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近年来,食品质量安全问题一直是人们关注的焦点,食物中毒、"毒奶粉"等事件让国家食品安全监管部门成为众矢之的,加大对食品安全的监管迫在眉睫,而加强食品包装袋的卫生检验工作也是其中的重要组成部分。不符合标准的食品包装袋会污染袋内的食品,造成食物变质或者有毒等情况,严重危害人们的身体健康。因此做好食品包装袋的卫生检验工作至关重要。本文论述了不合格的食品包装袋的危害,并列举了相关的卫生检验方法以及阐述国家关于食品包装袋的卫生标准。  相似文献   

目的 对一起酒店聚餐引起的副溶血性弧菌食物中毒事件进行调查和溯源,为研究类似的食物中毒事件提供参考。方法 采用流行病学、食品卫生学和脉冲场凝胶电泳(PFGE)技术等方法,分析此次食物中毒事件。结果 确认食物中毒病例26名,中毒罹患率为3.7%(26/710);现场采集病例肛拭子26份、酒店厨师肛拭子16份,其中13份标本检出副溶血性弧菌,血清型均为O3∶K6,PFGE指纹图谱一致。结论 综合流行病学、食品卫生学和实验室检测结果分析,确定为一起副溶血性弧菌食物中毒事件,食品安全监管部门应加强对餐饮企业的监督管理,防止此类事件再次发生。  相似文献   

目的探讨跨地区食物中毒事件的调查、处置与信息发布,为处置类似食物中毒事件提供参考。方法对一起跨区域Ⅲ级食物中毒事件的原因和风险点进行分析,对调查的处置过程和信息发布进行探讨。结果该起食物中毒是因为食用了被肠炎沙门菌污染的慕斯蛋糕引起,综合判定为生产加工环节污染。结论慕斯蛋糕二次加工、销售存在食品安全风险,应加强关键环节的控制和监管。跨区域食物中毒事件应由上级部门遵循客观、及时、公开的原则,开展联合调查与信息发布。  相似文献   

目的调查一起农村婚宴聚餐引起食物中毒的致病因子、致病食品及其污染来源,采取有效措施控制事件蔓延,预防今后类似事件的发生。方法开展现场流行病学调查,制定病例定义并主动搜索病例,采用描述流行病学方法分析本次事件病例的流行病学特征。通过个案调查访谈,对参加聚餐的108人开展病例对照研究,分析可能的致病食品。现场勘查和访谈厨师,了解婚宴菜品的制作过程、原料来源和所用水源等,并采集病例肛拭子、婚宴剩余食品、饮用水样进行实验室检测。结果本次食物中毒罹患率为21.6%(138/640),临床表现以腹泻、腹痛、发热为主。单因素分析结果显示94.4%(51/54)的病例和66.7%(36/54)的对照食用过由灌肚、里脊肉片、炸排骨、萝卜丝四种食品组成的凉菜拼盘,食用凉菜拼盘增加发病风险(比值比=8.50, 95%置信区间:2.32~31.02)。叉生分析结果显示同时食用拼盘中两种以上凉菜将增加发病风险(比值比=9.25, 95%置信区间:2.46~34.82)。4份病例肛拭子和1份凉菜拼盘中灌肚均检出B群沙门菌。5株检出的沙门菌脉冲场凝胶电泳(PFGE)指纹图谱为同一带型,提示病例和食品分离株在分子水平具有高度的同源性,为同一暴露源。结论本次事件是一起由B群沙门菌污染聚餐食品导致的食物中毒。凉菜拼盘是主要的致病食品,食品加工卫生环境与制作过程不规范操作是导致本次食物中毒发生的危险因素。当前农村自办宴席仍存在诸多食源性疾病发生的风险环节,应加强监管。  相似文献   

目的:分析引起食物中毒的原因。方法:结合现场卫生调查、流行病学调查以及实验室检测对中毒事件的原因进行分析。结果:此事件初步认定是一起由酒店聚餐导致的原因不明的细菌性食物中毒事件。  相似文献   

随着学校后勤改革的不断深入,各个学校食堂食品的整体卫生水平有了明显的提高,但食物中毒事件仍时有发生,令人对学校食堂食品的安全性心存疑虑,特别是“海城学生奶中毒事件”,再次引起社会对学校食堂安全体系建设的关注。 据有关部门统计,2002年国家卫生部共收到重大食物中毒报告128起,按就餐场所分类如下表: 其中,学校食堂食物中毒事件占45起,发病人数4148人,死亡1人。从这些数据来看,食堂卫生特别是学校食堂卫生的确存在着许多问题,引起了卫生监督部门的关注。 研究发现,学校食堂食物中毒事件有许多相似之处,如蔬菜未洗净而造成有…  相似文献   

