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目的探讨新生儿坏死性小肠结肠炎(NEC)行回肠造瘘术后,造瘘远端肠闭锁的临床特点和诊治经验。方法对本院自2010年7月至2015年2月收治的7例NEC行回肠造瘘术后,远端继发肠闭锁的临床资料进行回顾性分析。7例均无明显临床表现,结肠造影提示结肠梗阻。术中发现闭锁部位:2例为两处闭锁,1例为回肠末端、结肠肝区闭锁,1例为结肠脾区、乙状结肠闭锁;其余5例为单处闭锁,3例为乙状结肠闭锁,1例为降结肠闭锁,1例为横结肠闭锁。结果 7例手术后均痊愈出院,7例随访过程中,1例间断出现肉眼或镜下血便,经结肠造影发现有结肠狭窄,其余无明显排便异常表现,疗效满意。结论临床上NEC保守治疗后反复喂养不耐受、腹胀,应警惕肠狭窄;行回肠造瘘术后,远端肠管发生继发性闭锁应予以重视,炎症反应可能是其主要原因之一。一期造瘘术后应定期对远端肠管给予盐水灌肠,以避免肠管炎性闭锁发生。  相似文献   

目的探讨经阑尾残端置管造瘘在小儿一期末段回肠切除术中应用的安全性与实用价值。方法 2007年1月至2016年12月,本院收治38例不同病因引起的末段回肠病变患儿,均采用急诊或亚急诊剖腹探查术,术中均行一期末段病变回肠切除吻合术,吻合口距离回盲瓣10 cm以内,同时经阑尾切除的残端置入硅胶管至吻合口近端行回肠造瘘术。结果所有病例手术顺利,除末段回肠闭锁与胎粪性肠梗阻伴末段回肠狭窄的患儿于术后8 d及6 d肛门及造瘘管排气、排便以外,其余病例均于术后3~4 d肠功能恢复,全部病例于肛门排气排便第2天拔除胃管予流质饮食,1~2 d后无腹胀及呕吐,予半流质饮食,术后4~5 d右髂窝引流管未见明显液体引出并经超声检查腹腔无积液后予拔除引流管,7~14 d腹部探查切口拆线愈合良好,带造瘘管出院,平均住院时间9 d。出院后2~5 d患儿饮食及大小便正常,造瘘管无明显粪便排出,在门诊拔除造瘘管,2~3 d后瘘口自行愈合。门诊随访6个月至2年,未见吻合口瘘、吻合口狭窄、腹膜炎、肠粘连及肠扭转等并发症。结论小儿末段病变回肠切除一期回肠吻合术,吻合口距离回盲瓣10 cm以内,辅以经阑尾残端置硅胶管至吻合口近端行回肠造瘘术,能有效避免吻合口漏等致命性并发症的发生,且保留了回盲瓣的生理功能,对患儿消化吸收及生长发育无影响,值得临床推广应用。  相似文献   

