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石蜡作为一种有机固液相变材料,因其具有高潜热值、无毒、无腐蚀、性能稳定等优点被广泛应用于热蓄存、电子冷却及建筑温控等领域。但在蓄热过程中,因石蜡导热系数较低,导致蓄热时间过长、温差过大。实验按照1∶3的比例将泡沫金属铜均匀分布在石蜡箱体中,探究泡沫铜对石蜡相变速率的影响。结果显示:加入泡沫铜后,有效地提升了石蜡的相变速率,缩短了石蜡相变的时间;同时加入泡沫铜后,石蜡内部温差明显减小,温度分布更加均匀,并且有效缓解了自然对流造成的顶部过热和底部不熔化现象。  相似文献   

固-液相变潜热蓄热技术是一种极具前景的工业废热回收方式,通过管壳式换热器可利用相变材料(PCM)吸收工业废热加以储存再用于加热水,从而实现了工业废热的回收利用.对填充高导热多孔筛网的管壳式潜热蓄热单元(LHSU)建立了二维数学模型,并对填充与未填充筛网的蓄热容器一同进行了相变蓄热实验.实验结果表明,填充筛网能够有效改善PCM的传热性能;实验数据和计算值吻合的较好,证明了计算模型的有效性.利用计算模型,对3种PCM(石蜡P116、硬脂酸和软脂酸)蓄热系统进行了数值计算.结果表明,采用软脂酸的蓄热系统热性能最佳,能很好地满足供应生活热水的设计要求.研究结论对蓄热系统的设计和性能优化有一定的指导作用.  相似文献   

利用相变材料蓄热是提高太阳能系统效率的重要途径之一。为对比分析含相变材料蓄热水箱的性能,选用三水合乙酸钠,搭建了一套蓄热水箱实验系统,在初始水温为80℃、进水温度为20℃的工况下,对比分析不同进口流量下(2、6和10 L/min)相变蓄热水箱的热特性。实验结果表明:相变蓄热水箱的蓄热量较普通水箱增加了1.4%;随着流量的增加,水箱的混合数先减小后增大,火用效率逐渐降低,相变蓄热水箱的填充效率先增大后减小,且在6 L/min时达到最大值0.905。  相似文献   

黄璞洁  许伊那 《节能技术》2011,29(4):357-363
通过深入分析空调负荷与热水负荷的耦合关系,提出了一种充分利用制冷机组回收的废热提供生活热水的设计方法,并把这种突破性做法与传统的空调和热水供应系统进行比较,探讨利用酒店的空调冷凝热回收技术制备生活热水,以寻求一个技术可行、低能耗和无污染的空调和热水供应系统方案.  相似文献   

浦东大酒店的中央空调冷凝热回收   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
介绍了上海浦东大酒店的冷凝热回收技术,讨论了经济效益及社会效益,指出了该项技术的推广领域。  相似文献   

吸收式热泵回收烟气冷凝热的实验研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
基于清华大学超低能耗示范楼热电冷联供平台,对利用吸收式热泵回收天然气烟气冷凝热进行了实验研究,分析了余热回收系统的开启、变工况和关机动态响应过程.实验表明,烟气余热回收系统的开启过程较长,应尽量使内燃机与热泵的容量匹配,缩短开机时间;内燃机发电功率对系统供热功率和供热温度影响较大,对冷凝热回收功率、冷冻水温度和制热COP影响较小;系统供热温度对热泵性能影响较大;应选择合适的关机模式,以保证系统安全、缩短关机时间.  相似文献   

应用高温热泵回收中央空调冷凝热分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
董明 《节能》2005,(6):37-38
星级酒店的中央空调运行时会产生大量的冷凝热,本文介绍了利用高温水源热泵回收这部分能量并制备生活热水的技术方案和经济分析。  相似文献   

现有冷库都是将高温高压的制冷剂蒸汽携带的热量通过冷凝器排到大气或者冷却水来达到冷却制冷剂的目的,这使大量热能白白浪费。利用冷库冷凝热回收系统,可以将该热量进行部分回收利用。对冷库冷凝热回收系统的原理及组成进行介绍,并进行了性能和经济性分析,发现运用该技术不仅可以提高制冷循环的能效比COP,还可以节约能源、保护环境、节省成本。  相似文献   

相变蓄热水箱可有效调节集热器和负载端之间供求不匹配的矛盾,设计了环形布水器进水结构和蓄热水箱,并搭建相变蓄热水箱性能测试平台,对比直进型蓄热水箱和环形布水器蓄热水箱的温度分层,探究孔隙率、进水流速和变温进水等变量下相变蓄热水箱的热分层和相变球的释热性能。实验研究表明:环形布水器能有效抑制进水水流对温度场的扰动,保持良好的温度分层,使相变球逐层放热,增大相变球与传热流体(HTF)的温差,提高释热效率,保证高温水能够源源不断地提供给用户端;孔隙率越小分层效果越好;流速越大分层效果越差,但是释热效率有所提高;变温进水比恒温进水,释热时间延长约40%。  相似文献   

