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陆星辰  张洁 《体育科研》2020,(5):95-100
紧身服装目前已成为多数运动项目尤其是自行车项目中运动者常用的运动装备。紧身服装能够通过改善运动中的静脉回流、骨骼肌能量代谢以及减少运动过程中的肌肉振动来达到提升运动能力的效果。但普通的紧身服装不能对训练有素的运动员产生有效刺激,紧身服装压力过小不能有效改善运动能力,压力过大则会影响皮下组织中的血液流动。因此,从紧身服装影响运动能力的机制,紧身服装松紧度对运动能力的影响等方面进行论述,发现目前研究者对紧身服装提高运动能力进而改善运动员骑行效果的合适压力范围尚存争议,今后的研究要对合适的压力范围加以明确。  相似文献   

肌肉放松对提高短跑运动成绩的影响   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
肌肉的协调放松能力对于提高短跑运动员的成绩具有重要作用。章从改善肌肉的新陈代谢、改善神经的功能、减少肌肉的疲劳、有效延长肌肉的耐久力、增加肌肉的收缩力量、提高跑的实效性等方面,探讨了肌肉协调放松对提高短跑运动成绩的积极影响。  相似文献   

力量训练是运动员体能训练的核心组成部分,它对于提升运动表现和预防运动伤害具有重要作用。文章旨在深入分析力量训练如何影响运动员的肌肉力量、耐力、心血管功能以及神经系统适应,并探讨这些变化背后的生理和生化机制。研究发现,力量训练通过对肌肉肥大、神经肌肉效率、心血管系统的改善和代谢途径的优化,显著提升了运动员的整体身体机能。此外,结合研究证实,不同项目的运动员都能从系统的力量训练中获益,这凸显了力量训练在运动训练中的重要性和应用价值。  相似文献   

肌肉疲劳的细胞学机制及应对措施   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
现代运动生理学研究显示 ,近几十年来优秀运动员的心肺功能变化不大 ,但运动成绩却有了极大的提高。运动员有氧竞技能力的提高 ,主要是骨骼肌代谢能力提高的结果 ,因此 ,如何提高运动员骨骼肌的机能能力是当前运动训练的核心问题之一。本文就近年来有关肌肉收缩、肌肉损伤的细胞学机制进行分析研究 ,以探讨相应的应对措施 ,为运动训练的科学化提供参考。1 骨骼肌收缩的细胞学机制1.1 兴奋——收缩偶联首先 ,肌细胞膜的兴奋 (动作电位 )沿肌细胞膜以局部电流的形式传播 ,沿肌细胞的横管系统传入肌细胞的深部 ,导致三联管兴奋 ,使纵管系统的…  相似文献   

本文从中医脾胃理论“脾胃为后天之本”、“脾主肌肉四肢”等方面探讨脾胃与运动员体质和运动能力的关系。结合现代实验研究成果,认为调理脾胃,尤其是益气健脾方药对于增强运动员体质和提高运动能力具有重要意义。在应用方面,本文认为要从预防、平时治本、战时治标战后调养等方面着手,将实验研究和实际应用密切结合起来,摸索出一套针对不同运动员体质、不同运动种类的系列方法。  相似文献   

张燕 《中华武术》2010,(9):48-50
跳远是一项跑跳结合的快速力量性运动项目,改善神经一肌肉系统的功能,增强肌肉力量,尤其是爆发力和反应力量,是提高跳远运动员运动成绩的最直接和有效的训练途径。然而,目前国内对于跳远运动员力量训练理论和应用的研究不足,严重影响了力量训练的质量和效果。为此,笔者从运动训练学和运动生理学的角度,结合训练实际,对近年来我国优秀跳远运动员的力量训练理论与方法进行了分析和探讨。  相似文献   

本体感觉神经肌肉协调训练(PNF)的核心在于通过刺激肌肉和神经系统,达到放松和热身的目的,在提高身体柔韧素质、提升肌肉发力质量、改善机体平衡等方面有着积极的作用。进一步探究PNF技术对于健美操运动员运动能力的影响发现,相较于传统的拉伸放松方式,PNF技术能够更好地提高健美操运动员在力量、速度、灵敏、耐力和柔韧方面的能力,进而提高其运动能力。因此,建议在健美操训练中引入PNF技术,以保障健美操运动员训练后的放松效果,提高健美操运动员的成绩。  相似文献   

