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利用SF_6示踪技术测试煤层瓦斯抽采半径   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为了合理布置煤层抽放钻孔数量,采用SF6示踪技术测定煤层瓦斯抽采半径。沿煤层布置一排试验钻孔,选定其中某几个孔作为SF6释放孔,其余作为抽采试验孔,在一定的抽采负压条件下,通过观测抽采试验孔的瓦斯浓度随时间的变化情况,可以确定煤层瓦斯抽采半径。在朱集矿的试验中,通过一个月的连续观测,测得该矿11-2煤层瓦斯抽采半径可以达到5 m。利用SF6示踪气体可以较好的测定煤层瓦斯抽采半径。  相似文献   

为了提高顺煤层钻孔瓦斯抽采效果,在分析井下煤层水力压裂技术发展现状及其增透机理的基础上,结合定向长钻孔施工技术与煤层水力压裂增透强化抽采技术,提出了顺煤层定向长钻孔裸孔坐封、水力压裂增透技术工艺。鉴于赵固二矿二1煤层中等偏硬、厚度大、瓦斯含量高等特征,选择该矿井二1煤层进行长钻孔整体压裂试验。结果表明:采用煤层长钻孔孔内封隔器裸孔坐封方式能够满足赵固二矿水力压裂煤层段密封需要;注水压裂过程压力上升平稳,泵压和流量达到设计要求;工具串回收过程无塌孔和卡阻现象,顺层长钻孔孔内封隔器裸孔坐封和压裂工艺达到预期目标;整体水力压裂影响半径最大达到38 m(单侧),压裂钻孔百米钻孔瓦斯抽采量比常规顺层钻孔有了较大提升。  相似文献   

为揭示瓦斯在本煤层抽采时的渗流机理,开展了煤岩体变形与瓦斯渗流相互作用规律研究.根据煤层瓦斯渗流特性,考虑渗透率的动态变化过程,研究裂隙瓦斯渗流、微孔隙吸附瓦斯解吸扩散和煤岩体变形等过程,建立耦合渗流模型.针对特定矿井抽采煤层的瓦斯地质条件,进行了耦合模型的数值模拟研究.结果表明:抽采初期瓦斯压力下降较快,抽采稳定后下降趋缓,距抽采孔越远下降梯度越小,有效抽采半径约为3m.现场实验孔距6m顺层瓦斯抽采,抽采稳定时瓦斯纯量达5~7m3/min,抽采效果较理想.  相似文献   

基于地质构造对瓦斯灾害的控制作用,研究了不渗透小断层群的瓦斯赋存及抽采特点,总结出精细预测不渗透小断层群的还原对比法,提出了穿层钻孔定点旋转割缝强化抽采瓦斯方法.通过对平煤股份八矿井田内大型断裂和小断层的调查分析,确定了区域煤体受压扭性构造应力场控制,结合穿层钻孔施工数据,对己15-14140机巷区域煤层底板进行了高精度还原,与瓦斯动力现象对比分析后,预测巷道Ⅶ区(465~525m)存在不渗透小断层群,并在该区域采用定点旋转割缝强化抽采瓦斯方法进行了现场试验.结果表明:不渗透小断层群存在区域超量瓦斯富集现象,采用穿层钻孔定点旋转割缝强化抽采瓦斯方法后,构造区域煤体整体卸压,裂隙系统生长、扩容,煤体透气性增大至原来的297倍,70d单孔累计抽采瓦斯达9 750m3,取得了显著的效果.  相似文献   

地面群孔瓦斯抽采技术应用研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为保证新集一矿突出煤层13-1煤北中央采区的安全开采,先后开采131103、131105等11-2煤层工作面作为保护层。首先在上述两个工作面共布置了6个地面钻孔,建立了地面群孔瓦斯抽采系统,预抽采动区被保护层13-1煤瓦斯。接下来对地面钻孔抽采瓦斯参数进行了考察,主要包括基于示踪技术考察了131105工作面采动卸压地面钻孔走向及倾向瓦斯抽采半径,统计分析被保护层瓦斯抽采率,同时就地面群孔与井下底板巷穿层钻孔瓦斯抽采两种方法进行了抽采率、工程费用等方面的对比。研究结果表明:新集一矿的地层条件下地面钻孔抽采煤层卸压瓦斯沿煤层倾向和走向的抽采半径分别不小于160m和240m;采动区地面群孔瓦斯抽采率达35%以上;地面钻孔相对比井下底板巷,在抽采瓦斯方面具有技术上可靠、安全、经济等优点。  相似文献   

