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为有效地保护近4000多万人(包括广州、深圳、香港和东莞)饮用的东江水资源,广东省东莞市环保局继2006年叫停383宗污染项目后,2007年将计划分期分批关闭241家辑染企业(包括港企)。此外,还在东江等取水点划定64个水源保护区。  相似文献   

科隆测量仪器(上海)有限公司作为全球一流的仪表供应商,于2010年1月成功取得了“广东东江与水库联网供水水源”工程项目中的电磁流量计部分的订单,为东江与水库联调提供了8套直径达3m的大口径电磁流量计。科隆将为此工程项目提供高品质的产品,保障“东江与水库联网供水水源工程”充分利用当地水资源。同时,这一订单使得科隆公司在中国生产并销售的直径达3m(DN3000)的电磁流量计达到18套。  相似文献   

2013年11月22日,由广东省制冷学会、广东省土木建筑学会暖通空调专业委员会、中国勘察设计协会建筑环境与设备分会广东省委员会主办,广州恒星冷冻机械制造有限公司协办的第四届“恒星”空调制冷节能设计大赛在“2013年广东省暖通与制冷学术交流年会”上举行了隆重的颁奖仪式,颁奖仪式由广州大学冀兆良教授主持。恒星集团董事长袁博洪、刘展东总经理、袁嘉仪副总经理、广东省制冷学会的领导们等为获奖者颁发奖杯和获奖证书。  相似文献   

科隆测量仪器(上海)有限公司 科隆测量仪器(上海)有限公司作为全球一流的仪表供应商,于2010年1月,成功取得了“广东东江与水库联网供水水源”工程项目中的电磁流量计部分的订单,为东江与水库联调提供了8套直径达3m的大口径电磁流量计。科隆(KROHNE)将为此工程项目提供高品质的产品,保障了“东江与水库联网供水水源工程”充分利用当地水资源,以丰补枯,提高供水保证率;改善水质;有力保障当地454万人口的供水安全。  相似文献   

香港再查出内地产有毒胶囊铬含量超标达16倍 据香港文汇报报道,香港卫生署目前公布,由健力(股份)贸易有限公司进口的中成药“麒麟牌”感冒清胶囊(注册编号:HKP-01895)(左图),铬含量超标逾16倍。基于公众安全,厂方将会回收市面上约3,000盒的“麒麟牌”感冒清胶囊;同厂另一款名为“京牌”感冒清胶囊(注册编号:HKP.01897)(右图)亦一并回收。  相似文献   

2011年12月2日,由广东省制冷学会、广东省土木建筑学会暖通空调专业委员会、中国勘察设计协会建筑环境与设备分会广东省委员会主办,广州恒星冷冻机械制造有限公司协办的第三届“恒星”中央空调节能设计大赛在广州大学城演艺中心举行了隆重的颁奖仪式。  相似文献   

2000年广东省用户满意产品评选结果根据国务院《关于进一步加强产品质量工作若干问题的决定》中关于“要不断总结、推广质量管理先进经验,表彰先进企业和个人”及全国用户委员会中质用字[2000]第3号文的精神,通过广东省各地区、行业质量管理协会推荐,经广大用户评议和广东省用户委员会综合审评,评选出了一批2000年“广东省用户满意企业,广东省用户满意产品,广东省用户满意服务”单位,制冷空调行业榜上有名的单位如下:(1)2000年广东省用户满意企业为:广州华凌空调设备有限公司金羚电器有限公司(佛山)(2)…  相似文献   

广东省顺德市包装装潢印刷厂副厂长、设计师林锡洪先生,在包装设计中,大胆探索包装设计的中国风格与时代气息的结合。几年来,为广东食品包装设计了获中南星金、银奖的优秀作品,金麒麟腊味包装获银奖作品的设计,一改传  相似文献   