目的比较先天性高位肛门直肠畸形新生儿期结肠袢式造瘘术、乙状结肠分离式造瘘术及其改良术式的优缺点。方法回顾性分析复旦大学附属儿科医院2007年6月至2017年6月收治的148例先天性高位肛门直肠畸形肠造瘘患儿的临床资料,其中男童115例,女童33例,平均出生体重为(3 240±572)g,平均胎龄(38.07±1.1)周,根据造瘘方式分为3组:A组采取结肠袢式造瘘(A1组:横结肠袢式造瘘术;A2组:乙状结肠袢式造瘘术);B组采取乙状结肠分离、远端缩窄式造瘘;C组采取单纯乙状结肠分离式造瘘。对各组手术时间、造瘘口脱垂、造瘘口内陷、远端粪石残留、Ⅱ期术前评估及手术难易等资料进行总结。结果 3组患儿出生体重、胎龄、手术时间比较差异无统计学意义(P0.05)。A1组术前行远端肠造影成功仅3例(20.0%),A2组术前远端造影成功4例(66.7%),B组术前行远端肠造影成功46例(79.3%),C组术前行远端肠造影成功20例(62.5%),差异有统计学意义(χ~2=18.834,P0.001)。B组出现远端造瘘口闭塞3例,A、C组未出现远端闭塞病例。所有患儿于二期肛门成形术中发现直肠盲端积粪扩张16例,其中A1组13例,A2组3例;B组和C组均未发现直肠盲端积粪扩张,3组远端肠管积粪扩张发生率比较差异有统计学意义(χ~2=45.276,P0.05)。A组中有5例发生腹壁伤口感染,而B、C组各有1例发生腹壁伤口感染,3组腹壁伤口感染率比较,差异有统计学意义(χ~2=6.745,P0.05)。A组有1例出现造瘘口肠管脱垂,该例无肠管内陷;B组有3例出现造瘘口肠管脱垂,脱垂肠管为近端;C组有2例出现造瘘口肠管脱垂,均为造瘘近端肠管。3组肠管脱垂发生率比较差异无统计学意义(χ~2=0.426,P=0.808)。结论新生儿期先天性肛门闭锁单纯乙状结肠分离式造瘘效果优于结肠袢式造瘘及乙状结肠分离远端缩窄的造瘘方式。乙状结肠近降结肠处造瘘,可降低二期手术难度。  相似文献   

肠闭锁   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
为了了解先天性肠闭锁临床、病理、治疗、预后及其相互关系,对52例经手术证实的肠闭锁患儿进行回顾性分析。53%患儿有胆汁样呕吐,7例生后48小时有少量胎粪排出。闭锁部位:空肠9例,回肠37例,结肠5例,全肠道闭锁1例。闭锁类型:隔膜型6例,盲袋型30例,多发型13例,Apple-peel型3例。42.3%患儿合并胎粪性腹膜炎或肠扭转。52例均行手术治疗,治愈40例,治愈率76.92%。肠造瘩疗效差。裁剪式吻合治愈率为88.46%,肠切除吻合术治愈率为68,75%。出现症状时间与闭锁部位有关,强调对闭锁近端扩张肠段切除和裁剪物合。就诊及治疗时间、腹腔严重合并症、术后并发症、再次手术、肠管保留长度及回盲瓣保存与否均是影响生存的重要因素。  相似文献   

目的探讨食管内张力延长技术对Ⅰ型食管闭锁患儿的疗效和临床应用价值。方法回顾性分析2014年6月至2016年9月本院应用食管内张力延长技术辅助治疗的6例Ⅰ型食管闭锁患儿临床资料,男3例,女3例,出生后行胃造瘘手术并完善食管造影及支气管镜检查诊断Ⅰ型食管闭锁,检查3月龄以上患儿上、下食管盲端相距仍大于4个椎体间隙,分别于上、下两盲端食管内行张力延长。结果 6例患儿分别给予36 d、42 d、69 d、28 d、55 d、64 d食管内张力延长后顺利完成胸腔镜下食管端端吻合,术后吻合口瘘1例,经保守治疗17 d愈合,全部患儿治愈出院。随访2个月至1年11个月,吻合口狭窄3例,行1~5次食管扩张。结论食管内张力延长技术在Ⅰ型食管闭锁的治疗中疗效确切,能避免食管吻合前胸腔内手术操作,达到依靠本身食管完成食管端端吻合的目的,值得进一步推广应用。  相似文献   

