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目的探讨听神经瘤术中监测面肌自发与诱发肌电图和听觉诱发电位的经验,分析术中面、听神经解剖功能保留的方法及评估电刺激强度和术后面神经功能的相关性及其安全性。方法回顾性分析我科从2001年10月到2012年10月,共对610例听神经瘤患者进行了术中监测面肌自发与诱发肌电图和听觉诱发电位。结果通过诱发肌电图及BAEP的监测,肿瘤的全切率为96.05%,面神经解剖保留率为95.39%,功能保留率(H-B分级I-II级)91.61%,术末面神经直接刺激脑干端13V即引起肌电反应者,神经保留完整,预后良好。57例肿瘤直径<3cm患者中,听神经解剖保留率70.18%,保留有用听力(功能保留率)31.58%。结论术中面肌自发与诱发肌电图和听觉诱发电位监测,提高了肿瘤的全切率和面听神经保留率,并可以减少或防止脑干功能的损伤。  相似文献   

目的总结术中神经导航应用于听神经瘤的经验,探讨面听神经保留的显微外科技巧,以提高肿瘤的全切率和面听神经的保护率。方法回顾性分析应用术中神经导航技术经枕下乙状窦后-内听道入路显微外科手术治疗的31例听神经瘤。术中神经导航定位静脉窦,引导内听道后壁磨除。27例术中行脑干诱发电位监测。结果肿瘤全切31例,全切除率为100%。术中面神经解剖保留29例,面神经解剖保留率为93.6%。肿瘤切除3个月后复查,面神经功能Ⅰ~Ⅱ级27例(87.1%),Ⅲ~Ⅳ级4例(12.9%)。解剖未能保留的2例,术中均行面神经端-端吻合。无手术相关死亡病例。结论神经导航的应用有助于提高听神经瘤切除的安全性和手术疗效。熟练掌握显微手术技巧、术中神经导航和面神经电生理监测的应用是提高肿瘤全切除、面神经解剖和功能保护率的关键。  相似文献   

目的探讨大型听神经瘤的显微手术技巧、效果及术中面神经的保护。方法回顾性分析解放军总医院耳鼻咽喉头颈外科2010年1月~2010年12月收治的采用显微外科手术治疗30例大型听神经瘤患者的临床资料。其中男性18例,女性12例;年龄19~71岁,平均39.6±4.2岁;病程3个月~2年。主要临床表现为桥小脑角综合征和颅内压增高征,首发症状表现为耳鸣、听力下降12例,头痛、恶心、呕吐10例,行走不稳4例,面部麻木7例,三叉神经痛2例,面瘫6例。30例术中均行面神经监测,显微镜下切除肿瘤,术毕刺激面神经的脑干端对术后面神经功能进行预测。结果本组30例大型听神经瘤全切除28例,次全切除1例,部分切除1例。术中面神经完整保留29例(96.67%),无死亡病例。肿瘤切除后,面神经刺激阈值的大小与术后面神经功能存在明显的相关性。刺激阈值越小,术后面神经功能越好。结论熟练地采用显微外科技术选择合适的手术入路可明显提高肿瘤的全切除率和面神经的解剖及功能保留率。手术入路的正确选择,娴熟的显微外科操作技术,术中应用面神经监测技术,能有效地保护桥小脑角周围的重要结构及面神经功能,并可预测术后面神经功能。  相似文献   

目的总结分析术中神经电生理监测结合显微手术操作技巧在听神经瘤手术中预防面神经损伤的作用。方法选取我科2011~2012年施行乙状窦后入路显微手术的大型及中型听神经瘤(肿瘤直径≥2.4 cm)患者62例,术中应用神经电生理监测技术对手术进行综合监护,同时密切留意骨性解剖、蛛网膜解剖、神经与血管解剖关系。术后随访6个月,评估肿瘤切除程度并根据House-Brack-mann面神经功能分级对患者面神经功能进行评估。结果肿瘤全切除58例(93.5%),次全切除4例(6.5%);无围手术期死亡患者。面神经功能评定:Ⅰ级57例(91.9%),Ⅱ级5例(8.1%)。结论对于大型和中型听神经瘤患者,术中进行综合电生理监护,同时操作时注意典型的解剖位置与熟练的显微手术技术,可达到较高的肿瘤全切除率,并尽可能地保全面神经功能。  相似文献   