国内外对于耐力素质定义比较多,但是这些定义都是诠释耐力素质的某一方面或者是几个方面,不够全面,国内专家一致认同耐力素质是指:运动员有机体坚持长时间工作时抵抗疲劳的运动能力.对于周期性的运动项目来说,要持续较长的工作,需要肌肉有较强的抗疲劳的能力和疲劳恢复的能力.  相似文献   

随着现代体育的发展,运动员对于训练的需求和标准也在提升,传统的力量训练和体能训练已不能满足高水平运动员的需求。因此,功能训练逐渐受到广泛关注。功能训练不仅注重增强肌肉力量,还强调发挥肌肉功能以及提升运动能力。文章旨在探讨功能训练在竞技体育训练中的应用,并分析了功能训练对于运动员表现的影响,以期为在竞技体育训练中实施功能训练提供参考。  相似文献   

刘阳 《中华武术》2022,(7):28-29
体能是人体在运动过程中最基本的一种运动能力,主要通过力量、速度、耐力、灵敏以及柔韧等方面加以体现。在排球运动中,运动员自身体能的强弱以及运动功能与排球运动的适配性直接影响着运动员运动成绩及训练效果。因此,这就需要教练员应充分认识到体能训练的重要意义,并根据运动员的个体差异以及排球运动项目对运动员肌肉、骨骼和神经系统的特殊要求,开展专项的体能训练,以此增强排球运动员的身体素质,实现运动员竞技能力的提升。  相似文献   

研究目的:研究穿着不同压力下肢紧身服对跑步过程中摄氧量以及运动后血乳酸恢复的影响。研究方法:选择北京体育大学12名健康男性长跑爱好者作为研究对象。受试者进行3次递增负荷最大摄氧量测试,在测试期间随机穿戴不同压力的下肢紧身服和普通运动长裤进行测试。最大摄氧量测试采用METAMAX 3B心肺功能测试系统进行测试,根据Bruce测试方案每3 min递增负荷,直至受试者运动至力竭。分别在安静时、运动后1 min、4 min、7 min和10 min 5个时刻测量血乳酸指标。采用Simi Aktisys 3D实验设备进行肌肉震动测试。采用一般线性模型的重复测量统计学方法比较3种情况下各项指标的差异。研究结果:运动过程中,高压力下肢紧身服在第二负荷上的耗氧量显著减小(P=0.047),但在其他负荷的耗氧量以及最大摄氧量没有出现显著性的差异。不同压力下肢紧身服对乳酸最大值以及乳酸消除速率没有产生显著性的影响。不同压力下肢紧身服均能够显著减小股四头肌、股二头肌和腓肠肌的肌肉震动(P=0.017、P=0.012、P=0.028),并且压力较大的下肢紧身服对肌肉的固定效果更好。研究结论:不同压力下肢紧身服对一次性高强度跑步运动过程中的最大摄氧量没有显著性的影响,但有可能在一定运动强度范围内减少运动过程中氧气的消耗。下肢紧身服对一次性高强度跑步运动后乳酸恢复没有显著性的影响。下肢紧身服能够降低肌肉的额外震动,并且压力越大,效果越好。  相似文献   

目的:利用表面肌电指标定量反映中度和高度紧身压迫在恒定负荷踏蹬至疲劳过程中对股直肌sEMG特征的影响,并探讨其内在机制,以期为紧身运动服装在运动实践中的应用提供科学理论依据.方法:以12名年龄在20~25岁之间的健康男性大学生为试验对象,在3种不同程度紧身压迫状态下,分别以中强度和大强度负荷在功率自行车上进行恒速踏蹬运动至疲劳,共计6次测试;在对受试者一侧下肢股直肌的iEMG和MPF肌电指标进行监测记录和信号处理后,采用双因素方差分析进行试验数据间差异的统计和比较.结果:(1)与无紧身压迫相比,外加中度紧身压迫在中等强度踏蹬运动中,对股直肌iEMG及MPF的整体变化特征无明显影响;(2)外加中度紧身压迫在大强度踏蹬运动后期,以及外加高度紧身压迫在中强度踏蹬运动后期,均使股直肌iEMG(%)值的总体增长幅度较无紧身压迫时有所减少,MPF(%)值的总体降低趋势较无紧身压迫时有所下降;(3)外加高度紧身压迫在大强度踏蹬运动后期,使股直肌iEMG(%)值的总体增长幅度较无紧身压迫时有所增加,MPF(%)值的总体降低趋势较无紧身压迫时有所上升.  相似文献   