为考察水力冲孔卸压增透技术的消突效果,在潘二煤矿A组煤底抽巷穿层钻孔中进行试验。在煤层段每米冲孔时间不低于60min条件下,单孔冲出煤量约2.0t/m,可形成直径约1.3m孔洞,水力冲孔后钻孔周围的卸压范围显著增加,钻孔瓦斯抽采量提高3倍,透气性系数由原来0.19m2/(MPa2.d)提高到1.71m2/(MPa2.d),钻孔流量衰减系数降为冲孔前的1/3,有效影响半径达到5m,降低了瓦斯突出潜能和危险性,卸压增透效果明显。  相似文献   

为确定瓦斯抽采合理钻孔间距,有效减少或消除抽采空白带,基于瓦斯抽采相关标准与行业规范,以突出煤层采煤工作面瓦斯含量临界值、采煤工作面回采前煤体可解吸瓦斯含量、采煤工作面瓦斯抽采率和预抽率作为抽采达标的4项基本指标,根据4项基本指标计算得出残余瓦斯含量最小值,将其作为考察指标,对顺层钻孔瓦斯抽采有效半径测定方法进行探索,提出阶梯式测定法.使用该测定法对山西霍尔辛赫煤业有限责任公司3号煤层瓦斯抽采有效半径进行现场测试,同时基于含瓦斯煤的流固耦合动态模型对测试结果进行数值模拟验证.结果表明:阶梯式测定法现场测试结果与数值模拟结果基本吻合,在该矿合理预抽期内,抽采有效半径为1.52 m,合理钻孔间距为2.50 m.研究结果对于完善瓦斯抽采有效半径测定方法、确保瓦斯抽采达标具有参考作用.  相似文献   

为了研究两种钻孔有效抽采半径之间存在的差异,以朱集西煤矿11-2煤层为例,采用压力降低法测定了穿层钻孔的有效抽采半径,采用SF6气体示踪现场实测结合COMSOL软件模拟的方法测试了同一煤层顺层钻孔的有效抽采半径。现场测试结果表明,试验煤层在13 k Pa抽采负压、抽采90 d的条件下,穿层钻孔和顺层钻孔的有效抽采半径分别为4.5 m和7.8 m,穿层钻孔的有效抽采半径明显小于顺层钻孔的有效抽采半径,这对抽采设计中合理选择钻孔间距具有十分重要的意义。  相似文献   

针对高瓦斯低渗透煤层工作面瓦斯抽采与灾害控制难题,以土城矿15311综采工作面为研究对象,首先,初步分析了工作面瓦斯涌出来源,运用分源预测法预测了其瓦斯涌出含量,接着针对性地在3#煤层运用了顺层钻孔、底抽巷穿层钻孔、高位钻场以及采空区埋管等多种抽采方法,并联合工作面配风提出了立体瓦斯防治技术。最后,通过施工底抽巷截留钻孔对底抽巷溢出瓦斯进行截留抽放,考察了抽采效果。结果表明:15311综采工作面瓦斯来源主要为3#煤层和下邻近层,瓦斯抽采总量为45.4 m3/min,瓦斯抽采率为85.33%,回风流中瓦斯浓度未超过1%,瓦斯抽采达标,有效地控制了工作面高瓦斯的涌出。  相似文献   

瓦斯抽采对于立井揭突出煤层起到重要的作用,准确的确定钻孔瓦斯有效抽采半径和合理的在待抽煤层中布置抽采钻场对煤层消突具有关键性作用。基于多孔介质中流体流动达西定律理论,采用COMSOL Multiphysics软件对该煤层瓦斯抽采进行了模拟。模拟结果表明,此煤层的瓦斯有效抽采半径为3 m,随着抽采时间的增加,煤层瓦斯压力逐渐的降低,但降低的速率会逐渐的减小。瓦斯抽采30天后,其残余的瓦斯压力为0.18 MPa ,这与现场实测的最大残余瓦斯压力0.2 MPa相接近,这说明了模型的可信性,其模拟结果可为瓦斯抽采设计提供参考。  相似文献   

