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政府究竟应承担何种福利责任?1970年代福利危机后,欧洲福利国家一直在反思该问题。通过选取ISSP"社会不平等"数据中的典型国家——英国、德国、瑞典和匈牙利——进行研究,论文发现由政府承担福利责任已经在不同福利体制国家中达成共识,绝大多数公民都赞成由政府承担福利责任。尽管如此,公民对政府应承担何种福利责任的态度仍然表现出差异性。论文发现福利体制并不是解释公民福利态度的唯一影响因素,个人自利与社会分层因素,对社会公平现状的判断也同样对福利态度有影响,而且影响的大小和方向根据不同的福利问题表现出差异性。由于福利态度被视为影响社会政策制定的重要因素之一,因此探讨福利态度及其影响因素对了解民意,制定合理的福利政策具有积极的意义。  相似文献   

一、引言 进入21世纪之后,当一些欧洲国家尤其是北欧瑞典等国家的福利制度弊病迭出时,后发展中的国家却在为福利与社会安全制度的如何构建劳神不已.在中国,与福利制度有关联的"福利权"、"福利国家"和"行政法的任务"等关键词不断地呈现在学者的论著、政府的工作报告甚至大众媒体之中,在相当程度上成了当下社会主流话语之一.  相似文献   

宪法上的福利权在美国宪法理论与司法实践中素有争议。受美国社会心理和文化传统的影响,早期美国社会福利政策被定位为政府公共救助政策。国家福利政策的持续性推进引起了社会文化观念的变革,奠定了福利权生成之社会基础。学术纷争与法官裁判则在客观上充当着"宪法上福利权"推动者的角色,从而促进福利政策向福利权利的转变。迈克曼等学者借助罗尔斯的正义论有力地论证了福利权的宪法正当性,并从建构宪法政治对话机制的角度阐释了"宪法福利权"的宪政功能。美国法上公民福利权演变为宪法权利的进程表明,宪法福利权的创设是历史的必然。在当今中国,这项权利同样为宪法机制的良性运行所不可或缺,我们需要采取积极措施加以应对。  相似文献   

性别福利体制是福利国家研究的主流议题之一。论文的研究目标是回顾性别福利体制并检视其性别平等效益,通过分析性别福利体制的三大理论视角的逻辑起点、概念工具、操作化指标、模式划分及其对应的解释力和缺陷,比较不同性别福利体制背后的政策假设、政策目标及其所欲形塑的家计承担模式、所能达成的性别平等效果。论文希望通过评析国外性别福利体制的发展及其在性别平等方面的影响,推动中国社会政策研究的性别维度和中国家庭政策的发展。  相似文献   

葛明 《法制与社会》2012,(35):295-296
人与动物和谐相处是现在各国普遍认同和关注的理念,西方国家关于动物福利法的理论和实践已日趋成熟,我国与之存在一定差距。随着宠物越来越多,宠物问题越来越成为社会问题。因此,对于宠物动物福利的研究显得愈发重要。本文从宠物动物的一般概述、我国在宠物动物福利立法方面的现状及存在的问题、我国进行宠物动物福利立法的必要性等方面展开讨论。  相似文献   

臧其胜 《公共行政评论》2016,(4):171-190,209-210
态度与政策的关系问题是社会政策设计中需要正确处理的基本问题,其核心是政府的责任,是福利态度研究的基本内容,但内地学界的相关讨论较少。论文基于福利态度研究的国际前沿,回顾并重新界定了概念,勾勒出研究的学术脉络。研究发现:福利态度的分析维度具有多重性与动态性,福利态度差异可以采用福利体制与福利文化的双重解释路径,据此提出了研究的本土意义,为后续研究提供了一个相对完整与专业的参照坐标,也为学术对话提供了知识基础。  相似文献   

性别福利体制是福利国家研究的主流议题之一。论文的研究目标是回顾性别福利体制并检视其性别平等效益,通过分析性别福利体制的三大理论视角的逻辑起点、概念工具、操作化指标、模式划分及其对应的解释力和缺陷,比较不同性别福利体制背后的政策假设、政策目标及其所欲形塑的家计承担模式、所能达成的性别平等效果。论文希望通过评析国外性别福利体制的发展及其在性别平等方面的影响,推动中国社会政策研究的性别维度和中国家庭政策的发展。  相似文献   

正社会福利是现代社会发展的重要方面,也是公共争议的重要议题。适度而周全的社会福利,对缩小贫富差距、维护社会稳定、促进经济发展具有积极作用。因此,现代政府都必须具备福利和再分配功能。第二次世界大战后,发达国家大多都形成了关于政府福利责任和福利功能的共识,进而推动了福利国家的发展。不过,福利国家的发展在上世纪70年代中期开始遭遇危机,战后福利共识瓦解,但由此也催生了福利国家和社会政策研究的新领域:福利态度调查  相似文献   