目的本文介绍4例I型食管闭锁延期食管吻合的治疗经验,供临床参考。方法4例均为女性,出生体重分别为2.75kg、2.30kg、2.45kg、2.50kg,无早产及窒息缺氧史,3例产前均有羊水过多史,出生后口鼻大量泡沫,置入胃管困难。x线片见食管盲端位于T2~T3水平而腹部无充气。所有患儿均于出生后2~3d行第1次手术,采用单纯胃造瘘术,术中阻断胃远端,近端造影显示两盲端距离,证实两盲端距离为5~7个椎体,I期食管端端吻合不可能;术后予食管近端经鼻置管,每2~3h抽吸唾液,同时经胃造瘘进行肠道营养;第2次手术于12~16周后进行,经胸行食管食管吻合术。结果第1次手术时两盲端距离分别为7cm、5.5cm、5cm、4cm,术后经胃造瘘喂养;第2次手术时食管盲端均增粗明显,盲端间距均缩短,分别为5cm、4cm、3.5c、3cm,其中2例经松解周围粘连及肌层切开,完成一定张力下吻合。1例采用内牵引法,另1例行外牵引,5~7d后再次经胸行食管-食管端端吻合术。4例术后均以呼吸机辅助通气,其中3例发生吻合口漏,经保守治疗后痊愈。3例术后发生吻合口狭窄经胃镜下扩张好转,术后随访3个月至2年,2例存在胃食管返流,予保守治疗。结论对I型食管闭锁进行胃造瘘后延期手术可缩短食管盲端间距离,内牵引或外牵引法可在短期内诱导食管盲端迅速生长,为食管一食管吻合术提供可能。  相似文献   

患儿:女,3d。因呕吐2d入院。第1胎第1产,出生时体重2.9kg,Apgar评分9分。生后第2天排胎粪,量少,色灰白,伴呕吐,初为奶汁后转为胆汁性。检查:腹部膨隆,未见胃肠型及蠕动波,未及压痛、肌卫、反跳痛及包块,肠鸣音2次/min,肛指未及异常,退出手指无气粪排出。腹平片示小肠低位完全性梗阻。钡灌肠示胎儿型结肠,转动体位后钡剂未进入横结肠和升结肠,诊断为结肠闭锁可能大。急诊剖腹探查,术中于右上腹见球形扩张肠管盲端,证实为盲肠,直径6cm。于结肠脾曲找到闭锁远端,直径约0.8cm。注射盐水证实结肠远端通畅。因近远端口径相差悬殊,遂行扩张盲肠切除、回肠横结肠单腔造瘘术,切除的近端盲肠病理检查,肠壁肌层有发育良好的神经节细胞。2个月后行回肠-结肠吻合、造瘘关闭术,术后3d排气排便,无呕吐腹胀,进食良好,术后1周出院。但出院后患儿反复出现腹胀,腹平片示小肠低位近完全性梗阻,保守治疗无效,考虑肠粘连或吻合口近远端比例失调所至,多次行手术治疗,效果不佳,患儿腹胀渐重。行钡灌肠检查见乙状结肠降结肠交界处移行性改变,再次剖腹探查,见吻合口远端8cm处结肠(乙状结肠降结肠交界处)呈扩张移行改变,遂取移行段远端结肠多点标本送快速冰冻病理,发现移行段以下未找到神经节细胞,移行段找到发育不成熟神经节细胞,吻合口找到发育较好的神经节细胞。诊断为结肠闭锁合并先天性巨结肠,行结肠切除,Ikeda-soper巨结肠根治手术。术后患儿恢复良好,随访3个月,胃纳佳,排糊状便4~6次/d,营养发育良好。  相似文献   

患儿,男,3个月,出生3d时因为消化道穿孔,在我院剖腹探查,发现升结肠穿孔、横结肠中段Ⅰ型闭锁,行回肠造瘘术。3个月后返院2期手术,术中发现横结肠中段约6cm呈实心条状,其中可见两个结节,切除横结肠大部份,结肠端端吻合,一周后再次手术关闭回肠瘘口。术后恢复顺利。术后病理诊断  相似文献   

