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农业信息化是国民经济信息化的基础和重要组成部分,是统筹城乡发展的重要手段.本文在界定统筹城乡发展与农业信息化内涵基础上,分析统筹城乡发展与农业信息化的关系,并结合重庆市城乡信息化发展现状,探讨重庆城乡信息化城乡差异的影响因素.研究发现:农业信息化建设有利于推进重庆城乡统筹发展.最后提出加大农业信息化基础设施投入、培育农业信息化人才和开展农业信息化发展制度创新等政策建议.  相似文献   

长期以来,我国城乡发展不协调问题十分突出,严峻的"三农"问题、全面建设小康社会的目标,使统筹城乡发展成为新时期我国社会经济发展的重大任务.2007年6月,中央批准重庆作为全国统筹城乡综合配套改革试验区,目的是在重庆这样一个具有中等省构架和欠发达省特征的直辖市,探索统筹城乡发展之路,为全国统筹城乡发展寻求突破.重庆市委、市政府把形成城乡一体化统筹发展新格局作为很长一个时期的目标任务.  相似文献   

小城镇发展是促进城乡统筹发展,推进城镇化进程的有效途径.从城乡统筹发展的理念出发,对重庆都市圈小城镇发展状况进行SWOT分析.分析结果表明:重庆都市圈小城镇发展在区位、市场、产业及宏观发展战略方面具有一定的优势,同时也存在着发展不平衡、缺乏统一规划等劣势;在未来发展中既有国家、地方政策所带来的机遇,也面临着周边趋同性发展及市场激烈竞争的威胁.重庆都市圈小城镇发展应确立中心城镇的区域领导地位,增强城镇自我积累能力,明确自身发展特色,避开同质化竞争.  相似文献   

以马克思主义社会有机体理论为指导,从坚持人的主体性,把"以人为本"作为城乡统筹的出发点和理论归宿;坚持社会发展的整体性和系统性,实现城乡协调发展:坚持社会发展的连续性,把可持续发展作为城乡统筹的内在要求等多个维度进行研究,力求为把重庆建成城乡统筹的直辖市提供理论导向和路径选择.  相似文献   

重庆是中国重要的中心城市,是长江上游的经济中心,西部重要的增长极和城乡统筹的直辖市.其战略目标是在2020年左右成长为中国经济的第四极.建设国家中心城市是一个长期的任务,在十二五时期重庆将逐渐在形成国家级的交通枢纽、城乡统筹、发展新型战略性产业、区域经济合作、对外开放五个方面取得战略突破.为此,在发挥现有优势的同时,应提高自身素质,完善行政管理体制,完善公共服务设施,优化投资环境和发展环境.  相似文献   

从社会保障公平正义的基本价值理念出发,从实现城乡居民社会保障的经济公平入手,通过重庆市城乡居民的调查,运用社会经济学分析范式,从城乡社会保障水平、城乡社会保障支出弹性、城乡社会保障财政弹性、城乡社会保障财政负担水平、城乡社会保障财政贡献率等5个维度,对重庆城乡社会保障的经济公平进行评估,得出了重庆现阶段城乡之间社会保障存在较大的不公平的结论.为此,必须从城乡统筹的制度安排、城乡人力资本的提高、社会保障投入的城乡公平配置等方面加以改进.  相似文献   

重庆市是集大城市、大农村、大库区、大山区和民族地区于一体,城乡二元结构矛盾突出的中西部地区唯一的直辖市.2007年,中央提出把重庆建成统筹城乡综合配套改革试验区.  相似文献   

将统筹城乡纳入"三农"框架中的3个层面进行研究,重点集中在农民的人力资源开发、农业等产业结构调整、农村区域协调发展等方面.在上述框架下探讨了重庆统筹城乡发展存在的主要问题,发现资本投入和流向偏离"三农"是导致农村教育投入不足、农业投入不足、农村投入不合理的直接诱因,而背后最根本的原因是财政金融政策的不合理.据此,提出了创新财政政策和金融制度等制度举措.  相似文献   

论文采取发放问卷调查表和实地考察研究相结合的方法,对成都市域内城乡统筹下图书馆信息资源的发展现状问题进行调研,对调查的结果进行了分析,并在分析现状的基础上提出了一些建议和对策.  相似文献   

从统筹城乡规划、户籍一体化改革、土地产权制度改革、城乡生产要素配置、加大对弱质农业的直接扶持5个方面阐述了统筹城乡发展的热点问题.指出统筹城乡发展必须一改单项改革的传统做法,开展涵盖社会、经济与政治的综合性改革和体制机制系统建设.在整体推进统筹城乡发展体制机制创新的同时,还必须高度重视坚持统筹城乡体制机制创新的系统性和完整性等5个方面的关键性问题.  相似文献   

The report is concerned with a study of fine structures of brain capillaries in 9 embryos received during medical abortions from schizophrenic mothers. The authors established some traits in the ultrastructure of endothelial cells in most of the studied cases--an increase of the surface of endothelial cells at the expense of a tortuosity of their plasmatic membranes and a formation of growths, vacuolization of the cytoplasma. There were also some changes in the structure of basal membranes. In 2 cases there were also peculiar pathological changes in the vascular endothelium: granules of an unknown nature in the endothelial cells and a focal lysis of the plasmatic membranes of endothelial cells.  相似文献   