楼苏萍  王佃利 《公共行政评论》2016,(4):88-103,207-208
家庭在东亚国家的福利供给中扮演着重要角色。然而,快速发展的老龄化已经对东亚地区以家庭为首要责任主体的政策取向形成了巨大挑战。如何在快速老龄化的背景下回应需求增加与家庭功能弱化之间的矛盾,东亚地区国家面临着政策方向调整的压力。论文梳理了日本和韩国在老龄化过程中老年人福利政策的发展,从社会政策的家庭主义分析框架入手,讨论了以日韩两国为代表东亚福利体制家庭主义的变迁轨迹。论文认为,传统东亚的家庭主义是一种隐性的家庭主义,假定家庭是老年人福利状态的首要责任者,社会政策既不致力于增强家庭的功能,也不支持家庭之外的福利主体的作用发挥;伴随着老龄化,东亚家庭主义开始在增强家庭功能与寻求对家庭的替代两个方向上进行的政策努力,向自主的家庭主义靠近并形成自身特点。论文从具体社会政策角度切入讨论,超越传统从儒家文化与意识角度的探讨,使得家庭主义的变迁更容易被观察与分析,也为后续更为精确的量化分析提供了基础。  相似文献   

福利社会的斯堪的纳维亚模式在许多年来被看成是"蒂特马斯典范"①,即对社会政策制度化再分配模式实施的范例.然而,最近的改革趋势对这一假设提出了挑战.除了诸如削减开支之类的规则变化外,其他的变化尽管很多,如1990年代制度设置和福利国家目标的改变等;尽管和十几年甚至二十多年前比,斯堪的纳维亚福利国家的特征弱化了,且该模式正在趋于欧洲化,但其主要变化仍只是对现有模式的局部修正,而不是完全趋同于欧洲社会模式,因而并不意味着这一福利模式的终结,它仍然还是独树一帜的.一些新因素的出现仅仅是欧盟内部福利模式发挥着作用的表征.  相似文献   

This study explores the relationship between welfare policy variation in the United States following the introduction of Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF) and its relationship with various types of crime. While early studies of the effects of welfare assistance on crime consistently found a negative association, more recent examinations have complicated these findings. Nearly all prior research focuses on Aid for Families with Dependent Children or early years of TANF. Examining a longer time-series and using propensity score weighting to model the tendencies of states to select into more stringent welfare regimes, we find a strong association between states with greater levels of welfare restrictiveness and higher rates of violent crime. There is mixed evidence that this relationship also exists with property crimes.  相似文献   

Current debates concerning the viability of the welfare state evoke the question of the social bases of support of the welfare state. Past research has documented fairly consistent relationships between sociodemographic characteristics and attitudes toward welfare policies. Yet, the nature of these relationships is not well understood. In the paper we argue that the level of support for the welfare state is largely determined by the principles of distributive justice espoused by individuals as well as their images of society. We develop a theoretical framework, which outlines the structural relationship between social attributes, principles of justice, perceived conflict, and support for the welfare state. Using data from a recent population survey on the legitimation of inequality, conducted in Israel in 1999 (N = 1057), we test a number of hypotheses. For the empirical analysis we use structural equation modeling with multiple indicators. Our findings reveal substantial support for policies aimed at reducing inequality. At the same time we find strong support for rewards according to merit and unequal earnings distribution. The impact of social attributes on attitudes toward the welfare state is partially mediated by the justice principles and images of society.  相似文献   

从属性上分析。司法鉴定应当是政府着力提供的一种公共服务,具有公益属性,作为司法鉴定依托的司法鉴定机构应该以公益性建设为主导的价值方向。为侦查服务的侦查机关内设鉴定机构具有天然的公益性,但实践中出现的一系列问题也使其公益性出现偏位.从而引起人们对其公益性的质疑。在全国人大常委会《关于司法鉴定管理问题的决定》指引下的司法鉴定机构建设过程中,应该避免社会司法鉴定机构走向市场化的竞争域,从而保障鉴定意见这一法定证据的公正性、客观性和中立性。从现行鉴定体制出发,以建设国立司法鉴定机构为向导,使司法鉴定机构走向公益性的良性发展道路.是所要探讨的一个核心问题。国家级司法鉴定机构的公布,标志着我国司法鉴定机构公益性建设的开端.以此为契机,应认真思考公益性建设的进路。  相似文献   