目的 探讨经颈胸腹三切口胃卷管上提术治疗Ⅲa型食管闭锁的技术可行性及早期效果.2010年1月至2011年10月共6例于新生儿期Ⅰ期行经颈胸腹三切口胃卷管上提治疗Ⅲa型食管闭锁病例.方法 结扎、切断食管-气管瘘(Ⅲa型),于胃小弯处切开胃前后壁,缝合卷管,并将远端食管盲端及胃卷管由食管裂孔提至后纵膈;于胸骨上方右侧颈部横切口,寻找食管近盲端;将远端食管及卷管胃上提至颈部,与近端食管行端端吻合术.回顾性分析手术时间、呼吸支持的时间、术后恢复情况和并发症及术后早期随访情况.结果 所有患儿均在新生儿期Ⅰ期完成食管吻合,无围手术期死亡.食管闭锁近远端距离平均值为4.5(4~6)cm,平均手术时间270(200~390) min,平均术中出血25(10~50)ml,其中2例因肛门闭锁同期行结肠造瘘术;平均脱离呼吸机天数为13(5~18)d,术后禁食时间为9(7~12)d.2例患儿出现卷管漏,保守治疗后治愈;平均住院天数为32(26~39)d;所有患儿均随访4~20个月,暂无患儿出现吻合口狭窄和胃食管反流.结论 经颈胸腹三切口胃卷管上提术可作为新生儿期Ⅰ期治疗Ⅲa型食管闭锁的一种手术方式.  相似文献   

目的总结利用肠液回输治疗新生儿肠造瘘术后功能性短肠综合征的临床疗效与经验。方法回顾性分析本院自2013年1月至2017年12月行肠液回输治疗的新生儿肠造瘘术后患儿临床资料,分析其一般资料、手术情况、肠液回输情况以及治疗恢复情况。结果共14例新生儿肠造瘘术后患儿接受肠液回输治疗,平均出生胎龄为(33.4±2.8)周,出生体重为(2 129±501)g。近端造口与Treitz韧带之间平均距离为(39.6±10.3)cm,远端造口与回盲部之间平均距离为(45.0±18.1)cm,平均造瘘液量为(65.4±9.2)m L·kg~(-1)·d~(-1),肠液回输治疗平均时间为(29.1±9.2)d,回输期间平均体重增长(26.6±6.4)g/d,肠造瘘术后(47.0±14.6)d关瘘。通过肠液回输,全组患儿静脉营养减少或完全由肠内营养代替,未出现与回输肠液直接相关的并发症。结论肠液回输操作安全可行,可减少肠造瘘术后功能性短肠综合征患儿肠外营养,改善患儿关瘘前营养状态。  相似文献   

We report 4 cases of the rare condition, congenital colonic atresia, presenting over 9 years. Two patients had dilated loops of bowel noted on routine ante-natal ultrasound. Three had primary anastomosis for lesions in transverse or distal descending colon and one had a staged procedure with colostomy formation. All had type III atresia. One patient had an early leak following primary colo-colic anastomosis for atresia extending from the hepatic flexure to the sigmoid colon. If it is desired to preserve the proximal colon in a right sided lesion with significant loss of colonic length then primary anastomosis may not be safe and we would advocate a staged procedure. Otherwise we would support current moves towards primary anastomosis in this condition. We also urge early investigation in all patients who exhibit intestinal dilatation on antenatal ultrasound.  相似文献   