电加热相变材料蓄热地板采暖的热性能模拟   总被引:10,自引:2,他引:10  
为消除电采暖引起的电网峰谷差并降低采暖运行费用,该文提出了一种带有相变材料潜热贮能板的地板电采暖系统,并建立了分析此系统热性能的地板和房间理论模型,对给定的电加热相变蓄热地板采暖房间,模拟了室内空气温度和地面温度的变化,藉此分析了我国几个气候地区冬季该系统的应用效果,结果证明此采暖方式在使房间热负荷不大的建筑和气候条件下,基本能满足人的热舒适性要求,有较好的应用前景。  相似文献   

设计了一套定量测试不同工况下壳管式相变蓄热器传热效率装置。采用壳管式相变储热,石蜡填充入壳管间,管内通入冷、热载流体,模拟吸热放热过程。测试发现:相同入口条件下,单位时间传热量随入口水温增加呈线性增加;管内载流体流量加大有助于提高传热水平,15~60 L/h流量内单位时间传热量增速随流量增加放缓;不同材质传热管单位时间传热量变化并不明显,表明管道热阻在相变蓄热器总热阻中所占份额较小;相同工况下的蓄热过程,热载流体由下向上流动传热形式明显优于由上向下管排形式;尝试在封装相变材料中添加金属网状结构,强化相变材料内部热传导速率,对比发现相同工况下相变材料中添加金属网状结构,可提高10%~15%左右传热量。  相似文献   

The exhaust gas from an internal combustion engine carries away about 30% of the heat of combustion. The energy available in the exit stream of many energy conversion devices goes as waste, if not utilized properly. The major technical constraint that prevents successful implementation of waste heat recovery is due to its intermittent and time mismatched demand and availability of energy. In the present work, a shell and finned tube heat exchanger integrated with an IC engine setup to extract heat from the exhaust gas and a thermal energy storage tank used to store the excess energy available is investigated in detail. A combined sensible and latent heat storage system is designed, fabricated and tested for thermal energy storage using cylindrical phase change material (PCM) capsules. The performance of the engine with and without heat exchanger is evaluated. It is found that nearly 10–15% of fuel power is stored as heat in the combined storage system, which is available at reasonably higher temperature for suitable application. The performance parameters pertaining to the heat exchanger and the storage tank such as amount of heat recovered, heat lost, charging rate, charging efficiency and percentage energy saved are evaluated and reported in this paper.  相似文献   

设计并搭建了水平多管式相变储热系统,以水为传热流体(HTF)、石蜡为相变材料(PCM),通过实验对储热系统的具体蓄热特性和不同操作条件下HTF与PCM之间的传热特性进行定量分析,评估了HTF体积流量和进口温度对紧凑型低温相变储热系统功率输入、吸热完成时间以及储存能量的影响。该系统主要由一个聚碳酸酯壳和水平定向的多管换热器以及石蜡组成,其中石蜡相变温度约为41℃。结果表明:随着HTF进口温度或体积流量的增加,吸热完成时间减少,平均吸热功率增大,且增加速率都随着进口温度的增大而变小;HTF体积流量分别为4.5,6.0和7.5 L/min时,吸热过程耗时300.7,252.9和226.7 min;在58,64和70℃的进口温度下,吸热完成时间分别为270.1,226.7和204.9 min;提高HTF进口温度,会导致换热结束时石蜡温度与HTF出口温度出现越来越靠近的趋势,而在提高HTF体积流量时,却呈现相反的趋势。  相似文献   

Thermal energy storage (TES) is a technology that stocks thermal energy by heating or cooling a storage medium so that the stored energy can be used later for heating and cooling applications and for power generation. TES has recently attracted increasing interest to thermal applications such as space and water heating, waste heat utilisation, cooling, and air conditioning. Phase change materials (PCMs) used for the storage of thermal energy as latent heat are special types of advanced materials that substantially contribute to the efficient use and conservation of waste heat and solar energy. This paper provides a comprehensive review on the development of latent heat storage (LHS) systems focused on heat transfer and enhancement techniques employed in PCMs to effectively charge and discharge latent heat energy, and the formulation of the phase change problem. The main categories of PCMs are classified and briefly described, and heat transfer enhancement technologies, namely dispersion of low‐density materials, use of porous materials, metal matrices and encapsulation, incorporation of extended surfaces and fins, utilisation of heat pipes, cascaded storage, and direct heat transfer techniques, are also discussed in detail. Additionally, a two‐dimensional heat transfer simulation model of an LHS system is developed using the control volume technique to solve the phase change problem. Furthermore, a three‐dimensional numerical simulation model of an LHS is built to investigate the quasi‐steady state and transient heat transfer in PCMs. Finally, several future research directions are provided.  相似文献   