目的探讨囊性听神经瘤的临床特点及其显微外科手术的治疗方法。 方法回顾性分析2013年1月~2017年12月华中科技大学同济医学院附属同济医院神经外科收治的囊性听神经瘤69例。所有囊性听神经瘤均行手术治疗,采用枕下乙状窦后入路。结果肿瘤全切61例(88.4%),次全切除6例(8.7%),部分切除2例(2.9%);面神经解剖保留率为64例(92.7%)。术后2周采用面神经功能House Brackmann分级,其中Ⅰ Ⅱ级47例(68.1%),Ⅲ Ⅳ级16例(23.2%),Ⅴ Ⅵ级6例(8.7%);术后后组脑神经功能障碍4例(5.8%),术后实用听力保留患者4例(5.8%)。结论囊性听神经瘤应尽量早期积极手术,在充分保护面神经功能的前提下,力争全切肿瘤。同时术者丰富的显微外科技术,以及超声刀、激光刀、电生理监测等重要工具的应用,是保障囊性听神经瘤手术效果和保全神经功能的关键因素。  相似文献   

肌电图监护下大型听神经瘤的显微手术及面神经保留   总被引:5,自引:2,他引:5  
目的 介绍经枕下-乙状窦后入路大型听神经瘤显微手术切除及面神经保留技巧。方法对32例大型听神经瘤在面肌肌电图监护下行显微手术切除。结果所有32例病人均行肿瘤全切,面神经解剖保留率为96.88%。根据House-Brackmann面神经功能分级标准,面神经功能保留率术后6个月为Ⅱ级52.38%、Ⅲ级42.86%、Ⅳ级4.76%;术后1年为Ⅱ级66.67%、Ⅲ级28.57%、Ⅳ级4.76%。结论对大型听神经瘤,在面肌肌电图监护下通过显微手术技术,可以全切肿瘤同时保留面神经解剖的完整。  相似文献   

目的 探讨弥散张量成像(diffusion tensor imaging,DTI)技术对听神经瘤切除术患者面神经损伤的影响。方法 收集我院2014年2月~2018年2月收治的20例听神经瘤患者临床资料,所有患者均行乙状窦后入路显微手术治疗,均行磁共振T1W1、T2W1、增强及DTI序列扫描。术前应用DTI技术了解面神经走形及与肿瘤关系,并与术者在手术镜下观察及术中面神经监测结果进行对比,分析手术效果及面神经保留率,随访1年,采用House-Brackmann(H-B)分级评估术前和术后1周、3个月、6个月及1年面神经功能变化。结果 20例患者面神经术前均通过DTI技术重建显示,位于腹侧上方9例(45.00%),腹侧居中7例(35.00%),腹侧下方2例(10.00%),肿瘤上 级1例(5.00%),肿瘤下极1例(5.00%)。20例患者DTI面神经重建结果与手术镜下和术中面神经监测结果基本一致,吻合率100%。15例(75.00%)达到显微镜下全切除,5例(25.00%)为次全切除。全部患者面神经均达到解剖保留,术后随访1年,1例失访。术后面神经功能保留率100%。术后1周、3个月、6个月和1年面神经功能良好率分别为78.94%、47.37%、52.63%和89.47%。结论 术前DTI技术重建用于听神经瘤切除术中,可在术前对面神经情况进行评估,有利于减少面神经损伤。  相似文献   

乙状窦后径路听神经瘤切除术中内镜辅助应用价值的探讨   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的:探讨内镜辅助在行乙状窦后径路听神经瘤切除术中的应用和意义。方法:在内镜辅助下经乙状窦后径路听神经瘤切除术12例,术中行面、听神经监测,手术前后面听功能评估,并与未采用内镜辅助的乙状窦后径路手术进行综合比较。结果:12例听神经瘤完全切除,手术完成顺利,术后无并发症。术中面听神经均获解剖保留,术中神经监测以观测面听神经功能保留情况,术后半年面神经功能与术前相比无明显改变,所有患者听觉功能与术前相比均有不同程度下降。内镜辅助下手术组术后面神经功能及听觉功能改变与未采用内镜辅助手术组差异无统计学意义。结论:在乙状窦后径路手术中应用内镜辅助能为桥小脑角区手术提供精确的信息,在避免后半规管、颈静脉球损伤的前提下,完全切除内耳道底的肿瘤,减少并发症的发生,但对面听神经功能保留无明显作用。  相似文献   