[目的]验证不同除草剂的除草效果,为直播冬油菜田的杂草防除提供借鉴.[方法]使用不同剂量25%胺苯磺隆可湿性粉剂和10.8%高效氟吡甲禾灵乳油在直播冬油菜田间进行单用和混用除草试验.[结果] 25%胺苯磺隆可湿性粉剂在冬油菜4~5叶期使用可以有效防除田间的阔叶杂草;25% 胺苯磺隆可湿性粉剂18.0~22.5 g/hm<'2>+400 ml/hm<'2>的10.8%高效氟吡甲采灵乳油可以有效防除油菜田间的阔叶和禾本科杂草,总防效达90%以上,且可以比人工除草节省成本1 100元、hm<'2>.[结论] 25%胺苯磺隆与10.8%高效氟吡甲未灵乳油混用可以更好地防除冬油菜田间杂草.  相似文献   

A mathematical model of the Vanyukov furnace, which makes it possible to predict the behavior of an object in the emergency operational mode (upon the disconnection of the oxygen supply) and develop an effective system of additional heating which damps the consequences of the emergency mode and lowers the costs for the renovation of the furnace operation, is created. It is shown how solidification upon cooling the furnace with time is simulated using the enthalpy and porosity method. The mathematical model is adopted for existing production conditions, which are weakly defined. The energy characteristics of the mode for the solidifying furnace bath, which ensures its holding for a long time in the ready state to rapid firing, are found. Thus, the problem of excessively expensive furnace firing after prolonged production stoppage is solved in the conjugated statement with a calculation of the heating system of the overbath space.  相似文献   

The anatomic relationship of the 2 major vessels of the left coronary groove was studied in 140 dogs. Five basic patterns of disposition were observed: 1) circumflex artery superficial from its origin to the caudodorsal cardiac margin, coronary vein deep and not visible (22%); 2) coronary vein superficial from the ventral interventricular septum to the caudodorsal cardiac margin, circumflex artery deep and not visible (15%); 3) circumflex artery and coronary vein both superficial and running parallel with each other along the groove (8%); 4) coronary vein crossing circumflex artery at some point along the groove (44%); and 5) circumflex artery crossing coronary vein at some point along the groove (11%). These variations were found to influence certain experimental modifications of the left circumflex blood flow in the dog.  相似文献   

The study was made of labyrinthine changes induced by lasix dehydration. Changes indicative of Meniere's disease were identified at comparison of the findings obtained by audiological lasix test, caloric optokinetic reactions. Four types of the nystagmic response in the bithermal lasix-test were determined. These reactions are helpful for more precise staging of the disease.  相似文献   

The objectives of this study were to develop a system to calculate the economic consequences of accidents and to account for the economic consequences of all accidents during 1 year in a district. A total population injury survey was done in an area with a population of over 41,000. All accidents (N = 4926) occurring within a 12-month period and requiring medical care were noted. The costs (calculated at 1991 prices) to the health care service (outpatient care, including primary health care and hospital care) were SEK 23.7 million (US $3.59 million), to trade and industry SEK 79.7 million (US $12.08 million), and for health insurance SEK 9.1 million (US $1.38 million). The cost for society of uninsured people is not possible to estimate using loss of production. However, the time lost from "normal activities" was registered. If this time is valued at the same price as working hours, a welfare cost of SEK 43.1 million (US $6.53 million) should be added. In a forthcoming paper, an assessment of the cost-effectiveness of interventions against accidents will be published.  相似文献   

The substantia nigra pars reticulata (SNpr) is a critical site for the control of epileptic seizures. Potentiation of the inhibitory GABAergic input from the striatum to the SNpr suppresses primary or secondary generalized seizures in the rat. The purpose of this study was to examine the possible involvement of the excitatory glutamatergic input from the subthalamic nucleus to the SNpr in the control of both the electroencephalographic and the motor components of amygdala-kindled seizures in the rat. Microinjections of either an N-methyl-D-aspartate (NMDA) antagonist in the substantia nigra or a GABAA agonist in the subthalamic nucleus, significantly reduced motor seizures but did not modified the afterdischarges. These results provide evidence for the involvement of the subthalamo-nigral projection in the modulation and the propagation of the motor components of amygdala-kindled seizures.  相似文献   

With the help of microionophoretic stimulation of individual neurons of the arcuate region of the hypothalamus and the registration of its activity, changes in the sensitivity to dopamine during several stages of the sexual cycle of rats was studied. It was shown that in the 1st half of the day of proestrus the majority of neurons of the arcuate region, in correspondance to the increase in the level of estrogens in the blood plasma during this phase of the cycle, were activated by microionophoretic injections of dopamine. In the 2nd half of the day of proestrus, when the level of estrogens is minimal, and in the Diestrous-2 stage, it was observed that among registered neurons, those activated by dopamine were the most inhibited.  相似文献   

Dietary character of ruminants in the north is principally different between "nonselective" (cattle, sheep) and "selective" (reindeer, moose) species. Due to the developed polyfunctioning, forestomach in ruminants, primarily rumen and reticulum, are involved in the homeostasis formation in enteral and interior mediums, nutrients deposition and recirculation. That provides efficiency in utilization of deficient in nutrients forage and body reserves of wild ruminants during the winter. The original functional organization of absorption processes and nutrients recirculation across the multilayer epithelium of forestomach also promotes realization of the two levels metabolism during the year and adaptation of wild ruminants to season dynamics of nutrition.  相似文献   

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