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生物柴油利用概况及其在中国的发展思路   总被引:41,自引:0,他引:41       下载免费PDF全文
石化燃料是当前人类使用的主要能源,但其日益消耗殆尽,同时造成了严重的温室效应和环境污染问题,因此,生物柴油被当作石化燃料的绿色替代品,许多国家都在大力研发。该文阐述了生物柴油的本质及其较石化柴油咱使用上的优良特性,综述了生物柴油主要在欧美国家中的发展现状及其它国家的研发动态,特别是以大豆(Glycine max)和油菜(Brassica campestris)等油料作物为主的生物柴油原料生产状况。在分析了我国油料生产与食用消费现状、受国际生物柴油大力发展的影响的程度及油料作物与粮食生产对耕地资源的激烈竞争矛盾的基础上,提出了充分利用盐碱地、贫瘠、荒漠与退耕还林地,通过种植抗逆性强的油料植物发展我国生物柴油的思路。  相似文献   

能源植物研究现状和展望   总被引:51,自引:0,他引:51  
综述了常见生物能源如燃料酒精和生物柴油所涉及高等能源植物的种类、特征和应用开发现状,并展望了将来的发展趋势。  相似文献   

基因工程创制油菜种子基生物燃油的关键技术   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
生物基燃料的开发研究对保证我国能源安全、改善生态环境都有重要意义。通过系统的基因工程改良创制“能源油菜”,作为生物柴油主要原料,是我国可再生能源战略推进的明智选择。分析了油菜作为生物柴油原料的优势及尚需解决的问题,根据相关领域研究趋势和我国现有基础,提出了油菜种子基生物能源发展的战略构想和重点研究方向:1.进一步提高产量、含油量以提高单位面积产油量。2.利用油菜种子作为口服疫苗等高值蛋白产物生物反应器,提高油菜种子蛋白质部分价值,降低综合生产成本。3.基因工程提高油菜抗逆性和生态适应性,利用海涂、荒坡等非农业用地,解决大规模发展油菜种子质基生物柴油原料种植所需土地问题。4.通过特种脂肪酸组分定向基因调控技术,培育高品位生物柴油专用油菜品种。  相似文献   

生物能源专刊序言   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
生物能源作为可再生能源,有望减少能源供给中对石油的依赖程度。近年来,我国生物能源的发展非常迅速,已经成为继巴西和美国后的第三大燃料乙醇生产国和消费国。为促进生物能源相关技术研究的发展,本期“生物能源”专刊收录了我国生物能源专家学者在燃料乙醇、生物柴油、微生物油脂、生物燃料系统分析等领域的最新研究进展。  相似文献   

能源植物资源的研究和开发   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
植物能源是一种清洁的、方便的可替代能源,发展植物能源是解决矿石能源危机的可行的措施,生物汽油和生物柴油产业已得到初步发展和应用。按照能源植物所含特定化学物质的对能源植物进行类别划分,并结合我国的实际,提出我国适宜发展的能源植物品种。  相似文献   

生物能源作为可再生能源,可以替代部分石化能源,有望缓解能源供给中对石油的依赖程度.本期专刊结合第6届国际生物能源会议,包括综述和研究报告两部分,报道了我国生物能源专家学者在燃料乙醇、生物柴油、微生物油脂、生物燃料标准、航空生物燃料等领域的最新研究进展.  相似文献   

利用基因工程技术改良能源植物,对降低能源植物向生物燃料(生物乙醇、生物柴油)的转化成本、提高能源转化效率有着非常重要的意义。目前,基因工程技术已被广泛应用于提高植物总的生物产量、降低或改变植物木质素的含量与成分、在植物体中大量表达纤维素降解酶、提高油料植物的产油量以及改变植物油酯的组成成分等方面的研究。概述了利用基因工程技术在以上方面对能源植物进行改良已取得的进展,讨论了现存问题及未来的发展前景。  相似文献   