Salsa一词源于西班牙语,中文常称为萨萨、莎莎或者萨尔萨。原本是南美人嗜好的一种辣椒调味酱,现在泛指一种拉丁音乐及其衍生的舞蹈。Salsa舞“舞如其名”,十足“热辣”,充满了年轻人所特有的热情和奔放特点。  相似文献   

笔者在参加川气东送的天然气长输管线的管道检测,分析长输管道的连头及“金口”焊接中出现裂纹原因,提出解决在长输管道施工最后连头焊口焊接的具体措施,经现场施工验证,该措施较好的解决问题,保证了长输管线的施工质量。  相似文献   

李微  倪春洪 《包装工程》2022,43(24):277-286
目的 随着数字技术在非物质文化遗产保护中的不断应用,越来越多的非物质文化遗产研究重点已经从传统的静态保存转向动态创意的开发和传播。在非物质文化遗产保护政策下,“5G+互联网”与文创产业产生巨大共鸣,传承民族文化功能的文创产品设计不断涌现,为非物质文化遗产保护工作提供了有效发展的新路径。方法 采用文献综述、基因提取法、田野调查法和问卷分析法,从用户体验设计角度出发,提炼岭南舞狮在造型因子、色彩因子、寓意因子方面的突出特点,构建数字化文创平台,提出岭南舞狮数字文创设计策略,将地域文化、科教知识以共享化、情感化方式传播。结论 岭南舞狮文化的精神内核是与现实文化和大众文化相融合,使舞狮文化成为一种活态化传承,非物质文化呈现形式的多样性践行了中国传统舞狮文化新时代的文化使命、丰富了我国非遗项目内容。  相似文献   

Participation in inclusive dance can have positive results for different groups of people with special needs, including those with mobility impairments. The purpose of study is to analyze the level of physical development and psychomotor skills of students with developmental disorders of the musculoskeletal system at different stages of inclusive dance classes. A model of a teacher using a Bayesian network has been developed to assess the level of physical fitness at different stages of training. The study involved 30 participants. There were two groups of students aged 17–19. Group 1included students engaged in inclusive dance classes for six months while Group 2 consisted of students having attended 2–3 classes before the study. The students were interviewed. In terms of the level of physical fitness, significant differences were revealed between Group 1 and Group 2 in favor of Group 1. Regular inclusive dance classes help to improve students' physical fitness and, consequently, their overall coordination of movements. Improvement in overall physical health should be explored more deeply in further research.  相似文献   

The author introduces a successful corporate image design sample of Shenzhen Power Creator CI Design Co.Ltd.The project is the whole systematic package of MI,BI and VI of Dongjiang Group ,which represent and conform the value of the corporate .Power Creator believes that the image of a company is a relationship ,including the relationships amidst corrporate ,clients,consumers ,government ,suppliers and the whole society ,and its establishment is a systematic project.Accordingly ,the image design should let the value expose and should form a system so as to create the power .  相似文献   

VIA is a mobile art project (video-dance and computational music) semiotically translated to photographic media by means of formal constraints derived from selected properties of Rio de Janeiro’s predefined downtown routes. Under the constraints of street buildings and the morphology of the routes, questions regarding the influence of the bodily movements of the urban space led to the creation of a dance typology. This typology is related to pedestrians in the area and to the structure of the buildings spans where the performance happened. The dance movements captured in the videos were restricted and regulated by the physical environment and its main features. Here, an intersemiotic translation of a mobile art project to a photographic essay is presented and described. It strongly relates, and tentatively explores, both an artistic research praxis and a theoretical discussion. The essay explores an analogous semiotic effect from the VIA project on the photographic essay as a result of this investigation.  相似文献   