环境公益诉讼制度构建若干问题探析   总被引:31,自引:0,他引:31  
史玉成 《现代法学》2004,26(3):156-160
作为环境法的法益基础,环境权在某种意义上是一种社会性权利,有权提起环境诉讼、维护环境公共利益是环境权从理论到实践基本标志。我国建立环境公益诉讼制度有其现实必要性。借鉴国外经验,立足于中国国情,可以通过对原告资格的适度放宽、举证责任的合理配置、诉讼途径之拓展、诉讼费用公平负担等方面进行制度创新,建立我国的环境公益诉讼制度。  相似文献   

European economic integration with a minimalist social policy at EU level was in part made possible by strong domestic labour market and social welfare institutions. The main contention of this paper is that EU market liberalisation was embedded within institutions of social citizenship at domestic level, which served to counter the liberalisation of the internal market. But this settlement has been put under strain. In addition to the challenges posed to the sustainability of European welfare states by the global economic crisis, the internal market jurisprudence of the Court of Justice casts doubt on the sustainability of the ‘embedded liberal bargain’. This paper focuses on the role of the Court, in particular in its jurisprudence on the interaction between (EU) market freedoms and (national) labour law, which undermines the ability of states to retain their regulatory autonomy over labour or social welfare law and, arguably, speeds up the unravelling of the ‘embedded liberal bargain’.  相似文献   

Current trends intensify the longstanding problem of how the rule of law should be institutionalized in the welfare state. Welfare programs are being redesigned to increase their capacities to adapt to rapidly changing conditions and to tailor their responses to diverse clienteles. These developments challenge the understanding of legal accountability developed in the Warren Court era. This article reports on an emerging model of accountable administration that strives to reconcile programmatic flexibility with rule-of-law values. The model has been developed in the reform of state child protective services systems, but it has potentially broad application to public law. It also has novel implications for such basic rule-of-law issues as the choice between rules and standards, the relation of bureaucratic and judicial control, the proper scope of judicial intervention into dysfunctional public agencies, and the justiciability of "positive" (or social and economic) rights.  相似文献   

This article analyzes divorce as a technology of governance in twentieth-century America in order to examine the emergence of a rights-based liberal welfare-state regime during the postwar era. The author offers an interpretation of the post–World War II "divorce boom" that challenges prevailing notions of postwar domestic tranquillity and highlights the legal formalization of family relations and the administration of the developing welfare state. The article posits an important shift in postwar public policy regarding divorce from the policing of public morality through family preservation to the regulation of public welfare through family structures. The legal consequences of this shift are explored at the local level by focusing on the "problem" of the Chicago divorce courts and the frustrated attempts of postwar reformers in Illinois to employ the traditional methods and rhetoric of Progressive Era reform. At the national level, the author examines the formulation of new governmental objectives and individual rights in the liberal welfare-state regime through an analysis of the United States Supreme Court's'decisions regarding migratory divorce.  相似文献   

Situational crime prevention has been met with considerable scepticism from academic criminologists primarily for its indifference to social welfare. It has been seen as contributing to a law-and-order agenda with its focus on making public places secure for business and as supplanting social welfare policies as means of responding to crime. But situational crime prevention contributes more to social welfare than sceptics allow and its advocates (may) believe. Situational crime prevention has enjoyed its fullest and robust expression, not in the free-market, neo-liberal environment of America, but within the leading welfare states of Norway, Sweden and Denmark. This essay considers the politics of the situational approach, the alleged benefits of social crime prevention, criminalisation of social policy, unplanned social welfare benefits, assumptions about the role of business, and concerns about privacy, surveillance and control. The discussion centres on the European experience: the UK, France, The Netherlands and the Nordic countries.
Paul KnepperEmail:

两种福利模式下的中西税权控制   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
西方发达国家的税权因应社会需求不断膨胀,从而引发了"福利法治国危机"。而中国在"单位型福利模式"的政策指引下,税权亦严重失范,但其问题更多地存在于公共支出柔性强、结构不合理等方面;因此,从宏观的比较视野观之,中西都面临着税权的有效规范与控制问题,但方法却是迥异的:西方欲通过控税实现"福利国"改造;中国则应以控税的方式探求适合自己的福利模式。  相似文献   

世界各国宪法保障社会福利有两种模式,一种是在宪法中列举各种社会权利的"社会权"保障模式,另一种是仅在宪法中明确建设社会国家的原则或者类似条款的"社会国"保障模式。从我国《宪法》的现有规定及其变迁、宪法的解释与学界的解读看,我国属于"社会权"模式。"社会权"保障模式的缺陷是随着民众追求平等意识的成长、市场机制的扩展和公民权利意识的增强,社会福利可能借助宪法无序、无限地扩张。通过淡化社会福利的权利性质、转变社会权的合宪性审查的方向、扩展反射利益推进社会福利以及贯彻宪法设立的可承受性、适度性原则,可以推进我国社会福利宪法保障模式由"社会权"模式向"社会国"模式转换。  相似文献   

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