Pressure relief to increase permeability significantly improves gas extraction efficiency from coal seams. In this paper we report results from simulations using FLAC3D code to analyze changes in coal displacement and stress after special drill slots were formed. We investigated the mechanism of pressure relief and permeability increase in a high-gas and low-permeability coal seam through the modeling of gas flow. This allows the development of the technology. Slotting across rock layers in the coal seam with a rotary type cutter was then applied in the field. The results show that pressure relief and permeability increases from slotting the coal seam can increase the transport and the fracture of the coal. This expands the range of pressure relief from the drilling and increases the exposed area of the seam. The total quantity of gas extracted from slotted bore holes was three times that seen with ordinary drilling. The concentration of gas extracted from the slotted drills was from two to three times that seen using ordinary drills. The gas flow was stable at 80%. Improved permeability and more efficient gas extraction are the result of the slotting. The roadway development rate is increased by 30–50% after gas drainage. This technology diminishes the lag between longwall production and roadway development and effectively prevents coal and gas outburst, which offers the prospect of broad application.  相似文献   

Hydraulic slotting can induce drill spray in a gassy, low permeability coal seam. This then influences subsequent gas extraction. This paper describes the drill spray phenomenon from a mechanical perspective and analyzes the effects of water jet damage during slotting. A simulation of the stresses around the drill hole and slot was prepared using FLAC-3D code. It helps explain the induction of drill spray during hydraulic slotting. The stress concentration around the bore increases as the diameter of the hole increases. As the hole enlarges the variation in stress also increases, which introduces an instability into the coal. This allows easy breaking and removal of the coal. Destruction of the coal structure by the water jet is the major factor causing drill spray. Energy stored as either strain or gas pressure is released by the water jet and this causes the coal to fracture and be expelled from the hole. Field tests showed the effect on gas extraction after slotting with drill spray. The concentration of gas increases after drilling. Compared to conventional techniques, the hydraulic slotted bore gives a gas concentration three times higher and has an effective range twice as far. This makes the gas extraction process more efficient and allows reduced construction effort.  相似文献   

This paper takes Zhaozhuang mine in Shanxi province as an example to study the technology of hydraulic reaming drill hole for improving the gas extraction. The influence of the physical properties of coal seam on the hydraulic reaming drill holes and the draining of coal mine gas were analyzed and discussed for different coal structure areas, and the following conclusions were made. Hydraulic drill hole reaming has had a positive impact in Zhaozhuang Mine, and can improve the efficiency of gas extraction to different degrees. The water jet pressure used in hydraulic drill hole reaming mainly depends on the structure of the coal. When the coal seam basically becomes integrated, the critical water jet pressure increases, the discharge becomes relatively easy to achieve, the blocking effect on the gas extraction decreases, and the gas extraction significantly increases after the reaming process. When the coal seam is broken, the critical water jet pressure decreases, the discharge becomes difficult to achieve, the blocking effect on the gas extraction becomes obvious, and the gas extraction changes slightly after reaming.  相似文献   

A method of hydraulic grid slotting and hydraulic fracturing was proposed to enhance the permeability of low permeability coal seam in China. Micro-structural development and strength characteristics of coal were analysed to set up the failure criterion of coal containing water and gas, which could describe the destruction rule of coal containing gas under the hydraulic measures more accurately. Based on the theory of transient flow and fluid grid, the numerical calculation model of turbulence formed by high pressure oscillating water jet was used. With the high speed photography test, dynamic evolution and pulsation characteristics of water jet water analysed which laid a foundation for mechanism analysis of rock damage under water jet. Wave equation of oscillating water jet slotting was established and the mechanism of coal damage by the impact stress wave under oscillation jet was revealed. These provide a new method to study the mechanism of porosity and crack damage under high pressure jet.Fracture criterion by jet slotting was established and mechanism of crack development controlled by crack zone between slots was found. The fractures were induced to extend along pre-set direction,instead of being controlled by original stress field. The model of gas migration through coal seams after the hydraulic measures for grid slotting and fracking was established. The key technology and equipment for grid slotting and fracking with high-pressure oscillating jet were developed and applied to coal mines in Chongqing and Henan in China. The results show that the gas permeability of coal seam is enhanced by three orders of magnitude, efficiency of roadway excavation and mining is improved by more than 57%and the cost of gas control is reduced by 50%.  相似文献   