听神经瘤切除术,应当完全切除肿瘤,不过多损伤神经,以及保存面神经功能及部分听力。这与肿瘤的大小,肿瘤与面神经的联系以及手术者的经验有关。本文认为手术者有能力在不重伤神经并保存完好面神经功能的前提下完整切除听神经瘤。指出术后面神经功能的完好取决于面神经解剖与生理的完整。方法是在切除听神经瘤时采取对面神经进行肌电图监控。其作用原理是:以音频诱发的肌电图活动可提示切除听神经瘤时有否损伤面神经的信息,以避免术中对面神经有所损伤。作者们在20个月中,对18例听神经瘤患者(肿瘤大小为1cm~4.5cm)进行了迷路切除听神经瘤的手术。术中均以面神经肌电图监控。7例以Cadwell型5200A双导诱发潜在系统监控,  相似文献   

目的探讨听神经瘤显微外科切除的手术技巧和术中面听神经保护要点及治疗策略的选择。方法分析2008年10月至2012年4月期间221例单侧听神经瘤病例,其中大型听神经瘤(直径≥3cm)183例(占82.8%),采用枕下乙状窦后入路,术中全程行面、三叉神经/和听性脑干反应监测。结果肿瘤全切及近全切除共199例(占90%),次全切除共22例(占10%)。面神经解剖保留201例(占91%),功能保留183例(占82.8%)。耳蜗神经功能保留33%。结论显微手术切除是治疗大型听神经瘤的主要方法,听神经瘤的治疗策略应该根据具体情况个性化选择,目的是患者长期高质量的生存。  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: Evaluate the utility of a statistical equation using two independent intraoperative monitoring parameters in predicting long-term facial nerve function. STUDY DESIGN: Retrospective case review. SETTING: Tertiary care hospital. PATIENTS: Sixty patients undergoing resection of vestibular schwannomas with intraoperative facial nerve monitoring at a single institution. INTERVENTION: All patients underwent microsurgical resection of vestibular schwannomas with the use of intraoperative cranial nerve monitoring. MAIN OUTCOME MEASURE: Final facial nerve outcome measured using the House-Brackmann scale at least 6 months after microsurgical resection. RESULTS: Five out of 60 (8.3%) patients demonstrated significant long-term weakness (i.e., House-Brackmann grade III or worse). Intraoperative monitoring parameters (proximal stimulation threshold, proximal-to-distal response amplitude ratio) were accurate in predicting increased risk of long-term facial nerve dysfunction when used in a logistic regression model. A Student's t test confirmed the equation result was statistically significant in differentiating long-term facial nerve outcomes. CONCLUSION: Patients with immediate weakness are at higher risk of having long-term poor facial nerve function. The use of intraoperative monitoring parameters was reliable in predicting facial nerve outcomes. Patients with permanent facial nerve dysfunction often require rehabilitative procedures. The ability to predict facial nerve outcomes with intraoperative monitoring may allow early rehabilitative procedures to improve quality of life and prevent ocular complications.  相似文献   



Establish the efficacy of preoperative facial nerve mapping and continuous intraoperative EMG monitoring in protecting the facial nerve during resection of cervicofacial lymphatic malformations.


Retrospective study in which patients were clinically followed for at least 6 months postoperatively, and long-term outcome was evaluated. Patient demographics, lesion characteristics (i.e., size, stage, location) were recorded. Operative notes revealed surgical techniques, findings, and complications. Preoperative, short-/long-term postoperative facial nerve function was standardized using the House-Brackmann Classification. Mapping was done prior to incision by percutaneously stimulating the facial nerve and its branches and recording the motor responses. Intraoperative monitoring and mapping were accomplished using a four-channel, free-running EMG. Neurophysiologists continuously monitored EMG responses and blindly analyzed intraoperative findings and final EMG interpretations for abnormalities.


Seven patients collectively underwent 8 lymphatic malformation surgeries. Median age was 30 months (2-105 months). Lymphatic malformation diagnosis was recorded in 6/8 surgeries. Facial nerve function was House-Brackmann grade I in 8/8 cases preoperatively. Facial nerve was abnormally elongated in 1/8 cases. EMG monitoring recorded abnormal activity in 4/8 cases—two suggesting facial nerve irritation, and two with possible facial nerve damage. Transient or long-term facial nerve paresis occurred in 1/8 cases (House-Brackmann grade II).