Thermal performance parameters for a solar-assisted heat pump (SAHP) drying system with underground thermal energy storage (TES) tank and heat recovery unit (HRU) are investigated in this study. The SAHP drying system is made up of a drying unit, a heat pump, flat plate solar collectors, an underground TES tank, and HRU. An analytical model is developed to obtain the performance parameters of the drying system by using the solution of heat transfer problem around the TES tank and energy expressions for other components of the drying system. These parameters are coefficient of performances for the heat pump (COP) and system (COPs), specific moisture evaporation rate (SMER), temperature of water in the TES tank, and energy fractions for energy charging and extraction from the system. A MATLAB program has been prepared using the expressions for the drying system. The obtained results for COP, COPs, and SMER are 5.55, 5.28, and 9.25, respectively, by using wheat mass flow rate of 100 kg h−1, Carnot efficiency of 40%, collector area of 100 m2, and TES tank volume of 300 m3 when the system attains periodic operation duration in fifth year onwards for 10 years of operation. Annual energy saving is 21.4% in comparison with the same system without using HRU for the same input data.  相似文献   

Heat storage experiment by natural convection in rectangular enclosures heated from bottom has been conducted with fluid slurry composed of microencapsulated phase change material (PCM). The microencapsulated PCM is prepared by in-situ polymerization method, where the core materials are composed of several kinds of n-paraffin waxes (mainly nonadecane) and the membrane is a type of melamine resin. Its slurry mixed with water is used in this study, and shows a peak value in the specific heat capacity with latent heat at the temperature of about T=31 °C. The influences of the phase change material on heat storage and the heat transfer process, as well as effects of PCM mass concentration Cm on the microcapsule slurry, temperature of heat storage TH and a horizontal enclosure height H are also investigated. Transient heat transfer coefficient α, heat storage capacity Q and completion time of heat storage tc are discussed.  相似文献   

This paper presents a theoretical analysis and an experimental test on a shell‐and‐tube latent heat storage exchanger. The heat exchanger is used to recover high‐temperature waste heat from industrial furnaces and off‐peak electricity. It can also be integrated into a renewable energy system as an energy storage component. A mathematical model describing the unsteady freezing problem coupled with forced convection is solved numerically to predict the performance of the heat exchanger. It provides the basis for an optimum design of the heat exchanger. The experimental study on the heat exchanger is carried out under various operating conditions. Effects of various parameters, such as the inlet temperature, the mass flow rate, the thickness of the phase‐change material and the length of the pipes, on the heat transfer performance of the unit are discussed combined with theoretical prediction. The criterion for analyzing and evaluating the performance of heat exchanger is also proposed. Copyright © 2001 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Thermal energy storage systems provide several alternatives for efficient energy use and energy conservation. Microcapsules of natural coco fatty acid mixture were prepared to be used as phase change materials for thermal energy storage. The coacervation technique was used for the microencapsulation process. Several alternatives for the capsule wall material were tried. The microcapsules were characterized according to their geometric profiles, phase transition temperatures, mean particle sizes, chemical stabilities, and their thermal cycling. The diameters of microcapsules prepared in this study were about 1 mm. Coco fatty acid mixtures have kept their geometrical profiles even after 50 thermal cycles for melting and freezing operations in temperature range from 22 to 34°C. It was found that gelatin+gum Arabic mixture was the best wall material for microencapsulating coco fatty acid mixtures. Copyright © 2005 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

列管式换热器具有结构牢固、传热面积大、材料使用适应性强等优点,是相变储热领域应用较为广泛的一种换热器。但由于大部分相变材料热导率偏低,导致换热器的换热性能较差,因此提高相变储热器的储热效率,是目前国内外研究的热点。本工作对列管式相变储热单元进行了二维非稳态模拟优化,研究了换热器结构、翅片数目及中心距3种参数对储热性能的影响,并探讨了熔化过程中相变材料的温度和液相率变化趋势。研究结果表明,与圆形换热器结构相比,正方形换热器储热性能更优;相比于无翅片的储热换热器,添加翅片后储热性能得到显著提升,相变材料熔化时间缩短66%;对中心距而言,在一定范围内,随中心距减小进出口降压增大,但储热性能相应提高。  相似文献   

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