Motion simulation platforms are often used to study the effects of moving environments on the postural stability of maritime workers. During motion simulation studies, the effects of previous experience are not often considered when recruiting control participants. Previous experience in motion simulation studies may violate assumptions of novice participants, and previous experiences in activities that regularly challenge balance may also influence performance. Thus, the purpose of this study was to investigate the effects of previous participation in motion simulation studies or previous skill training (specifically dance) on postural stability and lower limb neuromuscular activity in a simulated ocean environment. Thirty-seven participants were recruited; 12 participants with previous motion bed experience, 13 dancers, and 12 control participants. Results indicated that both motion bed experience and dance training had significantly better postural stability performance and decreased lower limb muscle activity compared to truly inexperienced control subjects during motion simulation testing.  相似文献   

以上海国际舞蹈中心为例,主要介绍了1004座舞蹈剧院的空调系统设计,通风、防排烟系统,并结合舞蹈剧院特点和过往项目运行情况做了设计小结。  相似文献   

Introduction Secondary hyperparathyroidism (SHPT) develops in patients with chronic renal failure. Cinacalcet hydrochloride has been used successfully in U.S., Europe, and Japan in the treatment of SHPT, while maintaining serum levels of calcium and phosphorus. The efficacy and safety profile of Cinacalcet treatment vs. conventional treatments has been of great interest in clinical practice. In this recent phase III study conducted in China, efficacy and safety of a calcimimetic agent, Cinacalcet (Kyowa Hakko Kirin Co., Ltd.), were assessed for SHPT treatment in stable chronic renal disease patients on hemodialysis. Methods In this double‐blind, multicenter, placebo‐controlled, randomized phase III study, 238 subjects were enrolled in 12 centers and randomly divided into a Cinacalcet group and a placebo group. The percentage of patients achieving a serum parathyroid hormone (PTH) level ≤250 pg/mL was the primary efficacy end point. Serum calcium and phosphorus levels were measured. Adverse events and serious adverse events were recorded, and causal analysis performed. Findings In primary analysis, 25.4% of the Cinacalcet group and 3.5% of the placebo group achieved the primary end point (PTH ≤250 pg/mL). Calcium and phosphorus levels and calcium–phosphorus product were lower in the Cinacalcet group compared with the placebo group. Eleven serious adverse events were reported and considered to be not related to study drugs. Mild to moderate hypocalcemia and reduced calcium levels were reported and considered to be Cinacalcet related. Discussion This phase III study demonstrated that Cinacalcet is effective and well tolerated in treating SHPT in Chinese chronic kidney disease patients on hemodialysis, and in a patient population with much higher baseline PTH levels.  相似文献   

通过对 LiAlTiO_4材料直流、交流特性、敏感特性及显微结构的测量与分析,讨论了材料的湿敏导电机理,建立了相应的物理模型。对材料的表面态、表面吸附过程、参与导电的载流子类型和各种可能的极化机制做了一定的阐述,给出了理论分析结果,与实验结果相一致。  相似文献   

增强现实环境下的产品装配引导技术   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
以增强现实环境下引导产品装配为目标,建立了面向增强装配过程的统一信息模型,管理文字、几何和产品装配特征等可视化引导信息。采用基于标志物的视觉跟踪技术实现虚拟零件和视频中真实零件的注册定位,通过建立虚拟和真实装配场景的深度图处理增强装配场景中虚实物体的遮挡关系。利用虚实零件的注册位置把装配引导信息叠加到装配视频场景中。并开发了演示系统,分析和说明了增强现实环境下引导产品进行装配的过程。  相似文献   

梁艳梅  黄小忠 《材料导报》2016,30(Z2):156-159
设计了一种基于C型组合谐振结构的多频带超材料吸波体,通过CST微波工作室进行仿真分析,采用弓形法对超材料样品的反射率进行实验验证。仿真结果表明,该吸波体在3.28GHz、3.89GHz、6.61GHz、9.76GHz、11.43GHz实现了近完美吸收,吸收强度分别为99.67%、99.85%、98.10%、99.99%、99.25%,实测结果和仿真结果基本一致。通过表面电流分布、等效电路图以及理想阻抗匹配理论分析了该吸波体作用的物理机理。该超材料吸波体有极化无关的特性。  相似文献   

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