁相地层尚未见暴露剥蚀现象的报道。文中以川东涪陵地区二龙口长兴组顶部非礁相地层剖面为例,综合宏微观特征、矿物学特征及地球化学特征等分析发现,在长兴组顶部存在厚3~7cm、垂向分带特征清晰的风化壳,自下而上可分为4层:泥晶生屑灰岩构成的基岩、微风化层、以富硅脱钙为特征的半风化层(由下至上分为3个微层:致密的半风化层、具晕圈的铁质夹层和疏松多孔的半风化层)和以富铁为特征的全风化层(由下至上分为3个微层:橙红色富铁质层、杂色纹层状黏土层、红色富铁质表层)。风化壳中黏土矿物几乎全是伊利石,未见到强风化阶段的次生矿物如高岭石、三水铝石,氧化铁矿物富集,总体体现出中等风化的特征,对应于风化壳演化的富铁锰阶段。进一步分析发现,该风化壳之上的飞仙关组底部存在厚约80cm的泥页岩与灰岩韵律地层,并富含珊瑚、腕足类(欧姆贝)、苔藓虫及三叶虫等原位埋藏的典型二叠系宏体生物化石,反映了研究区在二叠纪末期曾发生抬升暴露;同时研究区长兴组野外露头和钻井岩心均发育较多垂直溶沟、溶洞等岩溶组构,并为离解的碳酸盐岩砂、角砾和碳质泥等混合充填,说明川东地区长兴组非礁相地层受到了表生岩溶的改造。川东地区二叠纪末期的海退事件不仅使台地区海水变浅,甚至长时间的大面积暴露,而且使长兴组碳酸盐岩普遍受到表生岩溶改造,甚至非礁相地层也可能被改造成为岩溶型储集层。这一结果不仅对二叠纪晚期海平面升降事件研究具有借鉴意义,而且指出了台地内受到表生岩溶改造的非礁相地层也可作为勘探有利区带,因而具有重要的勘探实践意义。  相似文献   

煤层气储层孔隙结构特征决定着煤层的吸附能力。利用低温氮吸附法和汞侵入法对鄂尔多斯盆地东部地区煤样的孔隙特征进行测试,并分别对煤样的低温氮吸附孔隙特征和汞侵入孔隙特征进行分析。在此基础上,综合两种实验的测试结果,对煤样的孔隙类型进行分类。压汞实验表明:压汞曲线和退汞曲线相似性较好,两者之间的间距很小,退汞效率达65%~75%;液氮实验表明:低变质煤孔以一端封闭的孔为主,随着煤变质程度的增加,先是较大的孔变为两端开放的孔,接着较小孔变为两端开放的孔,到了无烟煤阶段微孔也变成以两端开放的孔为主。综合两种结果,认为煤样的孔隙中以微孔和过渡孔为主,并且微孔和过渡孔是构成煤样孔隙容积的主要贡献者,大孔和中孔的总孔容所占比例较小。鄂尔多斯盆地东部煤岩的孔隙特征有利于煤层中气体的吸附,是煤层气储层的良好场所。  相似文献   

四川盆地二叠系和三叠系的接触关系以及长兴组岩溶成因的认识,地质界一直存在较大分歧。通过野外露头、钻井、岩心、成像测井、C-O同位素等资料研究发现,普光气田长兴组发育大规模溶沟、溶洞、囊状溶洞、岩溶角砾岩;P/T界线附近长兴组溶蚀灰岩碳同位素发生严重负偏移;长兴组顶见不整合面,成像测井岩溶相带划分明显;长兴组顶部存在地层缺失。综合分析认为,普光气田长兴组发生过表生岩溶作用,长兴阶晚期重大海退事件是引起表生岩溶的主要因素。长兴组长期接受表生岩溶作用的改造,除形成台地边缘礁滩相储集层外,在礁滩欠发育的台地内部和台地前缘上斜坡等区带,是寻找不整合岩溶储集层的有利地区。  相似文献   