The purpose of this article was to examine the effect of equipment scaling, through the modification of tennis ball compression, on elite junior tennis players (aged 10 years) within a match-play context. The two types of ball compressions that were compared were the standard compression (the normal ball) and 75% compression (termed the modified ball). Ten boys and 10 girls participated in the study. Participants were stratified into pairs based on their Australian Age Ranking and gender. Each pair played two two-set matches: one match with standard compression balls and one match with modified balls. The characteristics of each match were analysed and compared. The results showed that the use of the modified ball increased rally speed, allowed players to strike the ball at a lower (more comfortable) height on their groundstrokes and increased the number of balls played at the net. Ball compression had no effect on the relative number of winners, forehands, backhands, first serves in and double faults. The results are discussed in relation to skill acquisition for skilled junior tennis players.  相似文献   


Athletes at high risk of groin strains in sports such as hockey and soccer often choose to wear shorts with directional compression to aid in prevention of or recovery from hip adductor strains. Large, eccentric contractions are known to result in or exacerbate strain injuries, but it is unknown if these shorts have a beneficial effect on hip adductor muscle activity. In this study, surface electromyography (EMG) of the adductor longus and ground reaction force (GRF) data were obtained simultaneously on 29 healthy individuals without previous history of serious injury while performing unanticipated 45° run-to-cut manoeuvres in a laboratory setting wearing shorts with non-directional compression (control, HeatGear, Under Armour, USA) or shorts with directional compression (directional, CoreShort PRO, Under Armour, USA), in random order. Average adductor activity in the stance leg was significantly lower in the directional condition than in the control condition during all parts of stance phase (all P < 0.042). From this preliminary analysis, wearing directional compression shorts appears to be associated with reduced stance limb hip adductor activity. Athletes seeking to reduce demand on the hip adductors as they approach full return to activities may benefit from the use of directional compression shorts.  相似文献   

The purpose of this investigation was to measure the interface pressure exerted by lower body sports compression garments, in order to assess the effect of garment type, size and posture in athletes. Twelve national-level boxers were fitted with sports compression garments (tights and leggings), each in three different sizes (undersized, recommended size and oversized). Interface pressure was assessed across six landmarks on the lower limb (ranging from medial malleolus to upper thigh) as athletes assumed sitting, standing and supine postures. Sports compression leggings exerted a significantly higher mean pressure than sports compression tights (P < 0.001). Oversized tights applied significantly less pressure than manufacturer-recommended size or undersized tights (P < 0.001), yet no significant differences were apparent between different-sized leggings. Standing posture resulted in significantly higher mean pressure application than a seated posture for both tights and leggings (P < 0.001 and P = 0.002, respectively). Pressure was different across landmarks, with analyses revealing a pressure profile that was neither strictly graduated nor progressive in nature. The pressure applied by sports compression garments is significantly affected by garment type, size and posture assumed by the wearer.  相似文献   

Biophysical loading of the elbow and wrist is a potential reason for chronic lesions in gymnastics and present a real concern for coaches, scientist and clinicians. Previous research has identified injury risk factors during round-off (RO) skills in elite female gymnasts. The aim of this study was to investigate key elbow and wrist joint injury risk factors during different techniques of fundamental cartwheel (CW) and RO skills performed by young female artistic gymnasts. Seventeen active young female gymnasts performed 30 successful trials of both CW and RO from a hurdle step with three different hand positions (parallel (10), T-shape (10) and reverse (10)). Synchronised kinematic (240?Hz) and kinetic (1200?Hz) data were collected for each trial. One-way repeated measures ANOVA and effect size (ES) were used for statistical analysis. The results showed statistically significant differences (P?0.8) among hand positions for peak vertical ground reaction force (VGRF), peak elbow compression force, peak wrist compression force, elbow internal adduction moment and wrist dorsiflexion angle. In conclusion, the parallel and reverse techniques increase peak VGRF, elbow and wrist compression forces, and elbow internal adduction moment. These differences indicate that the parallel and reverse techniques may increase the potential of elbow and wrist injuries in young gymnasts compared with the T-shape technique; this is of particular importance with the high frequency of the performance of these fundamental skills.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to examine the effect of wearing graduated compression stockings on physiological and perceptual variables during and after intermittent (Experiment 1) and continuous (Experiment 2) running exercise. Fourteen recreational runners performed two multi-stage intermittent shuttle running tests with 1 h recovery between tests (Experiment 1). A further 14 participants performed a fast-paced continuous 10-km road run (Experiment 2). Participants wore commercially available knee-length graduated compression stockings (pressure at ankle 18 - 22 mmHg) beneath ankle-length sports socks (experimental trials) or just the latter (control trials) in a randomized counterbalanced design (for both experiments). No performance or physiological differences were observed between conditions during intermittent shuttle running. During the 10-km trials, there was a reduction in delayed-onset muscle soreness 24 h after exercise when wearing graduated compression stockings (P < 0.05). There was a marked difference in the frequency and location of soreness: two participants in the stockings trial but 13 participants in the control trial indicated soreness in the lower legs. Wearing graduated compression stockings during a 10-km road run appears to reduce delayed-onset muscle soreness after exercise in recreationally active men.  相似文献   

