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房地产业的发展高度依赖金融市场的信贷支持和土地的供应.选取1997~2008年浙江省国内房地产业的时序数据,运用协整分析方法对土地价格、房地产信贷规模和住宅价格之间的相关关系进行实证分析.结果表明,土地价格、房地产信贷规模与住宅价格有相关性,房地产开发贷款和个人住房贷款规模对住宅价格走势具有不同的影响.最后,根据定量分析结果,提出促进我国房地产市场健康发展的政策建议.  相似文献   

以2018年青岛市东岸城区1617个住宅小区均价数据为基础,采用核密度分析、空间自相关分析和地理加权回归分析等方法,分析了青岛市住宅价格空间分布格局及其影响因素.研究结果表明:青岛市住宅空间呈现市南区、市北区密集,崂山区、李沧区蓬勃发展的格局,住宅价格热点主要集中在南部区域,冷点主要分布在市北区和李沧区;建成时间、三甲医院、公园、商圈、地铁站点、重点中小学是影响住宅价格的重要因素,各影响因素与住宅价格的关系随空间位置而发生正负向变化,影响程度有显著的空间差异.  相似文献   

本文通过回顾墨尔本1991-2004年期间在混合住宅建设和住宅价格方面的变化,探讨了在战略性发展政策,城市集约化政策和住宅价格之间的关系.作者认为可以将城市集约化政策视为增加土地供给的一种来源(这也许可以降低住宅价格,并有助于实现地方的政策目标),同时它也刺激了土地需求(开发商会以高价竞拍那些预期能够建设更多住宅的地块).本文在大都市和次区域的尺度进行了相关性分析,研究表明数据相关程度很低,并推断在城市集约化政策与住宅价格变化之间并不存在关联.  相似文献   

袁媛  韩焱  张志君  柳意云 《城市规划》2015,39(5):97-104
参照容积率分区原则,国外近年来开展基于地块综合条件的绿地率分区研究。我国现行控规编制中居住区绿地率指标的确定以遵循技术规范为主,方法较为单一,未能综合考虑地块的生态、人口、经济等条件。本文以广州市番禺区为例,基于GIS平台,对125个规划居住地块和124个现状居住地块进行分析,从生态效益、经济效益的双维度构建绿地率模型,探讨居住区绿地率分区的确定方法。首先,遵循碳氧平衡原则,建立基于生态效益的随容积率变化的绿地率模型,并确定相应的绿地率分区;其次,借鉴密度分区方法,构建基于经济效益的绿地率指标模型,根据地块的环境、服务、交通、地价因素的不同确定相应的绿地率分级体系;最后,整合优化生态与经济双模型,形成绿地率分区的指标区间。  相似文献   

本文通过回顾墨尔本1991—2004年期间在混合住宅建设和住宅价格方面的变化,探讨了在战略性发展政策、城市集约化政策和住宅价格之间的关系。作者认为可以将城市集约化政策视为增加土地供给的一种来源(这也许可以降低住宅价格,并有助于实现地方的政策目标),同时它也刺激了土地需求(开发商会以高价竞拍那些预期能够建设更多住宅的地块)。本文在大都市和次区域的尺度进行了相关性分析,研究表明数据相关程度很低,并推断在城市集约化政策与住宅价格变化之间并不存在关联。  相似文献   

利用我国35个大中城市的基础面板数据,探究住宅价格与城市基础面之间的关系,并对城市个体固定效应进行回归分析,揭示城市个体固有的不随时间变化的住宅市场基础性发展因素,并根据分析结论提出政策建议。  相似文献   

彭柏兴  王星华  王会云  舒倩 《城市勘测》2021,(3):190-194,199
科学合理地开发利用城市地下空间是解决"城市病"的有效途径.城市地质条件的复杂性与特殊性对地下空间开发利用的安全性和经济性影响极大.文章概括了长沙市地下空间的利用现状,对影响长沙地下空间开发的断裂、岩溶、风化槽谷及地下水等主要地质因素进行了归纳总结,采用多因子分析方法进行了地下空间适宜性分区,提出了工程措施与建议.  相似文献   