Aiming at the uncontrollable problem of extension direction of coal seam hydraulic fracturing, this study analyzed the course of fractures variation around the boreholes in process of hydraulic fracturing, and carried out the numerical simulations to investigate the effect of artificial predetermined fractures on stress distribution around fractured holes. The simulation results show that partial coal mass occurs relatively strong shear failure and forms weak surfaces, and then fractures extended along the desired direction while predetermined fractures changed stress distribution. Directional fracturing makes the fractures link up and the pressure on coal mass is relieved within fractured regions. Combining deep hole controlling blasting with hydraulic fracturing was proposed to realize the extension guiding-controlling technology of coal seam fractures. Industrial experiments prove that this technology can avoid local stress concentration and dramatically widen the pressure relief scope of deep hole controlling blasting. The permeability of fractured coal seam increased significantly, and gas extraction was greatly improved. Besides, regional pressure relief and permeability increase was achieved in this study.  相似文献   

Difficulties with soft coal seams having a high gas content and high stress levels can be addressed by a technology of pressure relief and permeability increase. Slotting the seam by auxiliary drilling with a water jet that breaks the coal and slots the coal seam during the process of retreat drilling achieves pressure relief and permeability increase. Improved efficiency of gas extraction from a field test, high gas coal seam was observed. Investigating the theory of pressure relief and permeability increase required analyzing the characteristics of the double power slotting process and the effects of coal pressure relief and permeability increase. The influence of confining pressure on coal physical properties was examined by using FLAC3D software code to simulate changes of coal stress within the tool destruction area. The double power joint drilling method was modeled. Field experiments were performed and the effects are analyzed. This research shows that there is an “islanding effect” in front of the joint double power drill and slotting equipment. The failure strength of the coal seam is substantially reduced within the tool destruction area. Drilling depths are increased by 72% and the diameter of the borehole is increased by 30%. The amount of powdered coal extracted from the drill head increases by 17 times when using the new method. A 30 day total flow measurement from the double power drilled and slotted bores showed that gas extraction increased by 1.3 times compared to the standard drilled bores. Gas concentrations increased from 30% to 60% and were more stable so the overall extraction efficiency increased by a factor of two times.  相似文献   

Multiple coal seams widely develop in the deep Chinese coal-bearing strata. Ground in situ stress and coal seam gas pressure increase continuously with the increase of the mining depth, and coal and gas outburst disasters become increasingly severe. When the coal is very deep, the gas content and pressure will elevate and thus coal seams tends to outburst-prone seams. The safety and economics of exploited firstmined coal seams are tremendously restricted. Meanwhile, the multiple seams occurrence conditions resulted in different methane pressure systems in the coal-bearing strata, which made the reservoir reconstruction of coal difficult. Given the characteristics of low saturation, low permeability, strong anisotropy and soft coal of Chinese coal seams, a single hydraulic fracturing surface well for reservoir reconstruction to pre-drain the coalbed methane(CBM) of multiple seams concurrently under the different gas pressure systems has not yet gained any breakthroughs. Based on analyses of the main features of deep CBM reservoirs in China, current gas control methods and the existing challenges in deep and multiple seams, we proposed a new technology for deep CBM reservoir reconstruction to realize simultaneous high-efficiency coal mining and gas extraction. In particular, we determined the first-mined seam according to the principles of effectiveness and economics, and used hydraulic fracturing surface well to reconstruct the first-mined seam which enlarges the selection range of the first-mined seam. During the process of mining first-mined seam, adjacent coal seams could be reconstructed under the mining effect which promoted high-efficiency pressure relief gas extraction by using spatial and comprehensive gas drainage methods(combination of underground and ground CBM extraction methods). A typical integrated reservoir reconstruction technology, ‘‘One well for triple use", was detailed introduced and successfully applied in the Luling coal mine. The application showed that the proposed technology could effectively promote coal mining safety and simultaneously high-efficiency gas extraction.  相似文献   

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