目的:调查某地食物中毒事件的发生原因,为制定有效措施提供依据。方法:应用现场流行病学和食品健康卫生调查方法,在实验室内对收集的相关食物、使用过的工具和患者的肛拭子进行检测。结果:该起食物中毒事件人员均有食入相同类型熟食,中毒人员先后均出现典型消化道症状(腹痛、腹泻、腹胀、恶心、呕吐等),中毒人员白细胞、中性粒细胞数量均有明显升高;2份肛拭子样品和1份残余食物样品中均检测出大量副溶血性弧菌。结论:结合流行病学调查资料、临床资料、实验室检查结果,判定该事件为一起由副溶血性弧菌引起的细菌性食物中毒事件。  相似文献   

对一起"瘦肉精"食品中毒案的查处及体会   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为及时查明一起食物中毒的原因 ,防止事态的进一步扩大 ,采用流行病学和卫生学调查的方法 ,对该起事故进行调查 ,并对可疑食品及病人的尿样进行实验室检测。结果确认是因食用了市售的含“瘦肉精”(克伦特罗 )的猪肝所引起。加强源头管理和及时掌握新的卫生信息、知识是预防、控制和查处此类食物中毒事故的关键。  相似文献   

食品生产经营单位是食品卫生的第一责任人,餐饮业在为消费提供餐饮服务过程中,首先应关注饮食卫生安全,有效防止食物中毒等食品安全事故的发生。一旦发生食物中毒,卫生监督部门将依法进行查处。本期刊登一起发生在酒店的食物中毒案例,旨在警示各餐饮单位要高度重视食品卫生工作,提醒消费注意加强自我保护,发现疑似食物中毒应尽快向卫生部门报告。[编按]  相似文献   

澳大利亚食品安全监管对我国的启示   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
上世纪九十年代中期,由于世界范围内食品安全事件频发,澳大利亚也出现过多起食物中毒事件,这些事件引起澳联邦政府高度重视,在1998年8月澳联邦政府开始组建食品监管机构,并陆续颁布了《食品法案》和《食品安全条例》等法律法规。  相似文献   

Staphylococcus aureus (S. aureus) can cause mastitis in cattle and, therefore, can be present in milk. This study was undertaken to determine the prevalence of coagulase positive S. aureus and its enterotoxin genes sea, seb, and sec in isolates recovered from raw milk, feta cheese, and human hand swabs of milk and cheese handlers in Beni‐Suef province, Egypt. A total of 100 samples of raw milk and 50 samples of pasteurized‐milk feta cheese were collected. In addition, 50 hand swabs from milk handlers and 25 hand swabs from cheese handlers were examined for the presence of coagulase positive S. aureus. The isolates were characterized by multiplex PCR for detection of sea, seb, and sec genes, and for resistance to 5 classes of commonly used antibiotics. Twelve (12/100), 12 (6/50), and 17% (13/75) of milk, cheese, and hand swab samples, respectively, were positive for coagulase positive S. aureus. One isolate was obtained from each positive sample (31 isolates), and none contained genes for SEA or SEC production. Twenty‐five percent, 33%, and 31%, respectively, of the isolates contained the genes for SEB, resulting in 3%, 4%, and 5% of samples being positive for toxin producing coagulase positive S. aureus, respectively. At least one isolate was resistant to each of the antibiotics tested. Despite the low potential for SEB production shown, preventative measures, such as maintenance of the cold‐chain and good hygienic practices should be implemented to further reduce the potential risk to public health from SEB, and to reduce the spread of antimicrobial resistance.  相似文献   

The occurrence of Campylobacter spp. in a variety of foods from Ottawa, Ontario, Canada, and raw milk samples from across Canada was determined over a 2-year period. The samples consisted of 55 raw foods (chicken, pork, and beef), 126 raw milk samples from raw milk cheese manufacturers, and 135 ready-to-eat foods (meat products, salads, and raw milk cheeses). Campylobacter jejuni was detected in 4 of the 316 samples analyzed: 1 raw beef liver sample and 3 raw chicken samples. An isolation rate of 9.7% was observed among the raw chicken samples tested. This study also investigated the role of cross-contamination in disseminating Campylobacter from raw poultry within a food service operation specializing in poultry dishes. Accordingly, kitchen surfaces within a restaurant in Ottawa, Ontario, were sampled between March and August 2001. Tests of the sampling method indicated that as few as 100 Campylobacter cells could be detected if sampling was done within 45 min of inoculation; however, Campylobacter spp. were not detected in 125 swabs of surfaces within the kitchens of this food service operation. Despite the reported high prevalence of Campylobacter spp. in raw poultry, this organism was not detected on surfaces within a kitchen of a restaurant specializing in poultry dishes.  相似文献   