基于均衡价格形成机制的住宅价格变化特征研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
依据供求关系原理和住宅价格变化特征模型,探讨住宅均衡价格的形成机制与住宅实际价格的变化机理。利用我国35个大中城市2000~2004年的经济统计指标和住宅市场数据,识别出住宅均衡价格;并将实际价格变化分解成均衡价格变化、实际价格的均值回复和趋势性运动等三个组成部分,重点研究住宅实际价格与均衡价格之间的关系。研究表明:我国住宅市场存在由供求基础决定的均衡价格,城镇家庭人均可支配收入、个人住房抵押贷款利率水平、城镇人均居住面积、非农人口数等需求因素,以及供给成本、城市化水平和城市建成区面积等供给因素对住宅均衡价格存在显著影响;住宅实际价格的变化受到均衡价格变化的显著影响;住宅实际价格可通过自我调整回复到均衡价格水平,并存在缓慢上涨的趋势。  相似文献   

利用2007-2014年西安市部分重要经济数据,建立商品住宅价格影响因素分析模型,并利用计量经济学模型对影响因素模型和因素的影响方式进行了分析,结果表明:影响西安市商品住宅价格的关键经济因素是土地价格和收入,土地价格和收入与住宅价格之间都存在长期均衡关系:住宅价格在短期对土地价格和收人都较为敏感i住宅、土地和收人的历史价格都会对当期住宅价格造成影响,但过去的收人对住宅价格却不如当前收入影响强烈。最后提出了促进房地产市场平稳发展的建议。  相似文献   

选取西安、宝鸡和咸阳三个城市住宅价格的月度数据,运用协整关系检验、Granger因果关系检验等方法对关中区域城市群房地产价格波动的特征及关联影响进行实证研究。结果表明,区域内不同城市的住宅价格变动具有很强的联动效应,中心城市西安主导城市房价、影响着其他城市住宅价格的变化和走势。  相似文献   

谢浩 《住宅科技》2011,31(7):1-4
在指出当前居住区交往空间设计中存在问题的基础上,探讨建立小区交往空间、改善邻里关系的有效途径,包括小区的合理规划及建筑的平剖面处理、景观设计,特别是建筑绿色设计、强化“以人为本”的理念和提升居住区的文化品味等。  相似文献   

发展空中花园是高密度城市解决公共空间不足、响应绿色人居的重要举措,掌握其分布特征与影响因素对存量发展阶段垂直空间的精准配置具有重要意义。以广州中心城区为例,通过识别高清影像图与实地踏勘建立718个空中花园GIS数据库,从建筑功能、建筑高度和地块形态3个方面分析其分布特征和影响因素。结果表明:1)总体上,75%的空中花园分布在高层高密度地块,57%位于居住类建筑,59%位于高层和超高层建筑,空中花园虽然在一定程度上对地面绿地起到了补充作用,但屋顶利用率较低且各类建筑、地块内部发展不均衡;2)空中花园分布总体上与地面互补度呈显著正相关、与综合需求度和技术难度呈显著负相关,高密度地块的影响模式与总体样本一致,但低密度地块表现为均不相关。研究结果说明空中花园分布与地面绿地供给、空中花园需求均存在一定程度的错配。未来绿色空间供需匹配研究亟须从二维转向三维,结合立体空间进行地面-空中的一体化评估、规划和设计,尤其要增强空中花园的使用便捷性和多元性。  相似文献   

刘颂  张莉 《住宅科技》2014,(5):15-18
城市绿地作为城市生态系统的重要组成部分,不仅在生态、游憩、社会等方面发挥着重要的作用,还对住宅价格有着重要的影响.以上海市虹口区为例,通过调查统计300个样本住宅数据,采用享乐估价法(HPM),选择区位结构、建筑特征、邻里环境三大类,共11个影响住宅价格的评价因子,建立回归模型,定量分析了城市绿地对住宅价格的影响.结果显示,包括公园绿地、住区绿化覆盖率、景观视线在内的城市绿地对于住宅价格有显著的增值作用.  相似文献   

