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<正>甜玉米罐头在国际市场上是畅销的大宗商品,目前世界贸易量已接近10万吨,在蔬菜罐头中仅次于芦笋罐头。甜玉米罐头之所以赢得人们的喜爱是由于甜玉米含糖量高,含有各种氨基酸,特别是蛋自质中的赖氨酸较平衡。制成罐头营养价值高,适口性好和它所独特的清  相似文献   

近年来,养宠物已经逐渐成为一种时尚,越来越多的家庭开始饲养宠物。宠物主人对待宠物也格外上心,像对待自己的孩子一样照顾。养宠物时需要给宠物喂食它们喜欢的食物,于是宠物食品受到越来越多人的关注,宠物食品行业也因此逐步发展。本文主要从宠物食品的分类、成分、安全、市场、品牌、适口性等作简要概述。  相似文献   

在美国,宠物主人们日益要求喂食宠物健康而适口性好,并具有人类口味的宠物食品。诚如代表着全美宠物食品制造厂商的美国宠物食品协会副总裁Steve Payne说的那样,越来越多的消费者趋于用与人类食物类型相同的宠物物食品喂食爱宠。他们总认为如果自己能吃,那么狗狗也应该能吃。  相似文献   

鹌鹑肉营养丰富,味道鲜美,芳香适口,一向被列为野味之上品,是生产罐头的好原料,本文对原汁鹌鹑罐头的生产工艺、操作要求,质量指标及注意事项作了详细的阐述。  相似文献   

阐述桔子罐头生产工艺质量要求及控制方法,桔子采用温州密柑品种为原料,通过去皮、去核、酸碱处理、挑选、分级、漂洗,用三片马口铁罐装罐、加汤汁、封罐、杀菌制成桔子罐头。罐头成品全去囊衣,具有原果香味,甜酸适口,质嫩,食之有脆感。  相似文献   

香菜心罐头是由莴苣菜心经腌制成坯再经调味加工制成的酱菜类罐头。由于组织脆嫩,风味鲜美适口而颇受人们欢迎,并销往国外。过去只有少数主要厂家能生产,质量保证、供不应求。现有很多乡镇企业也纷纷生产,厂家众多,但质量不能达到受人青睐的香菜心罐头标准,甚至名不符实,使其声誉下降。这里对香菜心罐头生产过程中影响产品质量的问题进行探讨。  相似文献   

以斑鰶鱼为原料,经腌渍、调味、烘制、油炸、酱制、真空封口和杀菌工序,制得斑鰶鱼软罐头,产品含水55.3%、蛋白质29.4%、脂肪9.6%、灰分5.7%。斑鰶鱼软罐头具有营养丰富,色泽美观,肉质紧密,酱香浓郁,鲜香适口的特点。  相似文献   

甜酸瓜罐头是我们厂最近开发的罐头新品种,它采用成熟的种黄瓜为原料,经去皮、去籽等工序加工而成。其特点是瓜体组织细嫩,口感似桃、苹果等水果罐头,甜酸适口,尤其经过一个月贮藏后,更显示出甜酸  相似文献   

苦菜罐头生产中若干问题的探讨   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
吴彩娥  刘军 《食品科学》1994,(12):25-27
对苦菜罐头生产中易出现的褪色、味咸而不香、杀菌不足的问题进行了探讨。试验证明采用一定浓度的亚硫酸钠、碳酸氢钠溶液对原料进行热烫护色、在汤料中加入一定的糖和香味物质、并降低pH值和高温杀菌,可以制出色泽翠绿、均匀一致、咸淡适口、香味浓郁的苦菜罐头。  相似文献   

正开猫罐工具?别开玩笑,做猫奴这么多年,别的不敢说,徒手开猫罐的本事总还是有的!那么,马上来和我们的开罐利器比较一下身手,如何?宠物多功能开罐勺/多格漫特别为猫咪和狗狗主人设计的开罐头利器,不仅能让主人更轻松地挑起罐头拉环,打开罐头,彻底挖出罐头边角的碎肉,勺柄上的裂口还能用来清理喵软包中残留的汤汗和肉肉,不让任何一点肉肉或者汤冻浪费掉。  相似文献   

Mycotoxin contamination in pet food poses a serious health threat to pets, causing an emotional and economical concern to the pet owners. Aflatoxins, ochratoxins, trichothecenes, zearalenone, fumonisins and fusaric acid have been found in the ingredients and final products of pet food, resulting in both acute toxicity and chronic health problems in pets. Toxicological interaction among mycotoxins as a natural mixture further complicates the issue. The concepts of "risk assessment", using hazard identification, dose-response assessment, no observable adverse effect level (NOAEL), and lowest observed adverse effect level (LOAEL), should be applied to assess the risk and safety of mycotoxins in pet food, thereby instilling public confidence in the pet food industry.  相似文献   

Recent Salmonella outbreaks associated with dry pet food and treats raised the level of concern for these products as vehicle of pathogen exposure for both pets and their owners. The need to characterize the microbiological and risk profiles of this class of products is currently not supported by sufficient specific data. This systematic review summarizes existing data on the main variables needed to support an ingredients-to-consumer quantitative risk model to (1) describe the microbial ecology of bacterial pathogens in the dry pet food production chain, (2) estimate pet exposure to pathogens through dry food consumption, and (3) assess human exposure and illness incidence due to contact with pet food and pets in the household. Risk models populated with the data here summarized will provide a tool to quantitatively address the emerging public health concerns associated with pet food and the effectiveness of mitigation measures. Results of such models can provide a basis for improvements in production processes, risk communication to consumers, and regulatory action.  相似文献   