The organic-rich shale of the Shanxi and Taiyuan Formation of the Lower Permian deposited in a marine-continental transitional environment are well developed in the Ordos Basin, NW China, which is considered to contain a large amount of shale hydrocarbon resources. This study takes the Lower Permian Shanxi and Taiyuan shale collected from well SL# in the Ordos Basin, NW China as an example to characterize the transitional shale reservoir. Based on organic geochemistry data, X-ray diffraction (XRD) analysis, field-emission scanning electron microscopy (FE-SEM) observations, the desorbed gas contents of this transitional shale were systematically studied and the shale gas potential was investigated. The results indicate that the Lower Permian Shanxi and Taiyuan shale has a relatively high total organic carbon (TOC) (average TOC of 4.9%) and contains type III kerogen with a high mature to over mature status. XRD analyses show that an important characteristic of the shale is that clay and brittle minerals of detrital origin comprise the major mineral composition of the marine-continental transitional shale samples, while the percentages of carbonate minerals, pyrite and siderite are relatively small. FE-SEM observations reveal that the mineral matrix pores are the most abundant in the Lower Permian shale samples, while organic matter (OM) pores are rarely developed. Experimental analysis suggests that the mineral compositions mainly govern the macropore development in the marine-continental transitional shale, and mineral matrix pores and microfractures are considered to provide space for gas storage and migration. In addition, the desorption experiments demonstrated that the marine-continental transitional shale in the Ordos Basin has a significantly potential for shale gas exploration, ranging from 0.53 to 2.86 m3/t with an average value of 1.25m3/t, which is in close proximity to those of terrestrial shale (1.29 m3/t) and marine shale (1.28 m3/t). In summary, these results demonstrated that the Lower Permian marine-continental transitional shale in the Ordos Basin has a significantly potential for shale gas exploration.  相似文献   

A set of organic-rich shales of the upper Permian Longtan Formation, which is widely developed in the northeastern part of the Sichuan Basin, is a key formation for the next step of exploration and development. At present, most studies on this set of formations have focused on the reservoir characteristics and reservoir formation mechanism of the shales, and basic studies on the palaeoenvironment and organic matter(OM) enrichment mechanism have not been fully carried out. In this paper, we recov...  相似文献   

页岩微观孔隙结构是影响页岩气储层储集能力的重要因素。为评价川南地区下寒武统筇竹寺组页岩性质,基于井下 岩心样品、钻井资料,运用普通扫描电镜和氩离子抛光-场发射扫描电镜观测、Image J2x软件分析、低温CO2和N2 吸附、 高压压汞实验方法,对川南地区筇竹寺组页岩气微观孔隙成因类型、孔隙结构特征及其影响因素进行了研究。研究结果表 明,川南地区下寒武统筇竹寺组页岩孔隙度为0.25%~5.80%,平均为2.49%;发育多种成因类型微观孔隙,以粒间孔为 主,粒内孔、有机质孔和微裂缝次之,页岩微观孔隙总面孔率为3.58%~5.92%;川南地区筇竹寺组页岩总孔容为(2.86~ 12.55)×10-3 mL/g,总比表面积为2.727~21.992 m2/g,孔径主要分布于0.30~1.00 nm、2.5~4.7 nm和55~70 nm这三个区间,微 孔(<2 nm)和介孔(2~50 nm)是筇竹寺组页岩气储集空间的主体,孔隙结构形态主要为圆孔、楔形孔、平板狭缝型孔和混合 型孔结构。页岩孔隙度及总比表面积与TOC、脆性矿物含量呈正相关关系,页岩微孔孔容及比表面积与TOC呈正相关关 系,页岩孔隙度、总孔容及总比表面积与R0、粘土矿物含量呈负相关关系。  相似文献   

开江—梁平海槽的形成、发展和消亡过程对川东地区长兴组生物礁分布有着明显的控制作用,因而决定了生物礁气藏的类型、规模及其分布。通过露头、岩心观察和薄片鉴定手段,对台地边缘生物礁内部结构、发育特征的详细研究,表明台地边缘生物礁在海槽周缘的不同部位差别较大,按照生物礁发育规模,可将其分为台缘点礁、台缘丘礁和台缘堤礁,系统总结了这3种生物礁的生长演化阶段。其中台缘点礁主要发育于研究区环开江—梁平海槽的南端,发育于长一或长二到长三期,主要由障积礁组成,礁体发育时间短、发育规模最小,礁体发育最为简单,主要经历了3个演化阶段;台缘丘礁发育于研究区环开江—梁平海槽的中端-北端,发育于长二—长三期,大部分生物礁延续到了长三末期,礁体发育时间相对较长、发育规模相对较大,主要经历了5个演化阶段;台缘堤礁主要发育于鄂西海槽台地边缘或开江—梁平海槽最北端的川东北地区,礁体发育于长一时期或长二初期,一直延续到长三末期,礁体发育时间最长、规模最大,礁体最为复杂,经历了5个演化阶段。  相似文献   