2006-2009年江苏省食品中食源性致病菌的监测分析   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
目的了解食品中主要食源性致病菌的污染状况,确定高危食品,为预防和控制食源性疾病提供科学依据。方法按照《全国食源性致病菌监测工作手册》的检测技术要求,2006-2009年在江苏省的13个监测点采集食品样品3865份,对沙门菌、单核细胞增生李斯特菌、副溶血性弧菌、金黄色葡萄球菌、弯曲菌和大肠埃希菌O157:H7的污染情况进行监测。结果 3865份样品中,共检出致病菌490株,总检出率为12.68%。生肉、生奶、水产品、速冻米面、熟肉制品、蛋糕以及蔬菜沙拉样品的致病菌检出率分别为27.93%(242/814)、18.87%(10/53)、17.49%(89/509)、16.18%(56/346)、9.24%(56/606)、4.79%(7/146)和0.98%(5/509);2006-2009年食源性致病菌检出率分别为16.92%、14.05%、15.32%、7.06%;13个监测点中,泰州、南京、扬州、徐州食源性致病菌检出率较高。结论生肉、生奶和水产品是江苏食品的主要污染品种,作为直接入口食品的熟肉、生食水产品和蛋糕,可能导致较高的食源性疾病风险。  相似文献   

Cheese may be manufactured in the United States using raw milk, provided the cheese is aged for at least 60 days at temperatures not less than 35 °F (1.7 °C). There is now increased concern among regulators regarding the safety of raw milk cheese due to the potential ability of foodborne pathogens to survive the manufacturing and aging processes. In this study, 41 raw milk cheeses were obtained from retail specialty shops, farmers’ markets, and on-line sources. The cheeses were then analyzed for the presence of Listeria monocytogenes, Salmonella, Escherichia coli O157:H7, Staphylococcus aureus, and Campylobacter. Aerobic plate counts (APC), coliform and yeast/mold counts were also performed. The results revealed that none of the enteric pathogens were detected in any of the samples tested. Five samples contained coliforms; two of those contained E. coli at less than 102 cfu/g. Three other cheese samples contained S. aureus. The APC and yeast-mold counts were within expected ranges. Based on the results obtained from these 41 raw milk cheeses, the 60-day aging rule for unpasteurized milk cheeses appears adequate for producing microbiologically safe products.  相似文献   

燕麦乳作为新兴植物代乳近年来在国内外获得快速发展,燕麦乳的风味是影响产品接受度的重要因素。本文基于燕麦原料品种的差异,利用固相微萃取(SPME)-气相色谱-质谱联用(GC-MS)技术对燕麦乳挥发性风味物质进行解析,并从中筛选出适宜的燕麦原料。结果表明:燕麦原料与其加工制品(燕麦乳)的挥发性风味化合物的种类和含量存在显著差异,燕麦原料分析出14种挥发性风味化合物,经热烫、酶解、杀菌等加工处理后的燕麦乳中检测出30种化合物。结合各化合物的香气活度值(OAV)并进行主成分分析,发现己醛、2-戊基呋喃、正辛醛、壬醛、1-辛烯-3-醇、苯甲醛等挥发性物质对燕麦乳风味的贡献值较大。4种燕麦原料中ZBY01制得的燕麦乳感官评分最高、风味最佳,从其风味化合物组成上看,己醛、1-辛烯-3-醇、2-戊基呋喃等的含量较低,且可检出庚醛、壬醇等特殊香气成分。另通过对燕麦乳感官品质的总体评价,本研究初步筛选出适宜加工纯天然燕麦乳的适宜原料—ZBY01。  相似文献   

2010年上海市市售食品中食源性致病菌监测结果分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
目的掌握上海市市售食品中食源性致病菌污染状况。方法在全市监测网点抽检各类食品,开展沙门菌等11种食源性致病菌的监测。结果各类食品中食源性致病菌总体检出率为7.6%,检出食源性致病菌的食品包括剩饭(25.0%)、生禽肉(21.7%)、生畜肉(19.0%)、水产品(14.4%)、餐饮即食食品(4.5%)和速冻熟制米面制品(1.7%)。其中,海产品中的副溶血性弧菌、生禽肉中单增李斯特菌、生猪产品中的沙门菌的检出率分别为21.0%,19.8%和11.6%,是本市食源性致病菌风险来源的主要食品品种和项目。熟食卤味、乳制品、鸡蛋、生食蔬菜、冷饮饮料、糕点、非发酵豆制品等食品均未检出食源性致病菌。结论上海市部分市售食品,特别是部分生食品中食源性致病菌仍有一定的检出率,食品加工过程仍应采取烧熟煮透、防止交叉污染等针对性措施,以提高食品安全性。  相似文献   