试论天然抑菌剂乳链菌肽(Nisin)在罐头食品中的应用   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
根据乳链菌肽(Nisin)对食品中的革兰氏阳性菌有明显的抑制作用的原理,将其应用于肉类罐头、蔬菜罐头中后发现,由于乳链菌肽的良好的抑菌作用,可大大降低罐头食品的杀菌强度,在节约能源的同时,更重要的是提高了产品的品质,保证了产品的安全性。  相似文献   

天然食品防腐剂——乳链菌肽(Nisin)   总被引:6,自引:2,他引:6  
乳链菌肽是某些乳酸链球菌产生的一种天然食品防腐剂,它强烈抑制许多引起食品腐败的革兰氏阳性菌的生长,繁殖,并对人体安全无毒。已被广泛应用于热加工食品,尤其是罐头食品,奶制品,高蛋白食品和乙醇饲料的防腐保鲜。此外,加入乳链菌肽还可降低食品加工过程中的能源消耗,改进食品的营养价值,外观,风味和质地,延长货架寿命。对乳链菌肽的应用和开发将具有重大的经济效益和社会效益。  相似文献   

目的 通过对国内外罐头食品安全标准中的安全指标进行对比分析,为我国罐头行业的发展及管理提供参考。方法 收集中国、国际食品法典委员会(CAC)、欧盟和美国四个国家和组织制定的有关罐头食品安全指标的相关标准及法规,从组胺、污染物、生物毒素、食品添加剂以及其他指标分别进行综述与对比分析。结果 在组胺的安全限量要求方面,美国相关的法规中并未规定,而中国和CAC在鱼类罐头相关标准中规定了其限量;在污染物安全限量要求方面,中国的规定较为完善,对各类罐头食品及食品接触材料中污染物限量规定比其他国家或组织更为全面;在生物毒素安全限量要求方面,仅中国、美国有明确要求;在罐头食品种类、可使用的食品添加剂品种及其功能和使用要求方面,中国、CAC、欧盟类似,美国的规定完全不同。结论 过程控制是罐头食品安全控制的本质,为今后我国食品领域的标准制修订工作提供思考,值得我国罐头食品生产行业学习和借鉴。我国应从原辅料、生产加工设备及食品接触材料等方面加强罐头食品中污染物的防控,进一步建立和健全食品安全风险控制及追溯体系。  相似文献   

Furan (C4H4O) is a volatile compound formed during the Maillard reaction and was recently classified as a possible human carcinogen (group 2B) by the International Agency for Research on Cancer. It has been reported to occur in various canned and jarred foods that undergo heat treatment. The aim of the present study was to optimise the sample preparation for furan analysis using solid phase microextraction–gas chromatography/mass spectrometry (SPME–GC/MS), according to the food matrix. We also performed the monitoring and risk assessment of furan in various food products. The optimised fibre exposure temperatures, time and amount of sample of liquid, semi solid and paste state foods were 5 g (ml), 50 °C, and 20 min, respectively. The level of furan in canned meat (32.16 ng/g) was the highest among the samples studied. The furan levels in canned fish, canned vegetable, nutritional/diet drinks, canned soups and jarred sauces were 29.40, 22.86, 7.28, 18.54 and 21.52 ng/g, respectively. Furan concentrations in baby food products were between 3.43 and 97.21 ng/g. Exposure estimates (14.59 ng/kg bw/day) of baby foods was the highest among all the tested food samples. However, the exposure estimate of baby foods was lower than that prescribed by the US FDA.  相似文献   

<正> 罐头食品是当今世界现代食品工业中一个重要的食品种类。目前我国罐头食品工业与国际先进水平相比还存在较大差距,其发展受制于国际贸易市场。因此必须依靠技术创新和大力开发国内市场来加快我国罐头工业的发展,必须改变我国罐头产业一味依赖出口市场为主的发展方式。相信随着我国经济的不断快速发展和生活水平的提高,罐头食品在我国的消费将会不断上升。我国罐头食品工业起步于建国初期,主要发展于改革开放时期,在八十年代末受国际市场的影响,一直到九十年代曾一  相似文献   

本文探索了固液混装罐头食品的传热特性。应用CS—2型温度信息处理机测定了固液混装罐头食品的固体和汤汁中心冷点温度值。编了计算机程序,计算传热过程的参数j,f值。建立一系列的固体和汤汁冷点处的传热方程和确立罐头食品的固液传热比方程,可预测固体中心温度值,百分误差在允许范围内。本文提出的方法是一种较理想的预测固体中心温度方法,可供制订合理杀菌工艺条件之用。  相似文献   

Extrusion cooking is commonly used to produce dry pet foods. As a process involving heat treatment, extrusion cooking can have both beneficial and detrimental effects on the nutritional quality of the product. Desirable effects of extrusion comprise increase in palatability, destruction of undesirable nutritionally active factors and improvement in digestibility and utilisation of proteins and starch. Undesirable effects of extrusion include reduction of protein quality due to e.g. the Maillard reaction, decrease in palatability and loss of heat‐labile vitamins. Effects of extrusion processing on the nutritional values of feeds for livestock have been well documented. Literature results concerning effects of extrusion on dry pet foods, however, are scarce. The present review discusses the results of studies investigating the impact of extrusion cooking on the nutritional quality of dry pet foods. Copyright © 2008 Society of Chemical Industry  相似文献   

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