四川盆地东北部长兴组储集层主要由细—中晶白云岩组成,其次为微晶白云岩。根据薄片观察、阴极发光、电子探针分析发现,细—中晶白云岩与微晶白云岩在阴极发光特征方面很相似,都不发光,且在Mg、Ca、Fe、Mn、Sr和Ba含量方面也没有区别。根据上述分析结果认为,研究区的细—中晶白云岩是微晶白云岩在准同生期重结晶形成的,控制重结晶的主要因素是引起准同生白云石化的蒸发卤水下渗。这一认识为确定研究区白云岩储集层的空间分布提供了新的思路。  相似文献   

四川盆地东部上三叠统须家河组共分7段,其中须一段与川西小塘子组为同期异相沉积。须一、须三、须五、须七段为含煤泥岩段,须二、须四、须六段为砂岩段。对区内钻井剖面及露头剖面进行分析,在须家河组中识别出区域性构造不整合面及河流下切冲刷面等层序界面,将须家河组划分为4个三级层序,分别对应于须一段、须二段—须三段、须四段—须五段、须六段—须七段。以地层的岩性、岩相变化特征细化分出低位体系域、湖侵体系域和高位体系域。其中低位体系域以广泛分布的河道砂岩沉积为特征;湖侵体系域与高位体系域以湖滨三角洲相的细砂岩、粉砂岩、泥岩及煤层互层为特征。对层序地层格架下的聚煤特征分析表明,层序Ⅲ聚煤最有利,其次为层序Ⅳ,层序Ⅱ最差;在层序Ⅲ内,高位体系域比湖侵体系域更有利于成煤。煤层厚度变化明显受泥炭堆积速率与可容空间增加速率的控制,高位体系域早期较高的可容空间增加速率与较高的泥炭堆积速率保持平衡,有利于厚泥炭(煤)层的形成。  相似文献   


含油气盆地在勘探和开发中,拥有大量的地质、地球物理和地球化学数据,对地质构造和地热储层有着全面的认识,在地热能开发利用中具有得天独厚的优势。四川盆地作为中国重要的含油气盆地,同样富含水热型地热资,该文在收集相关资料、总结以往油气勘探成果的基础上,确定了川中地区地温梯度大部均在24℃/km以上,大地热流大部均在60 mW/m2以上,为四川盆地相对高值异常区。考虑到热储温度及埋深是地热开发是否具有经济效益的重要因素,重点选择埋深相对较浅(3000~6000 m)、热储温度相对较高(65~155℃)和热储相对较厚(280~380 m)的川中地区栖霞-茅口组热储进行地热资源潜力评价。研究中,基于盆地地层参数建立三维地质模型,结合现今地温场、岩石热物性参数,利用一维稳态热传导方程计算得到栖霞-茅口组内部温度分布,最后利用体积法计算得到栖霞-茅口组的地热资源强度和资源量。研究表明,川中地区栖霞-茅口组热储温度为65~155℃,地热资源总量为3.01×1021J,折合标准煤1030.25亿吨;可开采地热资源量2.03×1020J,折合标准煤206.5亿吨。且根据川中地区地热资源特征,提出了优先以研究区中东部为中心开展中低温地热发电、地热干燥、地热农业等综合开发利用和地热梯级利用示范工程的建议,为未来的油气废弃井的二次利用及油田地热开发打下基础。