Preoperative facial nerve mapping combined with continuous intraoperative EMG and mapping is a successful method of identifying the facial nerve course and protecting it from injury during resection of cervicofacial lymphatic malformations involving the facial nerve.  相似文献   

Facial nerve dysfunction after resection of a vestibular schwannoma is one of the most common indications for facial nerve habilitation. This article presents an overview of common and emerging management options for facial habilitation following resection of a vestibular schwannoma. Immediate and delayed nerve repair options, as well as adjunctive surgical, medical, and physical therapies for facial nerve dysfunction, are discussed. Two algorithms are provided as guides for the assessment and treatment of facial nerve paralysis after resection of vestibular schwannoma.  相似文献   

Surgery for congenital auricular atresia places the facial nerve at risk because of its potential aberrancy; iatrogenic facial paralysis is a well-known potential risk. Five cases of congenital auricular atresia are presented. All patients had intraoperative monitoring of the facial nerve. The facial nerve was found to be abnormally displaced, usually due to hypoplasia of the tympanic ring. Preoperative and postoperative facial nerve function was unchanged by surgery. Facial nerve monitoring is an important adjunct in congenital ear surgery because it allows for early and precise identification of the nerve in the absence of normal surgical landmarks and provides for continuous monitoring of the nerve.  相似文献   

Introduction and objectivesTo compare the results obtained in the resection of 21 giant vestibular schwannomas via retrosigmoid (RS) and combined retrosigmoid/translabyrinthine (RS/TL) approaches with respect to intra- and postoperative complications, facial nerve preservation and postsurgical sequelae.MethodsThis was a retrospective study of 21 patients who underwent a resection of a giant vestibular neuroma according to the Tos &; Thomsen Scale (greater than or equal to 4 centimetres) in a tertiary care centre in the period between 2000 and 2008. We present the most significant characteristics of the series studied and the analysis of the advantages and inconveniences of each approach. We also analyse the results regarding facial nerve function preservation.ResultsWe highlight the absence of mortality in the 21-patient group. There were no important intraoperative complications. Total resection of the lesion was achieved in the 87% of the cases, with facial nerve preservation of 73% using the combined RS/TL approach, in comparison to 40% using the RS. Facial nerve function after two years was acceptable or good in 67% (including those with heteronerve anastomosis). A global percentage of 14.3% of cerebrospinal liquid fistula was observed, as well as 9.5% of meningitis.ConclusionsThe results of the study demonstrate that the combined retrosigmoid translabyrinthine approach for giant schwannoma treatment offers increased facial nerve preservation and lower morbidity, constituting an important option in the treatment of this kind of tumours thanks to a multidisciplinary approach.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To review the intraoperative findings and facial nerve management in nine patients who presented with facial paralysis associated with glomus jugulare tumors. STUDY DESIGN: A retrospective analysis of patient medical records. SETTING: Tertiary care academic medical center. PATIENTS: All patients who presented with facial paralysis and a glomus jugulare tumor who underwent surgical resection of their tumors at our institution. INTERVENTION: A postauricular infratemporal fossa approach for tumor removal and greater auricular interposition neural repair. MAIN OUTCOME MEASURE: Intraoperative facial nerve findings and long-term facial recovery. RESULTS: One hundred two patients underwent a postauricular infratemporal approach for resection of glomus jugulare tumor from July 1988 through July 2005. Nine of these patients presented with ipsilateral facial paralysis. The medial surface of the vertical segment was invaded by tumor in all nine cases. Facial recovery at 2 years was House-Brackmann Grade III in eight patients and Grade IV in one individual. Facial recovery did not significantly change after 2 years (mean follow-up of 7.4 years). DISCUSSION: Facial nerve invasion of the vertical segment occurred in 9 (9%) of 101 patients in our series. Facial nerve resection with interposition grafting resulted in House-Brackmann Grade III in eight (89%) of nine patients. Facial nerve dissection and preservation was not possible when preoperative facial paralysis was evident.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To evaluate whether the intraoperative stimulus threshold and response amplitude measurements from facial electromyography can predict facial nerve function at 1 year after vestibular schwannoma resection. STUDY DESIGN: Prospective study. SETTING: Tertiary academic center. PATIENTS: Seventy-four consecutive vestibular schwannoma patients. INTERVENTION: The minimal stimulus intensity (in milliamperes) and electromyographic response amplitude (in microvolts) were recorded during stimulation applied to the proximal facial nerve after vestibular schwannoma removal. MAIN OUTCOME MEASURE: Facial nerve outcomes at 1 year were evaluated using the House-Brackmann scale. Analysis was then performed to evaluate whether these electrophysiologic recordings and tumor size could predict facial nerve functional outcomes. RESULTS: Of the 74 patients, 66 of 74 (89%) had House-Brackmann Grade I or II facial nerve function and 8 of 74 (11%) had House-Brackmann Grade III-VI function at 1 year after surgery. If standards were set for intraoperative minimal stimulus intensity of 0.05 mA or less and response amplitude of 240 microV or greater, the authors were able to predict a House-Brackmann Grade I or II outcome in 56 of 66 (85%) patients at 1 year after surgery. With these same electrophysiologic parameters, only 1 of 8 (12%) House-Brackmann Grade III-VI patients also met this standard and thus gave a false-positive result. Logistic regression analysis of the data showed that both a stimulus threshold of 0.05 mA or less and a response amplitude of 240 microV or greater predicted a House-Brackmann Grade I or II outcome with a 98% probability. However, stimulus threshold or response amplitude alone had a much lower probability of the same result. In addition, although tumor size was found to independently predict facial nerve outcomes at 1 year, it did not improve the ability to predict facial nerve function over a model using stimulus intensity and amplitude alone. CONCLUSION: Individually, minimal stimulus intensity or response amplitude was less successful in predicting long-term postoperative facial nerve function. However, if both parameters are considered together, the study demonstrates that they are good prognostic indicators for facial nerve function at 1 year after surgery.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: The objective of this study was to compare the effectiveness of direct eighth nerve monitoring (DENM) and auditory brainstem response (ABR) in facilitating hearing preservation during vestibular schwannoma resection. STUDY DESIGN: This was a retrospective study. SETTING:: Tertiary referral center. METHODS: We conducted a retrospective clinical study of the use of ABR and DENM during vestibular schwannoma removal. Tumors were removed through a retrosigmoid craniotomy. The rate of hearing preservation between the two monitoring modalities was compared. The additional outcome measures of facial nerve function and cerebral spinal fluid leak rate were also evaluated. RESULTS: Hearing preservation was attempted in 77 patients with vestibular schwannomas. Tumor sizes ranged from 0.5 cm to 2.5 cm. Hearing was preserved in 71% of patients with tumors 1 cm or less and in 32% of patients with tumors between 1 and 2.5 cm when direct eighth nerve monitoring was used. Hearing preservation rates with ABR for tumors 1 cm or less were 41% and 10% in patients with tumors between 1 and 2.5 cm (p=0.03) Facial nerve preservations rates were 94% (House-Brackmann 1-2) for tumors less than 2 cm. CONCLUSIONS: DENM provides significantly higher rates of hearing preservation during vestibular schwannoma resection when compared with ABR.  相似文献   