深入探测公园绿地与居住用地的空间耦合模式及影 响因素,是高效协同两者发展、营造高品质人居环境的基础。 结合土地利用、POI等多源数据,借助空间聚类分析、地理 探测器等方法,基于南京主城区街道单元,系统揭示2006、 2012、2017、2020年公园绿地与居住用地的空间耦合模 式,并探究其影响因素。结果表明:1)公园绿地的规模增长滞 后于居住用地,古城区格局稳定,主城边缘变化突出;2)公 园绿地与居住用地的空间聚集趋势波动性减弱,形成高水平耦 合、低水平耦合、公园绿地主导、居住用地主导4种空间耦合 模式;3)空间耦合受自然条件的核心支撑、规划政策的关键导 向、邻里特征的辅助催化作用。相关规律有助于深化公园绿地 与居住用地的空间耦合理论,为城市宜居环境规划与建设提供 科学依据。  相似文献   

社区绿地空间建设对美化生活环境、增强邻里关系起着非常重要的作用。本研究以北京市回龙观社区为例,综合实地调研与网络开放数据,应用空间句法模型分析关联性空间影响因素和局部影响因素对社区绿地空间使用效率的影响,目的在于促进邻里交往,优化社区绿地空间布局。结果表明:1)小尺度范围的空间拓扑可达性和座椅、健身器械等基础设施的分布数量均与社区绿地空间使用效率有正相关关系。2)相较于社区绿地空间样本总量和居住小区绿地的相关性分析结果,公园绿地的使用效率对座椅、健身器械等基础设施的分布数量依赖最为明显。3)基于多元回归分析结果,得出社区绿地空间使用效率主要受座椅设施分布数量和小尺度空间拓扑可达性的综合影响。通过对比,研究发现绿地硬化铺装面积、基础设施数量等局部影响因素对绿地使用效率影响最为直接但不稳定,受社区类型和不同季节影响差异较大,而以小尺度空间拓扑可达性为代表的关联性空间影响因素对绿地使用效率影响稳定。  相似文献   

The purposes of this research are to contrast the energy use characteristics of old residential buildings and new residential buildings in Shanghai, China, to look into influence factors of residential energy consumption, and to further analyze the reasons which result in the differences of energy consumption quantities between high-energy use family group and low-energy use family group. 1610 families in Residential District A and 819 families in Residential District B were chosen to trace their monthly energy consumption data in the whole year of 2006. Buildings in District A were all constructed in the 1980s, while those in District B were built in the 2000s. 300 families in each district were further selected from all above investigated families to do questionnaires in the year of 2007, so as to understand building characteristics, the possession and utilization of space heating and cooling appliances, and energy-saving consciousness. Annual energy consumption of the two kinds of buildings is contrasted and energy consumption quantities of spacing cooling and heating are also calculated. Influencing factors of residential energy consumption are analyzed by Quantification Theory I. Quantification Theory III is used to classify all the families into different categories based on the differences in their energy consumption amounts, and to further find out the reasons leading to the different energy consumption between different groups. Conclusions are as follows: (1) the average annual energy consumption quantity is 23.27 GJ/household for new buildings and 14.40 GJ/household for old buildings. The ratio of space heating and cooling to total annual energy consumption is just 16% and 11.6% for new buildings and old buildings respectively; (2) energy consumption and its variance lie on the integration of many factors, such as the floor area, materials of window frames, the number of family members, operation months of space heaters in winter and air conditioners in summer, and energy-saving actions; (3) all the families in the two districts can be classified into two categories: Household Region M of much energy use, and Household Region N of little energy use. Adopting the aluminum window frames, large floor areas and the large number of family members (above 4 person) are the main reasons leading to more energy use in Household Region M, while the small number of family members (1-2 persons/household) and small floor areas are the main reasons resulting in the less energy use in Household Region N; the long period of space heating, using illumination as little as possible are also the reasons causing the differences in energy consumption quantities between the two categories, but their influences on the samples clustering are smaller than the main reasons above; (4) compared with the energy consumption in some developed countries, the ratio of space heating and cooling to total residential energy use is much smaller in Shanghai. Indoor thermal environment is very poor besides that. With the growth of economy and the improvement of living standard, people will have the higher requirement for good-quality indoor thermal environment, and hence space heaters and coolers will be used much more frequently, so the residential energy consumption in China will still continuously increase rapidly, if few energy-conservation strategies are adopted; (5) considering current little prevalence of energy-saving actions with low efficiency, more effective energy-saving actions should be fully adopted in China.  相似文献   