Using analyses of the lithology, sequences, paleoenvironment, and tectonic setting, the depositional system of the Carboniferous Huanglong Formation in the eastern Sichuan Basin was identified. The lithological characteristics of the Lower Member, Middle Member, and Upper Member were analyzed and classified. Before the use of carbon, oxygen, and strontium isotopes in the analysis, all of the geochemical data were tested for validity. On the basis of the Z values obtained from carbon and oxygen isotopes, the paleoenvironments of the three members were elucidated. Lower Member was dominantly an enclosed marine environment with intense evaporation and little freshwater input into the sea. Middle Member developed in a semi-enclosed to normal marine environment with many rivers. Upper Member was formed in a normal marine environment. The east Sichuan Basin was enclosed by paleouplifts before the deposition of the Huanglong Formation, forming a relatively enclosed depositional setting. Paleogullies developed in the Silurian strata that underlie the Carboniferous rocks; these paleogullies can be identified. On the basis of a comprehensive analysis, we propose that the Huanglong Formation developed in a platform system. Four microfacies were identified: supratidal flat, dolostone flat, grain shoal, and shelf microfacies. The high-permeability and high-porosity characteristics of the grain shoal microfacies are favorable for hydrocarbon accumulation, while the supratidal flat and shelf microfacies developed very few high-quality reservoirs. The paleogullies, in which increased amounts of grain shoal microfacies developed, controlled the distribution of high-quality reservoirs.  相似文献   

四川盆地东北地区上二叠统层序地层特征研究   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
运用层序地层学的原理,在野外剖面沉积相、岩性、岩相和可容空间变化分析的基础上,对川东北地区宣汉县渡口镇羊鼓洞上二叠统剖面的层序地层进行研究,识别出3种类型6个层序界面,将上二叠统划分为1个Ⅱ层序和5个Ⅲ级层序,其中吴家坪组划分为3个Ⅲ级层序、长兴组划分为2个Ⅲ级层序。并在层序划分的基础上建立了川东北地区上二叠统的层序地层格架。将可容空间变化曲线与露头层序地层划分之间进行对比发现,二者之间存在着良好的对应关系。这不仅验证了层序划分的正确性,而且说明了Fischer图解旋回分析技术的实用性和客观性。  相似文献   

王爱  钟大康  党录瑞  彭平  毛亚昆  任影  杨强 《现代地质》2015,29(6):1398-1408
采用宏观和微观相结合的 方法,通过扫描电镜、阴极发光等手段,分析川东地区震旦系灯影组钻井、岩心和露头剖面样品的镜下岩石学特征,研究川东地区震旦系灯影组白云岩储层的特征及控制因素。研究结果表明灯影组白云 岩储层主要发育在灯二段和灯四段,主要储集岩类型为微生物白云岩、颗粒白云岩和距两期风化壳0~200 m范围内的角砾白云岩和溶孔白云岩;储集空间以次生的孔、缝、洞为主,主要为粒间溶孔、粒内 溶孔、次生晶间孔、构造裂缝、溶洞等。沉积环境是影响灯二段储层发育的主要因素,其有利储集相带主要是位于水动力能量较强的或有利于造礁生物繁殖的高能颗粒滩和微生物云坪沉积环境;溶蚀作 用,特别是古岩溶作用是灯四段储层发育的主要因素。早期的桐湾运动形成了灯影组的大规模孔洞,而其后的构造运动则建立了研究区内特别复杂的孔隙-洞穴-裂缝系统。  相似文献   

Based on 10 shale samples collected from 4 wells in Qinshui Basin,we investigate the full-sized pore structure and fractal characteristics of Marine-Continental transitional shale by performing organic geochemistry,mineralogical composition,Nitrogen gas adsorption(N_2 adsorption)and Nuclear Magnetic Resonance(NMR)measurements and fractal analysis.Results show that the TOC content of the shale samples is relatively high,with an average value of 2.44wt%,and the thermal evolution is during the mature-over mature stage.The NMR T_2 spectrum can be used to characterize the fullsized pore structure characteristics of shale.By combining N_2 adsorption pore structure parameters and NMR T_2 spectrums,the surface relaxivity of samples are calculated to be between 1.7877 um/s and 5.2272 um/s.On this basis,the T_2 spectrums are converted to full-sized pore volume and surface area distribution curves.The statistics show that the pore volume is mainly provided by mesopore,followed by micropore,and the average percentages are 65.04%and 30.83%respectively;the surface area is mainly provided by micropore,followed by mesopore,and the average percentages are 60.8004%and39.137%respectively;macropore contributes little to pore volume and surface area.The pore structure characteristics of shale have no relationship with TOC,but strong relationships with clay minerals content.NMR fractal dimensions D_(micro) and D_(meso) have strong positive relationships with the N_2 adsorption fractal dimensions D_1 and D_2 respectively,indicating that D_(micro) can be used to characterize the fractal characteristics of pore surface,and D_(meso) can be used to characterize the fractal characteristics of pore structure.The shale surface relaxivity is controlled by multiple factors.The increasing of clay mineral content,pore surface area,pore surface fractal dimension and the decreasing of average pore size,will all lead to the decreasing of shale surface relaxivity.  相似文献   