国家电网公司在2006年6月初参加在瑞典举行的世界生物能源大会时,与瑞典投资促进署签署了合作谅解备忘录,计划在今后投资20亿瑞典克朗(约合人民币21.6亿元)参与瑞典生物能源产业建设。 据悉,国家电网公司下属的国能生物发电公司分别与瑞典海热达林环保能源有限公司、瑞典国家电力公司、瑞典国家森林公司和银雪坪EnaKraft生物能热电厂签署了合作意向。根据合作意向,国能生物发电公司将与瑞典合作开发下列三大项目:最大的项目是位于瑞典北部Harjedalen的生物能源热电厂,同时生产加工木材球和酒精燃料;  相似文献   

随着传统化石能源的日益枯竭、环境污染的日益加重,世界各国都在积极寻求发展可再生能源。生物能源,尤其是包括生物乙醇和生物柴油在内的生物燃料,因其原料的可再生性和燃料使用的环境友好性,  相似文献   

生物能源是一种绿色可再生能源,可缓解石化能源短缺危机和环境污染,在巴西、欧美已经得到广泛应用。我国生物能源还处于发展阶段,有燃料乙醇的生产但需要国家补贴,食用油每年大量进口,非食用油类植物种植加工尚无大规模形成。我国生物能源主要面临的问题是:与人争粮食,与粮食争地。我国生物能源主要发展方向是:利用第三代生物能源技术开发林业下脚料,农业秸秆、粪,以及在荒漠,水域,边缘性地区栽种油料植物,水藻,第三代生物能源技术没有大规模在我国实现,需加大研发力度和政策支持。  相似文献   

作物生长模拟模型研究和应用   总被引:20,自引:0,他引:20  
作物生长模拟模型研究和应用宇振荣(北京农业大学农业生态环境系,100094)StudiesonCropGrowthModellingandItsApplication.¥YuZhenrong(DepartmentofAgro-E-cologicalE...  相似文献   

Suppression of weed growth in a crop canopy can be enhanced by improving crop competitiveness. One way to achieve this is by modifying the crop planting pattern. In this study, we addressed the question to what extent a uniform planting pattern increases the ability of a crop to compete with weed plants for light compared to a random and a row planting pattern, and how this ability relates to crop and weed plant density as well as the relative time of emergence of the weed. To this end, we adopted the functional-structural plant modelling approach which allowed us to explicitly include the 3D spatial configuration of the crop-weed canopy and to simulate intra- and interspecific competition between individual plants for light. Based on results of simulated leaf area development, canopy photosynthesis and biomass growth of the crop, we conclude that differences between planting pattern were small, particularly if compared to the effects of relative time of emergence of the weed, weed density and crop density. Nevertheless, analysis of simulated weed biomass demonstrated that a uniform planting of the crop improved the weed-suppression ability of the crop canopy. Differences in weed suppressiveness between planting patterns were largest with weed emergence before crop emergence, when the suppressive effect of the crop was only marginal. With simultaneous emergence a uniform planting pattern was 8 and 15 % more competitive than a row and a random planting pattern, respectively. When weed emergence occurred after crop emergence, differences between crop planting patterns further decreased as crop canopy closure was reached early on regardless of planting pattern. We furthermore conclude that our modelling approach provides promising avenues to further explore crop-weed interactions and aid in the design of crop management strategies that aim at improving crop competitiveness with weeds.  相似文献   