Colonic atresia: surgical management and outcome   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Colonic atresia (CA) is a very rare cause of intestinal obstruction, and little information has been available about the management and predictors of outcome. A retrospective clinical trial was performed to delineate the clinical characteristics of CA with special emphasis on surgical treatment and factors affecting outcome. Children with CA who were treated in our department between 1977 and 1998 were reviewed: 14 boys and 4 girls aged 1 day to 5 months. All but 2 referred patients and 1 with prenatal diagnosis presented with intestinal obstruction. Plain abdominal X-ray films showed findings of intestinal obstruction in 14 cases; a barium enema demonstrated a distal atretic segment and microcolon in 4. The types of atresia were IIIa (n=9), I (n=6), and II (n=3). Type IIIa atresias were located proximal to the splenic flexure (n=8) and in the sigmoid colon (n=1), type I atresias were encountered throughout the colon; and all type II atresias were proximal to the hepatic flexure. Associated anomalies were multiple small-intestinal atresias (MSIA) (n=4), gastroschisis (GS) (n=2), pyloric atresia (n=1), Hirschsprung's disease (n=1), and complex urologic abnormalities (n=1). The initial management was an enterostomy in 15 patients (83%), including 2 referred and 2 with GS, and primary anastomosis in the remaining 3 (17%). Secondary procedures were the Santulli operation (n=2), colostomy closure and recolostomy followed by a Swenson operation (n=1), sacroabdominoperineal pull-through (n=1), and colostomy closure (n=1). Leakage was encountered in all primarily anastomosed patients. The overall mortality was 61%. Deaths occurred in patients with associated major anomalies (GS 2, MSIA 3, pyloric atresia 1) (55%) and in 3 patients who were initially managed by primary anastomosis (27%). Two additional patients died of sudden infant death syndrome (18%). Type I atresia was more common than in previously reported series and was associated with proximal multiple atresias. The initial management of CA should be prompt decompression of the intestine by an ostomy procedure, preferably end- or double-barrel. The type of surgery (primary anastomosis without prior colostomy) and associated abnormalities are the major determinants of poor outcome. Accepted: 19 December 2000  相似文献   

Fourteen cases of colonic atresia seen over a 38-year period are reviewed with particular reference to clinical presentation and pitfalls in management. Seven had Type I atresia, two Type II and five Type IIIa. Ten had associated gastrointestinal anomalies. Management varied considerably. Six had primary colonic anastomosis. Two of these developed complications due to unrecognized distal hypoganglionosis, two had associated jejunal atresias resulting in short bowel syndrome, and two had primary anastomosis protected by proximal ileostomies. Seven had a staged repair with initial defunctioning enterostomy with only one complication, an unfixed mesentery that later resulted in midgut volvulus. The only mortality was a patient in which a jejunal atresia repair leaked as a result of a missed colonic atresia. Operative strategy should depend on the clinical state of the patients, the level of atresia, associated small bowel pathology and exclusion of distal pathology. Primary anastomosis would only rarely be advised with a circumspect approach. Long-term outlook, as in small bowel atresia is generally excellent. An erratum to this article can be found at  相似文献   

154例新生儿肠闭锁手术报道   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的 总结154例新生儿肠闭锁的手术治疗经验,探讨新生儿肠闭锁的治疗方法。方法根据肠闭锁部位选择不同的手术方式,对十二指肠闭锁患儿采取隔膜切除术、十二指肠-空肠吻合术、十二指肠侧侧吻合术、胃空肠吻合术;对空、回肠闭锁患儿采取端背吻合术、端侧吻合术;对结肠闭锁患儿采取一期吻合术。结果154例均行手术治疗,治愈126例,死亡28例,治愈率为91%。结论根据肠闭锁部位选择合适术式,加强术后管理,是提高新生儿肠闭锁治愈率的重要因素。  相似文献   

The colon is the least common site of congenital intestinal stenosis and atresia and accounts for 5-15 % of all of these abnormalities. We present the case of a 2-month-old boy who presented vomiting, constipation, weakness, and abdominal distension. Contrast enema and colonoscopy revealed an abrupt change in caliber in the sigmoid colon and, after ruling out other disorders, a diagnosis of colonic stenosis was made. Laparoscopy under total anesthesia was performed and a stenotic area in the sigmoid colon and proximal dilatation were identified. A small incision was made and the stenotic segment was removed. Video-assisted resection and end-to-end anastomosis were performed and the child made and uneventful postoperative recovery. Contrast enema after surgery showed good anastomosis and normal bowel diameter. At the age of 18 months the patient is asymptomatic and his stools are normal. With laparoscopy, visualization of the abdominal cavity was magnified and detailed, the affected intestinal segment was easily identified and other diseases were ruled out. Recovery was rapid and the functional and esthetic results were excellent.  相似文献   