Homebuyers are now demanding green buildings over conventional buildings due to better performance, higher operating savings, and the premium satisfaction that the green buildings offer. However, whilst the supply of green buildings is increasing, the satisfaction of the occupants requires evaluation. This research investigated the satisfaction of the occupants of certified residential green buildings in the Greater Kuala Lumpur. The research was based on a cross-sectional survey questionnaire comprising 15 performance factors and 118 green building occupants. The survey forms were administered through hand delivery. The satisfaction of the occupants with respect to the ability of the buildings to accommodate the elderly and the disabled was very high. The occupants were also satisfied with the acoustics, overall lighting, layout, and overall air quality of the buildings. The factor analysis structured the performance factors into four clusters, namely, lighting, indoor environmental quality, operating cost, and spatial. The findings will be useful for the design teams because developers and city planners and the green rating certifiers and facilitators make their decisions on the prioritisation of the performance criteria of the green buildings. Whilst the data were collected in Malaysia, the information is applicable to beyond Malaysia.


周末  王兰会 《中国园林》2023,39(2):57-63
公园绿地是老年人户外休闲活动的主要场所。在人口老龄化加剧的背景下,公园绿地在老年人中分配的均衡程度是其社会公平性的一种重要体现。利用2010—2019年北京市的公园绿地、路网和社会经济数据,对公园绿地社会公平性变动及其驱动因素进行了实证研究。结果表明:1)2010—2019年北京市公园绿地社会公平性总体呈改善趋势;2)北京市各区的公园绿地社会公平性在空间上呈现明显的圈层特征,中心区域好而外围区域差,2010—2019年公平性改善最为明显的区域是首都功能拓展区和城市副中心;3)非首都功能疏解政策的实施、产业结构的优化和公园绿地供给的增加是公园绿地社会公平性改善的三大正向驱动因素。最后,基于实证结果提出了改善公园绿地社会公平性的建议。  相似文献   

进入21世纪,智能化、绿色环保等理念成为居住区建设的目标,因此上世纪改革开放以来建成的居住建筑按现在的标准衡量就显得陈旧简陋,并暴露出很多问题,成为目前旧城改造中推倒拆除的对象。针对这一问题,本项目提出"保留、改造、可持续利用"的居住空间建设理念,探索适合山西地区特色的旧居住空间改造再利用的理念和技术方法体系,并结合目前山西省开展的旧居住建筑节能改造的现状,提出综合改造的方法和对策建议。  相似文献   

Residential green spaces are one of the most frequently used urban green space types. Aiming at filling a gap in the existing greening indicators with considerations on the spatial differences of residential green spaces, as well as to inform the improvement of urban green space service, three greening indicators, i.e. residential unit’s green coverage rate, green view index, and park ratio within a 500 m service radius, are proposed in this paper. This study selects 14,196 residential units in built area of Shenzhen City in 2017 to measure the greening rate and the geographic spatial factors of the units upon multi-sourced geographic databases such as land cover maps and street view images. The research reveals that: 1) the three indicators can all independently measure the greening rate within or around residential units; 2) the studied residential units are low in residential unit’s green coverage rate and park ratio within a 500 m service radius, but high in green view index; 3) there are significant disparities of the greening rate and the surrounding parks in 500 m service radius among the studied units, and among different housing property rights, showing a disequilibrium in green space service; and 4) the greening rate of residential units is mainly impacted by factors such as development intensity, types of housing property right, altitude, and location. In conclusion, it is suggested that urban green space layout should prioritize improving the spatial distribution and layout of residential green spaces, especially for the socially vulnerable population. Finally, the study points out that the park ratio within a 500 m service radius can be adopted as a supplement to existing greening indicators for residential areas.  相似文献   

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