Optimal density of spring rape (Brassica napus L.) crop stand was determined by plant photosynthetic characteristics at the beginning of flowering. As crop density increased from 100 to 350 plants/m2, leaf surface index (LSI) of the crop was found to increase by 18.2–80.2%, and LSI decreased by 38.8–67.3% as compared with the sparsest crop (50–100 plants/m2). LSI depended on the rate of incident PAR reaching 0.5 and 0.25 heights of the crop stand and to the soil surface. When crop density increased from 100 to 350 plants/m2, the photosynthetic potential (PP) of the crop increased 1.8 times as compared with the sparsest crop. PP of the densest rape crop stand was 3 times lower than in the sparsest crop. When the crop density increased from 100 to 250 plants/m2, the daily increment in biomass calculated per leaf surface unit increased by 27.0% as compared with the sparsest crop and depended on LSI. When leaf area decreased, the daily increment in biomass calculated per leaf surface unit declined; in the densest stand, this characteristic was by 58.3% lower than in the sparsest crop. Rape productivity at the flowering stage depended on the crop density, LSI of plants, rate of PAR reaching 0.5 and 0.25 heights of the crop stand and to the soil surface, PP, and the daily increment in biomass calculated per leaf surface unit. Crop productivity at the flowering stage and the rape seed yield were associated by a significant parabolic relationship. When crop density increased from 100 to 350 plants/m2, seed yield per plant considerably decreased (by 33.1–78.5%) as compared with the sparsest crop. The greatest influence on seed yield per plant was exerted by LSI and the daily increment in biomass calculated per leaf surface unit. When crop density increased to 250–300 plants/m2, the seed yield considerably rose (by 28.6–58.8%) as compared with the sparsest crop; when this index reached 300–350 plants/m2, the seed yield decreased because plant growth was suppressed, with the productivity reduced. The results thus obtained suggest that the photometric characteristics of spring rape were at optimum at crop density of 100–250 plants/m2. The agroclimatic conditions of Lithuania ensure potential for rapid accumulation of total biomass and high seed yield.  相似文献   

A seed treatment containing fluquinconazole as the only active ingredient was tested in sequences of up to six consecutive crops of winter wheat. It was applied or not applied in each year, and was tested in all possible combinations with treatments applied in previous years. Take‐all was controlled effectively, and grain yield usually increased, when the disease intensity was moderate or severe in non‐treated crops, but control of the most severe take‐all did not result in acceptable yields or grain quality. Treatment of a first wheat or second wheat with little take‐all did not usually benefit the subsequent crop. Non‐treatment of a crop grown after a treated, diseased crop usually resulted in a marked increase in disease, indicating that treatment had delayed progress of the epidemic. Take‐all was controlled by treatment of a crop grown after a treated, diseased crop but the amount of control and of increased yield was often less than that in a treated crop grown after a non‐treated crop in the same crop sequence. Similar effects of seed treatment were apparent in crops grown on a site with take‐all decline. The alternative fungicide, silthiofam, applied as a seed treatment in the later years of some experiments, was usually as effective as fluquinconazole. From these experiments, it is recommended that: a) fluquinconazole seed treatment should be applied to a second or third wheat crop, grown after a first wheat crop that was managed to avoid rapid take‐all development (e.g. by avoiding very early sowing); b) a break crop should follow the treated crop; c) the seed treatment should not normally be used in longer sequences of wheat or on take‐all decline soil unless it is planned to follow the treated crop with a non‐cereal break.  相似文献   

试论中国第三果树带的形成与发展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文提出了果树带的新概念,即根据果树栽培的高效优质及其自然分布情况,提出在长江以南(北纬18─32°)柑桔为主的第一果树带和长江以北(北纬32─43°)苹果为主的第二果树带之间,即北纬25─35°建立和发展以猕猴桃为主的第三果树带的新论点。同时,因海拔高度的变化以及在两带的边缘地域,表现出部分过度交互型特征。本文还进一步阐述了以猕猴桃为代表的第三果树带形成和发展的可能与条件,指出提高果树种植效益与不同果树相应气候带的关系,分析说明了中国第三果树带的形成与发展的重要意义。此外,还对第三果树带的果树组成、发展方向和途径等关键性问题进行了讨论,为中国第三果树带的形成与发展提供了理论依据。  相似文献   

