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目的 总结近年来国内外关于减重代谢手术与肠道菌群相互作用关系的研究进展,以期为促进减重代谢手术后的恢复提供新思路。方法 检索国内外有关减重代谢手术与肠道菌群变化相关的研究并进行综述。结果 减重代谢手术后肠道菌群的主要变化表现为厚壁菌丰度降低,拟杆菌和变形杆菌数量增加,且减重代谢手术后部分常见并发症如吻合口漏、营养缺乏及炎症与肠道菌群失衡有关。补充益生菌、益生元、饮食干预和粪便微生物移植的方法有望降低减重代谢手术后的并发症发生率。结论 减重代谢手术是治疗肥胖及其合并症的持久且有效的方法,术后个体肠道菌群的变化对减重代谢手术的效果及术后并发症均有影响,寻找通过改善肠道菌群的方法对减重代谢手术后并发症的降低具有重要意义。  相似文献   

近年来,我国减重代谢手术发展迅速且术式不断改进。但术后并发症却并未因此减少,每一种新术式均会带来新的问题,新的减重中心的成立均可能带来新的考验。随着我国减重代谢手术术后随访时间的延长,一些远期并发症开始逐渐出现。减重代谢外科医生应更加重视术后并发症的预防,而只有对发展中遇到的问题进行分析解决才能有效预防术后并发症的发生。  相似文献   

近年来,我国减重代谢手术发展迅速且术式不断改进。但术后并发症却并未因此减少,每一种新术式均会带来新的问题,新的减重中心的成立均可能带来新的考验。随着我国减重代谢手术术后随访时间的延长,一些远期并发症开始逐渐出现。减重代谢外科医生应更加重视术后并发症的预防,而只有对发展中遇到的问题进行分析解决才能有效预防术后并发症的发生。  相似文献   

减重代谢手术开始于20世纪50年代,目前已成为内外科公认的治疗肥胖症及相关代谢性疾病安全且有效的方法之一。减重代谢手术发展至今,随着手术例数的不断增加,减重效果不佳、复胖及术后并发症等问题日渐凸显,修正手术的开展与规范成为该领域的一大热点。本文现就减重代谢手术修正手术的发展现状及前景作一综述。  相似文献   

目的了解达芬奇手术机器人应用于减重代谢外科的现状及效果。方法检索国内外有关达芬奇手术机器人在减重代谢外科中应用研究的相关文献并进行综述。结果达芬奇手术机器人是近年发展起来的微创外科手术系统,由于其独特的组成结构突破了传统腹腔镜术中视野缺乏、二维成像、镜头不稳、移动范围受限等局限,为操作空间狭小及难度较高的减重代谢手术提供了一定的解决办法。目前达芬奇手术机器人与腹腔镜减重手术主要在手术时间和术后并发症方面有一定的差异。结论近年来达芬奇手术机器人被广泛应用于减重代谢外科,它克服了腹腔镜辅助减重手术的诸多限制,其安全、可行,而且临床效果相似,为减重代谢外科提供了一种新的术式选择。  相似文献   

<正>目前,我国减重代谢手术的开展规模迅速扩大。代谢手术开展规模的快速扩大得益于其优秀的治疗效果。除了标准的手术操作和正确的手术方式选择以外,规范持续的术后随访指导,也是确保手术治疗效果的重要因素。不能依从术后指导的病人,其减重效果和复胖情况与其他病人存在显著差异[1]。由于减重代谢手术的术式不断更新发展,不同手术的术后并发症情况和注意事项明显不同。目前,  相似文献   

目的了解减重代谢手术并探讨其对肥胖患者全身各系统的影响。方法对国内外关于减重代谢手术的相关文献进行综述并予以分析。结果减重代谢手术不断更新演变,其经历了开腹和微创的治疗路径,减重效果突出,术后并发症发生率逐渐降低,但其手术方式的选择仍无确切的"金标准"。减重代谢手术会影响肥胖患者的全身各个系统的变化,能治愈或改善肥胖相关的疾病。结论随着减重代谢手术的微创化及精准化,虽然其术后并发症越来越少,但仍存在一些问题,需要多学科讨论并充分评估,关注患者的生理及心理因素,注重科学的营养管理,使减重代谢外科良性发展。  相似文献   

<正>腹腔镜胃袖状切除(laparoscopic sleeve gastrectomy,LSG)是目前常用减重手术技术。由于其相对胃旁路术简单、安全,术后营养问题较少,且其减重与代谢改善效果不亚于胃旁路术,近年得以广泛应用,在世界范围内约50%减重手术方式为腹腔镜胃袖状切除术[1-2]。为了规范的开展此种手术,获得理想减重效果,减少并发症发生机会,本文结合  相似文献   