Objective To report experiences with use of otoendoscopy in cerebellopontine angle (CPA) surgeries. Methods Twenty five cases of CPA surgeries performed between November 2002 and December 2008 in which microscope enabled otoendoscopy was used were reviewed.The 25 cases included 19 cases of acoustic neuroma, 3 cases of CPA facial nerve tumors, 1 case of trigeminal neurinoma, a case of glossopharyngeal neuralgia and 1 case of hemifacial spasm. Endoscopy was used in all cases together with monitoring of brainstem auditory responses and facial electromyography. Postoperative hearing and facial nerve function were evaluated and compared to pre-op-erative levels. Results Endoscopy provided improved visualization of local anatomy, revealed hidden lesions and reduced unnecessary anatomical distortions. Total resection was achieved in 18 of the 19 acoustic neuroma cases, Facial nerve anatomical integrity was preserved in all 19 cases. One week postoperative House-Brackmann grading was Ⅰ in 3 cases, Ⅱ in 10 cases and Ⅲ in 6 cases. Facial nerve function continued to improve in some cases at 3 months. Total tumor resection was achieved in all 3 patients with facial neurinoma. The facial nerve was sacrificed in 2 of the 3 cases with primary faciohypoglossal nerve anastomosis. Facial nerve function was Grade Ⅱ and Grade Ⅲ one year after surgery, respectively. In the case with anatomically preserved facial nerve, postoperative facial nerve function was initially Grade Ⅲ and improved to Ⅱ at 3 months. The tumor was completely resected in the trigeminal neurinoma patient with a Grade Ⅲ postoperative facial nerve function which improved Grade Ⅱ three months later. Seventeen of the 19 patients with acoustic neuroma retained hearing postoperatively, of these 12 maintained preoperative levels of hearing. Preoperative hearing capacity was preserved in 2 of the 3 patients with facial nerve tumors, but lost in patients with other tumor types. Glossopharyngeal neurotomy (n=1) and mi-crovascular deeompression(n=1) resulted in satisfactory symptom relief and no recurrence at 5- and 3-year follow up, respectively. Conclusions Otoendos aope-aided technique greatly helps surgical management of CPA and in-ternal auditory canal lesions and other disorders. This minimally invasive technique overcomes many shortcomings inherent to the traditional retrosigmoid approach.  相似文献   

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