From crop domestication to super-domestication   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Research related to crop domestication has been transformed by technologies and discoveries in the genome sciences as well as information-related sciences that are providing new tools for bioinformatics and systems' biology. Rapid progress in archaeobotany and ethnobotany are also contributing new knowledge to understanding crop domestication. This sense of rapid progress is encapsulated in this Special Issue, which contains 18 papers by scientists in botanical, crop sciences and related disciplines on the topic of crop domestication. One paper focuses on current themes in the genetics of crop domestication across crops, whereas other papers have a crop or geographic focus. One feature of progress in the sciences related to crop domestication is the availability of well-characterized germplasm resources in the global network of genetic resources centres (genebanks). Germplasm in genebanks is providing research materials for understanding domestication as well as for plant breeding. In this review, we highlight current genetic themes related to crop domestication. Impressive progress in this field in recent years is transforming plant breeding into crop engineering to meet the human need for increased crop yield with the minimum environmental impact - we consider this to be 'super-domestication'. While the time scale of domestication of 10 000 years or less is a very short evolutionary time span, the details emerging of what has happened and what is happening provide a window to see where domestication might - and can - advance in the future.  相似文献   

Yunnan is well known as a "Kingdom of Plant". Yunnan is also rich in natural resources of crop. Lots of studies on collection, conservation, protection, evaluation and utilization of crop genetic resources have been done in recent years. But there are some unfavourable factors, too. With the agricultural intensity, some new problem such as decreasing diversity, simplifying varieties and narrowing genetic basis of crop have arisen to restrict the development of agriculture in Yunnan. The only way to achieve a sustainable agriculture in Yunnan is doing our utmost to protect the crop diversity, develop new crop or new varieties and widen the genetic basis of crop varieties.  相似文献   

Temporal patterns of crop raiding by elephants were studied for 13 months in 1996/1997 at Kibale Forest National Park, Uganda. To determine the influence of environmental factors on the timing of raiding, we tested for correlations between crop raiding patterns and the quality of natural forage within the forest as well as crop availability beyond park boundaries. Crop raiding occurred throughout the year with peaks in dry seasons when crop availability was high. Bananas and maize were the main crops raided. Variations in forage quality were moderate with small seasonal fluctuations and peaks in dry seasons. Monthly crop raiding incidences were not influenced by forage quality but by ripening of maize. Comparison of forage quality and temporal distribution of crop raiding between savanna and forest habitats suggests that crop availability is more important in forest habitats, whereas in savanna habitats large seasonal fluctuations in forage quality have a greater influence on temporal patterns of crop raiding.  相似文献   

Crop raiding around Lake Mburo National Park, Uganda   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
In areas around Lake Mburo National Park, large wild animals wander in close proximity to human settlements. This poses serious conflict in terms of crop damage. The integration of conservation with other land uses is difficult where densely settled agricultural land surrounds a protected area potentially containing problem animals, as is the case for several parks in Africa and Asia. The intensity of crop raiding was quantified through the use of random crop quadrants/plots and area estimation techniques in a portion of raided fields. The animal species concerned were documented from observations, footprints and any other marks left behind. Three variables were tested as predictors of damage: human population density, distance from the park boundary and season. In this study, data is presented regarding crop loss in the different seasons of the year, analysis of crop damage variation and animal species involved in crop loss. A diverse assemblage of animals foraged on subsistence crops and analysis of crop damage revealed significant crop depreciation by wildlife.  相似文献   

The use, as opposed to the procurement, of transgenic crop plants is discussed in this paper. Transgenic crop plants must not be used until appropriate strategies for their use have been designed and not before crop plants with a variety of insect defenses have been developed. The use of a crop plant with a single defense will pose as strong a selection pressure as the use of a single synthetic insecticide, since insect herbivores are able to evolve effective counter-defenses. The defenses of insects in natural plant-insect associations and with regard to synthetic insecticides are described to demonstrate that there is nothing unique about insecticide resistance. It is the inevitable alternative to local extinction in response to a persistent and predictable selection pressure. Plants counteract insect defensive evolution by keeping the selection pressure as variable as possible. This leads to the conclusion that the best use of biotechnology in crop protection is to reintroduce chemical diversity into crop plants.  相似文献   

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