目的总结先天性肠闭锁的部位、病理分型的发生率,分析影响肠闭锁预后因素。方法回顾性分析本院自2002年12月至2012年12月收治的113例先天性肠闭锁患儿临床资料,对其死亡率、术后肠梗阻发生率、术后排便时间及进食时间进行统计学分析。结果肠闭锁部位为十二指肠26例(23.0%),空肠30例(26.5%),回肠53例(47.0%),结肠4例(3.5%)。按 Grosfeld 病理分型标准:Ⅰ型42例(37.2%),Ⅱ型18例(15.9%),Ⅲa 型27例(23.9%),Ⅲb 型7例(6.2%),Ⅳ型19例(16.8%)。死亡率与术后肠梗阻的发生有统计学意义(P <0.05),术后肠梗阻的发生率与闭锁部位、闭锁类型相关(P <0.05),与肠吻合方式无明显相关(P >0.05),术后排便及进食时间与肠闭锁部位有关(P <0.05)。结论随着新生儿监护治疗技术的发展,先天性肠闭锁的死亡率逐步下降,肠闭锁的部位、病理分型、术后并发症(肠梗阻、短肠综合征)、合并严重的畸形是影响其预后的重要因素。  相似文献   

目的探讨腹腔镜下结肠切除、Soave直肠内拖出术治疗肠神经元发育不良症(IND)的可行性和中期随访结果。方法对25例IND和先天性巨结肠合并IND(HaIND)的患儿在腹腔镜下行Soave、结肠切除术,其中IND17例,HaIND8例。所有病例通过钡灌肠及延迟拍片、直肠黏膜活检、直肠肛管测压、腹腔镜浆肌层或全层活检明确诊断及病变范围。采用一个观察孔,2~4个操作孔。根据病变范围在腹腔镜下分别游离降结肠、横结肠、升结肠及系膜,会阴部手术按改良Soave方法。对患者手术方法、病变范围的确定、术后并发症和临床结果进行评估。结果25例中,10例行左半结肠切除,15例行结肠次全切除,按Deloyers法将升结肠逆时针转位270°下拖。行左半结肠切除术的患儿术前24h钡剂残留部位均在降结肠远端以远肠管,行结肠次全切除术的患儿术前24h钡剂残留在降结肠近端以近的肠管。平均手术时间分别为145min和188min,平均失血40ml。术后并发症:吻合口瘘2例,重度肛周皮肤红肿、糜烂11例,肠粘连1例,小肠结肠炎2例。术后平均随访4年,行左半结肠切除术的患儿,术后3个月内排便恢复正常;行结肠次全切除术的患儿术后3个月大便每日4~10次,12~24个月每日大便2~3次。2例出现污粪,无便秘复发和大便失禁病例。结论腹腔镜下结肠切除、Soave术治疗IND和HaIND安全、可行,创伤较小,术后并发症少,术后中期随访疗效满意。术前钡灌肠24h延迟拍片钡剂残留部位可以预测结肠切除的近端位置。  相似文献   