目的总结单中心2009—2017年减重代谢手术经验,探讨学科构建方法。方法回顾性分析2009年10月至2017年12月南京医科大学第一附属医院减重代谢外科完成的1139例减重代谢手术病例资料,分析病例数发展趋势、学习曲线以及并发症发生情况。结果减重代谢专科成立后手术量呈逐年增长的趋势,年平均增长率40.1%,以腹腔镜胃袖状切除术(LSG)及其附加空肠旁路术(LSG+JJB)为主。术后并发症以出血及漏为主,其中死亡1例,再手术6例,出院30 d内再入院21例。腹腔镜胃旁路术(LRYGB)的学习曲线为23例,LSG学习曲线为25例。LSG、LRYGB及LSG+JJB的1年多余体重减少率分别为83.0%、72.4%及82.3%。术后1、3、5年的随访率分别为95.0%、67.0%及52.0%。结论减重代谢专科设立是手术例数大幅度增长的关键因素。通过系统专科培训,可以缩短腹腔镜减重代谢手术的学习曲线,多学科综合治疗协作组(MDT)以及围手术期流程化管理是卓越中心建设的重要环节。  相似文献   

减重代谢手术治疗病态肥胖及相关合并症在世界范围内已得到公认,各国亦相继发布诊疗指南。腹腔镜袖状胃切除与胃旁路手术是目前应用较广泛的术式,但其有术后减重不足、复胖、糖尿病复发与远期营养不良性并发症发生率高的缺点。为弥补上述术式的不足,近年在袖状胃基础上附加各种胃肠转流手术。其中,袖状胃切除+双通路吻合手术具有操作简单、治疗效果好、远期并发症发生率低的潜在优势。笔者在国内率先开展此术式,现概述该术式的操作流程与技术要点,供减重代谢外科同道参考。  相似文献   

??Clinical application value and evaluation of revision surgery in bariatric and metabolic surgery WANG Cun-chuan??HUANG Yong. Department of Gastrointestinal Surgery??the First Affiliated Hospital of Jinan University??Guangzhou 510630??China
Corresponding author??WANG Cun-chuan??E-mail??twcc@jnu.edu.cn
Abstract Revisional surgery is operation that performed due to bariatric failure or weight regain and complications??which can be the same types or other types of weight-loss surgery. About 10%-25% of the bariatric surgery patients need revisional surgery. With the growing popularity of the bariatric and metabolic surgery??more and more patients need revisional surgery. According to different initial surgical options??the revision surgery can also have different surgical options??and should be individualized designed. Standardized bariatric surgery and postoperative strengthening support treatment can reduce the proportion of revision surgery. Revisional surgery is technically more difficult. That preoperative assessment formulate appropriate revisional surgical options in detail can bring great benefits to the patients who need revisional surgery in a low incidence of complications.  相似文献   

肥胖代谢外科在我国已发展20年,起步晚、起点高、发展快。因减重手术数量逐年增加,各类临床、基础研究开展逐渐增多,我国也逐渐成为世界范围内推动肥胖代谢外科发展的重要力量。肥胖代谢外科快速发展同样面临诸多问题,如手术适应证是否明确,手术方式的选择,术后并发症的预防与处理。笔者将深入探讨和剖析肥胖代谢外科发展过程中的问题,以...  相似文献   

李威杰 《消化外科》2013,(12):891-893
随着肥胖问题的日益严重以及微创减重手术的发展,减重手术在近年来呈现跳跃式的发展,也发展出独立的减重外科分支。减重手术不但是病态性肥胖患者目前唯一有效的治疗方法,而且逐渐发展为代谢性手术,为难治性的肥胖合并糖尿病患者提供了一种新的治疗方法。减重手术的术式数十年发生了很大的变化,目前的减重手术经过不断的改进及发展,已成为一种相对安全和有效的外科治疗方法。新的代谢性手术仍在不断地发展,预期对未来糖尿病的治疗会有很大的突破。减重外科的专科化发展则是减重手术蓬勃发展后的必然趋势,独立的减重外科可以专注于减重手术的服务以及质量提升,对减重及代谢手术的专业训练以及研究发展也都有很大的帮助。随着文明化生活方式的影响,肥胖及糖尿病将会持续成为这个时代重要的健康问题,减重外科的发展更是值得期待。  相似文献   

Complications of bariatric surgery   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The epidemic of obesity in the United States has triggered an exponential increase in the number of bariatric procedures performed. This has led to an elevated awareness of the complications of bariatric surgery. Several recent studies have suggested that the mortality rate from bariatric surgery is substantially higher than previously stated, particularly in the elderly and disabled population. As more complications from bariatric surgery occur, general surgeons, primary care doctors and emergency room personnel may be increasingly called upon to diagnose and treat them. This review describes the most commonly seen complications of bariatric surgery including anastomotic leak, thromboembolism, stricture formation, internal hernia, ulcer formation, cholelithiasis, hemorrhage, nutritional and metabolic derangements. Additionally, complications specific to the adjustable gastric band are addressed. The etiology, diagnosis and management of these complications is discussed. The long-term viability of bariatric surgery as a treatment for severe obesity will depend upon the prevention and appropriate treatment of bariatric complications.  相似文献   