Geochemical and mineralogical analyses, in addition to isothermal adsorption experiments on field samples, are used to characterise the sedimentary environments, reservoirs and adsorbed gas of the Upper Ordovician Wufeng–lower Silurian Longmaxi formations in the Sichuan Basin and its peripheral areas. The sedimentary environment of the Wufeng and the lower part of Longmaxi formations is a deep-water shelf with five different lithologies identified: siliceous shale, black shale, siltstone, biolithite limestone and bentonite. The black shale in the Wufeng and the lower part of Longmaxi formations is 50 m thick, with an average organic carbon content (TOC) of 3.81 wt% and a maturity (Ro) of 1.62%. Quartz comprises 54.94 vol% of the shale and positively correlates with the TOC. Micropores in the black shale include intergranular pores, intragranular pores, organic matter pores and microfractures. Among these pores, spaces between clay sheets and organic molecules represent a favourable storage space for the accumulation and preservation of oil and gas. The Langmuir volume parameter ranges between 1.52 and 3.01 cm3/g, with an average value of 2.33 cm3/g. The presence of organic matter pores and pores between clay sheets in the black shale is the main and controlling factor for accumulated gas.  相似文献   

正Polyhalite generally formed in the early diagenetic stage.It is formed by the brine which rich in K+and Mg2+and adverse reaction with the gypsum,anhydrite,glauberite(Pierre,1985;Peryt et al.,2005;Leitner et al.,  相似文献   

<正>The western Sichuan Basin,which is located at the front of the Longmen Mountains in the west of Sichuan Province,China,is a foreland basin formed in the Late Triassic.The Upper Triassic Xujiahe Formation is a tight gas sandstone reservoir with low porosity and ultra-low permeability, whose gas accumulation and production are controlled by well-developed fracture zones.There are mainly three types of fractures developed in the Upper Triassic tight gas sandstones,namely tectonic fractures,diagenetic fractures and overpressure-related fractures,of which high-angle tectonic fractures are the most important.The tectonic fractures can be classified into four sets,i.e.,N-S-,NE-, E-W- and NW-striking fractures.In addition,there are a number of approximately horizontal shear fractures in some of the medium-grained sandstones and grit stones nearby the thrusts or slip layers. Tectonic fractures were mainly formed at the end of the Triassic,the end of the Cretaceous and the end of the Neogene-Early Pleistocene.The development degree of tectonic fractures was controlled by lithology,thickness,structure,stress and fluid pressure.Overpressure makes not only the rock shear strength decrease,but also the stress state change from compression to tension.Thus,tensional fractures can be formed in fold-thrust belts.Tectonic fractures are mainly developed along the NE- and N-S-striking structural belts,and are the important storage space and the principal flow channels in the tight gas sandstone.The porosity of fractures here is 28.4%of the gross reservoir porosity,and the permeability of fractures being two or three grades higher than that of the matrix pores.Four sets of high-angle tectonic fractures and horizontal shear fractures formed a good network system and controlled the distribution and production of gas in the tight sandstones.  相似文献   

四川盆地三叠纪是主要的成钾期,目前发现的主要含钾矿物为杂卤石,有关早三叠世嘉陵江组四段石盐岩中杂卤石成因一直存在争议.采用薄片鉴定、扫描电镜、稀土元素和锶同位素等手段,分析了四川盆地东部垫江盐盆长寿地区嘉陵江组四段石盐岩中杂卤石矿物形态特征,初步探讨了该杂卤石成因及对寻找海相钾盐的指示意义.扫描电镜下与石盐岩共生的杂卤...  相似文献   

四川盆地中部地区栖霞组的白云岩是该区主要储层,储层成因的主流观点是热液白云岩化.目前勘探实践发现,优质储渗体形成与早期相控岩溶作用有关.通过取芯及测录井资料进行了详细分析,研究结果表明,该类白云岩储层主要位于栖霞组中上部颗粒滩发育的地层中,按其宏微观产出状态可分为溶斑状云岩、溶洞充填云岩、针孔状基质云岩和致密基质云岩....  相似文献   

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