Sigmoid colon vaginoplasty in children.   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
BACKGROUND: Vaginal construction is necessary for the patients with aplasia of Mullerian ducts, testicular feminisation and androgen insensitivity syndromes. Many methods of vaginal construction have been described. We report here the outcomes of six adolescent patients who underwent sigmoid colon vaginoplasty with special emphasis on the surgical technique and outcomes. PATIENTS AND METHODS: Between 1990 and 2003, six patients underwent sigmoid vaginoplasty after a diagnosis of 5alpha-reductase deficiency (n = 3), testicular feminisation (n = 2) or vaginal atresia (n = 1). The mean age was 16 years (13 to 18). Wide spectrum antibiotics and whole-gut preparation were used in all cases. A 15-20 cm segment of sigmoid colon was pulled through the retrovesical tunnel. The proximal end was closed in two layers in patients with 5alpha-reductase deficiency and with testicular feminisation. A distal anastomosis was carried out to the opening made on the vaginal plate (5alpha-reductase deficiency) or on the tip of the shallow rudimentary vagina (testicular feminisation). The sigmoid segment was interposed between the blind end of the atretic vagina and the perineum in the patient with vaginal atresia. Patients were instructed to perform daily vaginal irrigation. The neovagina was examined and calibrated under anaesthesia. No routine vaginal dilatation was recommended. RESULTS: All but one patient had an uneventful postoperative period and were discharged within 7-8 days. All patients had an excellent cosmetic result with an appropriate vaginal length. One of the patients experienced late stenosis of the introitus which responded to dilatations. Mucus discharge was not a significant problem. The patient with vaginal atresia (Bardet-Biedl syndrome) experienced deep vein thrombosis, renal failure and sepsis, resulting in death. CONCLUSION: Sigmoid colon vaginoplasty is a special procedure which appears appropriate for the construction of a new vagina in children. A sigmoid colon neovagina meets all necessary criteria after a vaginoplasty. It provides an adequate diameter and length, and produces less scar tissue in the perineum. It is self-moistening, easily adaptable to the uterus, cervix and rudimentary atretic vaginal segments and does not require routine dilatation. Mild stenosis of the introitus can be treated by dilatations and revision can be easily performed in severely stenotic cases. On the other hand, the patient may face morbidity after laparotomy and other serious complications may occur due to accompanying diseases.  相似文献   

AIM: To evaluate the outcome and morbidity after major surgical interventions for inflammatory bowel disease (IBD). METHODS: Retrospective case note analysis of 227 children referred to a tertiary referral centre between 1994 and 2002 for treatment of IBD. RESULTS: 26 of 125 children with Crohn's disease (21%) required surgical management. 13 with disease proximal to the left colon underwent limited segmental resections and primary anastomosis, without significant morbidity. Primary surgery for 13 children with disease distal to the transverse colon included 6 subtotal-colectomies or panprocto-colectomies. All seven children undergoing conservative segmental resections (three with primary anastomosis, four with stoma formation), required further colonic resection or defunctioning stoma formation. All three children undergoing primary anastomosis developed a leak or fistula formation. 22 of 102 children with ulcerative colitis (22%) required surgery. Definitive procedures (n = 17) included J-pouch ileoanal anastomosis (n = 11), ileorectal anastomosis (n = 2), straight ileoanal anastomosis (n = 3), and proctectomy/ileostomy (n = 1). Five children await restorative surgery after subtotal colectomy. Median daily stool frequency after J-pouch surgery was 5 (range 3-15), and 10 of 11 children reported full daytime continence. All three children with straight ileoanal anastomosis had unacceptable stool frequency and remain diverted. CONCLUSION: The complication rate after resectional surgery for IBD was 57% for Crohn's disease, and 31% for ulcerative colitis. In children with Crohn's disease, limited resection with primary anastomosis is safe proximal to the left colon. Where surgery is indicated for disease distal to the transverse colon, subtotal or panproctocolectomy is indicated, and an anastomosis should be avoided. Children with ulcerative colitis had a good functional outcome after J-pouch reconstruction. However, the overall failure rate of attempted reconstructive surgery was 24%, largely owing to the poor results of straight ileoanal anastomosis.  相似文献   

Three neonates presented in a 2-year period with complicated type 3A atresia of the transverse colon without associated anomalies. The abnormality was diagnosed on antenatal ultrasound in one case. Two patients had a volvulus of the proximal colon, one of which had undergone ischaemic infarction. The third patient presented with peritonitis due to a perforation of the blindending colonic loop. All three patients underwent a right hemicolectomy, two with primary ileo-transverse anastomosis, and in the third a defunctioning ileostomy and colostomy was made with later closure. This unusual cluster of patients with colonic atresia together with the causes of their preoperative complications is discussed. Correspondence to: J. D. Frank  相似文献   

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