中国减重代谢外科经历了曲折却充满收获的20年,但目前依然存在诸多不足,主要包括代谢内、外科对于手术中长期疗效的分歧,病人对减重手术认识不足、认可度低,以及部分减重代谢外科团队手术适应证掌握不准确、手术方式选择不当、手术技术参差不齐、术后并发症处理不及时、术后随访欠规范等一系列问题。在行业协会的正面引导下,落实数据采集、汇报制度,行业培训的规范化,倡导多中心前瞻性研究的标准化管理,加大媒体的宣传力度,必将使我国减重代谢外科突破瓶颈,迎来下一个飞速发展的新起点。  相似文献   

我国青少年肥胖发病率逐年升高,越来越受到全社会的重视。青少年重度肥胖保守治疗效果有限,但由于青少年生理、心理尚不成熟,行减重手术治疗青少年肥胖尚未获得广泛接受。有限的临床证据表明,行减重手术治疗青少年肥胖安全有效,并发症发生率较低,主要适用于BMI≥32.5且有合并症的青少年肥胖病人,手术方式推荐胃袖状切除术和胃旁路术,其中胃袖状切除术为首选术式。术前须仔细评估病人的生理及心理成熟度,术后须配合生活方式矫正,并随访治疗手术并发症及营养并发症。虽然减重手术治疗青少年肥胖开展少,接受度低,但随着越来越多高质量临床研究的开展,减重手术必将成为治疗青少年肥胖最有效的手段。  相似文献   

??Prevention and treatment on complications of bariatric surgery on patients with obesity and type 2 diabetes mellitus GU Yan??YANG Jian-jun??WANG Bing. Department of General Surgery??Shanghai Ninth Hospital??Shanghai Jiao Tong University School of Medicine??Shanghai 200011??China
Corresponding author??GU Yan??E-mail??yangu@sjtu.edu.cn
Abstract The efficacy of bariatric surgery on obesity and type 2 diabetes mellitus has been recognized world widely and has changed the mode of treatment to the metabolic disorders. More and more domestic hospitals began to perform the operations??and realized the significance of prevention and treatment of procedure-related complications. The appropriate preparation before the operation??procedures in conformity with the bariatric principle and careful monitor and follow-up are necessary to prevent and diagnose the bariatric complications. The treatment should be based on individualized evaluation of complications after the bariatric surgery.  相似文献   

BackgroundSurgical quality assurance methods aim to ensure standardization and high quality of surgical techniques within multicenter randomized controlled trials (RCTs), thereby diminishing the heterogeneity of surgery and reducing biases due to surgical variation. This study aimed to establish the measures undertaken to ensure surgical quality within multicenter RCTs investigating bariatric and metabolic surgery, and their influence upon clinical outcomes.MethodsAn electronic literature search was performed from the Embase, Medline, and Web of Science databases to identify multicenter RCTs investigating bariatric and metabolic surgery. Each RCT was evaluated against a checklist of surgical quality measures within 3 domain: (1) standardization of surgical techniques; (2) credentialing of surgical experience; and (3) monitoring of performance. Outcome measures were postoperative weight change and complications.ResultsNineteen multicenter RCTs were included in the analysis. Three studies undertook pretrial education of surgical standard. Fourteen studies described complete standardization of surgical techniques. Four studies credentialed surgeons by case volume prior to enrollment. Two studies used intraoperative or video evaluation of surgical technique prior to enrollment. Only two studies monitored performance during the study. Although there were limited quality assurance methods undertaken, utilization of these techniques was associated with reduced overall complications. Standardization of surgery was associated with reduced re-operation rates but did not influence postoperative weight loss.ConclusionThe utilization of methods for surgical quality assurance are very limited within multicenter RCTs of bariatric and metabolic surgery. Future studies must implement surgical quality assurance methods to reduce variability of surgical performance and potential bias within RCTs.  相似文献   

Pulmonary embolism is the leading cause of death after bariatric surgery and represents one of the many potential life-threatening conditions after bariatric surgery. The Advanced Bariatric Life Support (ABLS) initiative was developed to teach practising bariatric surgeons, emergency physicians, and allied health professionals the need for accurate and timely diagnosis and management of life-threatening bariatric surgery complications. This case study was derived from the ABLS file and discusses the difficulty in differentiating between two major complications after gastric bypass – pulmonary embolism vs leak. Accurate diagnosis and expeditious treatment are of utmost importance to prevent death associated with these serious bariatric surgical complications.  相似文献   

??Prevention of perioperative venous thromboembolism in patients with metabolic and bariatric surgery WANG Yong, ZHANG Xu. Department of Metabolic and Bariatric Surgery, Fourth Affiliated Hospital of China Medical University, Shenyang 110032, China
Corresponding author: WANG Yong, E-mail: wangyong@
Abstract Bariatric surgical procedure is one of the common methods of obesity treatment with established effectiveness now. Venous thromboembolism (VTE) events, which include deep vein thrombosis and pulmonary embolism, are the important sources of postoperative morbidity and mortality among bariatric surgery patients. Due to an understanding of the frequency and seriousness of those complications, bariatric surgery patients typically receive some method of VTE prophylaxis with lower extremity compression, pharmacologic prophylaxis, or both. However, the optimal approach in those patients is unclear. In contrast, the prevention of VTE after bariatric surgery is lack of prospective randomized study.  相似文献   

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