The aim of the study was to investigate the effects of wearing various levels of compression following repeated and exhausting sprint exercise on variables related to recovery. Twelve well-trained handball players performed three sessions of repeated and exhausting sprint exercise (30?×?30m). Directly after each session the participants wore tights extending from below the hip to the foot with either 0, 10, or 25?mm?Hg of compression onto the thigh and calf muscles. 48?h after the training session all participants performed 5?×?30m sprints and counter movement jumps. Before, directly after, 24?h, and 48?h after the training session venous blood samples were drawn for the determination of creatine kinase (CK), urea, C-reactive protein (CRP). At the same time points, subjective ratings of the Acute Recovery and Stress Scale (ARSS) questionnaires were obtained. The results for plasma concentrations of CK and urea showed ‘likely’ to ‘very, very likely’ beneficial effects for compression garments exerting 10?mm?Hg of compression (p?=?0.06–1.0). With regard to sprint and jump performance no differences were evident between 0, 10, and 25?mm?Hg (p?=?0.07–1.0). In addition, subjective scores from the ARSS did not differ between conditions over time (p?>?0.05). We conclude that the application of 10?mm?Hg leg compression compared to 0 and 25?mm?Hg of compression during 48?h of recovery from repeated and exhausting sprints lowered the plasma concentrations of CK and urea with no improvements in recovery for performance.  相似文献   


The aim of this study was to examine the effect of wearing graduated compression stockings on physiological and perceptual variables during and after intermittent (Experiment 1) and continuous (Experiment 2) running exercise. Fourteen recreational runners performed two multi-stage intermittent shuttle running tests with 1 h recovery between tests (Experiment 1). A further 14 participants performed a fast-paced continuous 10-km road run (Experiment 2). Participants wore commercially available knee-length graduated compression stockings (pressure at ankle 18 – 22 mmHg) beneath ankle-length sports socks (experimental trials) or just the latter (control trials) in a randomized counterbalanced design (for both experiments). No performance or physiological differences were observed between conditions during intermittent shuttle running. During the 10-km trials, there was a reduction in delayed-onset muscle soreness 24 h after exercise when wearing graduated compression stockings (P < 0.05). There was a marked difference in the frequency and location of soreness: two participants in the stockings trial but 13 participants in the control trial indicated soreness in the lower legs. Wearing graduated compression stockings during a 10-km road run appears to reduce delayed-onset muscle soreness after exercise in recreationally active men.  相似文献   

This study aimed to describe the effect of compression garments on middle cerebral artery blood flow velocity (MCAv) in relation to cognitive and exercise performance whilst cycling. In a randomised-controlled-cross-over design, 15 well-trained male cyclists were recruited to participate in three identical trials wearing loose fitting shorts (control), low-grade, or medium-grade compression garments. The protocol involved four 8?min increments of cycling at 30%, 50%, 70%, and 85% maximal power output and a 4?km time-trial. Participants undertook a cognitive Stroop task at baseline and at the midpoint of each increment. MCAv was monitored with Transcranial Doppler Ultrasonography. Mean arterial pressure (MAP) and partial pressure of end-tidal CO2 (PetCO2) were measured throughout. MCAv, MAP, PetCO2, and reaction time of the complex Stroop task were influenced by exercise intensity, but not compression garments. Compression garments significantly affected cognitive accuracy in the complex Stroop task such that low-grade compression appeared to enhance cognitive accuracy in comparison to the control condition at the highest intensity (p?=?.010). Time-trial performance did not differ between the control (338.0?±?17.3 s), low-grade (338.7?±?18.7 s), or medium-grade (342.2?±?19.3 s) conditions (p?=?.114). Compression garments did not affect MCAv during exercise or time-trial performance, but compression may be beneficial for improved cognitive accuracy during high-intensity exercise. Further research is required to elucidate the potential impact on cognitive performance.  相似文献   

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