济宁市市区甲醛污染火锅食品原料的调查   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5       下载免费PDF全文
为治理“餐桌污染”,山东省济宁市对市区的29家火锅经营单位的食品进行了抽样检查。共采集火锅原料10种99份,甲醛阳性的35份,检出率35.4%,其中水发鱿鱼的检出率为75%,腐竹检出率为66.7%。29个单位中有17家检出甲醛污染的食品,占总经营户的58.6%。检查结果表明,济宁市火锅甲醛污染严重。应加强食品卫生管理,加强卫生知识培训,寻找符合卫生要求的食品添加剂替代甲醛加工火锅食品原料。  相似文献   

The presence of psychrotolerant Bacillus species and related spore formers (e.g., Paenibacillus spp.) in milk has emerged as a key biological obstacle in extending the shelf life of high-temperature, short-time pasteurized fluid milk beyond 14 d. A recently developed rpoB DNA sequence-based subtyping method was applied to characterize spoilage bacteria present in raw milk supplies for 2 processing plants, and to assess transmission of these organisms into pasteurized products. Thirty-nine raw milk samples and 11 pasteurized product samples were collected to represent the processing continuum from incoming truck loads of raw milk to packaged products. Milk samples were held at 6°C for up to 16 d and plated for bacterial enumeration at various times throughout storage. Among the 88 bacterial isolates characterized, a total of 31 rpoB allelic types representing Bacillus and Paenibacillus spp. were identified, including 5 allelic types found in both raw milk and finished product samples. The presence of the same bacterial subtypes in raw and commercially pasteurized milk samples suggests that the raw milk supply represents an important source of these spoilage bacteria. Extension of the shelf life of high-temperature, short-time pasteurized fluid milk products will require elimination of these organisms from milk-processing systems.  相似文献   

Analytical tools that accurately predict the performance of raw milk following its manufacture into commercial food products are of economic interest to the dairy industry. To evaluate the ability of currently applied raw milk microbiological tests to predict the quality of commercially pasteurized fluid milk products, samples of raw milk and 2% fat pasteurized milk were obtained from 4 New York State fluid milk processors for a 1-yr period. Raw milk samples were examined using a variety of tests commonly applied to raw milk, including somatic cell count, standard plate count, psychrotrophic bacteria count, ropy milk test, coliform count, preliminary incubation count, laboratory pasteurization count, and spore pasteurization count. Differential and selective media were used to identify groups of bacteria present in raw milk. Pasteurized milk samples were held at 6°C for 21 d and evaluated for standard plate count, coliform count, and sensory quality throughout shelf-life. Bacterial isolates from select raw and pasteurized milk tests were identified using 16S ribosomal DNA sequencing. Linear regression analysis of raw milk test results versus results reflecting pasteurized milk quality consistently showed low R2 values (<0.45); the majority of R2 values were <0.25, indicating small relationship between the results from the raw milk tests and results from tests used to evaluate pasteurized milk quality. Our findings suggest the need for new raw milk tests that measure the specific biological barriers that limit shelf-life and quality of fluid milk products.  相似文献   

洛阳市乳与乳制品行业卫生现状及管理对策   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
为了解洛阳市乳与乳制品行业的现状,分析了洛阳市乳与乳制品生产经营行业在企业自身管理、工艺设备、原料使用以及产品卫生质量方面存在的诸多问题。32家乳与乳制品生产经营企业的生产经营过程基本符合卫生要求的有21家,其中生产加工企业13家。不符合卫生要求的11家,均为个体私营企业。大多数乳品厂没有自供奶源,定点收购个体散养户提供的散装牛奶,只有少数几个大企业能够对散装牛奶进行快速检验。多数小企业原料采购把关不严,不履行索证手续,不法企业使用劣质奶粉及不符合卫生要求的食品添加剂。174份样品的包装标识,132份合格,合格率75.9%。乳与乳制品的抽检总合格率74.7%,本地产品合格率69.8%,外埠产品合格率82.3%。理化指标与微生物指标合格率较高,分别为94.8%和90.2%,而营养指标合格率较低为74.7%,其中含乳饮料营养指标合格率仅为56.3%,酸牛奶营养指标合格率81.0%,主要不合格原因是蛋白质和脂肪含量低于国家标准,一些不合格含乳饮料蛋白质含量低于0.5%。结果提示,洛阳市的乳与乳制品卫生状况存在一定问题,需加强监督管理。  相似文献   

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